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B'BOM 166S TO 1876 


^' y^Itaijcott. 

,.. STATr 




1 riiz 


Over forty years ago the compiler, for his own amusement 
and with a desire to learn from whence the American family 
of Talcotts came, collected most of the materials for the earlier 
part of this pedigree, and from time to time, as occasion offered, 
has been adding to the same ; until it embraces almost all of 
the descendants from the first known ancestor, and has become 
a record of interest to all of the name now living, and is worthy 
of preservation. 

The arrangement of names is such as to bring together the 
descendants through each branch separately, and not to bring 
down the whole by generations, as is most frequently done. 
This makes it very easy to trace one of the present generation 
back to the original ancestor. For this reason the dates of 
births, marriages and deaths appear first with the names as 
children, and then as heads of families, and the numbers 
attached to the names indicate the children first, and then the 
heads of families. 

To make the descent more clear, charts of several branches 
of the family have been introduced. 

The biographical sketches are all authentic, and will be 
found of interest to the immediate descendants of the one 
written about, if not to the other members of the family. 
Those of the descendants of William Talcott, who reside in 
Illinois, were furnished by the Hon. Wait Talcottj of Rockton, 
111., and that of T. M. K. Talcott, of Kichmond, Virginia, by 
himself ; the remainder by the compiler. 

The Talcott family is scattered throughout the entire States, 
and its members differ widely in religion, politics and occupa- 
tions, and good and true men of the name were found on both 
sides during the war of the rebellion. 

It is almost impossible to compile a record of this kind that 
shall be free from errors, but it is hoped that the time and care 

bestowed upon this, will render it less liable to criticism on 
this account than works of a similar character. 

There has been much controversy among the descendants as 
to the correct way of spelling the name. In the body of the 
will of the first known ancestor, it is spelt " Taylcot " and 
" Talcoat ; " it is signed " Taylcot." In the will of his wife it 
is written " Talcoat." In the will of his son John, of Brain- 
tree, it is written " Tailecot." In that of John, of Hartford, 
son of the latter, it is written and is signed " Tallcott," while 
Dorothy, his wife, signed hers "Talcott." John, the eldest 
son, made no will, but Samuel, his brother, who was educated 
at Harvard College, did, and signed his name " Talcott." Gov. 
Joseph, son of John, and Benjamin, son of Samuel, signed 
theirs " Talcott." On the English records in the Heralds Col- 
lege, London, the name is spelt " Talcot," as far back as 1668, 
and in 1634, " Talcott." 

The name is derived from the Welch " tal," high, and '* cott, 
cot, cote," Anglo Saxon, meaning cottage, that is, a high cot- 
tage or a cottage on a high place, i, ^., cottage on the hill ; or 
it may have come from the Saxon " toll," a grove, and " cott," 
cottage in the grove. 

The proximate date of the assumption of family names was 
about the year 1000, when they were first taken in Normandy, 
and gradually extended into England, Scotland and Ireland. 
They were, however, occasionally hereditary among the Anglo- 
Saxons, anterior to the Norman conquest, as will be found 
by examining the " Doomsday Book." 

Albany, N. Y. 


At a " Lady Washington " tea party, given at Hartford, 
Conn., in April, 1875, among other relics exhibited were many 
belonging to Mrs. Talcott, widow of Thomas Talcott, Esq., 
who was the son of the Hon. Samuel A. Talcott, late Attorney- 
General, of the State of New York, and a descendant of Gov. 
Joseph Talcott, of Connecticut. A catalogue of which is here 
given, as it will probably be interesting to all bearing the 
name of Talcott. 

I. A msiting card of Mrs. Washington left bj her for Miss Elizabeth 
Talcott, in Philadelphia. 

3. A curious fan carried bj a ladj in revolutionary days. 

3. A curiously carved box taken from a French privateer in the old 
French war. Hezekeah Wylliss owned it, and through his sister, Mrs. 
Talcott, it descended to its present owner and lender. It has on a sliding 
panel inside, a curious prophecy written in 1766, " Remember July 14, 
1766. In 1866 America's fate is fixed." And in Latin the following: 
" Posterity, beware of 1866. This is prophetic, Hez. Wyllis, 1766." The 
box is covered with figures, carved in relief and is made of some rich dark 

4. Silver shoe-buckles, Gov. Talcott, 1724. 

5. China punch bowl, belonging to Helena Talcott, wife of Rev. Dr. 
Robert Biieck. Inside the bowl is the inscription, '* Come my lads and 
take a drink." 1725. 

6. A sUver patch-box, Helena Talcott, 1737. 

7. Continental money. Mrs. R. G. Talcott. 

8. /iHlver table spoons and tea spoons, belonging to John Talcott, 1637. 

9. SUver table spoons and tea spoons, belonging to Gov. Talcott, Col. 
Samuel Talcott, Col. Mathew Talcott, etc., down to 1818, numbering 
three dozen in all. 

10. Silver tankard, marked " J. T., 1690," and also with the family coat 
of arms. 

II. Siher porringer. Col. Mathew Talcott. 

12. Silver hilted sword, Gov. Talcott. 

13. Silver hUted couteau-de-chasse. Col. Samuel Talcott. 

14. SUver hilted couteau^-chasse. Col. Matthew Talcott. 

15. Agate, with family coat of arms cut on it, presented to Samuel A . 
TAiiCOTT by Martin Van Buren. 

16. Silver " speck spoon." John Talcott, 1637. 

17. Gold snuffbox, which belonged to Napoleon I, given by him to a 
French marshal, who gave it to Samuel A. Talcott. 

18. A Silk dress (child's), worn by Helena Talcott, 1790. 

19. SU^er cream cup. Gov. Talcott. 


The family of ^^ Talcot " was originally of Warwickshire, 
England. John, a descendant from the Warwickshire family, 
was living in Colchester, Essex county, previous to 1568. In 
vol. 1137, page 148, of the Harlean Manuscripts, preserved in 
the British Museum, containing the Herald's visitatiop of 
Essex county in 1558, are found the arms and pedigree of the 
Talcots. In a subsequent visitation in 1634, found in vol. 
1634 called " visitations of Essex county," the arms and pedi- 
gree are the same, but the name is spelt " Talcott." ^ 

The arms are : " Ar. on a pale sa, tliree roses of the field. 
Crest. A demi-GriflSn erased. Ar. gorged with a collar sa, 
charged with three roses of the first." Motto ^ Virtus sola 

John Talcott possessed real estate in Colchester and adja- 
cent towns, which, with his personal property, he bequeathed, 
at his death, to his children and grandchildren. He was twice 
married, and had two sons by the first wife, John and Kobert, 
and also a daughter. John settled in Braintree, about four- 
teen miles from Colchester, and died there in 1604, before 
his father, leaving a family of childreu, all minors, the eldest 
of whom was John, who came to New England. Robert 
became an alderman and Justice of the Peace in Colchester. 
By his second wife he had two sons, Thomas and John, 
and four daughters. Thomas was Hector of the churches 
of St. Mary and Mile End, in Colchester, and chaplam to the 
Earl Marshall. John, living at the same period with his haK- 
brother John, went to Spain, and was a merchant in Madrid. 
From John, of Braintree, the Talcotts in America are descended. 
The five daughters of John of Colchester married and lived 
in or near Colchester. 




John Talcott, the first known of the name, resided 
in Colchester, Essex Co., England. He married 1st, a Wells, 
and had 

2 John, m. Annb Skinner ; d. 1604. 

3 Robert, m. Joanna Drane ; d. 1641. 

4 Daughter, m. Barnard, and had John and Mary. 

Wells, the first wife of John Talcott, died, and he married 

Marie Pullen, and had 

6 Thomas, m. Margaret Biggs, of Suffolk county. 

6 Grace, m. John Death, after 1606. 

7 Joanna, m. Knewstuble, after 1606. 

8 Marie, m. Marshall, before 1606. 

9 Erne, m. Thomas Adler, before 1606. 
10 John, went to Madrid, in Spain. 

John Talcott died in Colchester about the 1st of November, 
1606. He made the will recorded below, which was admitted 
to probate on the 12th of November, 1606. 

Mary Pullen, his widow, died in Colchester about the 19th 
of June, 1625, the date of her execution of the annexed will. 

Although he signed his name " Taylcot," and it is variously 
spelled in the body of the will, still the name on all the old 
records in England is spelled " Talcot or Talcott." 


Of John Taylcot^ of the town of Colchester, in the county 
of Essex, England, who died in 1606, father of John of Brain- 
tree, who died in 1604, and grandfather of John who emigrated 
to America in 1632. 

Extracted from the Registry of the Commissary Court of 
the Bishop of London, for the parts of Essex and Herts. 

In the name of God, Amen, I, John Talcoat, of the town 
of Colcli'str, in the county of Essex, being in p'fitt memorie 
(thanks be unto Grod) do make & ordeine this my last Will & 
Testament in mann'^ & forme following : 

Inip'mis. I bequeath my soule into the hands of God that 

Dfxcvtuleutts of 
t^oA^ 7h/ro// o/Co/r/tf^sfei% 

remeuniny tn J^nijr/onti. 





I (jTace Joanna JIfarif 
m fn m 

/■a/,,>J?farA.Xkew5hiif0.Mirshaii. TJMer 
.Margaret, c/au'^of 

^iiei:rttd ofSuM^ Co. 


aiive in /o2f. 


^^i'r'f-'f^^f Spain 




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\r/r/J^f'! .ley 
*'>:>€ A Co 

0/ Co/r^e-itfr 
Ofjc/J^airi u/ //te TrateoLSarui 

«■/?</ art ^Mfrm an fAe re ■ 



* ■ I , 

■ ■ ~ "in 1 I ■ Tl - ■ ■ ■ -■■^ »r »« 


made me, & in the bloode of His son, my Savio', Jesus Christe 
hath redeemed me, & by the grace of his holly spiritt hath 
washed me fro' all my sins & sanctified me nnto etemall life, 
& my bodie to be buried w'thin the churchyarde of St. Peters 
parish, in Colchester. Item. I give & bequeath five pounds 
of good and lawf uU mony to be distributed the day before my 
buriall unto the poore inhabiting within the town of Coelch', 
namely, xxs. unto the poore of St. Peters parish, & four pounds 
unto the poore of the rest of the parishes within the towne, to 
evry parish a part at the discretio'" of myne executors. 

Item. I give & bequeath unto my wife Marie Talcoat the 
third parte of all my goods movable, excepting mony. Item. 
I give unto her the house or tenement wherein I now dwell, 
togeath' with the houses or tenements wherein John Padnoll 
& Richard Lambe now dwell, adioning unto my saide dwell- 
ing-house, with all the shopps, soUars, sellers, yards, gardens or 
backsyds therunto app-taining, to have & to liolde unto her 
owne use & behoof e during the terme of her naturall life, & at 
the end their of to leave the saide houses in meet reparation 
unto my son John Talooat, according to my bequest hearaft.' 
specified. Item. I give unto her a yearly rent of fortie shil- 
lings out of the leases of those grounds which I hold called the 
sewerall to be paid unto her by my son Kobebt Talcoat, at 
two severall times in the yeer, at the feast of St. Michell, the 
Archangel, & the ann'-ciatio.'- of o-' Ladie, by even portions 
during the terme of the said leases, and if she happen to 
die before the terme of those leases shall expire, then my son 
EoBERT to be discharged & acquyted of the said payment. 
Item. I give imto her that my house or tenement situated in 
the parish of the Holly Trinite wherein the widdowe ffroste 
now dwelleth, & my house or tenement situated in the same 

parish neer unto Sheergate wherin now dwelleth, as 

also that my house or tenem't situated in the parish of St. 

Gyles, standing next unto Debbels wall, wlierein now 

dwelleth, togeath.' with the yards gardens or backsyds sever- 
ally oppertaining unto the said houses or teneme'ts, to have 
and to hold unto h-'r propp-V use and behoof during the term 
of her naturall lyfe, & at the end thereof to leave the said 



houses or tenein'ts unto such of my childre-' unto whom I have 
bequeathed the same. It.' I give and» bequeath unto h-r ten 
garnish of letting vessell im-'ediatly after my death, & Ten 
pounds of good and lawful mony to be paid unto her by myn 
executors w'thin one month after the day of my death, Pro- 
vyded that if my said wyf e shall demande or clainie the third 
of those lands, mony or houses which I have otherwise be- 
queathed them, my forsaide gift of bequeast unto her to be 
void. It'. I give and bequeath to my son, Robert Talcoat, 
all the leases of the forsaide severalls, as well of all the land & 
grounds, as also of all the houses & barns standing theruppo", 
in such mann-'r & with such conditions as I, myself, have and 
do hold the same in forme of S-'r Thomas Hennasse, or any 
other with conditio' that he shall duly pay unto my wyfe, his 
moth'^, xxxxs, a year during the term of those leases, or her 
life naturall, as is before specified. It'. I give unto him that part 
of Dowe house field which lyith next unto the north bridge in 
Colch-'r, as it is now divided with pale & quicksett in the 

tenure & occupatio' of duitsli ma — & by him imployed 

in gardeninge. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son, 
Thomas Talcoat that other part or piece' of Dowe house Field 
wherin the Tainters now stande, lying next unto my lend 
conteining about 3 akers, be it more or lesse, as it^also lyith now 
inclosed, Togeath'r with the house or tenement which I have 
builded theroppo'. It. I give and bequeath unto my son, 
John Talcoat, & to his heyer of his body, lawfully begotten, 
that my house or tenement wherein I now dwell, in St. Peters 
parish, Togeather with those bowses & tenements wherin John 
Padnoll & Richard Lambe now dwell adioining unto my now 
dwelling-howse, with all the shopps, sellers, sellers, gardens or 
backsides thereinto app-'teining to have and to hold unto him- 
self & his heyers after him after the decease or naturall death 
of my wife, his mother, & not before, and if it happen my said 
son, JoNN Talcoat, to dye without issue of his body, lawfully 
begotten, then my will is that the eldest son then living of 
my son, Robert Talcoat, and his heyers after him, being; law- 
fully begotten, shall inioy & possesse as his or their propp-'r 
Inheritance all those foresaide houses & tenements as is before 


bequeathed unto my son John. Provyded notwithstanding 
the premises that it shall be lawf ull for my son, John Talcoat, 
if he will, to sell unto my son, Robert Talcoat, & to none 
other, all or any of those foresaide howses or tenements be- 
queathed him. It'. I give and bequeath unto myn daught'r, 
Marie Marshall, and to her eldest son after her, yf she hath 
no son then living, to her eldest daught-'r, that my house & 
tenement with the yards and baeksydes therrunto belonging, 
situated in the parish of St. Buttolphs, in wliich house James 
ffearfill glover now dwelleth. It'. I give unto my daught-'r, 
Eme Adler, & to her eldest ehilde after her, that my house or 
tenement situated in the parish of tlie Holly Trinitee, whearin 
the widdowe ffroste now dwelleth, with the yarde or backsyde 
thereunto belonging after the death of my wyfe, h-r mother, 
and not before. Item. I give unto her f ourtie pounds of good 
& lawf ull mony, to be paid unto her by myn executors 
within two months after the day of my death. Ite, I give 
unto my duyhter, Grace Talcoat, & to her eldest ehilde after 
her, that my house or teneme't in the parish of the Holly 

Trinitee wherein Grouse now dwelleth, neer unto 

Sheergate, togeath-r with tlie yarde or backsyde therunto be- 
longing after the death of my wyfe, her mother, & not before. 
It.' I give unto her fiftie pounds, of good and lawfull mony, 
to be paid unto her by myn executors within six months after 
the day of my death. Ite.' I give and bequeath unto my 
daughter, Joane Talcoat, foure skore pounds, of good and 
lawfull mony, to be paid by myn executors w'thin six months 
after the day of my death. Ite' I give unto my grandchildren 
John & Mary Bernard, five pounds a peec' to be paied unto 
them at the age of twentie years, & the same in the meane 
time to be reseived for them in ye hands of myn executors. 
Ite. I give and bequeath unto my grandchilde, John Talcoat, 
the son of my son, John Talcoat, late of Braintree, the sum 
of fortie pounds, of good and lawfull mony, to be paid unto 
himself by myn executors at the age of one & twenty years (if 
he ly ve so long), & the said f ourtie pounds in the meantime to 
be reseived for him in the hands of myn executors. Ite' I 
give unto my grandchilde, an-' Bernarde, that house tene- 


ment situated in the parish of st. Gyles, adioning next unto 

Debells wall, wherin now dwelleth, after the decease of 

my wyfe, Marie Talcoat, & not before, the same to enter 
uppo-' & possess, as her owne at the age of eighteen years, & 
the rent of the same in the meantime to be reserved for her in 
the handes of myn executors. Ite'. My will and bequeast is 
that the third of all my goods movable (mony excepted) being 
deducted to the use of my wyfe, & all my debts & legacies 
paide, the remainder of all my saide goods shall be equally and 
indifferently shared & devyded between my two executors. 
Lastly, I appoint and brdaine my two sons, Kobert & Thomas 
Talcoat, executors of this my will & testament In witness 
whearof I have hearunto sett my hand & scale the xxiiii^** of 
Septenb-'r an Do-'i 1606. 

WiNTiEN 4- Bassell, his marke. 
John Hall, 
Tho. Tendring. 

Probated Coram M.®"* 
Robto Whettell, 
artin M^ Comiss. &c Decem 
die Novembis, 1606, Jura*® 
Executor & Cisg.** &c salvo &. 
A. C. Veley, Deputy Registror, 


The will of Marie Pullen, widow of John Talcot, of Col- 
chester, Essex Co., England, and stepmother of John Talcot, 
of Braintree, Essex Co., England. 

In the name of God, Amen. I, Mary Talcoat, of the town 
of Colchester, in the countie of Essex, widdow, do make and 
ordaine, being of perfitt memorie, this my last will and testa- 
ment in manner and form following : 

Imp-®is : I bequeath my soule into the most hollie and un- 
devided Trinitie, father, son & hollie Ghost, my Creator, Re- 
deemer & comfortor, one God blessed forever. Amen. And 


my JBodie to be buried in the parish church of St. Peters, in 
Colch-'^, at the discretio' of mine Executo'. 

Ite'. I give and bequeath unto tlie Minister of the church of 
St. Peters, xx 8, , 

Ite'. I give and bequeath unto the poor of the parish of St. 
Peters, xx s. 

Ite'. I give unto the poor of the parish of St. Konnalds, in 
Colchester, x s, 

Ite'. I give unto the poor of the parish of St. Marie, in Col- 
ch'r, XX 8, 

Ite'. I give unto my Sons, Thomas Talcoat, John Talcoat 
and Thomas Abler, all such debts and sums of money as at 
anietime heartofore they borrowed of me, uppo' this conditio' 
following, viz. : that eith''^ and everie of the forenamed shall 
pay unto everie one their childi'en which shall be ly ving at the 
day of my buriall the su' of xxxx 8 at the age of one and 
twentie years, as a legaeie bequeathed unto them by me, their 

Ite'. I bequeath unto John Kogers, the son of John Rogers, 

xxxx 8. 

Ite'. I give unto John Death, the son of my daughter, 
GrRACE Death, deceased, one Silver cup. 

Item. I give unto Anis Mootain, the wife of Willia.™ 
Mootain, xx 8, • 

Ite'. I give unto Marie Khadams, the wife of Jonas Rhad- 
ams, XX 8. 

Ite'. I bequeath towards necessarie reperac.ons of those 
tenaments which I have and liolde to myne own use by the 
last will and testament of my husband, deceased, during my 
natural life, the sum of iii lbs. 

Ite'. For the rest of all my goods & chatties, both of monie 
plate, brasse, pewter & implements of household, linin, woolen, 
etc., my will is that my debts, legacies and funerall charges 
being paid & discharged, the remainder of all my foresaide 
goods being equallie divided into six parts or portions, my eldest 
son, Thomas Talcoat, shall receive and have two parts theirof 
for his owne part or share, and etch and everie one of my 
other children besides, namlie, John Talcoat, Marie Mar- 


SHALL, Eme Abler & Joan Knewstubles, shall have a single 
share thereof according as the distributio' of the said goods 
shall arise and amount in valuacio' or otherwise, and everie 
one of my children afore mentioned to chj]se their part or 
share in order according to their severall sexes and ages. 
Lastlie. I appoint and ordeine my son, Thomas Talcoat, 
executo'r of this my last will & Testament, & in witnesse hereof 
have hereunto putt my hand & seale the ix**^ day of June, A no 
Dni 1625, in the presence of these w^hose names are hereunder 


her mark. 
RoBT. RossE, 
Nathantell Tompson. 


John, son of (1) John Talcot and Wells, was born 

(probably) in Colchester previous to 1558; married Anne, 
daughter of William Skinner, and had 

11 John, m. Dorothy Mott ; d. 1660. 

12 Rachel, unmarried in 1623. 

13 Anne, m. 

14 Mary, m. (possibly) Bagot Eggleston, in England, and came 

with him to Dorchester, in 1630. Had James and Samuel, born 
in England, and a family by a second wife in Windsor, Ct. 
He died Sept. 1, 1674, in Windsor, nearly 100 years old. 

15 Grace, unmarried in 1623. 
lb Sarah, unmarried in 1623. 

John Talcott died in Braintree about fourteen miles from 
Colchester (where lie resided) the early part of the year 1604. 
His widow, soon after his death, married " Moyses Wall," of 
Hraiiitree, w^ho died, fall of 1623, leaving her again a widow\ 
All the children w^ere minors at his death, but as the Braintree 
records, prev^ious to 1660 are deficient, the date of their bap- 
tism cannot be ascertained. He made the following will : 



The Will and Testament of John Talcot, of Braintree, 
Essex County, England, who died in 1604. He was the Father 
of John Talcott who emigrated to America in 1632. This 
Will was copied from the Register of the Prerogative Court of 
Canterbury in 1849, at the request of S. V. Talcott. 

In the name of God, Amen. Anno Domini 1604, Annoq 
domin nostri Jacobi dei gra Anglie Franc et Hibine Kege 
fidei defensor &C. seciindo et Scotie tricessimo septiiiio. I, 
John Tailecot, of Braintree, in the countie of Essex, England, 
being at this time sick in bodie but of good, sounde and per- 
fect memorie, sence and minde I thanck and praise Almightie 
God for it, well weighing the incertaine and fraile estate of 
this mortall and miserable life, doe hereby and herein ordeyne 
and make my pute testament and last will in manner and form 
following, that is to say : 

Inprimis. I doe commend and com it my Soule into the 
handes and tuiton of th' almightie god, my creator and re- 
demer, and my bodie to be buried in Xtian buriall whfere it 
shall please almightie god to take my life from me, by and at 
the discrecon of my Executrix hereafter named. It-m. I doe 
give unto the poore people of the Parish of Brainetrye twentie 
shillinges of lawfull money of England, to be paide to and 
amongst them withine one moneth nexte after my decease by 
my Executrix hereafter named. Item. I will devise and be- 
queath all that my messuage or tenement wherein I nowe 
dwell, with yards, gardens and appurtenn'cs to the same belong- 
ing as they nowe are in my occupacon set and being in Brane- 
try aforesaide unto Anne, my wife, for and during the whole 
term of her natural life, and from and after the decease of the 
saide Anne, my said wief, I will, devise and bequeath all that 
my aforemenc'oned messuage or tenement with the yardes and 
gardens and other appurten'nce thereunto belonginge as they 
now are in my tenure or occupac'on unto John Tailcot, my 
Sonne, and to his heires of his bodie, lawfullie to be begotten, 
forevei*, and for want of such issue to remaine to the righte 
and next heire of me, the saide John Tailcot first named for 
ever. Item. I will and devise all that mv tenement with the 



yardes and appurtenances thereunto belonging in Brainetrie 
aforesaide, as the same are now in the tenure or occupac'on of 
one Bamabe Bottell, Taylor, or of his assignes unto my saide 
wief and to her assignes for and during the full terme of twentie 
yeares, from the daie of my death, and from thence nexte to 
come and fully then to end and from upon and after the deter- 
minacon of the same terme of twentie yeares, I doe devise, give 
and bequeath all my saide tenement witli the saide yards, 
gardens and appurtennc's to the saide tenement belonging as 
they nowe are in the tenure or occupa- con of the saide Barnabe 
Bottell or of his assigns unto Kachell Tailcot, my daughter, 
and to the lieires of her bodie, lawfully to be begotten, for 
ever. And for wante of such issue to and amongest all the 
residue of my daughters that shall happen to survive the saide 
Rachell and to their heires of their bodies, lawfully to be 
begotten, for ever. And for wante of such yssue to John 
Taylcot, my sonne, and to his heires of his bodie for ever. 
And for want of such issue to revert to the right next heires 
of me^ the saide John Tailcot, for ever. Item. I doe give 
unto John Taylcot, my sonne, and to Anne Tailcot, Marie 
Tailcot, Grace Tailecot and Sara Tailecot, my daughters, 
to every of them fortie poundes apeece of lawfull money of 
England, to be paide to them seaverally at their seaverall ac- 
complishments of their seaverall ages of one and twentie years, 
if they shall soe longe fortune to live, and in case any of them 
should fortune to die before the receipt of their saide legacie 
of fortie poundes, that then I will devise and bequeath the 
porc'on of him, her or them soe dyeinge, of fortie poundes to 
and amongest all the residue of my daughters whatsoever which 
shall fortune to survive, to be paide and apporc'oned and 
devided amongest them at their severall ages of one and twentie 
year^. Item. I doe give unto John Tailcot, my saide sonne, 
my best bedstedle standing in my parlor, next my hall, with 
my best feather bed, lienge uppon the same, my best rug and 
my best flock bed, my best vallaunce and hangings to the 
same, my best coverlet, my best feather boulster, my best flock 
boulster, a paire of my best blankets, a pair of my sheetes, two 
of my qiest pllowes, with pillowe beers to the same, my booke 


of Martirs and my booke intituled by the name of Mr, Roger's 
booke, to be delivered unto him by the executors, administrators 
or assigns of Anne, my saide wife, within one moneth next 
after her decease, and she during her life to have the necessary 
using thereof without altering the propertie other then is 
hereby intended. 

Item. I doe in like manner give and bequeath my ioyned 
table with the frame and bench hordes, and six ioyned stooles 
in the saide parlor, and all the wainscot, seelinges, settles, 
glasses ajid windowes and hangings now^ fixed, used or im- 
ployed as propertie belonging to the house, and the Great 
chest in the saide parlor unto John, my saide sonne, to be 
delivered to him by the executors, administrators or assigns of 
tbe saide Anne, my saide wife, within one moneth nexte after 
the decease of the saide Anne, my saide wief, and she to have 
the necessary use of them during her life, nott altering the 
propertie of them or anie of them. 

Item. I doe give unto every of my children one brasse pot 
apeece of the waight of sixtene poundes, two kettles apeece, 
th' one of every of them to conteine in measure five gallons, 
thy' other of them to conteine in measure twelve gallons, 
twelve pewter dishes apeece, of thre seaverall sortible sizes, con- 
teyning every twelve dishes, five and twentie pounds waight 
or above, to be delivered unto them seaverallye at their seaver- 
all ages of xxi^^ yeares or to soe manie of them as shall live to 
attaine to that age, by my executrix hereinafter named. 

Item. I doe give unto Anne Tailcot, my daughter, all that 
my standing bedstedle standing in my chamber in my hall, 
furnished as it now standeth, that is to saie, having a feather 
bed, a flock bed, a feather bolster, a paire of blanckets, a cover- 
let, two pillowes, two pillowe beeres and a pare of sheetes now 
used uppon the same, to be delivered unto the saide Anne 
Tailcot, my saide daughter, at such time as she, the saide Anne, 
shall accomplish the full age of xxi*^ yeres, by my executrix 
hereafter named. 

Item. I doe give and bequeath unto Marie Tailcot, my 

daughter, my standing bedsteddle standing in my bedchamber 

over my kitchen, where I now dwell, and the bedding and 


furniture as it now stande iving a feathei ^d and other 
appnrtenn'es and alsoe a paire of sheetes and a pillowe bere to 
be delivered unto her at the accomplishmente of her age of 
xxi*^ yeres by my executrix hereafter named. 

Item. I doe give unto Grace Tailcot, my daughter, one 
bedsteddle with a flock bed and all things thereunto apper- 
tayning to be deUvered to her at her age of xxi'** yeres, by my 
ex:ecutrix or her assigns. 

Item. I doe give unto my daughter my chest standing in 
my hall cliamber, to be delivered unto her at the age of xxi'^ 

Item. I doe give unto Elizabethe Ingram, my mayde ser- 
vant, X 8, of lawf ull money of England. 


Item. I doe give unto William MuUings and Thomas 
Clarke, to either of them xx s, of lawf ull money of England, 
upon this condic'on, that either of them doe serve their 
app'nteshodes with my wief after my decease, and to be paide 
to him or either of them at the determyna'con of their appn'ti- 
shode and not otherwise, than uppon their seaverall servinge of 
their appn'tishodes with my wife. 

Item. I doe give unto every of my children three of my 
silver spoones, to be delivered unto them seaverallie as they 
shall come to and accomplish their seaverall ages xxi'^ yeres if 
they shall so long Hve. All the residue of my goodes, chatties, 
cattell, money, plate, debts, household stuf, implem*^ of house- 
hold moveables and unmoveables whatsoever nott being here- 
inbefore bequeathed, my debts being paide, my Funerall 
expencs disbursed and these my legacies herein given and 
bequeathed being paide and p'formed, I whollie give and 
bequeath them unto Anne, my wife, and doe make her Sole 
Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, and I will that 
my wief uppon the probate of this will she, my saide wife, doe 
enter her owne bonde in the somme of tlire hundred poundes 
to my Father in law, William Skinner, and Kob't Tailcot, 
for the p'formance of all and every my legacies herein given, 
by her to be performed according to the true meaning hereof. 
And that in case she shall fortune to marrie againe, that before 
her such marriage, shall enter into sufficient bonde in fower 


hundred po 38, with one r "^ lent suretie that my saide 

Father-in-Lav. ^, William SKIN^ ^.i^, and Roberte Tailcot, my 

brother, shall like of, to the same William Skinner and 

RoBERTE Tailcot, trulie to p'forme all the legacies which on 

her parte are to be paide according to the true meaning of this 

my Jast Will and Testament. 



Marke Mott, 
Erasmus Sparhawke, 
James Sparhawke. 

Probatum f uit suprascriptu testum apud London coram ven* 

tis viro domino Johanne Bennet milite et legum d'core Surra- 

gato etiam viri domini Johannis Gribson milite legumqd'coris 

Curie Prerogative, Cant. Magri custodis Sine Comissary 

It'ime constituti vicessimo quarto die menss January Anno 

Domini uexta cursum et computa'conem ecc'lie Anglicane mil- 

Hmo Sexcentessimo quarto Juram* Moysis Wall, mariti Anne 

rel'ce dicti defuncti et Executrix in huroi tes'to noi'ate cui 

eommissa fuit. . . Administraco honor iuriu et creditor 

eiusdem defuncti. De bene et iideler administrado eadem ad 

Saneta Dei Evangelice iuret. 




Deputy Registers. 


Robert, son of (1) John Talcott and Wells, was 

bom (probably) in Colchester ; married Joanna, daughter and 
heir of John Drane, of Branford, Co. Suffolk, England, and 

17 Robert, died without issue. 

18 John, died without issue. 

19 Thomas, m. Thamar, dau. of John Ball, of Horksley Priory, Co. 


20 Robert, Master of A.rts, m. Mary Parkinson. 

21 Sarah, m. Richard Dorsley, of Hockley on the hiU, Co. Essex. 

22 Mary, m. John Langley, of Colchester, Capt. of the Trained 

Band, and alderman of that place. 


Robert Taleott died in Colchester in 1641. He was an 
alderman and justice of the peace in 1634. 

Thomas, son of (1) John Talcott and Mary Fallen^ his 

second wife, was bom in Colchester; married Margaret^ 
daughter of Jerremy Biggs, of Co. Suffolk, and had 

23 Thomas. 

24 Oeorge. 

25 Jerremy, died single in Seville, Spain, in 1650. 

26 Bftary. 

27 Elizabeth. 

Thomas Talcott died in 1640 or 1641. He was Rector of 
the Churches of St. Mary and Mile End, in Colchester, and 
Chaplain to the Earl Marshall. 


John, son of (1) John Talcott and Mary PuUen, his 

second wife, was bom in Colchester ; went to Madrid in Spain, 
was alive at the time of his mother's death in 1625. ^o men- 
tion is made of him after that date. His nephew, Jerremy, 
was probably with him in Spain. 


Thomas, son of (3) Alderman Robert Talcott and 
Joanna Drane, was bom in Colchester; married Thamar^ 
daughter of John Ball, of Horksley Priory, Co. Essex, and 

28 Robert, b. 1627 ; d. before 1664. 

29 Thomas, ) b. 1633 ; Heir in 1664; d. Feb. 22, 1685, 6. 

30 William, ( ^^^^' b. 1633. 

31 John, b. 

32 Thamar, b. after 1634 ; m. Robert Wyles, of Colchester, in 1664. 


Thomas, son and heir of (19) Thomas Talcott and 

Thamar Ball^ was bom in Colchester in 1633, was an alder- 
man in Colchester, and was buried in the Church of the Holy 
Trinity in Colchester, founded prior to 1349. A tablet in the 


flo©r of the South Aisle bears the following inscription: 
^'T. Talcott, Esq., Alderman, who died Feb'y 22, 1685.6." 

Robert, son of (3) Alderman Robert Taleott and Joanna 

Drane^ was born in Colchester, and married Mary Parkinson^ 

and had 

33 Robert, of whom nothing is known. 

Nothing more is known of the Talcotts who remained in 
England, except that Thomas Talcott, Esq. (supposed to be 
the one buried in the Church of the Holy Trinity) about the 
year 1685, purchased with Edward Smith, for £16,990, the 
manor of Kelvedon, Co. Essex, So. Bishopric. As diligent 
inquiry has been made, without success, to find any of the 
name in England, it is presumed it has become extinct in that 




John, son of (2) John Talcott and Anne Skinner, his 

wife, was bom in Braintree, Essex Co., England, married 
Dorothy, the daughter of (probably) Mark Mott, Esq., and 
Francis Gutter, of Braintree, Essex Co., England, and had in 

34 Mary, m. Rev. John Russell, June 28, 1649 ; d. aboat 1655. 

35 John, ra. 1st Helena Wakeman, Oct. 29, 1650 ; 2d Mary Cook, 

Nov. 9, 1676 ; d. July 23, 1688. 

36 Samuel, b. 1635, in New England, m. Hannah Holyoke, Nov. 

17, 1661 ; 2d Mary , Aug. 6, 1679. He d. Nov. 10. 


John Talcott was left a minor by the death of his father in 
1604, and was an only son. The 1st wife of Bagot Eggleston, 
who came first to Dorchester in 1630, and thence to Windsor, 
was a Mary Talcott, whom he married in England before he 
came to America. 

No other family of the name ever emigrated to this country, 
and all the Talcotts here are descendants of the above-named 
John, who settled in Hartford, Ct. He first came to Boston, 
Mass., with others of the Kev. Mr. Hooker's Comf^any in the 
ship Lion, which sailed from England June 22, 1632, and arrived 
there on Sunday, Sept. 16, 1632. The following are the 
names of some of the passengers : 

William Wads worth, Jonathan Wade, 

John Talcott, 
Joseph Roberts, 
John Cogsall, 
John Watson, 
Robert Shelly, 
William Heath, 
Richard Allis, 
Thomas Uskett, 
Isaac Murrill, 
John Wichfield, 

Robert Bartlett, 
John Browne, 
John Churchman, 
Tobie Wniet, 
William Curtis, 
NicFs aark, 
Daniel Brewer, 
Jo. Benjamin, 
Richard Benjamin, 
William James, 

Thos. Carrington, 
William Goodwyn, 
John White, 
James Olmstedd, 
William Lewis, 
Zeth Graunt, 
Nathaniel Richards. 
Edward Collraer, 
Edward Holmer, 
Jo. Zotman, 
Charles Glover. 


These persons names were taken from an old book of 
Records of Emigrants found in Westminster Hall, England. 
The Ship Lion was Commanded by Capt. Mason, and had 123 
passengers (amongst whom were 50 children) and they all 
arrived in good health after a passage of twelve weeks from 

This company first settled in Newtown, now Cambridge, 
near Boston. John Talcott was admitted a freeman by the 
General Court at Boston, November 6, 1632 ; was one of the 
Representatives in the General Court together with Mr. Good- 
win and Mr. Spencer, for Newtown, May 14, 1634. 

At a general meeting of the whole town of Newtown, held 
February 4, 1634, he, and Ilaynes, Bradstreet, and four oth- 
ers, were chosen Select men of Newtown to do the whole busi- 
ness of the town. 

He was the fifth greatest proprietor of houses and lands in 
the town, out of eighty enumerated in the registry of 1634, 
" of those only who were considered townsmen.''^ 

He owned four houses in the " west end," and maintained 
and kept in repair, thirty-six rods of public fence. 

These are his houses and lands as recorded in the " Newtown 
Register book, October 5, 1635." In the "West End" his 
dwelling, out-houses, etc., with 3| acres of land. In " Old- 
fields," 3f acres of land in one piece, and 2 acres in another. 
In " The Neck," 32 acres in one piece, and 45 in another. 
In the " Ox Marsh," 2^ acres. In the " Large Marsh," 7^ 
acres. In the " Great Marsh," 27^ acres in one piece, and 50 
acres in another. And in the " Windmill Marsh," 5 acres. 

The Rev. Mr. Hooker joined his people in Newtown, and 
they, becoming dissatisfied with their location, after repeated 
efforts and much difficulty, obtained permission from the Gen- 
eral Court to remove to the Connecticut River. John Talcott 
thereupon sold all his possessions in Newtown to Nicholas Dan- 
forth. May 1, 1636, and with about one hundred othei^s left 
Newtown in June of that year (having first sent the carpenter' 
Nicholas Clark, over the previous year to build him a house, 
which stood on the ground where the North Church [late Dr. 
Bushnell's] now stands, and was the first house built in Hart- 


ford), led by the Rev. Mr. Hooker, and went on foot, through 
the wilderness, to the Connecticut River, where they founded 
the present city of Hartford ; here he took an active part in 
the affairs of the town, was a member of the General Court 
for many years, and was styled " The Worshipful Mr. John 
Talcott ;" he was one of the committee appointed May 1, 
1637, to take into consideration the propriety of a war with 
the Pequot Indians, and upon whose recommendation a war 
was accordingly declared. He was one of the Chief Magis- 
trates of the Colony until his death, which occurred at his 
Mansion at the head of Main Street, in Hartford, in March, 
1660. He left by his will his property to his wife and two 
sons (his daughter having previously died), and grandcliildren. 
He was l)uried in Hartford, Conn., and his name is inscribed 
upon the monument erected by the citizens of that place to 
perpetuate the memory of the founders of the Colony of Con- 

Referring to the death of John Talcott, the Rev. John 
Davenport, of New Haven, writes to Governor John Win- 
throp, Jr., under date of March 29, 1660, " I am sorry for 
your loss of Mr. Talcott, whose decease I heard of, but not 
how his diseases were found incurable, 'till I received your let- 
ter of the 27th, whereby it is most clear to me that no art of 
man could cure him." 

Note. — " May 17, 1660, Mr. Bray Rossester, for and in con- 
sideration of his pains in coming to and attending Mr. Tal- 
cott in his sickness, was allowed £5, and paid out of the 

Dorothy Mott, widow of the worshipful Mr. John 
Talcott, died in Hartford, Ct., February, 1670. She is sup- 
posed to have been the daughter of Mark, son of Thomas and 
Alice (Mead) Mott, of Braintree, Essex Co., England, who 
was born April 25, 1549, married Frances Gutter, and had 

Frances, m. Frances Forward, of Hertford, England. 

Thomas, m. dau. of John Bend. 

Adrian, bap. March 29, 1578; m. Ist Jane Wade; 2d Catharine 

Kempe, Jan. 1, 1604. 
Mark, D. D., m. Mercy Tichbourne. 


John, m. Alice Harrington. 


Dorothy, m. John Talcott. 

Sarah, m. 1st Robt. Tenborough, 1614 ; 2d Sir John Henley. 


Mark Mott was the ultimate heir of his father Thomas, who 
was the owner of Sheme Hall, Lexenden hundreds, and other 
real estate in 1599. 

Frances, wife of Mark Mott, died in Braintree, and was 
buried Feb. 23, 1615. 

Mark Mott died in Braintree, and was buried Dec. 14, 

Dorothy Mott, widow of the Worshipful John Talcott, 
made her will in Hartford, Ct., Sept. 22, 1669, which follows 

As there is no mention made in either the will of John Tal- 
cott, or that of his wife, of property possessed by them in Eng- 
land, it is presumed that they disposed of it all before they 
came to this country, with the exception of the house they 
lived in in Braintree, which was sold by Mr. Mott, brother of 
Dorothy, in the year 1644, by order of her husband. 


John Talcott^ son of John, of Braintree, England, who 
Emigrated to America in 1632, and died March, 1660, in Hart- 
ford, Conn. 

The last will of the Worshipful Mr. John Tallcott, senior, 
made January 17, 1659-60. 

Being sensabell of my owne mortallity of the aproaching of 
my chang, not knowing how sudenly the Lord may put an end 
to my few dayes in this livfe, according to my duty I doe make 
this my last will and testement. 

Imprimis. I doe give and bequefe my now dwelling house, 
with all other my houses and yards, home lotts, medow lotts, 
both at the upper and lower end of the medow, both for mow- 
ing and ploueing, together with all my upland lotts, improved 

or not improved, unto Dorethy, my loving wife, to improve 


for her owne proper use during the tarme of her naterall livef e, 
as allsoe the use of my hushold stufe of all kindes with my 
stock of kattell for hur use. 

I doe give and bequef e unto my sonn John all that land I 
bought in Hartford, medow and upland, together with the 
housing and house lotts I bought of John Steele and Nathaniel 
Elly that now my sonn poseseth, unto my sonn for himselve 
and ayers forever to injoy. 

I do alsoe give and bequefe unto my son John my now 
dwelling house in Hartford, together with my house lott, with 
all my medow land in the north medow that came to me by 
my lotment from the towne, as alsoe all other that I posse by 
purchase or chang in Hartford, together with all my upland, 
improved or not improved, with all rights and priveliges there- 
unto belonging, forever to injoy for himselve and ayres after 
the death of my wife, provided that if his sonn John shall con- 
tenor to the age of twenty-four years, that then my sonn John 
shall settell him, or if he departte this live before he attayne 
the fore sayd age, then his next eldest sonn that shall attayne 
the fore sayd age ether in the house my sonn John now livith 
in, or in the house that now I live in, and say so much land to 
it for ether of his sonns that shall survive to his owne proper 
use that shall posese it, as shaU be really judged to be worth 
twenty pounds per annum, which shall be to him or avers for- 
ever, and allsoe my sonn John shall pay to my use, if it be re- 
required towards the discharge of my debts and lueses by my 
executrix or her ayers or exeketers the sum of fifty pounds 
sterling of current pay. 

Also I give and doe give and bequefe unto my sonn Samk- 
WRLL all my housing, home lotts lying in Wethersfield, both of 
medow, swamp land, upland, with all my rights thereunto be- 
longing now in the okkupation of John BeUden or Enoek 
Buck or anv other one on the east and west side of the river 
forever to injoy himselve and ayers ; provided th^ he marry 
and leave no issue of his body lawfiiUy begoten when he depart- 
eth this life, that then his wife shall only posese it during her 
naterall livfe, and the the land and housing to retume to the 
eldest sonn then living of my sonn John to injoy after my sonn 



John his death. Allsoe it is my will that my sonn Samewell 
shall pay or case to be payd unto Dobethy, my wife, deuring her 
naterall livf e out of the rent of my land at Wethersfield, ten 
pounds per anum. 

I give unto my Grand child John Russell at the age of 
twenty-one years, twenty pounds, to be payd in current cuntry 


I give to my Grand child John Talloott, at the age of 
twenty-one years, in like pay, ten pounds. 

I give imto my Grand child Samewell Taloott, in like 
manner, ten pounds. 

I give unto my Grand child Elizabeth Talloott, at the age 
of aighteen years, ten pounds. 

My mynd is that if my kinsman John Skiner and my kins- 
woman Sara Steele, or ether of them, shall be living with me 
in service at my departur this livfe, that they shall have payd 
each of them soe living with me ten pounds. 

I give unto my reverend and beloved teacher, Mr. Stone, 
five pounds. 

I give towards the mayntayning a latin skoU at Hartford, if 
any be kept here, five pounds. 

These four legeseys to be payd one yere after my death. 

I do ordayne my loving wife Dobethy my sole exexketridge 
and doe intreat my loving friend Mr. Richard Lord, Senyer, 
and my sonn John to be the oversers of this my will to assist 
my wife in the fullfilling my will. 

I doe give unto my oversers fifty shillings apece, wich I hope 
they except in love and answer my request herein, 

I give unto my sonn John, after my wife's departur this 
livfe, my f ether bed in the parler chamber, with all the f urne- 
tur thereunto belonging, as allsoe my " Marter Bok," all my 
other boks I give unto my sonn Samewell, as allsoe the bead- 
stead, fether bed, with all the furnetur thereunto belonging 
which standeth in the kitchen chamber. 

To signify that this is my last will and testement I doe set 
to my hand the twelfe day of August, one thousand six hun- 
dred fifty-nine. 



My will 18 that if my Grand child John Eussell shall de- 
part this livfe before he attayne the age of twenty-one yeres, 
that then twenty pounds be payd unto Jonathan Russell, of the 
fore sayd age, and if Jonathan Russell attayne not the fore 
sayd age, then it be paid my sonn Russell, which which is in 
full of all accompts in reference to my daughter's portion 
when Mr. Russell maryed. 


August 12, 1659. 

My will is that my wife keep my housing in reparation, ex- 
treordenary caselties exsepted. 


Whereas, in my will I have formerly exprest that my three 
grand children should have given each of them ten pounds at 
their respecktife ages exprest, my will is that they have but 
five pounds each of them payd out of my estate, and that if 
ether my grandchild John Tallcott, Samewell Talcott or 
Elizabeth Talloott, or any of them departe this livfe before 
they attayne the age exprest, that then the legesy of the de- 
desesed shall be equally payd to the survif ers or the survif er ; 
allsoe my will is that weras I have exprest that my sonn John 
should pay fifty pounds to my estate if required by my ex- 
secketrix upon the posestion my house and land, my will now 
is that my sonn John shall be wholly fre from that payment, 
notwithstanding my will formerly exprest in whole or partt, 
and shall in joy my house and lands exprest, without any dis- 
bursements for my estate, that this is my will in this last per- 
tickellers exprest, and that I owne my whole will in this writ- 
ing exprest, I subscribe my hand. 


Subscribed January the seventeenth, one thousand six hun- 
dred fifty-nine, to this last expretions of my will. 



Of Dorathy (Mott) Talcott, widow of the worshipful Mr. 
John Talcott, late of Ilartford, Ct., who deceased February, 

I, Dorathy Talcott^ widow, being weak in body (yet perfect 
in my understanding), being sensible of my own mortality, not 
knowing how suddenly the Lord may put a period to this short 
and uncertain life, do therefore commend my immortal soul 
into the bosom of my most merciful God and father and ever 
blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ, and Eternal Spirit the Com- 
forter, hoping for eternal life and salvation through the merits 
and intercession of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Chiist, and 
bless the great name of God for his unspeakable love in the 
manifestations of the boundless riches of his free grace through 
Jesus Christ to my soul, and rest in hope of a glorious reserrec- 
tion and re-union of soul and body at the Great Day of His 
appearance — and as in duty bound, I do make this my last 
will and testament, leaving my body to be buried at the descre- 
tion of my sons John and Samuel TALoarr. 

And after my departure this life, I do give and bequeath 
unto my son Samuel Talcott the arrears of what is unpaid of 
eight pounds per annum out of the rent of land at Wethers- 
field, assigned by my deceased husband to be paid by him dur- 
ing my natural life. 

Also I do give and bequeath to my son Samuel a pair of 
holland pillow beers and a pair of sheets belonging to the bed 
his father gave him marked M in blue. 

Also I give to him one flock bed, bolster and a pair of blank- 
ets belonging to it in my kitchen chamber, and one-third part 
of my wearing clothes, both linen and woolen. 

Also I give my son Samuel one-third part of my household 
linen, also I give him my pewter flagon and a third part of the 
pewter belonging to the house, and the iron dripping pan, and 
the least spit, and the bigest iron pot save one, and the little 
brass pot, and the least trunk, and one of the chests in the kit- 
chen chamber, and three of my great green cushions. 

I also give my son Samuel my silver beer bowl and two sil- 


ver spoons. I give a third part of my wearing clothes to my 
son Samuel my Turkey Mohair coat excepted. 

The forementioned legacies with my debt due to my son 
John Talcot, or to any other being first discharged, I do give 
and bequeath to my son John Taloott, all other my estate 
lying or being in cattle or kine, horse or sheep and swine — as 
also all sorts of corn or grain belonging to me whatsoever. 

Also I give my son John my clothes, both woolen and linen, 
my Turkey Mohair coat, a pair of holland sheets and a pair of 
rough pillow beers belonging to the bed which his father gave 


All my plate, pewter and brass and iron vessels, utensils or 
tools, arms, amunitions and whatsoever else appertains to me, 
whether within doors or without (not given expressly to my son 
Samuel by this will). 

I say, I give all other my estate to my son John Talcott, as 
if they were particularly named by me. 

Also I give to my son John all debts due or may be due to 
me from any person or persons either by book, bill, bond or 
gift, after my decease. 

And after my departure this life, I do ordain and constitute 
my son John Talcott sole executor of this my last will and 

In witness that the above written is my will in every parti- 
cular thereof, I have set to my hand in the year of our Lord 
one thousand six hundred and sixty-nine, September the two 
and twentieth. 



Jeremiah Adams. 

The Inventory of the Estate of Dorathy Talcott, deceased, 
was taken and apprised February 28, 1669-70, by John Allyn 
and Thomas Olcott. 

Mary, the only daughter and eldest cliild of (11) the "Wor- 
shipful John and Dorothy (Mott) Talcott, was bom in Eng- 
land, and came with themi to America and married* the Rev. 


John Russel (who was a graduate of Harvard College in 1645), 
June 28, 1649, and had 

37 John,b. Sept. 23, 1650 ; d. Jan. 2. 1670. 

38 Rev. Jonathan, b. in Wet^iersfield, Conn., Sept. 18. 1655, H. C. 1675 ; 

m. Martha ; d. Feb. 21, 1710-11 ; a. 56 years. 

Mary^ wife of Eev. John Bussel^ died between 1655 and 
60, and he married for his second wife Rebecca, the daughter 
of Thomas Newbury, and had three children. His second 
wife died in Hadley, Nov. 21, 1688, se. 57, and he married for 
his third wife Phoebe, the daughter of Thomas Gregson, and 
widow of the Rev. John Whiting, 1692, by whom he had no 
children. He died in Hadley, Dec. 10, 1692, ae. 66. 

Jonathan by his first wife, and Samuel by his second, were 
the only children who survived hun. 

The Rev. John Russel was bom in England in 1626, and 
with his brother Phildp, was brought to New England by his 
father, Mr. John Russel, who settled in Wethersfield in the 
Colony of Connecticut. After graduating at Harvard College, 
he remained in Wethersfield, Conn., as pastor of a Church in 
that place, 'till about 1659, when, on account of troubles in his 
congregation, he removed to Hadley, Conn., as minister of the 
First Church of that place. The historian says, " It was at the 
house of this good man, the * Regicides ' remained secreted for 
a long time while in Hadley, and occupied the cellar of the 
house he lived in, to which they descended through a trap-door 
in the floor, on the approach of any stranger. 

The father of the Rev. John Russel was bom in England 
in 1595, married for his second wife in Wethersfield, Conn., 
Dorothy, widow of the Rev. Henry Smith, and removed to 
Hadley at the same time with his son, where he died May 8, 

• Philip, brother of the Rev. John, lived in Hatfield, married 
first Joanna, daughter of the Rev. Henry Smith, Feb. 4, 1663- 
4; second Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen Terry, Jan. 10, 
1665-6 ; third Mary Church, Dec. 25, 1679. His second wife, 
with her son Stephen, was killed by the Indians, Sept. 19, 1677. 
He died May 19, 1693. 





Iiieut.-CoL John, son of (1 1) the worshipful Mb. John 
Talcott and Dorothy Mott was born in Braintree, Essex Co., 
England, previous to 1632 ; married Ist, Helena^ daughter of 
John Wakeman, Treasurer of the Colony of Connecticut, 
October 29, 1650, and had 

38 John, b. Nov. 24, 1651 ; d. 1653. 

39 John, b. Dec. 14, 1653 ; m. Abigail dau. of Thos. Tibbetts. She 

d. April 30» 1683 ; no ch. He d. July 30, 1683. 

40 Elizabeth, b. Feb. 21, 1655 ; m. Capt. Joseph Wadsworth ; no ch. 

41 Samuel, b. Aug. 21. 1658 ; d. April 4, 1681. 

42 Mary, b. Aug. 26, 1661 ; m. Richard Edwards, 1692 ; d. April 

19, 1723. 

43 Hannah, b. Dec. 8, 1663 ; m. Nathaniel Gold : d. March 28, 1696. 

44 Dorothy, b. Feb. 20, 1666 ; m. Capt. Thomas Stoughton, Dec. 31, 

1691 ; d. May 28, 1696. 
46 Joseph, b. Nov. 16, 1669 ; m. Ist, Abigail Clark ; 2d, wid. Eunice 
(Howell) Wakeman ; d. Oct. 11, 1741. 

46 Helena, b. June 17, 1674; m. Cyprian Nichols; d. 1703. 

Helena, the wife of Lieut. -Col. John Talcott, died in child-bed, June 
21, " being Lord's day," 1674, and he married 2d, Mary Cooky 
Nov. 9, 1676, and had 

47 Ruth, b. Sept. 12, 1677 ; m. John Read, of Boston. 

48 Sarah, b. Nov. 16. 1679 ; d. Dec. 6, 1679. 

49 Rachel, b. Feb. 23, 1681 ; m. Gbrshom Bucklbt, of Fairfield. 
60 Jonathan, b. Feb. 15, 1683-4; d. before 1688. 

51 Hezekiah, b. Feb. 24, 1685-6 ; m. Jemima Parsons, of Durham, 
1711; d. Feb. 13, 1764. 

Lieut.-CoL John Talcott died in Hartford July 23, 1688. 
He came over from England with his parents and sister Mary 
(who afterwards married the Rev. John Russell) in the ship 
Lyon, in 1632. He resided in Hartford ; was made an ensign 
in 1650, a captain in 1660 ; was elected a deputy, or assistant 
magistrate, of the Colony of Connecticut, before it was joined 


to New Haven, May 18, 1654, and Treasurer to succeed his 

father, May 17, 1660, which office he held till 1676. He was 
one of the patentees named in the Charter of Charles the First, ^ ^ 
granted to Connecticut April 20, 1662 ; which document was 
entrusted to Wyllis, Talcott and AHyn for safe-keeping. In 
1676, on the breaking out of the Philip war, he resigned the 
office of treasurer and was appointed to the command of the 
army with the rank of major, and in June of that year went 
into the field at the head of the " standing army " of Connecticut, 
accompanied by 200 Mohigan and " Pequot Indians." In the 
various battles with the Indians in which he was engaged, he 
was always victorious, and obtained great renown as an " Indian 
fighter." Many of his official papers are on record in the Sec- 
retary of State's office at Hartford, and are interesting rehcs of 
the memorable Philip war. Early in the war he was promoted 
to the rank of Lieut.-Colonel. In March 1662 the General 
Court granted to him and to John Allyn 600 acres of upland 
and 100 acres of meadow land, to be laid out in Hammonaset 

Lt.- Col. Talcott died intestate, his property amounting to 
£2232 3^. 6^?., was claimed by his oldest surviving son. Gover- 
nor Joseph Talcott, who petitioned the General Court May 
15, 1691, to give him possession thereof, which he claimed by 
right of primogeniture. 

Gov. Joseph, the eldest of his two surviving sons, settled in 
Hartford and became the head of the family in that city, and 
Hezekla^h, the other son removed to Durham, Ct., and held a 
prominent position in that town, they were children by different 

The old account book belonging to Lt.-Col. Talcott, in 
which he entered a memorandum fif early events connected 
with his father's family, went into the hands of his son-in-law, 
Capt. Joseph Wadsworth, and was used by him for the same 

It was the custom in those days for each head of a family to 

keep a parchment covered account book and besides the 

accounts kept in it, all important events that occurred, births, 

noLarriages and deaths of parents and children, state of the 

. 34 

weather, crops, etc., were entered in it. In this book of Lt.-Col. 
Talcott's were the following memoranda written by himself. 

" My Oncle, Mr. Mott, sold my honored father his house 
(i. e. my honored father's house) that he lived in in Braintry, 
old England, per order in the year 1644, my father then living 
in his house in Hartford." (Mr. Mott was the brother of the 
first John Talcott's wife, Dorothy Mott.) 

" The kitchen that now stands on the north side of the house 
that I live in, that was the first house that my father built in Hart- 
ford, in Connecticutt Colony, and was done by Nicholas Clark 
the first winter that any Englishmen rought or built in Hart- 
ford, which was in the year 1635. My father and mother and 
his family came to Hartford in the year 1636, and lived first in 
said Kitchen, which was first on the west side of the chimney. 

The great bam was built in the year 1636, and underpined 
in the year 1637, and was the first barn that was raised in this 

The east end of this house that we live in, and was my father 
Talcott's, deceased, was built with the porch that is, in the 
year 1638, and the chimneys were built in 1638. 

The cowhouse on the north side of the cow yard, now part 
improved for a com house, was finished and built in the year 

The house and barn that was in partnership between my 
father and my Oncle Wadsworth, at Farmington, was finished 
in the year 1642. 

The hay bam standing on the north end of the great barn 
next Capt. AUyn's garden, was built in the year 1644. 

The west end of that house we live in, which was belonging 
to my Honoured Deceased Father Talcott, was built in the 
year 1645. • 

The prison house or common Gaol for the Colony, was built 
in Hartford in the year 1641. 

The meeting house or first church built in Hartford, was in 
the year 1638. 

The Pequot war was in the year 1637, at the Englishe's 
almost first coining to Connecticutt." 

From another part of the book which had been used by the 


Wadsworth family tor accounts, is taken the following family 
record : 

" William Wadsworth, born March, 1723 ; married July 2**, 

William Wadsworth, Jr., born about 1 o'clock in the after- 
noon, July 16, 1752. 

Eoger Wadsworth, born Mch 19, 1756, about 3 o'clock a. m. 

William Wadsworth departed this hfe May 29, 1771, in the 
49 year of his age. 

Joseph Wadsworth departed this life Augt 24, 1778, in the 
96th year of his age. 

Mary Wadsworth, the wife of Capt. James Nickles, departed 
this life June, 1783, in the 75th year of her age. 

William Wadsworth, Jr., departed this life August 28, 1786, 
in his 33' year. 

Elizabeth, the wife of Richard Semour, departed this life 
October, 1759. 

Daniel Wadsworth was married to Eunis Talcott January 
18, 1762. 

Joseph Wadsworth, Jr., departed this life March ye 25th, 

Joanne Wadsworth, wife of Joseph Wadsworth, departed 
this life Febry 7, 1762, in the 78 year of her age. 

Daniel Wadsworth departed this life Febry ye 25, 1762, in 
the 42^ year of his age. 

Daniel Wadsworth, Jr., son of the above, born Oct. 14, 1762. 

Joanne, ye wife of Tim Goodman, departed this life March 
9, 1768, aged 57 years." 

The book from which the above extracts were taken, was 
last known to be in the possession of Judge John Talcott, of 
Buffalo, N. Y. 


Elizabeth, daughter of (36) Lieut.-CoL John Talcott 
and Helena Wakeman^ was bom in Hartford, Ct., February 
21, 1655, and married Joseph (son of William Wadsworth, 
who came from England with four children, Sarah, William, 
who died young, Mary and John, and settled in Hartford in 


1636. William Wadsworth came out at the same time and in 
the same ship with John Talcott, senior, was made freeman 
in 1632, and was frequently chosen Rep. from 1636 to 1675 ; 
married July 2, 1644, for his second wife, Elizabeth Stone, a 
sister of the Rev. Samuel Stone, minister of the first cliurch 
of Hartford, who outlived him and died in 1681-2. He died 
in 1675. By this wife he had Elizabeth, b. May 17, 1645; 
Samuel, b. Oct. 20, 1646 ; Joseph, 1648; Sarah, 1650 ; Thomas, 
1651 ; Rebecca, 1656.) 

Joseph, and his brothers Samuel and Thomas, were pro- 
pounded for freemen in 1676. He was a Lieut, in the Philip 
war, and a Captain in 1630. He married for his first wife 
Elizabeth, daughter of Bartholomew Barnard, who died Oct. 
26, 1710, for his second, Elizabeth Talcott, and for his third, 
Mary Blackleach, widow first of Thomas Wells, and second of 
John Olcott. His children were all by his first wife. He died 
in 1729. 

" He it was who on the night of the 31 Oct. 1687, aided by 
Lt.-Col. John Talcott, seized the Charter of Connecticut given 
by Charles 2d, and secured it in an Oak tree in Hartford." 


Mary, daughter of (35) Lieut .-Col. John Talcott and 
Helena Wakeman, was born in Hartford, Ct., August 26, 
1661, married Richard, son of William Edwards, of Hartford, 
1692, and had 

62 Jonathan, b. Jan. 20, 1693 ; d. March 21, 1693. 

63 John, b. Feb. 27, 1694 ; m. Christian Williamson Dec. 14, 1719. 

He d. May 16, 1769. 

64 Hannah, b. Jan. 3, 1696 ; m. Joseph Backus, jr., March 1, 1722. 

She d. Oct., 1747. 
66 Richard, b. Jan. 5, 1698 ; d. May 20, 1713. 

66 Daniel, b. April 11, 1701 ; m. Sarah Hooker, of Norwich, 1728. 

He d. Sept. 6, 1765. She d. July 31, 1775. 

67 Samuel, b. Nov. 1, 1702; m. Jerusha Pitkins, 1731. He d. Nov. 

4,1732. She d, July 31, 1799. 

Richard Edwards died April 20, 1718, in his Tlst year. 
His wife Mary died April 19, 1723, aged 62 years. He was 


bom May, 1647, and was the only child of William Edwards, 
one of the fii*st settlers of Hartford, who died 1672, and Agnes 
Spencer, widow of William Spencer, also a first settler of Hart- 
ford. His grandfather was Richard Edwards, D. D., of Lon- 
don, after whose death his grandmother, Ann, married James 
Cole in London, and came to America when his father William 
was young, and settled in Hartford, where she died February 
20, 1 678-9, leaving her estate to her son William during his 
life, and then to her grandson Richard. There are no Edwards 
descendants by Mary Taloott living. 

Richard Edwards married for his first wife Elizabeth Tut- 
hill, daughter of William, in 1667, by whom he had Timothy, 
b. May 14, 1669-70, Mary, Abigail, Elizabeth, Ann, Hannah and 
Mabel. By his will he provided that John should take charge 
of his mother during her life, and directed that Daniel should 
be educated at College (Daniel became Judge of the Supreme 
Court of Connecticut, and died in 1765); that Samuel to whom 
he gave all his land in Colchester, should be put to a trade. His 
son Timothy by his first wife was educated and settled at East 
Windsor, as their minister, where he preached until he was 84 
years old, and died there January 27, 1758, in his 89tli year. 

The Rev. Jonathan, son of Timothy, was born in Windsor, 
Oct. 5, 1703, Y. C. 1720, elected President Princeton College, 
1758. Jonathan, D. D., son of President Jonathan, graduated 
at Princeton N. J. 1765, and became President of Union Col- 
lege, Schenectady, and died 1801. 

This Richard Edwards was the progenitor of the celebrated 
Edwards family of Connecticut. 


Hannah, daughter of (35) Lt.-Gol. John Talcott and 

Helena Wakeman, was born in Hartford, Dec. 8, 1663 ; mar 
ried Nathaniel Gold, only son of Xathan and Martha (widow 
of Edward Harvey), and had 

58 Abigail, b. Feb. 1687; m. Rev. Thos. Hawley, of Ridgefield. He 

d. Nov. 8, 1738. 

59 John, b. April 25, 1688 ; m. Hannah Slawson ; d. Sept. 23, 1766. 

She d. Nov. 25, 1752. 

' • 


60 Nathan, b. April 6, 1690. 

61 Samuel, b. Dec. 27, 1693 ; m. Ellen Bkadlby, Dec. 7.. 1716. Had 

6 children. 

62 Joseph, b. ; d. Oct. 11, 1769, ae. 77. 

63 Rev. Hezekiah, b. 1794; m. Mary Ruggles; H. C. 1719; d. April 

22, 1761, ae. 67. She d. July 2, 1750. 

a. Onesimus, m. and had a family. 

b. David. 

c. Martha, m. Samuel Sherman, April 4, 1728. 

Hon. Nathaniel Gold, Jr., was a son of Major Nathan 
Gold, a first settler* of Fairfield in 1658, who was one of the 
petitioners and named in the Charter of Connecticut from 
Charles II., which petition was " signed by no gentleman un- 
less he had sustained a high reputation in England before he 
came to New England." 

He was an assistant in 1671-2, and a Magistrate, and " de 
parted this life into the mantions of Rest upon the day of Kest 
on Saboth, it being the 4th day of March, 1693-4." 
' Nathaniel Gold was Deputy Governor of Connecticut in 
1707 ; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 1712, and Deputy 
Governor when he died, Oct. 3, 1723, aged about 60 years, 
Hannah, his wife, died March 28, 1696. His second wife 
Sarah died Oct. 17, 1711. 


Dorothy, daughter of (35) Lt.-Col. John Talcott and 
Helena Wakeman, was born in Hartford February 20, 1666, 
married Capt. Thomas Stoughton, of Windsor, Dec. 31, 
1691, and had one child only. 

64 Mary, b. Jan. 4, 1693 ; m. Pelaliah Allyn, of Windsor (who was 
b. May 3, 1689), Aug. 26, 1711. 

Dorothy Stonghton died May 28, 1696, Thos. Stoughton 

afterward married Abigail, widow of Samuel Lathrop, daughter 

of Rev. Timothy Edwards, of Hartford, May 19, 1697, and 

had a family of ten children. He died January 14, 1749, in 

his 87th year. Abigail Stoughton, his widow, died Jan. 23, 
1754, aged 82 years. 

Capt. Thomas Stoughton was the son of Thomas, of Wind- 

•V • . . * ^ 

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sor, and Mary, daughter of Wm. Wadsworth, and w.Sis born 
Nov. 21, 1663, and grandson of Thomas, of Dorchester, of 
1630, who came over that year from England in the ship 
" Mary and John." 

Thomas Stoughton, Sen'r, died Sept. 15, 1684. Mary, his 
wife, died Nov. 30, 1665. 


CrO¥. Joseph, son of (35) Lieut.-Gol. John Talcott, was 

born in Hartford, Conn., Nov. 16, 1669, married Abigail^ 
daughter of Ensign George Clark, of Milford, Ct., in 1693, and 

66 John, b. Feb. 27, 1699 ; m. Abigail Theobalds, of Milford, Dec. 
30, 1725 • d. 1777. She d. 1788. 

66 Joseph, b. Feb. 17, 1701 ; m. Esther Pratt, of Hartford, April 27, 

1727; d. Julys, 1799. 

67 Nathaniel, b. Nov. 26, 1702 ; m. Hannah Ferris, of Wilmington, 


AbigaUy the wife of Gov. Joseph Talcott, died in Hartford, March 24, 
1704.5, and he married Eunice, dau. of Col. Mathew How- 
ell, of South Hampton, Long Island, and widow of Samuel 
Wakeman, (b. Aug. 18, 1678,) and had 

68 Abigail, b. April 13, 1707 ; m. Rev. Daniel Wadsworth, Feb. 28, 

1734. (He grad. Y. C. 1726; d. Nov. 12, 1747.) She d. June 
24, 1773. 

69 ISunice. b. Jan. 26, 1709 ; m. Capt. Nathaniel Hooker, merchant, 

Y. C. 1729; she died in Windsor. 1795. 

70 Mathew, b. 1713 ; m. Mary, dau. of Rev. Wm. Russell, of Mid- 

dletown, no ch. He died Aug. 29, 1802. 

71 Samuel, Y. C. 1738 ; m. Maybel, dau. of Hezbeiah Wyllis (gr. 

dau. of Gov. Wyllis), May 3, 1739 ; he d. March 6, 1797. 

72 Jerusha, b. May 3, 1717 ; m. Dr. Daniel Lothrop, of Norwich, Dec. 

14, 1744, of Y. C. 1733; he d. 1782 ; she d. Sept., 1805. 

73 Helena, b. March 13, 1720 ; m. 1st Rev. Edward Dorr, Y. C. 1742 ; 

he d. 1772 ; 2d Rev. Robert Breck, Y. C. 1756; he d. 1799. 

Eunice, the wife of Gov. Talcott, died May 25. 1738. 

Gov. Joseph Talcotty died while in office, in Hartford, Oct. 11, 1741. 

Gov. Joseph Talcott is first mentioned in public life as one 
of a committee to lay out the town of Coventry, in 1711. He 
was the fourth son, but the eldest who survived his father. 



He was the first Governor of Connecticut, born within its 
limits, and occupied the chair, from 1724 to Oct. 11, 1741, a 
period of 17 years, longer than any who succeeded him and 
longer than any of his predecessors, except Gov. Winthrop. 
His funeral expenses, amounting to £69 12^. 5d,, were ordered 
paid out of the Colonial Treasury. The second son of the 
Governor, Joseph, was Treasurer of the Colony, from 1755 to 

" His wife, Eunice, died suddenly about noon on Thursday, 
May 25, 1738. There could be no session of the general assem- 
bly without the presence of the Governor or Deputy Governor, 
the latter was absent attending the Commissioner's Court, at 
Norwich, and public business was pressing. Gov. Talcott did 
not suffer his private grief to interfere with' his official duty, 
but returned and presided in the upper house in the afternoon. 

A joint committee of both houses was appointed to confer 
on what might be proper to offer to his Honor on the sudden 
and painful event. The House also appointed the Speaker, the 
Clerk and Capt. Samuel Willard to draw an address of condol- 
ence to present to the Governor." 


Of Gov. Joseph Talcott, Dec. 25, 1742. 

In the name of God, Amen. I, Joseph Talcott, of Hart- 
ford, in the county of Hartford, in the colony of Connecticut, 
in New England, being of sound mind and memory, thanks be 
given to God therefor : Calling to mind the mortaUty of my 
body, and that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make 
and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament, viz. : Prin- 
cipally and first of all I commit my soul to God, that gave it, 
and my body to the earth, to be buried in a christian, decent 
manner, at the discretion of my executors hereafter named, 
and in hopes of a glorious resurrection through the alone 
merits of Jesus Christ, our exalted Redeemer, and as to my 
worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me, I 
do order first that my executors hereafter named, shall pay all 


my just debts they shall find justly due by law, or that they 
suppose justly due in consequence : And that they give out 
of my estate live pounds to such of the poor of the parish that 
I belong to, viz. : To such as my executors shall think to be 
most proper objects of our charity. 

Item: I do order that each of my children that survive me, 
shall have given and allowed to them a decent mourning suit 
of apparel, not to be reconed to them in part of portion. 

Item : I do give to my daughter, Abigail Wadswobth, the 
chest of drawers that was my first wife's so that it shall not be 
reconed into her proportion of the estate, I shall hereafter 
make in this my last Will. 

Item : I do further order that my daughters that shall not 
be disposed of in marriage at my decease, shall have a suffi- 
ciency given or allowed to them of all sorts of the provisions 
necessary and convenient for their support one whole year 
after my decease, out of the crop on the ground, or grain in the 
house, and meat also out of my house or stock, and this I 
order my executors to take care of and not to be charged as 
portion to my said daughters. 

Item : And although I have given my dwelling house and 
homestead by deed of gift unto my son Samuel, I do order 
that if both or either of my daughters, viz. : Jebusha or 
Helena Talcott, shall live unmarried until my decease, and 
after that or either of them, shall have the liberty, free use, 
and improvement of the south lower room, in my now dwell- 
ing house and chamber over it, together with the little lower 
room adjoining, with the liberty for what room may be neces- 
sary for them in the cellars, and such part of the water in well 
cistern &c. as they may need, and that they or she that does 
survive as aforesaid shall have two rods square laid out to them 
in my now garden spot, and south or southerly of the prim 
hedge, all which they or she so living during the time of being 
unmarried, and clioo«e to live in said dwelling house shall have 
free liberty to improve without interruption or molestation, 
and if my son Samuel refuseth a strict compliance with the 
aforesaid paragraph, then I do order that he shall have fifty 

pounds less of my estate than the proportion given him with 


the rest of my children as in this my will hereafter made and 
expressed; and that my said daughter or daughters living 
unmarried as aforesaid and been hindered or molested in her, 
or their improvement as aforesaid shall have the said fifty 
pounds so default, out of my son Samuel's part, given to said 
daughter or daughters so living as aforesaid. 

Item : I do order that after all the foregoing orders, devises 
and legacies are ended, complied with and completed that then 
the remaining part of my whole estate, both real and personal, 
shall be divided as foUoweth, viz. : To my eldest son John Tal- 
coTT a part or portion double to the rest of my sons (Nathan 
and his children excepted), and to my other sons Joseph, Sam- 
uel and Matthew Talcott a double part or portion ; and to 
my daughters, Abigail Wadsworth, Eunice Hooker, Jerusha 
Talcott and Helena Talcott half so much as my three 
youngest and three last mentioned sons (only excepted the fifty 
pounds upon Samuel's interuption or hindrance of his sisters 
that may live unmarried), and this I give to them each and 
every of them and their heirs forever : And in consideration 
of the discount of our bills of credit and uncertainty of that 
currency how they may pass at my decease, I do order and de- 
termine that all my lands that I have given by deeds to any of 
my children in my lifetime, together with what I shall die 
seized of, shall then after my decease be apprized by freehold- 
ers imder oath; either Capt. Nathaniel Stanley, Capt. Ozias 
Pitkin and Capt. William Pitkin, or such others as the court 
of Probate shall appoint, and I do hereby appoint my three 
sons, namely, John Talcott, Joseph Talcott, and Samuel 
Talcott, or any two of them, executors to this my last Will 
and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other and 
former wills, legacies, executors and bequests, only that it is to 
be understood, that whatsoever hath been given to any of my 
children before my decease (as part of portion) shall be ac- 
counted and reconed to them into their pArt of the proportion 
of my estate to them according to the foregoing proposition 
made in this my last Will : And this and this only to be my 
last Will. 

And in testimony that this only is my last Will and Testa- 


ment I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the fifth day of 
May in the year of our Lord God, One Thousand Seven Hun- 
dred and Thirty-Nine. 

Signed, sealed and declared by the said Joseph Talcott, to 
be his last Will and Testament. 

In presence of 
GiLEs^ Hall, 
Joseph Farnsworth, Jr., 
Daniel Hinsdell. 

JOSEPH TALCOTT, and a seal. 

Whereas : The Honorable Joseph Talcott, Esq., of Hart- 
ford, in the county of Hartford, and colony of Connecticut, de- 
ceased, did in and by his last Will and Testament, order, that 
after his just debts, funeral expenses, provisions for the sup- 
port of Jerusha and Helena Talcoti, daughters of the said 
deceased, one year and each of his children a suit of mourning 
apparel, out of his moveable estate, with five pounds to the 
poor of the parish^ or society to which he belonged, all the 
rest of his estate should be divided to and amongst his children 
(Nathan and his children excepted). John, the elder son, to 
have a double share, the rest of the sons, half so much, and 
the daughters half so much as his youngest sons. 

Be it Known to all men by these presents that we, the sub- 
scribers, children and heirs to the estate of the said deceased, 
do hereby agree to and with each other for ourselves and heirs 
forever, that the estate of the said deceased, according to said 
will shall be divided, and portions thereof made as follows, 
viz. : That the dwelling house and home lot in Hartford, with 
the " meadow gate lot," so called, both containing about five 
acres, which was given by deed of gift by the said deceased 
unto the said John Taloott, and by him said John by deed of 
exchange conveyed to Joseph Talcott, one of the sons of the 
said deceased, shall be reconed to the said John Talcott and 
his heirs at seven hundred eighty-eight pounds, ten shillings, 
and that the land on the west side. of the path so. called in the 
long meadow in Hartford, viz. : Twenty acres on the west side 
said path, next adjoining to said path the whole breadth of the 


lot, given by deed of gift, of the said deceased unto the said 
John Taloott, and afterwards by him the said John Taloott, 
conveyed to him the said Joseph Talcott, by deed of ex- 
change for land at Bolton, shall be reconed to him said John 
Talcott at the sum of four handred and forty-five pounds, ac- 
cording to apprizement, an(> that the meadow land on the east 
side the path to the Great River, in the " great lot " near the 
uper end said meadow, being twenty-two acres, lacking 
about twenty rods of ground, which by the said deceased was 
given to Samuel Talcott, one of the sons of the said deceased, 
according to apprizement, shall be reconed to the said John 
Talcott and his heirs at five hundred sixty-six pounds, nine 
shillings and ten pence : Also one piece of land at Coventry, 
lying upon Scongomug River so called, containing by the sur- 
vey, one hundred and forty-six acres, apprized at three hun- 
dred and sixty-five pounds. Also one piece of land in Stafford 
containing one hundred acres, lying on the west side of Wil- 
limantic River, bounding south on land laid out to Daniel 
Bissell, west on land laid out to Mr. Goodrich, east on land 
formerly belonging to William King, apprized at sixty pounds. 
Also one-third part of a lot of land in Coventry which lies at 
a place called " Bear Swamp," between Mr. Brigham's land and 
Seargt. Silas Long's land, which lot in the whole contains about 
two hundred and forty acres, and was apprized at six hundred 
pounds ; two hundred of which according to said apprizement 
shall be reconed and allowed to the said John Talcott and his 
heirs. Also one lot of land in Coventry lying on the westerly 
side of the road that goeth from Capt. Parker's to James Park- 
er's, and between Aaron Strong's and the said James Parker's, 
and in quantity thirty-five acres, apprized at one hundred 
pounds, and shall be so reconed to him the said John Talcott 
as part of his share in said estate : Also one lot of land in 
Coventry, on the northerly side of the road that goeth from 
Capt. Parker's to Capt. Bissell's, in quantity about fifteen acres, 
apprized at twenty pounds. Also so much in Hartland as is 
drawn by twenty-five pounds on the list, according to the list 
which it was granted to the said deceased in his life-time, and 
shall be reconed to the said John Talcott at twenty-five pounds. 


Also one piece on the east side of the Great River in Hartford, 
in the " five mile " so called, in the second teer near Bolton, 
containing about forty-five acres, apprized at twenty-five shil- 
lings per acre, which shall b^ reconed to him the said John 
Taloott and his heirs at fifty-seven pounds, ten shillings. All 
the foregoing pieces and parcels of land except the twenty 
acres aforesaid on the west side the path in the meadow, and 
the said house and lot, meadow gate lot next adjoining thereto, 
which was given to said John Taloott, shall be for the use and 
benefit of the said John Taloott, son of the said deceased, and 
his heirs and assigns forever : To have and to hold in his peace- 
able possession and seizin, and that we tlie subscribers hereto 
do forever for ourselves and heirs relinquish our whole right, 
title, interest and claim to all and every part thereof (except as 
is above excepted) to him the said John Taloott, his heirs and 
assigns forever. 

Secondly : That all the land in the town of Bolton given 
by the said deceased by deed of gift, which is contained in two 
rights, so called, consisting of one hundred acres home lot to 
each right with all the divisions belonging to said rights, to the 
said Joseph Taloott, son of the said deceased, and by him con- 
veyed to John Taloott, son of the said deceased, by deed of 
exchange for land in Hartford, shall be reconed to him the said 
Joseph at twelve hundred seventeen pounds according as it is 
apprized; also one piece of land in the town of Hartford 
called the further meadow gate lot, bounded north and east on 
a highway, and south on land of Aaron Cook, west on land 
given by deed to the said John Talcott, five acres so called 
shall be reconed to him the said Joseph Talcott, son of the 
said deceased, at seventy-five pounds per acre, which makes the 
sum of three hundred seventy-five pounds according to apprize- 
ment. Also one piece of land in said Hartford in the lower 
end, the long meadow containing about three quarters of an 
acre, being a strip of land joining to the creek west, and east 
on a highway, shall be reconed to the said Joseph Talcott, son 
of the said deceased, at six pounds according to apprizement. 
Also one piece of land lying in the meadow swamp containing 


about ten acres and an half shall be reconed to the said Joseph, 
son of the said deceased, at sixty-two pounds fourteen shillings, 
according to apprizement, and furthermore we the subscribers 
do for ourselves and heirs covenant and agree with the said 
Joseph Taloott, son of the said deceased, that all the foregoing 
pieces or parcels of land (excepting what is within the town- 
ship of Bolton given by the said deceased, by deed of gift to 
the said Joseph Talcott, son of the said deceased, and by him 
the said Joseph by deed of exchange conveyed to him the said 
John Talcott, shall be and remain for the use, benefit and be- 
hoof of the said Joseph Talcott, son of the said deceased, to 
him, his heirs and assigns, in his and their peaceable possession 
and seizin : To have and to hold forever, and that we the sub- 
scribers and heirs to the said estate of the said deceased, do for 
ourselves and heirs forever quit our claim, right, title, interest 
and demand of all the foregoing pieces and parcels of land, 
and every part thereof (except as is above excepted) to him the 
said Joseph Talcott, son of the said deceased, his heirs and 
assigns forever. 

Thirdly : That Samuel Talcott, son of the said deceased, 
shall have and hold for himself and his heirs and assigns for- 
ever the home lot of the said deceased in Hartford, containing 
about five acres, more or less, bounding east and west on high- 
ways, north on the heirs of Moses Cook, deceased, and south 
in part on Capt. John Marshe's land, and part on land belong- 
ing to Elizabeth Phelps or Norman Morrison, with the dwel- 
ling house of the deceased, and all the buildings, privileges and 
appurtenances belonging thereunto, apprized at fourteen hun- 
dred pounds, and shall be reconed to him the said Samuel at 
said sum of fourteen hundred pounds, and we the subscribers, 
children and heirs of the said deceased have received of the 
said Samuel Talcott five hundred and sixty-six pounds, nine 
shillings and ten pencb by his deed of quit claim of the land 
at the upper end of the long meadow on the east side of the 
highway, which land was given to the said Samuel by the said 
deceased by deed of gift, which said land the said Samuel hath 
released to the said John by his quit-claim deed of the date of 


these presents made to the said John, the which said land is 
reconed and accounted at five hundred and sixty-six pounds 
nine shillings and ten pence, in part of his portion, the receipt 
whereof we do hereby acknowledge, which said land was more 
than his proportion of the estate of the deceased. 

Fourthly : That one piece of land lying in Middletown con- 
taining one hundred acres, butted eastwardly on Samuel and 
Thomas Barnes', southwardly on Capt. George Phillips', west- 
wardly on land of the heirs of Ezrahiah Wetmore, deceased, 
northwardly on the two highways, shall be and remain for the 
use, benefit and behoof of Matthew Talcott, his heirs and 
assigns f orever^ which said Matthew is one of the children and 
heirs of the said deceased, and shall be reconed and accounted 
to him the said Matthew at six hundred and twenty-five 
pounds, according to apprizement. Also so much in the town- 
ship of Hartland as is drawn by thirty-seven pounds ten shil- 
lings on the list according to which it was granted to the said 
deceased in his lifetime, and shall be reconed to the said 
Matthew at thirty-seven pounds ten shillings, also more, one 
piece of land lying in Stafford containing one hundred acres, 
butted and bounded, east on land laid out to Colonel Brown, 
lying north of a swamp, Known by the name of " Pine Swamp," 
which shall be reconed to the said Matthew at forty pounds. 
Also more, lying in Hartford, the one half as to quantity and 
quality of the pasture called the " meadow bridge " pasture, 
which is butted and bounded south, on land of Edward Cad- 
well, east on the *' Great River," north on John Marshe's land, 
west on the highway, which shall be reconed to the said 
Matthew at one hundred and fifty-two pounds, ten shillings : 
more, one piece in Hartford, the east side of the " Great 
River," containing one hundred and fifty acres, butted and 
bounded north upon Windsor bounds, being the northwest lot 
in the fourth division from Bolton which shall be accounted to 
him the said Matthew as fifty pounds, to have and to hold the 
foregoing pieces of land to him the said Matthew Talcott, 
his heirs and assigns forever, and that we, the subscribers and 
heirs to the estate of the said deceased, do for ourselves and 


heirs, etc., forever quit claim right and title that we have to 
said lauds and every part thereof unto him the said Matthew 
TALCorr, his heirs and assigns forever. 

Fifthly : To Abigail Wadsworth, the wife of the Rever- 
end Mr. Daniel Wadsworth, and her heirs and assigns forever, 
one half of the " meadow bridge " pasture in Hartford in quan- 
tity and quality, which said land bounds east on the " Great 
River," west on a highway, north on Capt. John Marshe's 
land, and south on land formerly Cadwell's, now Mr. John 
EUerv's, which shall be reconed to the said Abigail Wads- 
WORTH, one of the daughters of the said deceased, at one hun- 
dred and fifty-two pounds, according to apprizement. Also so 
much in the township of Hartland as is drawn by fifty pounds, 
on the list according to which it was granted to the said de- 
ceased in his life time, and shall be reconed to her at the sum 
of fifty pounds according to apprizement. Also one piece or 
lot of land in Stafford lying near the southwest corner of said 
town, bounded north on land formerly laid out to Colonel 
Whiting, south on land belonging to the Reverend Mr. Samuel 
Whiting, west on the town line ; containing according to its 
survey two hundred and fifty acres, and shall be reconed to 
her at two hundred and twenty pounds : To have and to hold 
the foregoing pieces and parcels of land set to her as afore- 
said, and to her heirs and assigns forever, with all the privileges 
appertaining thereunto to her and her heirs peaceable posses- 
sion and seizin ; and that we the said subscribers and heirs, do 
for ourselves and heirs, forever quit our claim, right and title 
to the said Abigail Wadsworth, her heirs and assigns forever, 
of the several pieces of land in this instrument set out to her 
and her heirs. 

Sixthly : That Eunice Hooker, the wife of Capt. Nathaniel 
Hooker, of Hanford, one of the daughters of the said deceased, 
shall have and hold to herself and heirs and assigns forever, one 
certain piece of land in said Hartford, in a teer of lots on the 
west side the " Woods River," called and known by the name 
of Bridgfield lots, butted and bounded east on said " Woods 


river," west on land sequestered for town commons, north on 
land of Thomas Hooker and south on land of Jonathan Ashly, 
wliich lot contains about iifty-two acres and half of land, ac- 
cording to its survey, and shall be reconed to her the said 
Eunice Hooker, as part of her portion at four hundred sev- 
enty two pounds, according as it was apprized at nine pounds 
per acre. To have and to hold the foresaid piece of land, with 
all the privileges thereunto belonging, and that we, the child- 
ren, heirs and subscribers, do for ourselves and heirs forever 
quit our whole right, title, interest and claim of all and every 
part of said land, with all the priveleges thereof unto her the 
said Eunice Hooker, her heirs and assigns and forever. 

Seventhly : That Jerusha Talcott, one of the daughters of 
the said deceased, shall have and hold for herself and heirs for- 
ever the several pieces and parcels of land hereafter set off to 
her, viz. : One third part of a " Great Lot " in Coventry con- 
taining in the whole lot two hundred and forty acres, and was 
apprized at six hundred pounds, two hundred of which, ac- 
cording to said apprizement, shall be reconed to her the said 
Jerusha and her heirs forever. Said lot lies at a place called 
" Bear Swamp," between Mr. Brigham's land and Sergt. Silas 
Strong's : Also a piece of land in said county the half of a lot 
lying towards the south bounds of said town of Coventry, but- 
ting in part, on land of John Robinson and Elisha Fitch, the 
whole lot being according to its survey, thirty-one acres and a 
quarter, and was apprized at one hundred and eighty-seven 
pounds, the half of which shall be reconed and is here set to 
the said Jerusha at ninety-three pounds ten shillings. To have 
and to hold the several pieces or parcels of land in this instru- 
ment set to her to be to her and her heirs and assigns forever, 
to her and their peaceable possession and seizin forever. And 
furthermore, we the rest of the heirs to the estate of the said 
deceased, and subscribers hereunto, do forever quit claim, right, 
title and interest of said pieces and parcels of land for our- 
selves and heirs forever. And furthermore the said Jerusha 
Talcott shall have for herself and her heirs and assigns for- 
ever, so much in Hartland as is drawn by thirty- one pounds 


according to the list by which it was granted to the said de- 
ceased in his life time, and be reconed to the said Jerusha as 
part of portion the sum of thirty-one pounds. To have and 
hold the same with all the privileges and appurtenances thereto 
belonging, and we the said subscribers and heirs of the said de- 
ceased, do for ourselves and heirs forever quit our claim, right, 
title and interest of and to the premises, to her the said Jebusha 
Talcott, her heirs and assigns forever to her use and behoof. 

Eighthly : That Helena Talcott, one of the daughters of 
the said deceased, shall have and hold for herself and heirs and 
assigns forever, so much land in Hartland as is drawn by 
thirty-one pounds according to the list, by which it was granted 
to the said deceased in his life time, and be reconed to the said 
Helena Talcott as part of portion the sum of thirty-one 
pounds according to said apprizement. Also one third part of 
a great lot of land in Coventry apprized at six himdred pounds, 
containing in the whole two hundred and forty acres, and is 
butted and bounded, and lies at a place called " Bear swamp," 
between Mr. Brigham's land and Sergt. Silas Strong's land, and 
shall be reconed to the said Helena Talcott as part of por- 
tion at two hundred pounds. Also one half of a lot in Coven- 
try lying towards the south bounds of said town of Coventry, 
butting on lands of John Robbinson and Elisha Fitch, the 
whole lot being, according to its survey, thirty-one acres and a 
quarter, and was apprized at one hundred and eighty-seven 
pounds. The half of said lot shall be reconed to the said 
Helena Talcott at ninety-three pounds ten shillings, as part 
of her portion of the estate of the said deceased. To have and 
to hold the several pieces or parcels of land in this instrument 
set to her -to be to her and her heirs and assigns forever : to her 
and their proper use and behoof. And furthermore we the 
subscribers and heirs to said estate of the said deceased, do by 
these presents quit claim, right, title and interest of said pieces 
and parcels of land for ourselves and heirs and assigns forever, 
unto her the said Helena Talcx)tt, her heirs and assigns for- 
ever to her peaceable possession and seizin, and at her dispose 


And it is further agreed by us the subscribers for ourselves 
and each of our heirs to and with each other, that we will and 
shall forever warrant and defend to each of the subscribers, to 
their heirs and assigns, all and every the above described pieces 
of land as they are to them severally and particularly set, from 
all claims and demands whatsoever, by any claiming to hold 
under us the subscribers. 

In confirmation whereof we have hereunto set our hands and 
seals interchangeably, this 25th day of December, 1742, and in 
the 16th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the 

JOHN TALCOTT and seal. 






Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of us, 


At a Court of Probate held at Hartford on the 25 th day of 
December, Anno Dom. 1742, Then John Talcott, Joseph Tal- 
cott, Samuel Talcott, Matthew Tallcott, Daniel Wadsworth and 
Abigail Wadsworth, Nathaniel Hooker and Eunice Hooker, 
Jerusha Talcott and Helena Talcott, signers and sealers to the 
foregoing instrument, personally appeared in court and acknowl- 
edged the foregoing agreement to be their free act and deed, 
and set to their hands and seals and acknowledged the same, 
which agreement and instrument is approved and ordered to 
be recorded and kept upon file. 

Attest, JOSEPH TALCOTT, Clerk. 



Helena, daughter of (35) Lieut.-Col. John Talcott and 
Helena Wakeman, was born in Hartford, June 17, 1674; 
married Cyprian Nif hols^ of Hartford, and had only one child 

74 Elimabeth, bapt. July 14, 1700 ; m. William Datknpobt, of Hart- 
foid, as his second wife. 

Helena^ the wife of Cyprian Nichols, died about 1703, and 
he married Mary, daughter of Samuel Spencer, May 24, 1705, 
and had several children. 

Cyprian Nichols died January 2, 1756, ae. 84 years. He 
was the son of Cyprian and Helen Nichols, was bom in 1672, 
and was Grandson of Cyprian who came from Witham, Essex 
Co., England. His widow, Mary died Feb. 15, 1756, se. 75. 


Rath, daughter of (35) Lieut«-Col. John Talcott and 
Mary Cook^ his second wife, was bom in Hartford, Sept. 12, 
1677, married John Read, of Boston, Mass., and had 

76 John, b. ITOO ; m. 1st and had 4 ch. ; 2d Sakah Bradley 

Dec. 17, 1750, and had 10 ch. He died in Fairfield, Conn., in 1786, 
». 86. 

76 iraHam, m. a Hawlej and went to Ohio. 

77 Rntti, m. Rev. Mr. Haus, of Fairfield, Conn. 

78 Mary, m. and went to Halifax. 

79 AbigaO. 

^^ Jokn Bead died in Boston in 1749. He was the son of 

Samuel Read and Hopestill Holebrook, of Mendon, and was 
bom about 1673, gratluated at H. C. 1697, and was for a time 
a di&tinguished preacher at Hartford, Conn., and owner of a 
large landeil estate, which involved him in several law-suits. 
Thinking he was better calculated for the Forum than the 
Pulpit, he left the ministry for the law, and practised it in 
Boston with great success and was ' unquestionably the great- 
est lawyer of his time/ He was a man of great wit and 
eccentricity of character, which peculiarities have been handed 
down to hi* descentlant* who are numerous in New York, Ver- 


mont and the Western States. "William, of Albany, and his 
son Joel, who married Mariana Townsend, are of this family. 
Samuel Read, the father of John, was the son of John Read, 
who came to America in the great fleet of 1630, who was sup- 
posed to be son of Williain Read and Lucy Henage, and 
brother to William, of Wymouth, and born 1598 ; was of 
Wymouth, 1637, Dorchester, 1638, and Braintree, 1643-4, and 
went with Rev. Mr. Newman to Relioboth (Attleborough). He 
was a man of large property for the times, and held various 
public oflSces. He lived at what was called the ' Run,' now 

Seekonk ; he married Sarah and had 13 children, of 

whom Samuel the above was the oldest. Samuel married 1st 
Hopewell Holbrook in 1668, and 2d Hannah. — John was the 
fourth child by Hopewell, and born about 1673. His wife 
HopeweU died Jan. 12, 1706. His 2d wife, Hannah, died 
Jan. 24, 1717.—" 


Rachel, daughter of (35) Lieut, -Col. John Talcott and 

Mary Cook, was born in Hai-tford, Ct., Feb. 23, 1681 ; married 
Gershom Buckley, of Fairfield. No children. 

Gershom Buckley was the son of Peter Bulckley, a Physi- 
cian, of Fairfield, who died March 25, 169J, in his 49th year. 
In his will he names daughters Grace and Margaret and son 
Peter, but not Gershom nor Dorothy, but these two are named 
in the will of his brother, the Rev. Gershom. 

The first of the name that came to this country was Peter, 
son of Edward Bulkley, D. D., of Odell, England. He was born 
at Odell, Hundreds of Willey, Bedfordshire, England, Jan. 31, 
1583 ; was bred at St. Johns College, Cambridge ; was A. M. 
1608. He had a considerable estate from his father; was a 
moderate non-conformist and succeeded his father in his 
native parish, when he served at the Altar for 20 years. He 
came out in the Susan & Ellen in 1635. His wife Grace, ee. 
33, appears to have embarked in another ship. He was first 
of Cambridge, next of Concord, and was installed minister 
April 6, 1637. He died March 9, 1659. His widow, Grace, 
Yemoved to New London where she died April 21, 1669. By 


his first wife Jane, dau. of Thomas Allen, of Goldington, Eng- 
land, he had Edward, bapt. at Odell June 17, 1614 ; Mary, 
bapt. Aug. 24, 1615, died an infant; Thomas, born April 11, 
1617 ; Nathaniel, bom Nov. 29, 1618, died ae. 9 years ; John, 
born Feb. 17, 1620, H. C. 1642 ; Mary, again, Nov. 1, 1621, 
died aged 3 years ; probably Joseph, and one or two more. 

By Grace, daughter of Sir Richard Chitwood, of England, 
he had Rev. Gershom, the third ordained minister of Wethers- 
field, Conn., b. Dec. 6, 1636, at Concord, H. C. 1655 ; Elizur, b. 
prob. 1638 ; Dorothy, Aug. 2, 1640 ; Peter (father of Gershom, 
who married Rachel, dau. of Lieut.-Col. John Talcott), 
b. Aug. 12, 1643. 

The Rev. Gershom Buckley, brother of the above Peter, was 
b. Dec. 6, 1636, at Concord, probably; graduated at H. C. 
1655 ; served during the Philip war as chyrurgeon to the Con- 
necticut Army, under Major Treat, and Major John Talcott, 
was wounded in March, 1675. 

" He was eminent for his great parts both native and ac- 
quired. He was universally acknowledged, besides his good 
religion and virtue, to be a person of great penetration and 
sound judgment as well in Divinity as Politics and Physic, 
having served his country many years successively as a Minis- 
ter, a Judge and a Physician with great honor to himself and 
advantage to others." He was settled as the third minister at 
Wethersfield, 1660. He married Sarah, dau. of Presd't Char- 
les Chauncey, Oct. 24, or 26, 1659, at Concord, Mass. She died 
June 3, 1699. They had 

Catharine, m. Richard Treat, of Wethersfield, N"ov. 23, 1704. 
Dorothy, m. Thomas Treat, of Glastenbury, Jan. 5, 1693. Dr. 
Charles, m. in New London. Peter, b. about 1664, m. Rachel, 
dau. of Capt. Samuel Talcott, March 21, 1700 ; lost at sea 
Nov. 21, 1701, 86. 37. Edward, b. 1672. Rev. John, b. 1679 ; 
H. C. 1699. 

Rev. Gershom Buckley died Dec. 2, 1713, in Wethersfield, 
where his monument bears the following inscription : 

" He was honorable in his descent, of rare abilities, extraor- 
dinary industry, excellent in learning, master of many Ian- 

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guages, exquisite in his skill in Divinity, Physics and Law, and 
of a most exemplary and christian life." 

'* In certam spem beatse resurrectione repositus." 


Hezekiah, son of (35) Lt.-CoL John Talcott and Mary 
Cook^ was born in Hartford, Ct., Feb. 24, 1685-6, married 

Jemima^ dau. of — Parsons, of Durham, Conn., 1711, 

and had 

81 John, b. Nov. 26. 1712; m. Sarah Parsons, of Hadly, 1737; d. 

Nov. 16, 1765. 

82 Jemima, b. Nov. 20, 1719. 

83 Mary, b. Feb. 16, 1722-3. 

84 Ann, b. Sept. 6, 1725 ; m. Israel Camp, Dec. 24, 1747 ; d. March 

18, 1765. 
86 Rachel, b. Sept. 30, 1728 ; m. Job Camp, Dec. 28, 1752. 

86 Rhoda, bapt. Felx 6, 1731-2 ; m. Jesse Cook, Oct. 27, 1766 ; d. July 

29, 1771. 

87 Eunice, bap. Feb. 1, 1735-6 ; m. 2d Elnathan Camp, May 23, 1759 ; 

d. Aug. 2, 1804. 

Hezekiah Talcott died in Durham, Ct., Feb. 13, 1764. 
Jemima, his wife, died in Durham, Ct., Feb. 2, 1757. 

Hezekiah Talcott was one of the original Proprietors of 
the town of Durham, whither he removed from Hartford soon 
after 1706, at wliich time the Settlement was first made. He 
was a leading man in the town and was much respected. He 
is the ancestor of Noah Talcott, who settled in the city of 
New York. The name is extinct in Durham at this time. 


John, the son of (51) Hezekia)i Talcott and Jemima 

Parsons^ was born in Durham, Conn., Nov. 26, 1712, married 
Sarah Parsons, of Hadley, 1737, and had 

88 Hezekiah, b. June 19, 1739 ; m. Sarah Johnson, March 28, 1765. 

89 Sarah, b. Sept. 1, 1741 ; m. Justus Webster. 

90 David, bapt. Oct., 21, 1744; m. Anna Lyman, Sept. 16, 1767; d. 

April 10, 1786. 

John Talcott died in Durham, Nov. 16, 1765. 




Ann, daughter of (51) Hezekiah Talcott and Jemimah jj 

Parsons^ was born in Durham, Conn., Sept. 6, 1725, and mar- [^ 

ried Israel Camp^ of Durham, Dec. 24, 1747, and had 1^ 

91 Phebe, b. Oct. 26, 1748. j 

92 Ann, b. May 20, 1750 ; m. Israel Qodderd, Feb. 3, 1769. 

93 Hezekiah, b. May. 21, 1752. 

94 Huldah, b. March 24, 1754. 

95 Rhoda, bap. Aug. 15, 1756. 

96 Rejoice (son), b. Oct. 23, 1759 ; m. Ruth Pickett, March 14, 1779. 

97 Sarah, b. April 30, 1763. 

Aiin^ the wife of Israel Camp, died March 18, 1765, and he 
married Mary Gurnsey, Dec. 24, 1766, and had Wait, b. Jan. 
29, 1768; m. Khoda Smithson, May 3, 1789; Lemuel, b. May 
5, 1770, and John, b. May 18, 1763. Israel Camp died Nov. 
5, 1807. 


Rachel, daughter of (51) Hezekiah Talcott and Jemima 
Parsons^ was born in Durham, Sept. 30, 1728, married Job 
Camp^ Dec. 28, 1752, and had 

98 Hannah, b. Oct. 15, 1758. 

99 Aaron, b. Feb. 18 1755. 

100 Oad, b. Jan. 3. 1757. 

101 Rachel, b. Dec. 13, 1758. 

102 Manoah, b. Dec. 31, 1760 ; m. Clarissa Bartlett, April 24, 1794 

103 Jerusha, b. May 19, 1763. 

104 Luke, b. July 28, 1765. 

105 Rebecca, b. July 12. 1767. 

106 Asher, b. July 29, 1769. 

107 Blenor, b. Aug. 28, 1771, 

108 Benoni, b. Sept. 7, 1773. 


Khoda, daughter of (51) Hezekiah Talcott and Jemima 
Parsons, was born in Durham, Conn., and bap. Feb. 6, 1731-2 ; 
married Jesse Cook (his second wife), Oct. 27, 1766, and had 

109 Edmund, b. Nov. 17, 1767 ; d. Feb. 17, 1768. 

110 Ruth, b. July 27, 1769. 

Bhoda, the wife of Jesse Cook, died July 29, 1771, and he 

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married for his third wife Ann Griswold, Oct. 20, 1771, and 
had Rhoda, b. July 15, 1772. His first wife was Ruth Fair- 
child, whom he married Oct. 22, 1760, and who died April 5, 


Eunice, daughter of (51) Hezekiah Taleott and Jemima 
Parsons^ was born in Durham, Conn., bap. Feb. 1, 1735, and 
married Elnathan Camp^ of Durham, May 23, 1759, and had 

111 Eunice, b. April 25, 1760 ; d. March 31, 1762. 

112 Taleott, ) b. March 4, 1762. 

113 Damaiiu, ( b. March 4, 1762 ; d. March 31, 1762. 

114 Eunice, b. June 23, 1764. 

115 David, b. Sept. 23, 1766 ; d. Oct. 13, 1808. 

116 Damaius, b. Dec. 21, 1768. 

117 Ann, bap. June 2, 1771. 

118 Anna, bap. June 28, 1772. 

119 Davis, bap. Feb. 19, 1775. 

120 Sylvester, bap. June 22, 1777. 

Eunice^ the wife of Elnathan Camp, died Aug. 2, 1804. 
Ehiathan Camp died May 12, 1807. 


Hezekiah, son of (81) John Taleott and Sarah Par- 
sons^ was bom in Durham, Conn., June 19, 1739, married 
Sarah Johnson, of Middletown, Conn., March 28, 1765, and 

121 Phebe, b. May 29, 1766 ; m. David Hull ; d. Jan., 1826. 

122 SaUy, b. July 30, 1768 ; m. Joel Cob, of Durham, Jan. 31, 1791 ; 

d. March 20, 1854. 

123 Elisha, b. 1770; m. Dolly Wetmore; killed May, 1807. 

124 Daniel, b. 1772 ; m. 1st Hannah Coe, Feb., 1797 ; 2d Artemesia 

HiGBY, widow, June, 1814 ; d. Jan. 13, 1847. 

125 Joel, b. 1774 ; m. Zilpha Kelsey ; d. April 16, 1813. 

126 Jesse, b. March, 1775 ; d. e. ; d. June 15, 1846. 

127 Johnson, b. Sept. 6, 1778; m. Altamira Cooley, July 1, 1805; d. 

Feb. 17, 1850. 

128 Parsons, b. 1780 ; m. Lois Wetmore, March 4, 1803 ; d. Jan. 6, 


129 Lucy, b. 1782 ; m. Ithimar Wetmore, 1803 ; d. 1852. 

Hezekiah Taleott died in Leyden, Lewis Co., N. Y., Marcli 



16, 1813, 8B. 75. Sarah, his widow, died in Ley den, Lewis Co., 
N. Y., Feb. 26, 1819, ». 76. 

Hezekiah Talcott removed from Durham, Conn., in 1798, 
to Leyden, was one of the earliest settlers of that town, and 
one of its prominent men. He lived to a ripe old age, and 
was a man of wealth and influence in the county. His numer- 
ous descendants are found not only in the county where he re- 
sided, but throughout the whole western part of the country. 

Phebe, daughter of (88) Hezekiah Talcott and Sarah 
Johnson^ was bom in Durham, Ct., May 29, 1766, married 
DaTid Hnll^ and had 

130 Talcott, b. d. s. 

131 IjOiii8a,b. 1803; m. Leicbsteb Holcomb» Marcli 31,1825; lived 

in Turin. She d. Jan. 30, 1876. 

132 David, b. Sept. 7, 1805 ; in. widow Lauba Lacy, Nov. 15, 1840 ; 

d. June 4, 1873. 

133 Lucy, b. April 4, 1808 ; m. David B. Coy, Dec. 4, 1828 ; d. Feb. 22, 

Phebe, wife of David Hull, died in Turin, Jan., 1826. 


Sally, daughter of (88) Hezekiah Talcott and Sarah 

Johnson^ was bom in Durham, Ct., July 30, 1768, married 
Joel Coe, of Durham, Jan. 31, 1791, and had 

134 Talcott, b. Dec. 21, 1791 ; m. Cynthia Auger, in Leyden, Jan. 26, 


136 Bunice, b. April 21, 1794 ; m. James Bbooks. She d. Jan. 18, 

1867. He d. Jan. 6, 1832. 

137 Chester, ) Leyden, Feb. 20, 1823; 2d Elizabeth Cory. 

Joel Coe and family removed from Durham, Conn., to Ley- 
den in N.Y., where he died, and his widow married Parsons, 

and lived in Paris, Oneida Co., where he died, and his widow 
returned to Leyden. Mr. Parsons was an old man when he 
married and lived but a few years after. 

Sally (Talcott) Parsons died in Leyden, N. Y., March 20, 

136 Lester, ) b. Sept. 13, 1796 ; m. Patty Hurlbubt. 

Twins, b. Sept. 13, 1796 ; m. 1st Clarissa Auger, in 



Ellsha, son of (88) Hezekiah Talcott and Sarah John- 
son, was born in Durham, 1770, married Dolly Wetmore, 
(b. April 27, 1772,) and had 

138 Sanger, b. Jan. 30, 1796 ; d. single, 1823. 

139 Webster, b. March 6, 1798 ; m. Elizabeth White, 1821 ; d. 1822. 

140 Ehnira, b. Jan. 24, 1802 ; m. George Monroe. She is living. 

He d. 1868. 

141 Sophira, b. Nov. 16, 1807 ; m. John Howell, May, 1828 ; d. April 

24. 1874. 

Elisha Talcott died in Leyden, N. T., May, 1807, and his 
widow married a White and removed to Canada, where some 
of his descendants are now living. 


Daniel, son of (88) Hezekiah Talcott and Sarah John- 
son, was bom in Durham, Ot., 1772 ; married Ist Hannah 
Coe, Feb. 22, 1795, and had 

142 Laura, b. Oct. 18, 1796; d. Nov. 12, 1819. 

143 Dennis, b. Nov, 15, 1799 ; m. Sarah Talcott ; d. Dec. 9, 1852 ; no 

ch. She d. Dec. 19, 1872. 

144 Julia, b. May 19, 1802 ; m. Harris Belknap ; d. Feb. 9, 1856 ; no 

146 David O., b. May 15, 1804 ; m. Polly Irish. He d. Feb. 9.1871. 

146 Albert 8^ b. Aug. 23, 1809 ; m. Almira Hill, March 24, 1839. 

Hannah, the wife of Daniel Talcott, died in Leyden, Nov. 6, 1813, and 
he married 2d the widow Artembsia Higby, June, 1814, and 

147 Francis H., b. March 28, 1815 ; d. s. Feb. 15, 1856. 

148 Iioucina H., b. Jan. 25, 1817 ; m. Peter Ward, Dec. 30, 1839 ; d. 

July 20, 1875. 

149 Sanfoxd, b. Sept. 30, 1819 ; m. RoxY Halliday, July 23, 1843. 

150 Laura A., b. Jan. 25, 1825 ; m. Orsamus Seymour, Jan. 10, 1841. 

Daniel Talcott died in Leyden, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1847. 
Artemesia, his widow, died in Leyden, N. T., Dec. 13, 1852. 


Joel, son of (88) Hezekiah Talcott and Sarah Johnson^ 

was bom in Durham, Ct., 1774; married Zilpha Selsey^ and 


161 ZOecta, b. March 31, 1803 ; m. Asher Wetmorb (had 4 children). 

She d. Aug. 31, 1841. He d. in 1867, «b. 78. 

162 Lucy M^ b. Sept. 17, 1806 ; m. Henry Fillet ; d. March 4, 1874. 

He d. Feb. 26, 1874, ». 73. 

163 Hezekiah O., b. May 3, 1809 ; m. Betsey D. Burdick, Dec. 22, 1833. 

164 Laura Ann, b. 1811 ; d. 1845. 

Joel Talcott and family lived in Lewis Co., N. T. (His 
family some forty years since removed to Stow, Portage Co., 
Ohio.) He died in Leyden, April 16, 1813. Zilpha, his 
widow, died in Stow, Sept. 20, 1844, aged 56 years. 


Johnson, son of (88) Hezekiah Talcott and Sarah 
Johnson^ was bom in Durham, Ct., Sept. 6, 1778 ; married 
Altamira Cooley, July 1, 1805, and had 

166 SaUy O., b. May 6, 1806 ; m. Jonathan C. Collins, April 12. 1826. 
166 Sophronia B., b. Aug. 28, 1807 ; m. Thomas Baksb, March 10, 

1851 ; no ch. 
157 Ralph, b. Oct. 24, 1811 ; d. Feb. 26, 1812. 

168 Adaline, b. July 8, 1812 ; m. Hannibal H. Kimball, Sept. 26, 

1838. She d. May 10, 1852 ; he d. Oct. 23, 1872. 

169 Jannett, b. Feb. 7, 1815 ; m. Howard Daniels, May 23, 1841 ; no 

ch. He d. in. Baltimore, Md. , Dec. 3, 1863. 

160 jMBe, b. April 24, 1818 ; m. Jai^ Bakeb, Oct. 2, 1842, in Leyden. 

161 John J^ b. May 5, 1820 ; m. Cornelia Dayan, Oct 10, 1843 ; d. 

March 29, 1853. 

162 Lodema A., b. March 24, 1823 ; m. Chester J. Munn, June 21, 


Johnson Talcott died in Leyden, Lewis Co., N. Y., Feb. 
17, 1850. Altamira, wife of Johnson Talcott, died in Leyden, 
Aug. 11, 1840. 


Parsons, son of (88) Hezekiah Talcott and Sarah 
Johnson^ was bom in Durham, Ct., 1780 ; married Lois Wet- 
more^ March 4, 1803, and had 

163 Eliza, b. July 6, 1806 ; m. John Potter, in Leyden, N. Y. ; no 

ch. ; d. 1874. 

164 Sarah J., b. March 24, 1808; m. Eliphalet Sears, Feb. 20, 1826. 

Live in Boonville, N. Y. 


166 Theodosia, b. Aug. 24, 1809 ; m. Elibha Sears. No ch. 

166 Lavina, b. Aug. 15, 1811 ; m. Harlow White, Jan., 1838. Live 

in Denmark, N. Y. 

167 Nozxis S., b. Nov. 27, 1816 ; m. Sophia Brooks, April 16, 1840. 

Live in Leyden, N. Y. 

168 OUve D., b. May 19, 1819 ; m. Aaron P. Miller, March 29, 1842. 

169 Parsons W, b. Jan. 10, 1821 ; m. Mart Van Patten, Oct. 17, 1850. 

Live in Kansas City. 

170 Cornelia A., b. Dec. 18, 1822 ; m, Lewis Cook, Feb. 8, 1849. Live 

in Utica. (He d. Oct. 20, 1872.) 

171 Ulman-G., b. July 27, 1825 ; m. Emma Clover, Feb. 25, 1852. 

Parsons Talcott died in Leyden, Jan. 6, 1849. Lois Wet- 
more, his widow, died in Oneida, N. Y., Sept 12, 1870. 


liUcy, daughter of (88) Hezekiah Talcott and Sarah 

John^n^ was bom in Durham, Ct., 1782 ; married Ithimar 
Wetmore, 1803, and had (bom in Leyden, Lewis Co., N. Y.) 

172 Leander, b. April 21, 1805 ; m. Betsey Lindsay, Oct., 1832; d. 

March, 1856. 

173 Ira, b. May 16, 1807 ; m. Mary McGregor, Oct. 80, 1834 ; d. Nov., 


174 Monis, b. April 16, 1809 ; m. Mary Pendleton, Feb., 1839; d. 

May, 1851. 
176 Oeorge, b. Jan. 2, 1814 ; m. Elizabeth Park, Feb., 1839; d. May, 

176 Lucy M^ b. Feb. 2, 1816 ; m. Joseph Case, May 9, 1843. 

177 Orlowr, b. April 8, 1819 ; d. single, Oct., 1856. 

Lucy^ wife of Ithimar Wetmore, died in Stow, O., 1852. 
Ithimar Wetmore died in Stow, O. They moved from Ley- 
den to Stow, O., about 1816. 


DaTid) son of (134) Daniel Talcott and Hannah Coe^ was 

torn in Leyden, May 15, 1804 ; married Polly Irish^ and had 

178 Daniel A., b. Oct. 24, 1830; m. L. Helen Dexter, Feb. 13, 1853. 

Live in Boonville. 

179 Lyman H^ b. April, 1831 ; m. Amanda J. Dexter, Dec. 25, 1 854. 

180 John. 

181 Levantia, b. Oct. 12, 1836; m. Theodore Oakley, Jan. 3,1855. 

Live in Boonville . 

182 Thomas, b. Sept. 4, 1850 ; m. Hatty O. Morrow, Oct. 23. 1871. 

BaTld Talcott died Feb. 9, 1871. His widow is still Uving. 



Albert, son of (124) Daniel Talcott and Hannah Coe^ 
was bora in Leyden, Aug. 23, 1809 ; married Almira Hill, 
March 24, 1839, and had 

183 JaUa, b. Nov. 11, 1840 ; d. March 3, 1842. 

184 Andrew A., b. May 24, 1842 : d. Jan. 16. 1864, in the armj. 
186 Sandford J^ b. April 24, 1844 ; unmarried. 

186 Earl J., b. AprU 26, 1846 ; m. Lora Eobbton, Aug. 14, 1869. 

187 Albert, b. Sept. 8, 1847 ; d. Feb. 26, 1848. 

188 Haniette E., b. Oct. 24, 1850 ; m. Sanfobd B. Shbrman, Aug. 

14, 1869. 

Albert Talcott and family reside in Leyden, Lewis County, 

K Y. 


Earl J., son of (146) Albert Talcott and Almira Hill, 

was bora in Leyden, April 26, 1846 ; married Lora Egerton, 
Aug. 14, 1869, and had 

189 Herbert A^ b. Sept. 4, 1870. 

190 Lula May, b. May 5, 1872. 

191 Adelbert H., b. March 17, 1874. j 

Earl J. Talcott and family are residing in Leyden, Lewis 
Co., N. T. He is a farmer by occupation. 


Harriette E., daughter of (146) Albert Talcott and 

Almira Hill, was born in Leyden, Oct. 24, 1850; married 
Sanford B. Sherman, Aug. 14, 1869, and had 

192 Albert, b. Aug. 23, 1870. 

193 Silaa A., b. April 16, 1872. 

194 Oora DeU, b. Jan. 11, 1874. 

Sanford Sherman and family reside in Leyden, Lewis Co. 
He is a farmer. 


liUcina H.^ daughter of (124) Daniel Talcott and his 
second wife Artemesia (widow of John Higby), was bora in 
Leyden, Lewis Co., N.T., Jan. 25, 1817 ; married Peter Ward, 
Dec. 30, 1839, and had 


196 EUia A., b. Dec. 31, 1841 ; m. Hbnbt Rockwell, Jan. 9, 1861. 

196 PhUetus, b. July 1, 1846. 

197 DeUa Adeline, b. June aO, 1850; d. April 19, 1865. 

198 RomajTuH^b. Nov. 8, 1852; m. Jxtlla. B. Oleabon, Dec 25, 


199 Oharlet D., b. April 22, 1856. 

200 Maxy EsteUe, b. July 3, 1859. 

201 WilUam H^ b. Dec. 7, 1862. 

Locina, wife of Peter Ward, died July 20, 1875. Peter 
Ward is a fanner and resides in Waseca, Minnesota. 


Sanfbrd son of (124) Daniel Taleott and Artemesia 
Higby, his 2d wife, was bom in Leyden, Sept. 30, 1819, mar- 
ried Boxy Halliday^ July 23, 1843, and had 

202 Susan, b. Oct. 27, 1846 ; m. Wbioht Phblps, March 4, 1867, 

of Kansas. 

203 Rosalinda, b. March 17, 1848 ; d. Jan. 28, 1856. 

204 Oeorge, b. Feb. 14, 1856 ; unmarried. 
206 Charles, b. April 3, 1858 ; unmarried. 

Sanford Taleott and his sons reside in Leyden, Lewis Co., 


Ijaura A.^ daughter of (124) Daniel Taleott and his sec- 
ond wife, Artemesia^ widow of John Higby, was bom in Ley- 
den, Lewis Co., Jan. 25, 1825, married Orsamus Seymour, 
Jan. 10, 1841, and had 

206 Helen Sharille, b. July 13, 1841. 

207 Abbey Hannah, b. Jane 6, 1843 ; m. Charlbs Phblps, May, 1862. 

208 Frances Harriette, b. May 31, 1852 ; d. Jan. 4, 1862. 

Orsamus Seymour and family are living in the town of 
Leyden, Lewis Co., N. Y. He is a farmer by occupation. 


Hezekiah C, son of (126) Joel Taleott and Zilpha 
Eelsey, was bom in Leyden, Lewis Co., N. Y., May 3, 1809, 
married Betsey D. Burdiek (b. Nov. 29, 1816), Dec. 22, 1833, 
and had (bom in Stow, Portage Co., O.) 


209 Hmarj X., b. Oct. 39, 1834 ; m. Mabt Asthoht, Aug. 17, 1861. 

210 Aiher M^ b. Nov. 1, 1836 ; m. Sakah J. Thomas, Feb. 33, 1865. 

211 CharlM Ob, b. Oct 31, 1838 ; m. Mabt J. Eyahs, Sept. 33, 1867. 

212 Mjxa v., b. Dec 3, 1840; m. Edwakd K. Phck, Jan. 28, 1863. 

213 Zilpha aI, b. Nov. 15, 1843 ; m, Lucius V. Stakk, Aug. 31. 1864. 

214 lH>renao iu, b. Feb. 16, 1844; m. Mart A. Peck, Sept. 36, 1867. 
216 EUen J., b. Aug. 37, 1847 ; m. Dascum Babnabd, Jolj 3, 1873. 

216 Emnui E^ b. Oct. 11, 1848 ; m. Mabtin HoLDRiDeK, Dec 34 1870. 

217 Ethe W., b. Aug. 14, 1852 ; annuiiTied. 

218 Elacto M^ b. July 18, 1856; nnmarried. 

Hezekiah Talcott and wife are living in Stow, Ohio. 


Charles Cr., son of (153) Hezekiah Talcott and Betsey 

Bnrdicky was bom in Stow, Portage Co., Ohio, Oct. 31, 1838, 
married in Kavenna, Ohio, Mary J. Eyans^ Sept 23, 1867, 
and had 

219 Luther E^ b. Much 14, 1869. in Kent, O. 

220 Wellman E^ b. Sept., 1870, in ParkmAn, O. 

221 Blanche, b. Jane, 1875, in Akron, O. 


Hjrra T., daughter of (153) Hezekiah Talcott and Betsey 

Bnrdiek^ was bom in Stow, Portage Co., Ohio, Dec 3, 1840, 
married Edward K. Peek^ Jan. 22, 1863, and had 

222 Norn O^ b. June 22, 1864, in Hndson, O. 

223 William H^ b. Sept. 20, 1869, in Stow, O. 


Zilpha, danghter of (153) Hezekiah Talcott and Betsey 
Burdick, was bom in Stow, Portage Co., Ohio, Xov. 15, 1842, 
married in Stow, Lneius V. Stark^ Aug. 31, 1864, and had 

224 Harry O., b. Jane 18, 1865 ; d. Jane 5, 1871. 

Lueius V. stark died Ang., 1868. 


Iiorenzo A., son of (153) Hezekiah Talcott and Betsey 

Bnrdiek^ was bom in Stow, Portage Co., Ohio, Feb. 16, 1844, 


married in Ravenna, O., Mary A. Peck^ Sept. 26, 1867, and 

226 NelUe Nina, b. Jane 7, 1869 ; d. May 8, 1870. 
Two died young, not named. 


Ellen J., daughter of (153) Hezekiah Talcott and Bet- 
sey Burdickt was bom in Stow, Portage Co., Ohio, Aug. 27, 
1847, married in Kent, Dascum Barnard^ July 3, 1873, and 

226 Oraoe, b. Nov. 13, 1874, in Stow. 


Emina £., daughter of (153) Hezekiah Talcott and 
Betsey Burdick^ was born in Stow, Portage Co., Ohio, Oct. 
11, 1848, married Martin Holdridge, Dec. 24, 1870, and had 

227 Myra Edith, b. Ang. 25, 1873, in Stow. 


Sally, daughter of (127) Johnson Talcott and Altamira 
Cooley, was bom in Leyden, Lewis Co., N. T., May 5, 1806, 
married Jonathan ۥ Collins, April 12, 1826, and had 

228 Andrew J., b. Jan. 9, 1828; m. Ann Runob, Sept. 18, 1855. 

229 John D., b. Dec. 6, 1830 ; m. Helen Jarrett, April 27, 1870 ; no 

ch. Utica. 

230 Homer L^ b. Dec, 23, 1832 ; m. Jennie £. HuxF0RD,Feb. 3, 1863. 



Adaline^ daughter of (127) Johnson Talcott and Alta- 
mira Cooley, was bom in Leyden, Lewis Co., N. Y., July 8, 
1812, married Hannibal H. Kimball^ of Columbus, Ohio, 
Sept. 26, 1838, and had 

231 Oharlea, b. Dec. 6, 1830 ; d. Sept. 4, 1840. 

232 Charles H., b. Jan. 24, 1841 ; d. May 22, 1842. 

233 Altamira J., b. Marcli 30, 1843 ; d. Feb. 18, 1845. 

234 EUen Grace, b. Sept. 2, 1845 ; m. Wm. P. Reed, of Columbus, 

O., Oct. 31, 1867. 


236 Frank H^ b. Oct. 26. 1847 ; single. Washington Ter. 

236 Oarroll T^ b. Dec. 21, 1850 ; m. Jessie Olessneb, Jane 28, 1875. 

237 Adaline, b. May 8, 1852 ; d. May 14, 1852. 

Adaline^ wife of Hannibal Kimball, died May 16, 1852. 
He died in Columbus, O., Oct. 23, 1872. 


Ellen Grace, daughter of (158) Hannibal H. Elmball 
and Adaline Taleott^ was bom in Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 2, 
1845, married William P. Keed, Oct. 31, 1867, and had 

238 Wmiam K., b. Jan. 80, 1869. 

239 Bessie Adaline, b. May 11, 1871. 

240 Dorothy Mott, b. Sept. 22, 1874. 

This last daughter of Mrs. Reed is named after the wife of 
the only Taloott who came to America, and our common 


Jannett, daughter of (127) Johnson Taleott and Alta- 
mira Cooley, was bom in Leyden, Lewis Co., N. T., Feb. 7, 
1815, married Howard Daniels^ May 23, 1841. They had no 

Howard Daniels died in Baltimore, Md., Dec. 3, 1863. He 
was an Architect and Landscape Gardener, and at the time of 
his death was superintending the erection of an extensive 
lunatic asylum, and had charge of the men who were working 
on the fortifications about Baltimore. 


Jesse, son of (127) Johnson Taleott and Altamira 
Cooley, was bom in Leyden, April 24, 1818, married Jane 
Baker^ Oct. 2, 1842, and had 

241 Jannett 8^ b. Feb. 21, 1844 ; m. James Pitcheb, Jnne 19, 1872. 

Live in Boonville. 

242 Florence tt, b. April 15, 1846; m. Chables Spencer, Sept., 

1868. Live in Chicago. 

243 Frank H., b. Nov. 13, 1849. Lives in Leyden. 

, 67 


John J., son of (137) Johnson Talcott and Altamira 
Cooley, was born in Leyden, May 5, 1820, married Cornelia 
Dayan^ Oct. 10, 1842, and had 

244 Charles D., b. July 20, 1844 ; m. Katb Ba.kock, April, 1870. 

Lives in Steabenville, Ohio ; no eh. 
246 Iieon, b. April 1, 1848 ; unmarried. Lives in Lowyille, N. Y. 


liOdema A., daughter of (127) Johnson Talcott and 
Altamira Cooley, was bom in Ley den, March 24, 1823, mar^ 
ried Chester 3. Mnnn^ June 21, 1854, and had 

246 Haxriette EMen, b. Aug. 19, 1855. 

247 MaxgaretU AdeUne, b. July 18, 1857. 

248 Martha Daniels, b. Dec. 12, 1859. 

249 Grace Kimball, b. Aug. 10, 1861. 

260 Chester Jennings, b. Aug. 7, 1865. 

The family is living in Leyden, N. Y, 


Sarah J., daughter of (128) Parsons Talcott and Lois 
Wetmore, was bom in Leyden, March 24, 1808, married Eli- 
phalet Sears, Feb. 2, 1826, in Leyden, and had 

261 Elmira M^ b. Sept. 20, 1827; unmarried. 

262 Henrietta, b. July 20, 1832 ; m. Geo. Sweet, Feb. 14, 1858. Live 

in Ohio. 

263 Emma J., b. Nov. 3, 1839 ; m. Stlyestbr Cook. Live in Boon- 


264 Sarah J., b. June 24, 1843; m. Hbnrt Alger, May 14, 1861. 

Lives in Martinsburgh, N. Y. 

Eliphalet Sears and family reside in Boonville, N. T. 


LaTina, daughter of (128) Parsons Talcott and Lois 
Wetmore, was bom in Leyden, Aug. 15, 1811, married Har- 
low White, Jan., 1832, and had 

266 Parsons B., b. AprU 7, 1834 ; m. A. Frank Campbell, May 18 , 


266 Znisa P^ b. Aug. 1, 1836 ; d. Feb. 27, 1853. 

267 Hanlord T^ b. Jan. 31, 1841 ; m. Wbsxayille J. Makchbsteb, 

June 17, 1862. 

268 Rodney H^ b. Nov. 12, 1844 ; m. Addis M. Bellinobb, Dec 24, 


269 laois A^ b. June 4, 1848 ; m. Robbbt Aoens, Dec. 21, 1869. 

Harlow White and family reside in Denmark, N. T. 


IV orris, son of (128) Parsons Talcott and Lois Wet- 
more, was bom in Leyden, Nov. 27, 1816, married Sophia 
Brooks, April 15, 1840, and had 

260 Viola 8^ b. Nov. 9, 1842 ; m. Robebt Perbib, Feb. 16, 1876. 

261 Robert P^ b. Oct. 1, 1844 ; m. CATHABms Eblet, Marcb 24, 1868. 

262 Addle J^ b. May 20, 1846 ; m. Clabk Cafbon, Sept 16, 1868. 

263 Emma R^ b. Jane 8, 1850 ; nnmanied. 

264 N. Wmette, b. Sept. 18, 1855 ; unmarried. 
266 Anna O^ b. July 6. 1857 ; unmarried. 
266 Oora BeUe, b. Aug. 28, 1859 ; unmarried. 

Norris and his family reside in Leyden, except Eobert, who 
lives in Lowville. 


OliTe D., daughter of (128) Parsons Talcott and Lois 
Wetmore, was bom in Leyden, May 19, 1819, married Aaron 
P. Miller^ March 29, 1842, and had 

267 Abiud G., b. Aug. 21, 1843 ; m. Ophelia A. Habvey, Sept. 21, 1867. 

268 Oarlton B^ b. Dec. 2, 1849 ; m. Maby Lane, Jan. 2, 1870. 

Aaron P. Miller died in Leyden, Oct. 2, 1863.^ 


Parsons H¥.^ son of (138) Parsons Talcott 'and Lois 
Wotmore, was bom in Leyden, Jan. 10, 1821, married Mary 
E. Van Patten^ Oct 17, 1850, and had 

269 Bngene, b. Sept. 1, 1851 ; unmarried. 

Parsons W. Talcott and family reside in Kansas City. 



Cornelia A., daughter of (128) Parsons Talcott and 

Lois Wetmore, was bom in Leyden, Dec. 18, 1822, married 
Lewis Cook, Feb. 8, 1849, and had 


271 Frank, b. Sept. 20, 1866. 

Lewis Cook died Oct. 20, 1872. OomeKa A., his widow, 
resides in Utica. 


Ulman, son of (128) Parsons Talcott and Lois Wet- 
more, was bom in Leyden, Lewis Co., July 27, 1825, married 
Emma CloTer, Feb. 25, 1852, and had 

272 Howard W., b. Dec. 16, 1852 ; d. Aug. 4, 1854. 

273 SherriU O., b. Nov. 3, 1857. 

274 Jennett O., b. April 11, 1860. 
276 Gkurdner U., b. March 17, 1862. 

276 Jane E., b. Aug. 27, 1866. 

277 Ella M., b. Oct. 7, 1869. 

Ulman Talcott and family reside in Oneida Co., N. T. 


Daniel A., son of (145) Darid Talcott and Polly Irish^ 

was bom Oct. 24, 1830, married L, Helen Dexter, Feb. 13, 

1853, and had 

278 Ida L., b. March 8, 1854. 

279 Oasie D. Elton, b. Jan. 8, 1867, d. y. 

280 Oarzie H., b. May 26, 1868. 

Daniel A. Talcott and family reside in Boonville, N. T. 


liynian H., son of (145) Darid Talcott and Polly Irish, 

was bom April, 1831, married Amanda 3. Dexter, Dec. 25, 

1854, and had 

281 Ettie A., b. Aug. 3, 1859. 

JLeTantla^ daughter of (145) Dayid Talcott and Polly 


Irish^ was born Oct. 12, 1836, married Theodore OaUey^ 

Jan. 3, 1855, and had 

282 Armittui, b. Aag. 4, 1858 ; d. Feb., 1803. 


Thomas, son of (145) David Talcott and Polly Irish, 

was born Sept. 4, 1850, married Katy 0. iorrow, Oct. 23, 
1871, and had 

283 Liz2de A., b. July 17, 1873. 

284 OaMie, b. June 14, 1875. 

Susan, daughter of (149) Sanford Talcott and Boxy 
Halliday^ was bom in Leyden, Oct., 27, 1846, married Wright 
Phelps^ March 4, 1867, and had 

286 Edwin, b. Aug., 1868. 

286 Ella, b. Nov., 1871. 

Wright Phelps and family reside in Kansas. 


l^ebster, son of (123) Elisha Talcott and Dolly Wet- 
more, was bom March 6, 1798, married Elizabeth White, 
1821, and had 

287 Elisha W., b. March 27, 1822 ; m. Sarah Noxbn, May 22, 1844. 

Webster Talcott died in 1822. 


Elmira, daughter of (123) Elisha Talcott and Dolly 
Wetmore, was born Jan. 24, 1802, married George Monroe, 

and had 

288 Sanger, b. 181d. 

George Monroe died in 1868. His widow is still living. 

Sophira, daughter of (123) Elisha Talcott and Dolly 


Wetmore^ was bom Nov. 16, 1807, married John Howell, 
May, 1828, and had 

289 Helen Maziah, b. Feb. U, 1880 ; d. Sept. 18, 1881. 

290 John Oolborn, b. Sept. 6, 1832 ; d. Oct. 14, 1882. 

291 Samuel Stanley, b. March 8, 1884 ; m. Elbcta Ann E. Wblls, 

April 26, 1851 ; had 4 sons and 2 daughters. 

292 John Ooiaboume, b. June 22, 1888 ; m. Susan Clafp, April 26, 

1868, and had one daughter. 

8opliii*a, wife of John Howell, died April 24, 1874. 


Elisha 1¥., son of (139) Webster Talcott and Elizabeth 
White, was bom March 27, 1822, married Sarry Noxen, 
May 22, 1844, and had 

293 Eunice, b. Sept. 2, 1845 ; m. William G. Clark, May 28, 1864. 

294 Jamea Webiter, b. Jan. 10, 1848 ; m. Anna Jaokiion, Sept. 4, 

296 Freeman, b. June 21, 1850. 

296 Lydia Maria, b. March 7, 1858; m. Amos Coopbb, Feb. 5, 1878. 

297 Jonathan, b. June 21, 1855. 

298 PhiUp, b. May 17, 1858. 

299 Bmily, b. March 8, 1860. 

Elisha W. Talcott and family reside in Bloomfield, Prince 
Edward Co., Ontario, Canada. 


Enniee, daughter of (287) Elisha W. Talcott and Sarry 
Noxen, was bom Sept. 2, 1845 ; married William G. Clark, 

May 23, 1864, and had 

300 Webrter Taloott, b. Jan. 13, 1867. 

301 William G. Olark, d. Aug. 21, 1878. 


James I'Tebster, son of (287) Elisha W. Talcott and 
Sarry Noxen, was bora Jan. 10, 1848, married Anna Jack- 
son, Sept. 4, 1872, and had 

302 Anna I«oretta, b. June 10, 1878. 

liydia Maria, daughter of (287) Elisha W. Talcott and 


Sarry Noxen^ was bom March 7, 1853, married Amos Cooper^ 
Feb. 5, 1873, and had 

303 WiUiun BmMt, b. Sept. 12, 1874. 


Darid, son of (81) John Talcott and Sarah Parsons^ 

was born in Durham, Oonn., and baptized Oct. 21, 1744, mar- 
ried Anne^ daughter of Thomas and Anne Lyman (b. Jan. 10, 
1747), Sept. 16, 1767, and had 

304 Noah, b. Aug. 7, 1768 ; m, Eliza. Wood, March 5, 1803 ; d. March 

26, 1840. 

305 Anne, bap. Aag. 5, 1770 ; m. Tha.ddb0S Squirbs, of Durham. 

306 Rho<U, bap. Aug. 23, 1772 ; m. Joseph Scbanton, Nov. 29, 1792. 

307 Rachel, bap. Maj 11, 1774. 

308 Sukey, m. Milbs Hall, of Durham. 

309 Ennioe, b. 1777 ; m. Christophbb Jonbs, d. 1859. 

310 Sally, m. Stbphbn Stowb. 

311 David, m. in New Orleans. 

312 Daniel, b. 1784 ; sailed from Savannah for New York in 1824 or 

5, never heard from. 

Dayid Talcott died in Durham, Conn., April 10, 1786. 


SToah, son of (90) Dayid Talcott and Anne Lyman^ was 

bom in Durham, Conn., Aug. 7, 1768, and was married to 
Eliia Woods^ of Oxford, England, by Bishop Moore in Trinity 
Church, New York, March 5, 1803, and had 

313 William Woods, b. Feb. 29, 1804 ; bachelor in 1874. 

314 Elisa Woods, b. July 31, 1806 ; m. Daniel Stows, June, 1824. 

315 Frederick I.., b. Feb. 22, 1813; m. Habribt Nswbix Bubn- 

HAM, April 30, 1842. 

316 Emily M., b. Sept 23, 1816 ; m. Wnjxuc H. Wtkofp, 1831, and 

died July 8, 1839. 

317 Daniel W., b. Oct, 35, 1823 ; bachelor in 1874. 

Noah Talcott died in New York, March 26, 1840. Eliza, 
his widow, bom in Oxford, June 28, 1787 ; died in New York, 
Nov. 5, 1866. 

The following norioe of Noah Talcott is taken from the 
*•= Old merchants of New York," page 270. 


" How many of the aged of this city, who are rapidly passing 
away, will remember the venerable Noah Taloott, who passed 
along Wall street, with a slight stoop. He was mild and 
gentle as a lamb, yet what a magnificent merchant he had been 
in his prime of life. He had a brother, David Taloott. They 
were in partnership together. Afterward David went to New 
Orleans, a large commission merchant, factor, etc., under the 
firm of Talcoti & Bowers. Mr. Bowers was a brother to 
N. Bowers, now living in Brooklyn, and very rich. 

These Talcoti brothers came from New England. I think 
they were descended from Noah Taloott, who was from 1724 
to 1741, a period of seventeen years. Governor of the Connec- 
ticut Colony (evidently a mistake ; Joseph Taloott was Gov- 
ernor, and this Noah descended from Hezekiah, his brother, as 
• seen above). 

When the New England Society of the State of New 
York was formed in this city, in the spring of 1805, for 
the purpose of friendship, charity and mutual association, 
among its firet members were David and Noah Taloott and 
George Taloott, Jr. (The latter descended from Capt. Samuel 
Taloott, an Uncle of the Governor and a graduate of Harvard 
College, became a Brigadier-General and Chief of the Ord- 
nance Corps of the U. S. Army.) Noah Taloott was a life 

In 1798, he formed a partnership with one of the Ellis mer- 
chants. The firm was Taloott & Ellis, and their place of 
business was upon Steven's wharf. In 1809 the firm dissolved, 
and Noah Taloott established himself as a commission merchant 
at No. 228 Front street. In 1803 he moved his store to Mur- 
ray's wharf. That year, March 5, he was married to Miss Woods 
by Bishop Moore of Trinity Church. Two years after he 
removed his store to 64 South street and his residence to 
' Bowery Hill.' 

How soon a smart young son of New England would get 
into a large business in the olden time. Whenever the old 
ship 'Joseph' arrived from London, she had a valuable invoice 
for Noah Taloott. The schooner ' Peggy ' traded between this 
port and Martinique, and belonged to Mr. Taloott. The 



schooner ' Ann Margaret' and the ' Robert Martha' also were 
owned by him. He was largely in the Holland trade. 

In 1810, there was no merchant in New York who was doing 
as large a business as Mr. Taloott. 

In 1811, when at No. 64 South street, Noah took into part- 
nership his brother David, under the firm of N. ife D. Talcoti, 
and they kept together until 1819. He was alone again till 1825, 
when he took into partnership a Mr. Lyman and continued 
till 1827, under the firm of Talcott ife Lyman. During the 
years of 1826 and 1827 the operations of this house in cotton 
alone were enormous. 

In 1831 he opened a cotton broker's office at 58 Wall street. 
How well the venerable old gentleman was known in this city 
at that period of his history, now nearly thirty-five years ago. 
He had a gentle way with him that commanded deep esteem.* 

I ought to mention that Mr. Talcott was one of the best 
judges of cotton in the "city of New York. In 1834 he took 
into partnership in his large business, his son Frederick L. Tal- 
cott, and the firm became Noah Talcott & Son, and so con- 
tinued until 1839 (1840) when the fine old gentleman died. 
The house is still kept up under the firm of Talcott Brothers. 

It is a good old race these Talcotts and creditable to the 
city. They are a regular breed of merchants, honorable and 
worthy of the good old founder." 


Frederick li., son of (304) Noah Talcott and Eliza 

Woods, was bom in New York, Feb. 22, 1813, married Har- 
riot Newell Burnham, April 30, 1842, and had 

318 Frederick L., b. May 11, 1843 ; m. Mamb Picakd, March 4, 1873. 

319 August Belmont, b. July 4, 1844; m. Therese Polhamus, May 

4, 1868. 

320 James Oarlton, b. Nov. 25, 1846 ; m. Laura Belknafp, Jan. 80, 


321 Minnie AUce, b. May 12, 1851. 

322 Harriet Elliot, b. Feb. 11, 1856 ; m. James R. Harrison, Dec. 10, 


323 Edward Baker, b. Jan. 21, 1858. 

324 Florence Louise, b. Dec. 2, 1864. 

■orRiCK L ta; cott ^.zq 


.> ^l• Was C'-In, 

* \-.. r.4 *,ni(}i ^tr-c.-t. \.*AH !o -iv into l»'il'*- 
*' . (•|,i'-.:;(/ii< <.f tills !ir>u.:i'-^ ill cot I ''11 

- t 

. ' '':■]<- A\::v \\]*\\ }in,» t!;at oM^.K!Vihdf«l dco^- rvt<- .,t/ 
■ - • • t:» n>eMt''>n ^.at Mr. Taloott wa.^ ♦>ne oi I't* * -' 
':•' ' *■" <•' *N>n ill tL*. 'v!ry <>f Ni.^^v ^^>:-k. In H-'*!- he Uu^k 

■- ' •- ' ; : ' I'-; wh( M i][0 fiiie old ir<-'iitleinart d'tni, 

: ■ • • •■ '. .'-v. riio^i^ Txi.coiT- ail'! crp'li*^ jlile to ttie 
• . I- '''-ula:' I't'ct'd of UK-ivlian*s, liouoraLJe -oi., 

I i i'.H i*it'k li., soil (»f u{04) X<>:v]. Talcolt and Eliza 

•-- :- ^ ,» > l.oni iu \o\v Yi'r]i, p\-},. f>2, lSir>, mnrrli-! Har- 
' " \M *^ Hiirnh.jii, Aniil .ju, 1S4:3, aiid liad 

• -. J *-\ ..,,;-** >: •-- 1 «.- or ♦ , h, T ■ ■ ' y 1 , 1 > \ t ; ni. T 1 1 K ;a:s k Po j ii \ m t. ' . M . v 

', ' " -^ 
S/.O J.-.t-^^-'. f-'-? ' . b y<A. C"), isai; m. L v h.^ '' Li nat>p. .f i ;;.: 

1- . 
321 l^^.^ivic / L- ; ]. M;,, .. 1.-.--1 
;22 Hirrler rrj^» !,. f-. o .i,iS->f.: ni. Jam?-- X{. ['^KK;M'^ ' 

■■'1 Plorenctj juo'-Uhe. o. bt-c, 2, h^Oi. 



Frederick L. Talcott was a prominent and influential 
cotton broker in New York city, first with his Father, from 
1834 until his death, March 26, 1840, and subsequently with 
his brother, Daniel W., until 1859. He is now, July 20, 
1876, in business with his sons, Fredeeiok L., Jr., and August 
Belmont, under the firm of Taloott & Sons, connected with 
the New York Stock Exchange. 


Rhoda, daughter of (90) David Talcott and Anne 
Lyman^ was born in Durham, Aug. 23, 1772, married Joseph, 
son of Timothy Scranton, of North Madison and Hamden, 
Nov. 29, 1792, and had 

325 Anna, b. Dec. 20, 1793 ; m. Woostbr Walkbr, of New Haven. 

326 Lavenia, b. April 23, 1796 ; m. Sby&iour Livingston, of New 


327 lioyal, b. March 17, 1798 ; m. Phbbe Ann Olmstbad. 

328 David, b. July 24, 1800 ; m. Elizabbth Granniss, of Fair Haven. 

329 Bmma, b. June 14, 1802 ; m. E. H. Amblbr. 

330 Joseph Alonzo, b. July 14, 1804 ; m. Mart Ann T(X)hacb:. 

331 Frederick, b. Dec. 21, 1806. 

332 Eliza T., b. Sept. 17, 1809 ; m. Chas. P. Brown, of Houston, Tex. 

333 Dsuiiel T., b. June 29, 1812 ; m. Mart Bakbr, of New York. 
3^ Anna JenneUe, b. July 11, 1814; m A. S. Hull, Aug. 24, 1835. 

Joseph Scranton died Dec. 20, 1820. Bhoda^ his widow, 
died in 1855. 


Frederick L., sou of (315) Preierick L. Talcott and 
Harriet N. Bnrnham^ was born in New York city, May 11, 

1843, married Mame Picard, March 4, 1873, and had 

335 Harriet N., b. May 19, 1875. 


Augrast Belmont, son of (315) Frederick L. Talcott 
and Harriet N. Bnrnham^ was bom in New York city, July 4, 

1844, married Therese Polhamns^ May 4, 1868, and had 

336 Bnrnham, b. May 8, 1870. 

337 Louis Qureau, b. May 8, 1873. 

338 Auf^ust Balmont^ Jr., b. Nov. 13, 1874. 



James Carl ton, son of (315) Frederick L. Talcott 

and Harriet N. Barnham^ was bom in New York city, Nov. 
25, 1846, married Laura Belknap^ Jan. 30, 1871, and liad 

339 Daniel W., Jr., b. Jalj 9, 1872. 

340 Anna MoNahy, b. Mny 7, 1874. 
340i Jamei Carlton, b. Jan. 80, 1876. 


Harriet Elliot, daughter of (315) Frederick L. Talcott 
and Harriet N. Burnham^ was bom in New York city, Feb. 
11, 1856, was married to James R. Harrison^ by Eev. H. A. 
Weston, of St. Paul's Church, Dec. 10, 1873, and had 

341 Jamei R., Jr., b. Aug. 21, 1875. 


liieut. John, the son of (45) Got. Joseph Talcott and 
Abigail Glark^ of Milford, was bom in Hartford, Conn., Feb. 
27, 1698-9, and married Abigail Theobald^ of Milford, Ct., 
Dec. 30, 1725, in Windsor, and had 

342 Sarah, b. Oct. 5, 1728 ; m. Timothy Loomis, of Windsor, Jan. 31, 

1749 ; had 3 children and died Dec. 19, 1756. 

343 Eunice, b. Jan. 6, 1731 ; m. Wells. 

344 John, b. April 9, 1788 ; lost bis reason hy a fall. 

345 Ann, b. April 1, 1785 ; m. Dr. Solomon Smith, of Hartford. Had 

four sons and three daughters. She d. 1784. 

346 Jerusha, b. Oct. 8, 1739 ; m. James Roberts, of Windsor, Oct. 5, 

1767, and had 5 children. 

347 Daniel, bap. Sept. 23, 1744; m. Eunice Mookb, of Windsor. 

348 Abigail, unmarried. 

Lieut. John Talcott died 1772. Abigail Theobald, his 
widow, died in 1788. 


Joseph, son of (45) Got. Joseph Talcott and Abigail 
Clark, was bom in Hartford, Feb. 17, 1701-2, married Esther, 
daughter of John Pratt, of Hartford (who was a grandson of 
John Pratt, the original settler of that name), April 27, 1727, 
and had 

349 Joseph, bap. Aug. 11, 1738 ; m. Esther Bliss, of Springfield, Oct. 

16, 1774. 


360 Mary, b. Aug. 9, 1729 ; m. Josbfh Church, of Hartford, Dec. 
18, 1775. Thej had Mary, Esther, Abigail. 

351 Susannah, b. Aug. 9, 1780 ; d. s. ; d. 1797. 

352 Esther, b. June 24, 1731 ; m. Noadiah Russell, of Thompson, 

March 15, 1758. 

353 Abigail, b. Nov. 21, 1785 ; m. George Caldwell, of Salisbury, 

Ct., Feb. 12, 1769. 

Joseph Talcott died in Hartford, July 3, 1799. He was 
Treasurer of the Colony of Connecticut from 1755 to 1769. 


Of Joseph Talcott, son of Governor Joseph, Nov. 26, 1780. 

In the Name of God, Amen. I, Joseph Talcott, of Hart- 
ford, in the county of Hartford, and State of Connecticut, being 
advanced in years, yet of good health of body and of sound 
mind and memory do make and ordain this to be my last Will 
and Testament, disposing of my temporal estate as follows, viz.: 
I appoint my only son, Joseph Talcoti, Jr., to be my sole 
executor of this my last Will and Testament, desiring him to 
discharge all my just debts out of the debts due to me from 
many persons or otherwise if he thinks proper. 

Imprimis : I give and bequeath to my said son and to his 
heirs and assigns forever, all my lands and buildings in said 
Hartford, with this proviso that he pay the several legacies 
hereinafter given to my daughters. Also I give him, my said 
son Joseph, all my team tackling, as carts, plows, harrows, 
yokes and chains, and every other tool or implement belonging 
to husbandry farming. Also my silver hilted sword and belt, 
and my silver tankard ; my guns or fire arms, my wearing 
apparel and buckles or buttons of every kind and sort ; and the 
legacies hereafter in this will that is not made up to them in 
my life time, shall be paid at the rate of silver as six shillings 
and eight pence per ounce or six shillings to a silver dollar or 
an equivalent thereto. 

Itein : I give and bequeath to my daughtier, Maky Chukch, 
and to her heirs and assigns forever, the goods and household 
furniture which she had provided for her at the time of her 
marriage with Mr. Joseph Church, amounting according to my 


account, to the sum £75 68. 9rf., and to her husband, Mr. 
Joseph Church, and to my said daughter one note of hand for 
money said Mr. Church borrowed, the principal being £19 4*., 
the interest at six per cent amounting to the sum of £20 15*. 4^., 
to September, 1776. And I also have given my said daughter 
Mary a deed of my land in the township of Hartland, in the 
county of Litchfield, being about 70 acres, which I value to 
her at 10s, per acre amounting to the sum of £35, all which 
sums amount to the sum of one hundred and fifteen pounds 
and six shillings lawful money. I also give to my said daughter 
Maby, the sum of fifty-four pounds fourteen shillings lawful 
money to be paid to her by my executor out of executions the 
said Joseph Church had to collect, or as my said executor may 
think proper, amounting for her portion in the whole to one 
hundred and seventy pounds lawful money. In the above 
account there was six silver spoons which said Mary had not 
charged to her, the value of which must be subtracted out of 
what is given her. 

Itetn: To my daughter Esther Kussell, the wife of the 
Keverend Noadiah Russell, I have already given her by my 
amount at her marriage with the said Mr. Russell, the sum of 
£101 0*. 9</. I also lent to the said Mr. Russell in hand 
money, £24, for which he gave me his note on interest at 6 
per cent to September, 1776, amounted to £24 9«. 6d. I also 
give her and her heirs out of my estate the sum of twenty pound 
ten shillings more to be paid her by my executor which makes 
her full portion of one hundred and seventy pounds. 

Itein : I give and bequeath to my daughter Abigail Cald- 
well, which she received of me about the time of her marriage 
with Mr. George Caldwell in household furniture to the amount 
of forty-nine pounds, seventeen shillings and three pence. I 
have already given by deed of gift to my said daughter Abigail 
the one-half of my rights of land in the township of Winchester, 
in the county of Litchfield, which half of said rights so given 
contains about 95 acres more or less at ten shillings per acre 
amounts to the sum of forty-seven pounds t^n shillings lawful 
hard money, making with said household furniture, ninety- 
seven pounds, seven shillings and three pence. I also give her 


the sum of seventy-two pounds twelve shillings and nine pence 
in moveable estate which in all makes one hundred and seventy 
pounds, being her full portion of my estate. 

Iterrh: I give and bequeath to my daughter. Susanna Tal- 
OOTT and to her heirs and assigns forever, the sum of twenty-one 
pound nine shillings and six pence as part of her portion 
which she has already received in money, and also I have given 
her a deed of the one-half of my aforesaid Winchester land 
which I value to her at forty-seven pounds ten shillings, both 
of which sums amounts to sixty-eight pounds nineteen shillings 
and six pence. I also give to my said daughter Susanna, one 
hundred and one pounds and six pence, which will make her 
portion to amount to one hundred and seventy pounds lawful 
money to be paid her out of my moveable estate, or by my 
executor as he or my said daughter may agree ; and whereas 
my said daughter, Susannah, hath taken a great deal of care 
of her mother, deceased, and of me in my advanced age, as a 
recompence for her extraordinary trouble, I give to her one 
good feather bed, which she shall choose, and under bed 
and bolster, two pillows and cases, bedstead and rope, and 
one pair of curtains and Vallance, and two good coverlids 
for said bed, and all my silver spoons and silver pepper 
box and tea tongs, and ten pounds in money. I also give 
to my said daughter, Susanna, one middling cow to her dis- 
pose ; ordering my executor to pasture said cow in summer 
and provide stover for said cow in winter yearly, and give the 
same to said cow yearly so long as the said Susanna remains 
a single woman and lives in Hartford, and also her mother's 
clothes and what linen cloth of any denomination whatever 
belongs to my estate at my decease, I give the same to my 
said daughter Susanna, as sheets, table cloths, napkins, towels, 
etc. ; I also give to my said daughter the privilege of living in 
one of the lower rooms in my dwelling-house, either the east 
or the west and which she shall choose, with the chamber over 
said room so long as she remains unmarried, and a small privi- 
lege in my cellar sufficient for her use, and also the privilege 
of a piece of my garden the north side thereof, two rods wide 
of the north side, for her improvement during the time she 


remaius single, and provided my said son, Joseph, should 
refuse to let my said daughter, Susanna, live in my house as 
aforesaid, then in lieu thereof, I give and bequeath to the said 
Susanna otie piece of land in said Hartford, and called the 
" Richards lot," being two acres and a small piece of land near 
the *' Meadow Bridge," butting westerly on the creek for her 
improvement during her life, and if the debts due to me, and 
any moveable estate be not suflScient to discharge my debts 
and legacies given by this Will, then I order my said son to 
pay the same out of what I have given him. 

And when my executor has paid and discharged my debts 
and funeral expenses, and the legacies to my said several 
daughters given them by this Will, all the rest and residue of 
my estate, whether real or personal wheresoever it may be, 
shall be and remain to him, his heirs and assigns forever. 

In witness of the foregoing, I have hereunto set my hand 
and seal in Hartford this 16th day of September, A. D. 1779. 

Signed, sealed and declared by the testator to be his last 
Will in the presence of us witnesses. 

Now, before signing, whereas I have counted to the afore- 
said Susanna and Abigail, my daughters, my land in Win- 
chester, and counted only on two ninety-live acre lots, since 
which time there is laid out a third ninety-five acre lot to me 
or them, the said Susanna and Abigail, and the taxes on said 
lands increasing annually, I therefore hereby give and confirm 
unto them the said Susanna and Abigail, their heirs and 
assigns forever, the last lot of ninety-five acres laid out in said 
Winchester to me or them. 

In witness that this is my last Will and Testament, I have 
hereunto signed, sealed and declared the same to be my last 
Will and Testament, this 26th day of November, A. D. 1780, 
in the 5th year of our independence. 

J. TALCOTT, a seal. 

In presence of us witnesses, 
William Jepson, 
John Inbicott, 
Timothy Spencer. 




7)escenelant,s o/*^Vaikant»J Ta/coU, 
Son of^ (rov.tJoseph, TaJcott 

Salhrk <*; Roarers. yJlhtryMl 

^ . ■^ . .\ . ' .\ 



Hannah Hfrris, of 
PVtimtn^ton , !2>e2. 








^oi on JVAee^fr 


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of Cayuga Co.jIlOr 


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^tcAarxil?. =^ PA^e J. n^ood, of 

W0stoh ester, Co.^y 

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y.-Miar'y Ida 

^PAeUSOa HMudson. 




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^ onr'^- "^i'\ >." <' 1^ 

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jKTathantel, the son of (45) Hoy. Joseph Talcott and 

Abigail Olark^ was born in Hartford, Conn., Nov. 26, 1702, 
married Hannali Ferris, of Willmington, Del., and had 

354 Gkdcui, m. Sarah Caustin, Sept. 18, 1766. 

356 Anna, m. Dobson Whbbler, Oct. 15, 1743, of New Castle, Del. 

Nathaniel Talcott joined the Society of Friends in New 
Milford^ Conn., against the wishes of his father, who, after he 
had labored in vain to reclailn him from what he considered a 
dangerous and fatal delusion, banished him from his house and 
disinherited him^ 

C^aias, son of (67) Nathaniel Talcott and Hannah Ferris, 

was born in New Milford, married Sarah, daughter of Joseph 
Caustin, Sept. 13, 1766, and had 

366 Joseph, b. Jane 12, 176o ; m. Sarah Hawj^hurst, 1789 ; d. Aug« 
20, 1853. 

357 fianiiaft, f>. 1770 } A. 1791. 

i^ains Talcott with eight others purchased a l^rge tract of 
land in Dutchess Co., N. Y., known as the *' Nine partners." 

He died and his widow married Doctor Lott Tripp, of 

Hudson, If . Y. 

Joseph, son of (3^4) Gains Talcott and Sarah Caustin, 

was born at New Milford, Conn., June 12, 1768, married 
Sarah Hawxhurst at " a mieeting held in Purchase, ^. T.," 
Aug., 1789, and had 

358 Riohatfd, b. July 9, 1791 ; m. Mary Valentine, of Philadelphia, 

May 5, 1815 ; d. July 17, 1876. 

359 Daniel, b. Aug., 1793 ; m. Rebecca T. Underhill, of Croton Pt., 

May. 1818. 

360 Hannah, b. Sept., 1796 j m. Slocum Howland, of Cayuga Co., 

Sept., 1821 ; d. Sept., 1867. 

361 Phdbe, b. Nov., 1799 ; m. ; d. July, 1870. 

Joseph Tallcot died at " Sherwood's Corners," Aug. 20, 
1853. Sarah, his widow (bom Oct. 27, 1769), died in 1864. 



Joseph Tallcot was in partnership for some time with his 
stepfather Dr. Tripp, but on account of ill health he retired 
from the firm and purchased a farm in the town of Washing- 
ton, Dutchess Co., in the year 1Y91. While residing there his 
four children were bom. About this time he changed the 
spelling of his name to " Tallcot." He removed to Scipio,, 
N. Y., in 180Y, to Skaneateles in 1823, and to Sherwood's 
Corners in 1839, where he died. 

He was a great light amongst the Quakers in his day, and a 
zealous advocate of their sect. He was greatly respected by 
all who knew him, and had great influence with the leading 
men of the county, with whom he was in frequent correspond- 
ence. In 1855 his memoirs were published by his son Kiohard, 
for distribution amongst his relatives and friends. 


Richard, son of (356) Joseph Tallcot and Sarah Hawx- 
hurst, was bom in the town of Washington, Dutchess Co., 
N. Y., July 9, 1791, married Mary Talentine^ of Philadel- ' 
phia. May 5, 1815, and had 

362 Sarah E., b. May 5, 1816 ; m. Walter F. Shotwell, of New 

York city, July 19, 1839, bad George, Mary and Kate. 

363 Maria M., b. May 29, 1818 ; m. Geokge P. Morgan, of Aurora, 

N. Y., Oct. 26, 1842, bad Ellen, and Ricbard, m. Emma Fitcb. 

364 Joseph, b. June 28, 1821 ; m. Maria Morrison, Jan. 16, 1848 ; 

bad Addie, George M., Ricbard, Mary V. 

365 Samuel E., b. Jan. 20, 1880 ; d. Dec. 12, 1883. 

Mary Talentine, wife of Kichard Tallcot, was born in 
Philadelphia, Dee. 29, 1T92, and died in Skaneateles, Jan. 1, 
1861. KiOHARD Tallcot died in Skaneateles, July 17, 1876. 
He was extensively known and highly respected in his com- 


Daniel, son of (356) Joseph Tallcot and Sarah Hawx- 
hurst^ was born in the town of Washington, Dutchess Co., 
August, 1793, and married Rebecca T. Underhill, of Crotoi; 
Point, N. Y., May, 1818, and had 


366 Oeorge, b. Jan. 16, 1831 ; m. Anna. B. Ck)OLBDaB, of Vermont, 

Sept. 25, 1849. 

367 Richard D^ b. March, 1824 ; in. Phbbb J. Wood, of Westchester 

Ck)., Feb., 1848. 

368 Mary J., b. Sept., 1827 ; d. Aag., 1849. 

Rebecca^ wife of Danibl Talloot, died at Oroton, March 
17, 1874. 


Hannah, daughter of (35tt) Joseph Tallcot and Sarah 

Hawxhnrst^ was born in the town of Washington, Dutchess 
Co., Sept., 1796, married Slocnm Howland^ of Cayuga Co., 
K Y., Sept., 1821, and had 

369 William H., b. Nov., 1823 ; m. Hannah Lbtch worth. May, 1853. 

370 EmiUe, b. Nov. 1827. 

371 Benjamin H., b. March, 1832 ; m. Powell, Jan., 1858. 

Hannah^ wife of Slocum Howland, died Sept., 1867. 


C^eorge, son of (359) Daniel Tallcot and Rebecca T. 
Underbill^ was born Jan. 16, 1821, married Anna B. Cool- 
edge^ daughter of Josiah, of Vermont, Sept. 25, 1849, and 

372 Frederic, b. July 81, 1850. 

373 Mary Jane, b. Aug. 23, 1852 ; m. Geo. W. Popb, Dec. 10, 1874 ; 

had no children. 
373i Anna Clare, b. Aug. 3, 1854; d. Dec. 11, 1860. 

374 Frank L., b. June 28, 1862. 

375 Daisy, b. May, 1864. 


Richard D., son of (359) Daniel Tallcot and Rebecca 
T. Underbill, was bom March, 1824, married Pbebe J. 
Wood, of Westchester Co., Feb., 1848, and had 

376 Charles W., b. March, 1850. 

377 William Edward, b. June, 1852. 

378 Oeorge Van Eppi, b. June, 1854 ; d. Nov., 1859. 

379 Mary Ida, b. Nov., 1858. 

380 Phebe Ella, b. Nov., 1860. 
• 381 H. Hudson, b. Sept., 1862. 

382 Clinton, b. July, 1866. 


Biehard D. Tallcot and fomUy rmd& ^t Orotaarw-the- 

Hudson, N. Y. 


Abifi^ail, daughter of (45) OoT. Joseph Talcott and 
Enniee (Howell), widow of Samuel Wakeman, was born in 
Hartford, Conn., Aug. 13, 1707, married ReY. Daniel Wads* 
worth, minister of the first church of Hartford (born Nov. 14, 
1704), Feb. 28, 1733-4, and had 

383 Abi|rai|, b. Jan. 96, 1734-5 ; 4. 3. 

384 Eunioe, b. Aug. 31, 1736 ; d. s July 23, 1825. m. 89. 
386 Elizabeth, b. July 19, 1788 ; d. s. Nov. 15, 1810, se. 72. 

386 Daniel, b. Jane 21, 1741 ; d. s. Nov. 8, 1750, e. 9. 

387 Jeremiah, b. July 12, 1743; m. Mehitabbl Russqli^, Nov. 19, 

1764 ; d. April 30, 1804. 

388 Ruth, b. 1746 j d, Dec. 27, 1750, 

Rey. Daniel Wa4sworth died in Hartford, Nov, X2, 1747, 
». 43 years. Abigail, his widow, died in Hartford, June 24, 
1773, 86. 66 years. 

The Bev. Daniel Wftdswprth was the pon of Dea, John 
Wadswprth, of Farmington, and Elizabeth Stanley. He 
graduated at Yale College in 1726, was a member of that cor^- 
poration from 1743 until his death ; he settled in Hartford and 
succeeded the Kev. Timothy Woodbridge (who died April 30, 
1732) as pastor of the First Congregational Church, Sept. 28, 
1732. His daughters never married, but his son, Jeremiah, 
married Mehitabel, daughter of the Bev. William and Mary 
(Pierpont) Russell, of Middletown, Nov. 19, 1764, and had a 
family. He died April 30, 1804, se. 61, and she died in 1817, 
86. 82. Col. Jeremiah was Commissary-General through 
nearly the whole Revolutionary war, and was known a^ .the 
intimate friend of Gen. Washington, who always, when at 
Hartford during the war, made his house his home. It is said 
he was staying there when Arnold's treason was first discovered. 
He was several times a member of Congress. His daughter, 
Catharine, married Gen. Nathaniel Terry (March 14, 1798), 
who was one of the most prominent citizens of Hartford. 
Rose Terry, the authoress, and Gen. Alfred Howe Terry, of 
the army, were his grandchildren by two of his sona. 


Deacon John Wadsworth, of Fannington (father of the Rev. 
Daniel), married Elizabeth, daughter of John Stanley, Aug. 
20, 1696, and had Sarah, b. July 3, 1697 ; Elizabeth, b. May 
3, 1700 ; John, b. Oct. 9, 1702 ; Daniel (Rev.), b. Nov. 14, 
1704 ; Lydia, b. Oct. 9, 1706 ; Ruth, b. April 14, 1711 ; Mercy, 
b. Sept. 11, 1713. His wife died Oct. 25, 1713, and he mar- 
ried Mary Gridley, who had been second wife of Samuel Wads- 
worth. The father of Deacon John Wadswortb above, wae 
John the eldest son of William, of Cambridge, and was bom in 
England. He married Sarah, daughter of Thomas Stanley, 
and had Sarah, b. Nov. 1, 1657; Samuel, b. Jan., 1660; 
John (Deacon), b. April 14, 1662 ; Mary, b. Nov. 13, 1665, 
d. y. ; William, b. 1671 ; Nathaniel, b. 1677 ; James, b. 1677 
(twin with Nath.); Thomas, b. 1678; Hezekiah, bap. Dec. 
24, 1682. John Wadsworth, Sr., died in 1689. 


Eiiuiee^ daughter of (46) Gov, Joseph Talcott and 
Eunice Howell (the widow Wakeman), was born in Hartford, 
Jan. 26, J 709, married Nathauiel Hooker, of Hartford, and 

389 Nathaniel, m. Ruth Skinner, and had Ruth and Eunice, 

390 Ja»ie«<m.HANNAU AjiLBN,of Wmdsor«Uad % son, Alexander. 

391 Horace^ m. Elizabeth Filer, q| Windsor. 

392 Eunipe. 

393 Mary. 

Enniee^ wife of Nathaniel Hooker, died in Windsor, Conn., 
1795. Nathaniel Hooker was a merchant of good repute in 
Hartford, Conn. He was graduated at Yale College in 1729. 


Samuel, son of (45) Oct. Joseph Taleott and Ennlce 
Howell^ was bom in Hartford, married Mabel, daughter of 
Hezekiah Wyllys, May 3, 1739, and had 

394 Samuel, bap. March, 1740, Y. C. 1757; m. Abigail Lsdyard, 

Dec. 24, 1767 ; d. May 27, 1798. 
396 Elizabeth, bap. May 8, 1741. 

396 WiUiam, bap. Dec. 18, 1743. 

397 JamMS bap. Sept. 1, 1749. 



398 Sliaabeth, bap. Oct. 5, 1746. 

399 Jamei, bap. April 13, 1749. 

400 Mary, bap. Dec. 13, 1752 ; m. Jambs Watson, merchant of New 


401 Jerusha, bap. April 11, 1756; m. Maj. John PALsaROTB. 

Col. Samnel Talcott died in Hartford, March 6, 1797. 
Mabel, his wife, died. 

Col. Samuel Talcott was graduated at Yale College in 
1733 ; was Sheriff, Col. and Esq., and a very rich man. His 
will mentions only Samuel, Mary Watson and Jerusha. 
Mabel Wyllys, his wife, was the daughter of Hezekiah Wyllys, 
of Hartford (who was Secretary of the Colony), and Elizabeth, 
daughter of the Rev. Jeremiah Hobert, his wife, and was bom 
in 1713. 

Peters, in his veracious history of Connecticut, states that, 
" when the Episcopalians began the erection of the first church 
of that denomination in Hartford, in 1762, Samuel Talcott 
raised a mob which destroyed the foundation, and afterwards 
took the stones and used them in building his own house." 
Though Col. Talcott had nothing to do with the mob, yet he 
did purchase the stones of a man who had no right to sell 
them, and then used them, thereby gaining the ill-will of the 

In 1786 the Episcopalians again commenced building a 
church edifice, and when the ceremony of laying the comer 
stone took place, one of the chief men urged another to make 
^ some remarks, whereupon he stood up and said : " I lay the 
comer-stone of the first Episcopal Church in Hartford, and 
Sam. Talcott and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." 

Hezekiah Wyllys, grandson of Gov. George Wyllys, was 
bom April 3, 1672 ; was Secretary of State from 1711 to 1734, 
and died in 1741. His grandfather, George Wyllys, came to 
America from Feury Compton, England, where he left a large 
estate. He owned 480 acres of land in Glastenbury, Conn., in 
1640. Chosen Lieut.-Governor in 1641, Governor in 1642, 
died March, 1644. 


Mary, daughter of (71) Samnel Talcott and Mabel Wyllls, 

87 • 

was bom in Hartford, Dec. 13, 1752, married James Watson, 

of Bethlehem, Conn., and had 

402 James Talcott, was drowned at Castle Garden, New York. 

James Watson was bom in Bethlehem, Conn., April 6, 
1750, was graduated at Yale 1776. Engaged in business in 
New York ; a member of the Cincinnati ; Naval office of New 
York ; member of New York Legislature, both houses ; sena- 
tor, U. S., 1798-1800 ; died Jan. 26, 1839, se. 50, and his large 
estate was divided among 170 hetirs. 

Jernsha, daughter of (45) Got. Joseph Talcott and 
Eunice Howell, was bom in Hartford, May 3, 1717, married 
Doctor Daniel Lathrop, of Norwich, Conn., Dec. 14, 1744, 
and had 

403 Daniel, ) 

404 James, > All three died before the oldest was four years old. 
406 Joseph, ) 

Doctor Daniel Lathrop died in Norwich, 1782. " Madam " 
Lathrop, his widow, died in Norwich, Sept., 1805. 

Doctor Daniel Lathrop was descended from the Rev. John 
Lothrop, of Barnstable, 1634, through Samuel, of Norwich, 
1670. He was graduated at Yale College, in 1733 ; went to 
London, England, where he studied medicine for several yeara. 
On his return he brought with him a large quantity of medi- 
cines, and was the first druggist in Norwich, and probably the 
first in Connecticut. He furnished a part of the stores for the 
northern army in the French war. He took into partnership 
his younger brother, Joshua, who was graduated at Yale Col- 
lege in 1743, under the firm of the Bros. Lathrop ; with them 
began the change of the orthography of the name. In 1776, 
the name of the firm was changed to Lathrop & Coit. Doctor 
Daniel had " three precious sons cut down like flowers of the 
field, almost at a single sweep of the scythe, before the oldest 
had attained the age of four years." This was all the offspring 
they had. Madam Lathrop long mourned the Doctor and was 
regarded with universal esteem. " The early childhood of the 


gifted daughter of Norwich, Mrs. L. H. Sigoumey, was passed 
under the roof of this excellent lady. Having lost her own 
children in their infancy, she lavished all her maternal affec- 
tion on this child of her heart, who repaid her tenderness with 
filial veneration and has embalmed her memory in hallowed 
verse. Mrs. Sigourney was the daughter of Ezekiel Huntley, 
was born Sept. 1, 1791 ; m. Charles Sigourney, of Hartford, 
June 16, 1819." 

Dr. Daniel and Joshua Lathrop were of the fourth generation 
of the name in Norwich, sons of Thomas, who died May 26, 
1774, ffi. 93. They had one sister who married Joseph Coit, 
of New London. Dr. Joshua died in 1807. 

" Doctor Daniel, in common with others, wore a white wig 
and cocked hat. He rode to meeting in a yellow chaise with a 
red morocco top, with a negro driver in front, his dignified 
companion, the daughter of Gov. Taloott, sitting by his side.'* 


Helena, daughter of (45) Got Joseph Talcott and 
Eanlce Howell, was bom in Hartford, March 13, 1720, mar- 
ried first Rey. Edward Dorr (b. Nov. 2, 1722, at Lyme, Mass.) 

No children. 

Rev. Edward was son of Edmund Dorr (b. Oct. 19, 1692) 
and Mary Griswold, of Lyme, who was the 6th son of Edward, 
of Boston and Roxbury, came over about 1670. 

Rev. Edward Dorr died Oct. 20, 1772, in his 50th year. He 
was graduated at Yale College in 1742, ordained minister of 
the first church of Hartford, April 27, 1748, and succeeded 
the Rev. Daniel Wadsworth. "He was an amiable and 
pleasant man of clear understanding, solid judgment, of a 
kind and benevolent disposition, extensively versed in theoret- 
ical and practical divinity, and a useful and instructive preacher. 

Helena, his widow, married, second, the Rev. Robert Breck 
(b. July 25, 1713). He was graduated at Harvard College in 
1730, ordained minister first parish church at Springfield, 
Mass., Jan. 26, 1736, and died April 23, 1784. He was son 
of the Rev. Robert Breck, of Marlboro and Newton, L. I., who 
was the son of John Breck, of Dorchester, and was bom Dec. 


7, 1682; H. C, 1700; who was afterward ordained minister 
of Marlborough, Oct. 25, 1704, and died Jan. 6, 1731. The 
father of Rev. John was Capt. John Breck, of Dorchester, who 
died Feb. 4, 161)1-2. Capt. John was the son of the first 
settler of the name. Edward Breck, of Dorchester, who came 
over in 1636, was a freeman, 1639 ; selectman, 1642 ; and 
often till he died, Nov. 2, 1662. 

Kev. Robert Breck, of Springfield, married, first, Eunice, 
daughter of Rev. Dave Brewster, by whom he had children of 
whom Rev. Robert, of Northampton, was one. His first wife 
died Aug. 12, 1767; he had no children by his second wife. 

Daniel, son of (65) John Talcott and Abigail Theobald^ 

was baptized Sept. 23, 1744, resided at Windsor, Ct., married 
Eunice^ daughter of Thomas Moore and Hannah Gilbert (who 
was born July 26, 1751), and had 

406 Daniel, bap. April 17,1771 ; m. Sally, dau. of James Roberts, 

and Jerusha Talcott, at Watertown, May 17, 1798 ; b. Oct. 25, 
1776. Daniel died at Watertown, N. Y. 

407 auy, b. 1779 ; m. Sally Wadsworth ; d. Feb. 28, 1857. Had 

one son, John, b. 1817 ; d. Oct. 12, 1839 ; Guy lived in Wind- 
sor, Ct. 

408 Abby, b. 1784 ; m. 1st Dr. Hez. Chaffee, Dec. 25, 1814 ; 2d Jas- 

per Morgan, and had Abigail T. Morgan, b. May 17, 1824 ; m. 
James T. Sherman, of Broadhead, Wis. 

409 Eunice, b. 1786 ; m. Henry Halsey, of Windsor (his 3d wife), 

July 23, 1832. She died July 2, 1858. 

410 James, b. ; m. Hannah Goodrich ; lived in Hamilton, N. 

Y., and had five children. 

411 John, b. 1791 ; d. March 19, 1828. 

412 Esther, b. 1796; d. May 13, 1841. 

Daniel Talcott died at Windsor, Ct., Jan. 6, 1824. Eunice 
Moore, his widow, died July 30, 1838. 


Samuel, son of (71) Col. Samuel Talcott and Mabel 

Wyllys, was bom in Hartford, and baptized March 2, 1739-40, 
married Abigail^ daughter of John Ledyard, of Bristol, Eng- 


land, and sister of Col. Ledyard, of Grot on Heights, Dec. 24, 
1767, and had 

413 AbigaU, b. Qct. 23, 1768; in. Samuel Wilcox. 1789; no ch.; d. 

May 1, 1789; went to Beaufort, N. C, for her health and died 

414 EUzabeth, b. Sept. 30, 1770 ; d. s. Feb. 3, 1863. 

415 Anna, b. Oct. 10, 1772 ; d. s. July, 1839. 

416 WiUiam, b. Jan. 1, 1775 ; d. s. April 9, 1855. 

417 Sarah, b. Feb. 27, 1777 ; d. s. Oct., 1779. 

418 Helen, b. Dec. 21, 1779 ; d. s. Aug. 31, 1856. 

419 Mathew, b. March 25, 1782; d. s. at Utica, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1837. 

420 Samuel Austin, b. Dec. 31, 1789; m. 1st Rachel Skinner, of 

Williamstown, Mass., 1811 ; 2d MaryE. Stanley, of Windham, 
Conn., 1818. 

Samuel Talcott died May 27, 1798, in Philadelphia, while 
on a visit there. He was graduated at Yale College, in 1757. 


Samuel Austin, son of (394) Samuel Talcott and 
Abigail Ledyard, was born in Hartford, Ct., Dec. 31, 1789, 
married Ist Rachel Skinner, of Williamstown, Mass., 1811, 
and had 

421 John Ledyard, b. at Williamstown, Sept. 2, 1812; m. Louisa 

Sparrow ; no ch. 

422 Abbie, b. ; d. aged 6 years. 

Rachel^ the wife of Samuel A. Talcott, died, and he married 2d 
Mary Eliza, daughter of Frederick Stanley and Mary K. Gros- 
venor, of Windham, Ct., 1818, and had 

423 Thomas Grosvenor, b. at New Hartford, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1819; 

Y. C, 1838 ; m. Sarah A. Jones, July 29, 1841 ; d. March 4. 1870. 

Samuel A. Talcott died in New York city March 19, 1836, 
and was bnried from 108 Chambers street, on the 21st inst. 
Mary Eliza, his widow, died in New Haven, at the house of 
William H. Jones, Nov, 3, 1848. 

Hon. Samuel A. Talc^oti' was graduated at Williams College 
in 1809, at the age of 19 years ; went to Lowville, Lewis Co., 
in 1812, where he spent three or four years, and from thence 
to Utica, N. Y. He was appointed Attorney-General of the 
State of New York, Feb. 12, 1821, before he was thirty, and 



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on the expiration of his term of office renominated by the Gov- 
ernor and confirmed by a nnanimoas vote of the Senate. " He 
was second in talent and ability to no man who ever held that 
office, unless it be Alexander Hamilton." He held the office 
for eight years. 

At the opening of the Supreme Court on Monday morning, 
March 21, 1836, the death of the late Samuel A, Taloott was 
announced by H. R. Storrs, Esq., whereupon the court, after a 
feeling and eloquent address by Chief-Justice Jones, as a mark 
of respect to the memory of Mr. Taloott, without proceeding 
to business, adjourned to the next morning. 

At a meeting of the members of the New York Bar, held at 
the Supreme Court Room, in the City Hall of New York, on 
the 21st March, 1836, 

" It was resolved, unanimously, that this meeting have heard 
with deep regret and sympathy of the death of Samuel A. 
Taloott, Esq., late Attorney-General of this State, that in the 
brilliant course of his professional life, they find much to shed 
honor not only upon his own name but upon the State to which 
he belonged, and the Bar whose reputation he elevated ; that 
his distinguished talent, profound learning and finished scholar- 
ship have rarely been equaled and never been surpassed at the 
Bar of this State. 

^^ Resolved^ That as a mark of respect for his memory we 
will attend his funeral this afternoon, and that a copy of these 
resolutions be transmitted to his family and published in the 

SAMUEL JONES, Chairman. 
CHARLES GRAHAM, Secreta/ry. 

Never probably did a young man come to the bar in this 
or any other State of the Union with higher qualifications for 
the profession, and he very soon assumed a station among those 
deservedly at its head. He had a force of learning, acuteness 
of reasoning, and power of argument worthy of one of the 
proudest intellects of the age, and against which few could suc- 
cessfully contend. 



John Ijedyard, son of (420) Smmuel Austm and 
Raehel (Skinner) Taleott^ was bom at Williamstown, Mass., 
Sept. 2, 1812, married Lonisa Sparrow^ who died withoat 

John L. Taleott was educated at the institution established 
in Chittenango, N. Y., by John B. Yates, Esq., and presided 
over by the Kev. Andrew Yates, D. D., called the " Poly- 
techny ; " the idea that the college curriculum was behind the 
times, and that more attention should be given to the natural 
sdenees and modem languages, was just b^inning to prevail, 
and led to the establishment of the institution referred to. He 
was for several years one of the most prominent practitioners 
at the bar in Buffalo, N. Y., and is now (1876) Justice of the 
Supreme Court of the State of New York, for the Eighth 
Judicial District, whose term of oflBce expires on the 31st of 
Dec., 1882. 


Thomas GrosTenor, son of (420) Samnel Austin and 
Mary Eliza Stanley (his second wife), was bom at New Hart- 
ford, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1819, married Sarah A., daughter of 
William H. Jones, of New Haven, Ct., July 29, 1841, and 
had an only child, 

424 Helena Barker, b. April 28, 1842 ; m. W. A. M. Wainwbight, 
M. D., Jan. 14, 1869. 

Thomas G. Taleott died in Hartford, Ct., March 4, 1870. 
He graduated at Yale College 1838, having passed the first year 
of his course at Columbia College, in the city of New York. On 
graduation he spent one year in the study of law in the Yale 
Law School, and completed his studies in the oflSce of Charles 
P. Kirkland, Esq., in New York city. In 1841, he was ad- 
mitted to the bar, and began the practice of law in Oswego, 
N. Y. After about four years he removed to New York, 
where he continued to practice imtil 1861, when he relinquished 
his profession on account of ill-health and transferred his resi- 
dence to Hartford, where he died. 



Helena Barker, daughter of (433) Thomas Orosyenor 
and Sarah A. Jones^ was bom April 28, 1842, married W. A. 
M, Walnwright, M. D., of New York city, youngest son of 
the late Bishop Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright, of New York, 
Jan. 14, 1869, and had 

426 Mabel Wylliii, b. Dec. 9, 1809. 

426 John Howard, b. Jan. 15, 1871 ; died at birth. 

427 Talcott, b. May 22, 1872 ; d. July 3, 1876. 

428 Jonathan Mayhew, b. Feb. 20, 1874. 

429 John Ledyard, b. May 10, 1875. 

Doctor Walnwright and family reside at Hartford, Conn. 

** >. 





Captain Samnel, son of (11) the worshipful Mb. John 
Talcott and Dorothy Mott^ his wife, was probably bom in 
Newtown, now Cambridge, Mass., about the year 1634 or 35, 
married Hannah^ daughter of the Hon. Elizur Holyoke and 
Mary Pynchon, his wife (bom June 9, 1644), Nov. 7, 1661, 
and had 

430 Samuel, b. 1662 ; m. Mary (Ellbry ?) ; d. at Wethersfield, April 

28, 1698, 8B. 85 years. 

431 John, b. 1663 ; d. y. after 1691. 

432 Hannah, b. 1665 ; m. Major John Chester, of Wethersfield, Nov. 

25, 1686 ; d. July 23, 1741, ». 76 years. 

433 BUzur, b. July 31, 1669 ; m Sarah . 

434 Joseph, b. Feb. 20, 1671 ; m. Sarah Dbming. April 5, 1701 ; d. 

Nov. 8, 1732. 
436 Benjamin, b. March 1, 1674 ; m. Sarah dau. of John Hollistbr, 
Jan. 6, 1699 ; d. Nov. 12. 1727. 

436 Rachel, b. April 2, 1676 ; m. Peter Bulkley, March 21, 1700 ; d. 

Nov. 22, 1702 ; no ch. St^/ ' 

437 Nathaniel, b. Jan. 28, 1678; m. Elizabeth ^J^*^ ^^^^^^ ^S 

1703 ; d. Jan. 30, 1758. 

Hannah^ the wife of Capt. Samuel Talcott, died in Weth- 
ersfield, Feb. 2, 167T-8, and he married Mary , Aug. 6, 

1679, by whom he had no issue. 

Capt. Samuel Talcott died in Wethersfield, Nov. 10, 1691. 
His will which he made the preceding April, will be found 
below. His widow Mary died Jan. 5, 1710-11, 88. 73 years. 

Capt. Samuel was graduated at Harvard College in 1658, 
and made a freeman in 1662. His father settled him upon 
land, which he possessed, in Wethersfield. From 1669 to 1684 
he was Commissioner for Wethersfield; from 1670 to 1684, 
Deputy to the General Court, of which he was Secretary, in 
the absence of Col. Allyn, during the October session of 1684. 


May 16, 1676, he was appointed " one of a standing committee 
to order measures and dispose of such affaire as shall be neces- 
sary to attend to in the intervals of General Court. May 12, 
1677, confirmed Lieutenant of Wethersfield Trained band; 
Oct. 14, 1679, Lieutenant of the Troop ; Oct. 16, 1681, Captain 
of the Troop of Hartford Co. From 1683, except during 
Andros' administi'ation, was Assistant till his death. 

Capt. Samuel was one of the original proprietors of the 
town of Glastenbury, and owned the lot which was purchased 
by his Father, in 1643, of Samuel Slierman and Richard Gilder- 
sleeve, ''being 44 rods wide, running back from the river three 
miles to the great wilderness." It is still owned by his descend- 
ants. He was the scholar of the family, and to him, his Father 
bequeathed all his books, except his " Martyr Book," which he 
gave to his son John. From tliese two sons, John and Samuel, 
are descended all of the name of TAL(?oTr in America. 

The wife of Capt. Samuel Taloott was a daughter of Capt. 
Elizur Holyoke and Mary Pynchon, who resided in Spring- 
field, Mass. Capt. Elizur Holyoke was the sou of Edward 
Holyoke and Prudence, daughter of Rev. John Stockton, of 
Farnworth, Suffolk Co., England. lie married Mary, daughter 
of Hon. William Pynchon, of Springfield, Mass., Nov. 20, 
1640, and had John, b. Aug. 27, 1641 ; d. Oct. 8, 1641. John, 
b. Aug. 5, 1642; d. Feb. 6, 1TI2. Hannah, b. June 9, 1644; 
m. Capt. Samuel Talcoti^, of Wethersfield, Conn., Nov. 7, 
1661 ; d. Feb. 2, 1678 ; a daughter bom dead. May 21, 1646. 
Samuel, b. June 9, 1647; d. Oct. 31, 1676. Edward, b. Aug. 
8, 1649; d. June 16, 1708. Elizur, b. Oct. 13, 1651; m. 
Mary, dan. of Jacob Eliot, Jan. 2, 1678; d. Aug. 11, 1711. 
Mary, b. Nov. 14, 1656; m. James Russell ; he d. Aug. 11, 
1711 ; she d. July 14, 1678. 

Mary, the wife of Capt. Elizur Holyoke, died in Springfield, 
Oct. 26, 1657. Her moimment, which is still st^mdiug in that 
place, bears the following inscription : 

" Here lies the body of Mari, the wife of Elizur Holyoke, 
who died Oct. 26, 1657. 

" She that Hes here was, while she stood, 
A very glory of Womanhood ; 
Even here was sown most precious dust, 
Which surely will rise with the just." 


Capt. Elflzur Holyoke married, 2d, a Stebbins, who was 1st. 
widow of John Maynard, and 2d, widow of Eobert Day, of 
Hartford. She died Oct. 24, 1688. Capt. Elizar Holyoke 
died in Springfield, Mass., Feb. 6, 1676. He was a prominent 
man in the Colony of Massachusetts, and held various offices 
of trust under the Government. His father, Edward Holyoke, 
of Tamworth, Suffolk Co., England, was married to Prudence, 
daughter of Rev. John Stockton, of Kinholdt, England, June 
18, 1612, and had Elizur, m. Mary Pynchon, Nov. 20, 1640. 
John, d. April 24, 1641. Elizabeth, m. George Keyser. Ann, 
m. Thos. Putnam, Oct. 7, 1643. Mary, m. John Tuttle, Feb. 
10, 1647. Susanna, m. Michael Martin, Sept. 12, 1656. Sarah, 
m. Andrews. 

Edward Holyoke resided in Lynn, Mass., as early as 1630, 
and was admitted freeman in 1638. After residing for a time 
in Springfield, Mass., he returned to England and died at 
Kumsey, where he had large estates. May 4, 1660. He had 
two children born and died in England before he came to 
America, Edward, who died Dec. 30, 1631, ae. 13 ; John, who 
died in 1635. 

Mary Pynchon, wife of Capt. Elizur Holyoke, and mother- 
in law of Capt. Samuel Talcoti', was the daughter of the Hon. 
William Pynchon, one of the original settlers of the Colony of 
Massachusetts. He was one of the Patentees of the Charter of 
Charles tlie First, granted to Massachusetts, March 4, 1629. 
He was chosen Assistant Magistrate by the General Court of 
the Massachusetts Company in London, Oct. 20, 1629. Came 
to this country in 1630, and settled in Koxbury, Mass. He 
was subse(]uently chosen Treasurer of the Company and re- 
moved to Springfield, Mass., of which town he was one of the 
original proprietors. He returned to England in 1652, and 
(lied at his seat at Wraisburgh on the Thames, Oct., 1662, ae. 
72 or 74 years. He had by his iirst wife, who died in New 
England, Aug., 1630, John, b. 1625 ; m. Amy, dau. of Gov. 
George Wyllys,iOct. 30, 1645; she d. Jan. 9, 1698, se. 74; he 
d. Jan. 17, 1703. Anna, m. Henry Smith, returned to England. 
Margaret, m. Capt. William Davis, Dec. 6, 1644 ; d. July 3, 
1653. Mary, m. Capt. Elizur Holyoke, Kov. 20, 1640; d. 
Oct. 26, 1657. 


The Hon. William Pjaichon married a 2d wife, Frances 
Sandford, who died at Wraisburgh, Buckinghamshire, Eng., 
Oct. 10, 1657. 

The Hon. William Pynchon was the son of John Pynchon 

and Orchard, and was probably born in Springfield, 

Essex Co., England. The father of this John, was John, son 
of Nicholas Pynchon, of Wales, who was sheriff of London in 
1532. John lived in Writtle, Essex Co., and married Jane, 
daughter and heiress of Sir Richard Empson, and had six 

children. William, m. Rose Reeding ; John, m. — Orchard 

(Sir) Edward ; Agnes, m. Thos. Chicele, of Hingham Ferries ; 
Elizabeth, m. George Gates, of St. Edmonds Bury; Jane, m 
Andrew Pascal, of Springfield, Essex Co. 

John died in 1573, and his widow, Jane, married Dr. 
Thomas Wilson, Secretary of State. 


Of Captain Samuel Talcott^ late of Wethersfield, Ct., 
deceased, Nov. 10, 1691. 

I, Samuel Talcott, of Wethersfield, in the county of Hart- 
ford, in their Majesties Colony of Connecticut, being of good 
and perfect memory, through the goodness of God to me, and 
calling to mind the frailty of my nature and the uncertainty 
of this my transitory life, do make, constitute and appoint this 
to be my last will and testament in manner and form follow- 

And. first being penitent for my sins and humbly begging 
pardon for the sanie, I commit my soul into the hands of my 
merciful God, trusting by the alone merits of Jesus Christ my 
blessed Saviour, to be saved, "hoping for a glorious resurrection 
at the Great Day, and my body to a decent and comely burial 
according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter named. 
And for the settling of my worldly estate, which God hath in 
mercy above my deserts been pleased to bestow upon me, I do 
order and dispose of the same as f oUoweth, that is to say ; 



I will that all my just debts be well and truly paid within 
convenient time after my decease by my executor. 

Imprimiss. I bequeath unto my dear and loving wife. Mart, 
the sum of ten pounds per annum, and the use of one lower 
room in my now dwelling-house which she shall choose, with 
convenient selleridge and use of an oven or ovens in the same 
as she shall have need, with suitable land for a garden as she 
shall desire, and the keeping of one Cow both Winter and 
Summer. All these particulars here specified are according 
to our Contract or agreement before marriage, and to continue 
only during her widowhood. Further I do give unto her one 
cow which she shall choose out of my cows to be at her own 
dispose, the said Cow to be kept by my son, Samuel, in the 
Winter and by son Joseph Talcott in the Summer during 
her widowhood. The foresaid ten pounds to be paid to her 
as foUowes, viz.: by my son, Samuel Talcott, fifty shillings 
per annum, by my son, John Talcott, thirty shillings per 
year, by my son, Elizur Talcott, thirty shillings per annum, 
by my son, Joseph Talcott, forty shillings per annum, by my 
sons Benjamin and Nathaniel Talcott, each of them twenty 
and five shillings per annum. 

I give unto my son, Samuel Talcott, the south side of my 
home lot, which lot abuts upon High Street west ; the great 
meadow, east, on land of Mr. John Demings north, and Thomas 
Bance, his home lot south, that is to say, so much of said lot 
with the house and great bam and buildings thereon, as be- 
ginning on the south side of it at the front, and so running 
northward as will take in the great bam, and so to run into 
the rear of said lot allowing the same breadth there that he 
has at the front. 

AlsOy I give him the one-half of my nine-acre lot in the 
great meadow, butting north upon a highway and otherwise 
as it is bounded in the records, he to have the east side of said 
lot ; this land was bought of Mr. Gildersleeve. Also, I give 
him thirteen acres in the great meadow which was bought of 
Mr. Samuel Sherman, as it is bounded in the records. Also, 
I give him two acres of land lying in said meadow, which land 
was bought of Mr. Parker, by the great river as it is bounded 


in the records. Also, I give unto him seven acres of wet 
swamp, bought of Mr. Richard Gildersleeve, as it is bounded 
in the records. Also ten ^cres of dry swamp, which abuts 
upon a highway west of Thomas Williams, his land east, on 
William Colefox, his land south and beaver meadow north. 
Also, I give unto my son, Samuel Talcott, about nineteen 
acres in my Westfield lot, abutting on a highway west and on 
the brook, near the town east, he to have the whole brook half 
the breadth of his land siding upon land of John Nott north, 
and on the land Ibrmerly belonging to Thomas Wells, Esq., 
south. Also, I give unto my son, Samuel Talcott, twenty 
and two acres of land lying in my Westfield lot, the ends abut 
against my son, Joseph Talcott, his land hereafter mentioned 
east, and land of my son, John, west, and sides against lands 
of Captain Robert Wells, south, and John Nott, north — he 
leaving twelve acres to my son, John, on the west, and thirty 
acres in said Westfield lot to my son, Joseph, on the east, 
allowing to both of them full measure according to custom, all 
the remainder of said Westfield lot to belong to my son, 
Samuel Talcott. Also, I give him the liberty of passing 
through my son, Joseph, his thirty acres of land in the West* 
field with cattle or a team, &c., provided that if Joseph Tal- 
cott be necessitated to maintain a fence for a lane, to secure 
himself from damage thereby, that then my son, Samuel, shall 
bear a proportionate part of said fence. All tlie forementioned 
parcels of land I do give unto my son, Samuel Talcott, and 
his heirs forever. 

I do give unto my son, John Talcott, all the remainder of my 
home lot with the house and bam thereon, he to have the 
north side. This is a part of that lot, which was Mr. Crabb's, 
butting on High Street, west, on the meadow, east, siding on 
Mr. John Demings, his home lot, north, and Samuel Talcott, 
south. Also five acres in the great meadow bought of Mr. 
Richard Lawes, as it is bounded in Wethersfield records. 
Also one piece of dry swamp containing three acres and one 
rood, bought of Mr. Gildersleeve, lying as it is bounded in the 
records. Also, I give unto my son, John Talcott, twelve 
acres of land in my Westfield lot, butting west upon the com- 


monS) east upon my son, Samuel, his land, north upon John 
Nott and south upon Captain Robert Wells, his land. All 
the above said parcels of land I- do give unto my said son, 
John, and to his heirs forever. 

I do give unto my son, Elizijk Talcott, all that part of my 
Westfield lot which lyeth on the east side of the brook and 
near the town, containing about eleven acres, butting upon a 
highway, east, on my son, Samuel, his land, west, he taking in 
the whole brook half the breath of his lot, siding upon John 
Nott, north, and William Goodrich, his land, south. Also six 
acres of land in the great meadow bought of Mr. Richard 
Lawes, as it is bounded in the records of the town of Wethers- 
field. Also I do give unto him four acres, three roods of land 
in beaver meadow, lying on the east side of my lot there, as it 
is boimded in the records ; this lot was bought of Mr. Gilder- 
sleeve. Also my fifty acre lot in the west division next Farm- 
ington line. All the aforesaid parcels of land T do give unto 
my son Elizub Talcott, and his heirs forever. 

I give unto my son, Benjamin Talcott, and to his heirs 
forever, the one-half of my land on the east side of Connecticut 
river, which land was bought of Mr. Samuel Sherman and Mr. 
Richard Gildersleeve, as it stands bounded upon the records, 
he to have his part on the north side of it, and half a rod in 
breadth more than half. Also half my part of the undivided 
land lately purchased of the Indians, by the town of Wethers- 
field, on the east side of said River. Also of the two hundred 
acres given me by the General Court near Middletown bounds, 
butting on the common, east; and on commons, west; on Mr. 
Wyllys, his land, north ; and on Mr. John Whiting, south ; he 
to have the south side of it. 

I do give unto my son, Nathaniel Talcott, half my lot at 
Nawburk wanting half a rod in breadth, he to have the south 
side of it, being bounded as formerly expressed. As also half 
my part of the undivided land on the east side of the great 
river. Also half the land given me by the honoured General 
Court, bounded as before expressed, he to have the north side 
of it. Also I give unto my sons, Benjamin and Nathaniel 
Talcott, each of them one cow. The above said parcels of 


land here given to my son, Nathaniel Talcott, I do give 
them to him and to his heirs forever. The aforesaid cows to 
be delivered to my sons, Benjamin and Nathaniel Talcott, 
within half a year after my decease by my executor. 

Further, my will is that all the forementioned parcels of 
land be delivered to my respective sons as before expressed 
immediately after my decease, desiring my Executor and 
Overseers to be helpful in assisting of them by their counsel 
and advice, that so their land may be improved to their own 
proper benefit and advantage respectively. 

My will also is that what seed sown or crop, either of com 
or grass is upon the land at the day of my death, shall belong 
to the Executor of this my will, for the paying of my just 
debts and legacies as any other of my moveable estate ; and if 
my estate fall short of paying my just debts and legacies, then 
my will is that all my children shall bear a proportional share 
in paying my said debts. 

I do give unto my daughter, Hannah Chester, ninety 
pounds to be paid to her within two years after my decease, if 
she be then living, accounting what she shall have received of 
me to be a part of said sum which will appear in my book of 

I give unto my daughter, Eachel, eighty pounds, to be paid 
her within two years after my decease, allowing what she shall 
have received before my death to be part of the aforesaid sum. 

My will further is that if my sons John or Elizur Talcott, 
Joseph, Benjamin or Nathaniel Talcott, shall depart this 
life before they attain the age of twenty-one years, or are mar- 
ried or have made a legal dispose of their lands herein given 
to them by me, that then the portion of land that belongs 
to that son that shall so die shall immediately fall to the sur- 
vivors of these my five sons, and my son, Samuel, to be 
equally divided amongst them, and if any of my five sons 
shall be disposed to make sale of the whole or any part of the 
land herein bequeathed to them, they shall make a tender of 
the same to their brethren, that they may have the first refusal 
of the same. 

I do desire and appoint my son, Samuel Talcott, to be my 



Executor, to see this my will performed ; and entreat my lov- 
ing friends, Captain Robert Wells and Ensign Samuel Butler 
to be Overseers, and with their counsel and advice to assist my 
Executor in the due and faitliful execution of the premises 
according to this my will. 

And for the confirmation of all and every part hereof I do 
declare this to be my last will and testament, and have here- 
unto set my hand and seal this twenty-second day of April, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred, ninety and 
one, and in the third year of the reign of their Majesties King 
William and Queen Mary. 



Cornet Samuel, son of (36) Captain Samuel Talcott 
and Hannah Holyoke, was born in Wethersfield, Conn., 1662, 
married Mary, daughter of (William and Mary Ellery ?) and 

438 Anne, b. Oct. 25, 1691 ; m. Elizur Goodrich, April 32, 1714 ; d. 

Jan. 8, 1776, se. a5. 

439 Samuel, b. 1696 ; m. Thankful Belding, Dec. 5, 1723 ; d. May 

6, 1739. 

440 Mary, b. 1698 ; m. Lieut. Ebbnezer Belding, Dec. 7, 1720 ; d. 

Jan. 23, 1784. 

Cornet Samuel Talcott died in Wethersfield, April 28, 
1698, and his widow married James Patterson, Nov. 30, 1Y04, 
had one son, John, born Feb. 14, 1708. She died Sept. 28, 


Hannah, daughter of (36) Captain Samuel Talcott and 

Hannah Holyoke, was born in Wethersfield, in 1665, and 
married Major John Chester, Nov. 25, 1686, and Imd 

441 Penelope, b. Oct. 21, 1687 ; d. y. April 1, 1688. 

442 Mehitabel, b. Jan. 29, 1689 ; m. Nathaniel Burnham, of Weth- 

ersfield, May 1, 1714; died March 18, 1773. 

443 Mary, b. March 8, 1691 ; m. Jonathan Burnham, of Wethers- 

field, Jan. 1, 1718 ; d. April 19, 1766. 

PeJiqree of ihe descendants of 

GaptSamuei TcJcotty 

through Comet Samuel 

V . N \ I 





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444 Penelope, b. Nov. 18, 1693 ; m. Rev. Ebenbzbb Williams, of 

Pomfpet, May 24, 1716 ; d. June 27, 1764. 
446 Hannah, b. May 15, 1696 ; m. Gideon Wells, Nov. 30, 1716 ; d. 

May 29, 1749. 

446 Prudence, b. March 4, 1699 ; m. Col. John Stoddard, of North 

Hampton, Dec. 13, 1713 ; d. Sept. 11, 1780. 

447 Eunice, b. May 11, 1701 ; m. Col. John Pitkin, of E. Hartford ; d. 

June 25, 1756. 

448 John, b. June 30, 1703 ; H. C. 1722 ; m. Sarah Notes, Not. 19, 

1747 ; d. Sept. 11, 1771. 

449 Sarah, b. July 1, 1707 ; m. Israel Williams, of Hartford, 1731 ; 

d. Sept. 18, 1770. 

Major John Chester died Dec. 14, lYll, aged 55^ years. 
Hannah Talcott, his widow, died in Wethersfield, July 23, 
1741, SB. Y6. Major John was the oldest son of Capt. John 
Chester and Sarah, daughter of Gov. Thomas Wells (to whom 
he was married Feb., 1653), and was born June 10, 1656. He 
was the grandson of Leonard Chester, " Armiger," and Mary, 
his wife, who emigrated from Blady, England, and settled in 
Wethersiield, where he died Dec. 11, 1648, aged 39 years. 
Upon his tombstone, which was a large flat tablet raised on 
pillars, there was inserted in lead, a large shield bearing his 
coat of arms, which, during the war of the revolution, was 
taken out and used for bullets by the continental soldiers. 


Elizar, the son of (36) Captain Samuel Talcott and 
Hannah Holyoke, was born in Wethersfield, July 31, 1669, 
and married Sarah , by whom he had 

460 Isaac. 

461 John, b. Aug. 8, 1695. 


Deacon Joseph Talcott, son of (36) Capt. Samuel 
Talcott and Hannah Holyoke, was born in Wethersfield, Feb. 
20, 1671, and married Sarah, daughter of Ebenezer Deming 
and Sarah, his wife (b. Jan. 9, 1681), April i5, 1701, and had 
by her 

452 Josiah,b. Jan. 27, 1702 ; m. Dfkah Wyat, Nov. 20, 1728. 
463 Hecekiah, b. Jaly 19, 1704 ; d. Aug. 31. 1734. 


Deacon Joseph Talcott died in Wethersiield, Nov. 3, 1Y32, 
aged 61 years. Sarah, his widow, died March 19, 1755, aged 74. 


Deacon Benjamin Talcott, son of (36) Capt. 
Samuel Talcott and Hannah Holyoke, was born in Wethers- 
field, Conn., March 1, 1674, and married Sarah^ the daughter 
of Mr. John Hollister and Sarah Goodrich, his wife, Jan. 5, 
1699, and had 

454 Sarah, b. Oct. 30, 1699 ; m. Jonathan Hale, Nov. 28, 1717 ; d. 

July 15, 1743, in Glastenbury. 
456 Benjamin, b. June 27, 1702 ; m. Esther Lyman, Aug. 26. 1724 ; d. 

March 9, 1785, in Bolton. 
456 John, b. Dec. 17, 1704; m. Lucy Burnham, 1731; d. Aug. 25, 

1745, in Provincetown. 

467 Hannah, b. Oct. 16, 1706 ; m. Benjamin Hale, Jan. 30, 1729 ; d. 

Feb. 6, 1796, in Glastenbury. 

468 Samuel, b. Feb. 12, 1708; m. Hannah Moseley, Oct. 5, 1732; d. 

Sept. 26, 1768, in Glastenbury. 

459 Blizur, b. Dec. 31, 1709 ; m. BuTH Wright, Dec. 31, 1730 ; d. 

Nov. 24, 1797, in Glastenbury. 

460 Mehitabel, b. July 17, 1713 ; m. Hezekiah Wright, Nov. 29, 

1733 ; d. April 20, 1781, in Glastenbury. 

461 AbigaU, b. Oct. 10, 1715; d. Oct. 28, 1715. 

Sarah^ the wife of Deacon Benjamin Talcott, died in 
child-bed, at the homestead in Glastenbury, Conn., Oct. 15, 
1715, p. M., aged 34 years, 11 months and 20 days. He then 
married a second wife who is referred to in his will, but by 
whom he had no issue, and of whose name and the date of whose 
marriage there can be found no record. 

Deacon Benjamin Talcott died at his homestead in Glasten- 
bury, Nov. 12, 1727, aged 53 years, 8 months and 12 days, 
leaving his property by will, which is recorded below, to his 
surviving children. He settled in Glastenbury, and built a 
house in 1699 (into which he moved Nov. 22d of that year) 
upon the farm given to him, by his father's will, which was 
purchased of Mr. Samuel Sherman and Mr. Richard Gilder- 
sleeve, in the year 1643. This house was a large wooden 
building on the Main street, and was fortified and used as a 
place of refuge from the frequent attacks of the Indians, and 


bore tlie marks of the bullets, until it was taken down, soon 
after the year 1854. This farm and buildings thereon are 
now owned and occupied (18Y6) by J abed G. Talcjott, one of 
his descendants, having been in the family over 200 years. 
Deacon Benjamin Taloott held also the rank of Lieutenant 
in the " Trained Band" of Connecticut. He left a large estate, 
as will be seen by his will below. 

Sarah Hollisteb, wife of Deacon Benjamin Talcott, was 
descended from the HoUisters, of Bristol, in England, an old 
family as early as the reign of Henry YIII. The name is 
derived from " HoUy-terre " or land of the Holly tree. 

John HoUister, the emigrant, settled in Wethersfield, Conn., 
in 1642 ; was admitted freeman May 10, 1643 ; in 1644 was 
in Weymouth, Mass., and a representative in that colony, the 
same year he returned to Wethersfield, Conn., and was a repre- 
sentative in that colony until his death in 1655. He was 
engaged in a church controversy with the K-ev. John Russell, 
which caused the removal of the latter to Hadley. He was 
born in Glastonbury, England, in 1612, and married Joanna, 
daughter of Richard Treat, Sen., and had John, b. 1642 or 44 ; 
m. Sarah, dau. of William Goodrich, Nov. 20, 166Y ; d. Nov. 
24, 1709. Stephen, m. 1st Abigail, dau. of Matthew Treat ; 
2d Elizabeth, widow of Jonathan Reynolds. Thomas, m. Ist 
Elizabeth Latimer, 2d Elizabeth Williams, 1690 ; d. Nov. 8, 
1701. Joseph, d. Aug. 29, 16Y4. Lazarus, b. 1656, d. Sept., 
1Y09. Mary, m. John Wells. Sarah, m. 1st Rev. Hope 
Atherton, of Hartford, 16Y4 ; 2d Lieut. Timothy Baker, 16Y9 ; 
d. Dec. 8, 1691. Elizabeth, m. Samuel Wells. 

John Hollister, Sen., died in Wethersfield, Ct., April, 1665, 
SB. 53 years. Joan, his widow, died in 1694. 

John, son of John and Joan Hollister, was born in Wethers- 
field, in 1642 or 44, married Sarah, daughter of William and 
Sarah (Marvin) Goodrich, Nov. 20, 166Y, and had John, b. 
Aug. 9, 1669; m. Abia, dau. of Lieut. Thomas Hollister, 
June Y, 1693 ; d. Dec. 13, 1Y41, se. Y2. Thomas, b. Jan. 14, 
16Y2 ; m. Dorothy, dau. of Joseph Hill, June Y, 1696 ; she d. 
Oct. 5, 1Y41, he d. Oct. 12, 1Y41. Joseph, b. July 8, 16 Y4; 

ra. Ann , Nov. 22, 1694; she d. Oct. 5, 1Y12; he d. July 



1746 (he had a 2d wife named Sarah ). Sarah, b. Oct. 25, 

1676 ; m. Dea. Benjamin Talcott, of Glastenbury, Conn., Jan. 
5, 1698; d. Oct. 15, 1715. Elizabeth, b. March 30, 1678; d. 

in childhood. David, b. Nov. 21, 1681 ; m. Charity ; he 

d. Dec. 27, 1753 ; she d. Jan. 12, 1786. Ephraim, b. March 
15, 1684 ; m. Elizabeth Green, April 1, 1707 ; he d. 1733. 
Charles, b. July 29, 1686. Elizabeth, m. Dr. Joseph Steel, 
Feb. 16, 1715 ; he d. 1750. 

Sarah, the wife of John Hollister, died in 1700. John 
HoUister died at Glastenbury, Conn., Nov. 24, 1711. 


The last will and testament of Lieutenant Benjamin Tal- 
cott, late of Glastenbury, Ct., deceased, Nov. 12, 1727. 

I, Benjamin Talcott, being now weak of body but through 
the goodness of God, of good and perfect memory, do make 
and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner 
and form following : 

And first being humbled for my sins, beggmg the pardon of 
them, I commit my soul into the hands of my merciful God 
who gave it, hoping by the alone merits of Jesus Christ for 
salvation, and my body to a decent burial, and for the settling 
of my worldly estate which God has given me, I do dispose of 
the same as follows, viz. : 

I will that all my just debts be well and truly paid by my 

Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife, the 
sum of four score pounds out of my moveable estate at inven- 
tory price, or in money if my executors shall think best, except- 
ing what my said Wife bro't with her, which my mind and 
will is that she shall have it back again at inventory price as 
part of the said four score pounds — what may be found left 
of it — and the use of the parlor room in the house in which I 
now dwell, and a convenient part of the cellar underneath it 
and the garret room that is over it, and the use of my ovens, 


and the use of such a part of my gardens as may be necessary 
for her own comfort, and the use of one-third part of my 
orchard on the west side of the highway on the lot on which I 
now dwell, with the use of one-third part of all the rest of my 
land on that side of said highway down to the great river. 

It is to be understood that my said wife is to have the use 
of the said house and land, no longer than she remains my 

I give and bequeath unto my son, Benjamin, all my right of 
lands in the towns of Bolton, and one hundred and twenty- 
four acres of land in the town of Hebron, which I bought 
of Joseph and John Phelps, of said Hebron, with what I have 
already given to my said son as may appear by my book of 

I give to my son, John, all the rest of my lands in the said 
town of Hebron, particularly that tract of land in said Hebron 
lying west of Jacob Root's land, containing three hundred 
acres, and that half hundred acres of land in said Hebron, I 
bought of Ashel Owen, lying northward of Richard Curtis ; 
and one yoke of steers coming four years old, and ten pound 
out of my moveable estate, besides what I have already given, 
as appears by my book of accompts, and fifteen pounds money 
to be paid by my son, Elizur, at or before he, my said son Eli- 
zuR, arrives at the age of twenty-one years. 

I give and bequeath imto my son, Samuel, the one-half of 
the lot of land I now dwell upon, on the south side, and one 
hundred and fifty-three acres of land lying within the bounds 
of Glastenbury, beyond Black ledge river adjoining to Hebron 
bounds, and the one-half of my undivided lands in said Glas- 
tonbury ; and my Smith-shop and all my smithery tools (ex- 
cepting any I shall give to my son John), and my longest gun 
and the one-half of my present team, and team tackling, as 
collars, harness, chains, cart and wheels, plows and harrows. 

I give and bequeath unto my son, Elizub, the other half 
the lot of land I now dwell upon on the north side, with the 
buildings thereon (excepting Smith-shop) and sixty acres of 
land lying in Glastenbury, eastwardly of and adjoining the 
lands of the heirs of the Rev. Mr. Stevens, deceased, at the 


place called the Ash Swamp, and ninety-Bix acres of land in 
said Glastenbury, lying eastward of the great or bare hill ad- 
joining southwardly to lands of Samuel Loveland, and the other 
half of all my undivided lands in said Glastenbury, and my 
newest gun, and the other half of my team and team tackling 
as above mentioned, he my said son, Elizuk, paying to my 
said son, John, the sum of fifteen pounds money as above 

And further my mind and will is that all the woolen cloth 
and one piece of linen of about forty yards, that is now about 
to weave, which my wife has made or shall make this present 
year, be disposed of to my Wife and to my Children unmar- 
ried, as my Wife thought to do in my life-time. 

I give to my said sons, Samuel and Elizub, all the fences 
that are erected upon the lot of land I now dwell upon as they 
stand upon the parts of land given them, and all the rest of 
the fencing stuflE I have now prepared to set up. 

All the aforementioned lands, goods, chattels and sums of 
money as they are respectively given to my four sons, Benja- 
min, John, Samuel and Elizuk, I do give it to them, their 
heirs and assigns forever; and if it should please God to take 
away by death any of my said sons before they legally dispose 
of their said lands, or have any issue, my mind and will is that 
his part of lands shall be equally divided among the rest of my 
surviving sons. 

I give my daughter, Sarah, one hundred pounds in or as 
money, with what I have given to her as appears in my book 
of accompts. It is to be understood that what my said 
daughter has had as is upon book as aforesaid, is to be part of 
said hundred pounds, and the remaining part to be paid in 
convenient season after my decease. 

I give to my daughter, Hannah, one hundred pounds and a 
decent suit of clothes or ten pounds money, the whole to be 
paid her out of my moveable estate or in money, in convenient 
season after my decease. 

I give to my daughter, Mehitabel, one hundred pounds 
and a decent suit of clothes or ten pounds money, the whole 
to be paid her out of my moveable estate or in money, when 


she shall arrive at the age of eighteen years, or her day of 
marriage which shall happen first, and she to have the income 
or profit of her part, if any there be, immediately after my 
decease. In case that either of my said daughters, Hannah 
or Mehttabel, shall die before marriage, my mind and will is 
that her estate, so dying, shall be legally divided between her 
surviving sisters. 

And in case there should not be moveables enough found at 
my decease to pay the legacies given in this my will, my mind 
and will is that my said sons, Samuel and Elizur, pay their 
equal proportions of what is wanting at or Tbefore my son, 
Elizur, comes to the age of twenty-one years ; that is to say, 
my said sons, Samuel and Elizub, shall pay the whole of what 
shall be wanting out of their estates without the rest of their 
brethren ; and in case my moveable estates should amount to 
more than to pay the legacies given in this my will, my mind 
and will is that it be equally divided among all my seven chil- 

I do appoint my sons, Jonathan Hale and BENjAMm Tal- 
coTT, to be my Executors, to see that this my will be truly 
performed ; and in confirmation of this my last will and testa- 
ment, in every part of it, I hereunto set my hand and seal 
this thirteenth day of October, in the first year of the reign of 
King George the second. Anno Domini 1727. 


Signed, sealed and delivered in ) 
presence of these witnesses. ) 

Samuel Smith, Jr., 
Nathaniel Taloott, 
Thomas Wells. 

Deacon Benjamin Taloott, by his inventory, left property 
to the amount of £2563 15*. Sd. 


Rachel^ the daughter of (36) Capt. Samuel Talcott and 
Hannah Holyoke, was bom in Wethersfield, April 2, 1676, 
and married Peter Bulkley^ March 21, 1700. At the age of 


37 he was lost at sea, Nov. 21, 1701, leaving no children. He 
was the son of the Rev. Gershom Bulkley, of Wethersfield and 
Glastenburj'^, and was born about 1664. Rachel, his widow, 
died Nov. 32, 1702. 


Sarg^ent Nathaniel, son of (36) Gapt. Samuel Tal- 
cott and Hannah Holyoke, was bom in Wethersfield, Ct., 

Jan. 28, 1678, married Elizabeth^ daughter of , March 

18, 1703, and had 

462 Blizabeth, b. Oct. 19, 1704. 

463 Rachel, b. Oct. 6, 1706. 

464 Mary, b. July 19, 1709. 

466 Joshua, b. July 15, 1711 ; m. Rachel, dau. of Thomas Hollister, 
Jan. 9, 1735. He died March 22, 1799. 

466 Abigail, b. 1717 ; m. Thomas, son of Thomas Hollister, Jan. 1, 

1734 ; d. March 31, 1812, ». 95. 

467 Nathaniel, b. 1720 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Timothy Hale, March 9, 

1747 ; d. Feb 26. 1783. 

468 Joseph, b. 1722 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Abraham Eilbourk, Dec. 

29, 1748 ; d. June 30, 1788. 

469 Comfort, m. John Loveland, Jan. 25, 1736; d. May 8, 1751. 

They had 8 children. 

Sargent Nathaniel Talcott died in Glastenbury, Jan. 30, 
1758. Elizabeth, his widow, died in Glastenbury, Aug. 26, 



Samuel, son of (430) Cornet Samuel Talcott and Mary 
(EUery?), was born in Wethersfield, Ct., 1696, married 
Thankful^ daughter of Ebenezer and Abigail Belding, Dec. 5, 
1723, and had 

469 Samuel, b. Sept. 8, 1724; d. s. Nov. 8, 1765. 

470 EUzur, b. June 2, 1728. 

471 Ebenezer, b. 1731 ; m. Sakah, dau. of John Talcott ; d. Aug. 


472 Mary. 

Samuel Talcott died in Wethersfield, May 6, 1739. Thank- 
ful Belding or Belden, was the great granddaughter of Richard 
Belden, who with his brother, Samuel, came from England in 

f Samuel TaJcoit, of Wethers fie Jd . 

^rvcj^ his son NaiAaiu'elofOJastathury. 


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1640. Samuel settled in Hatfield and Hadley, where his wife 
and two children were killed, and two sons were taken prison- 
ers by the Indians, Sept. 19, 1677. 

Eichard settled in Wethersfield, and had a son, John, who 
married Lydia , April 24, 1657, who also resided in Weth- 

Ebenezer, the son of John Belden, married Abigail , and 

had Ebenezer, b. Sept 7, 1697 ; m. Mary, dau. of Cornet 
Samuel Talcott, Dec. 7, 1720. Thankful, b. Nov. 16, 1702 ; 
m. Samuel, son of Cornet Samuel Taloott, Dec. 5, 1723. 


Eliznr, son of (439) Samuel Talcott and Thankflil field- 
ing, was bom in Wethersfield, Ct., June 2, 1728, married 
, and had 

473 Joieph, b. 1753; m. Maby Thomas; d. 1826. 

474 Blizur, Jr., b. April 19, 1759; m. Sarah Baxter, Jan. 13, 1790; 

d. Jan. 4, 1835. 

475 (Samuel ?) m. Jbdidah Lord ; d. about 1823. 

Elizur Talcott removed from Wethersfield to Enfield, 
Conn., where he resided and owned property. No record can 
be found of his family, and it is not known, but presumed he 
had more children than the above, who were born in or near 
Enfield, Conn., and eventually removed to Ohio. 


Joseph, son of (470) Elizur Talcott, and , was 

bom in (Enfield ?), 1753, married Mary Thomas, and had 

476 Joseph, Jr., b. April 9, 1777 ; m. Rbbscca Wauren, 1800 ; d. Aug. 

8, 1858. 

477 Daniel, b. 1779; m. Nabby Stearns ; no ch.; d. Aug. 8, 1843. 

478 Samuel, b. 1785 ; m. Hannah Rebd, 1810; d. Dec, 1846. 

479 Betsey, b. 1794 ; m. Salmon Swetland, June, 1816 ; d. Nov., 


480 Dolly, b. June 29, 1796 ; m. Grindlb Rawson ; d. June 27, 1851. 

Joseph Talcott died in Bristol, Ohio, 1826, se. 73. Mary 
Thomas, his widow, died in North Madison, Ohio, Oct. 17, 
1837, 86. 73. He resided for a time, before going to Ohio, at 



Honsatonic Falls, in Mass., and in or about 1816 went to 
Coneant, Ohio, and from thence to Bristol in the western 
reserve, in 1818, with his family, and his sons, Joseph and 
Samuel, with their families. 


Joseph, son of (473) Joseph Talcott and Mary Thomas^ 

was born in Dalton, April 9, 1777, married Rebecca^ daughter 
of Ezra and Rebecca "Warren, of Dalton (b. March 17, 1782), 
1800, and had 

481 Asa, b. Feb. 2, 1801 ; m. Lbona C. Newcomb, Jan., 1820 ; d. Nov. 

18, 1871. 

482 PoUy, b. Jan. 16, 1808 ; m. Ichabod Adams, Jan. 2a, 1820. 

483 Marthi, b. April 7, 1806 ; m. 1st Mary A. Kellogg, March 80, 

1830; d. May 30, 1838; 2d Sybil Cutler, Aug. 27,1840; she 
d. June 10, 1867 ; 3d Hannah Rood, Jan. 23, 1860. He died July 
8, 1874. 

484 Ezra W^ b. Feb. 11, 1807 ; m. Sbmantha Hiqlby, 1830; no ch. 
486 Eliza Dean, b. Jan. 2, 1809 ; m. Peter Hallowell, 1830. 

486 Rebecca, b. Nov. 11, 1811 ; m. W. W. Wood, 1830 ; d. 1860. 

487 Oaroline, b. March 11, 1813; m. 1st Oliver Steward, March 3, 

1830 ; 2d Josiah Fuller, Oct. 4, 1857. 

488 William O^ b. Dec. 25, 1815 ; m. Maria Luther, May 1, 1838. 

489 Silas N., b. March 23, 1818 ; m. Jane Hammond, 1848. 

490 Melissa A., b. March 6, 1820 ; m. John Garis, Jan. 1, 1844. 

491 Asenath O., b. Aug. 1, 1822; m. 1st Ezra S. Foss, 1889 ; 2d Mil- 

ton Bartlett, 1867. 

Joseph Talcott, Jr., died in Madison, Ohio, Aug. 8, 1858. 
Rebecca "Warren, his widow, died in Madison, Ohio, Feb. 14, 
1865. He resided for a time in Dalton, Mass., and about 
1816 removed with his family and with that of his father to 
Ohio, and settled on the western reserve. 


Daniel^ son of (473) Joseph Talcott and Mary Thomas, 

was born in Dalton, Mass., 1779, married Abigail Stearns, 
but had no children. He remained in Massachusetts until the 
death of his wife, when he removed to Ohio, and joined his 
brothers and sisters. He died in Madison, Ohio, Aug. 8, 1843. 
ae. 65 years. 


Samuel, son of (473) Joseph Talcott and Mary Thomas^ 

was born in Dalton, Mass., 17^5, married Hannah Reed, isio, 
and liad 

492 Rhoda, b. 1811 ; m. Joel Rush, 1836. 

493 Samuel, Jr., b. Oct., 1813 ; m. Mary Saulsbuuy, 1847. 

494 Mary, b. Feb., 1815 ; m. Tiiuman Prowley, 1833. 

495 Daniel, b. March, 1818 ; d. 1825. 

496 Iiouisa, b. March, 1820; m. Stephen Lockwood, 1842. 

497 Eunice, b. April, 1822; d. 1857. 

498 Joseph, b. Jan., 1826 ; m. Susan Lockwood, 1855. 

499 Daniel, b. Feb., 1828 ; m. Joanna Pierce, 1854. 

500 03rnthia, b. April, 1831 ; ni. Roderick Brook, 1852. 

501 John, b. March, 1834; d. March, 1840. 

Samnel Talcott died in Madison, Oliio, Dee., 184(>. lie 
was a farmer. Hannah, liis widow, died in Madison, Oliio, 
Xov., 1871. 


Beti^ey, dau^^liter of (473) Joseph Talcott and Mary 

Thomas, was born in Dalton, Mass., March 1, 171>4; married 
Salmon Swetlaml, of Holton, (\)nn., June, 1810, and liad 

502 Harriet, b. March 18, 1817 ; m. Aaron Gager, Oct. 21, 1834. 

503 Rosett, b. Jan. 25, 1819 ; m. A. T. Scoville, July 12, 1837. 

504 Salmon, b. April 25, 1821 ; m. Sarah A. Williams, Jan, 25, 1843. 

505 Mariette, b. Feb. 28, 1823 ; m. Alonzo Crocker, April, lo42. 

506 Leonard, b. Sept. 10, 1825 ; m. Sahua Seamens, Sept., 1847. 

Salmon Swetland and family went with the Talcotts, lii-st 
to (Joneaut, whei'e he made a perilous and unwilling voyage 
acM'oss Lake Erie in a log canoe, having been blown off from 
the Ohio shore, he had no alternative but to steer for Canada, 
where he arrived safely, and returned to Coneaut just in time 
to witness the preparations for his. own funeral. He went 
with the rest to Bristol, Trumbull Co., Ohio, where lie died in 
1829. His widow removed with her family to Madison, where 
her mother died in 18e37, a?. 73, and she died in Nov., 1871. 


Dolly 9 danghter of (473) Joseph Talcott and Mary 



Thomas^ was Ix^rii in Dalton, Mass., June 20, 17tM>, nian-ied 
Grilldle Rawsoil, of W^indsor, Mass., and liad 

507 Mary, b. June 35, 1813 ; m. Jkssk Dkkds ; d. Juuo 27, 1851. 

508 J. T^ b. Aug. 8, 1814; m. Dklia Venning ; d. March 22, 1874 

509 Laura, b. June 24, 1817; m. Chesteu Starks, d. March 2, 1874. 

510 Orange, b. Feb. 18, 1819 ; ui. Sarah A. Heatii ; d. Oct. 14, 1848. 

511 George L., b. May 28, 1821 ; m. Int Susan (iooDUicii ; 2d SARAir 

A. Rawson, his brotlier's widow. 

512 Philander, b. June 20, 1825 ; m. Marinda (iEXNiNG. 

513 Masiva, b. April, 1827; m. Ist JoirN CrNNfNOiiAM ; 2d H. X. 

514 Qrindle, b. Aug. 10, 1829 ; m. Delia Lee. 

515 Adaline, b. Aug. 10, 1832 ; m. J. S. Fowler. 

Dolly, wife of (Irindle Ilawson, died in Madison, Jniie 27, 
1851. (xrindle Rawson died in Madisoii, \n*^. 11>, 1S72. His 
ocriipation was fanniiiii^. 


Asa, son of (476) Joseph Taleott, Jr., and Rebecca War- 
ren, was born in Dalton, Mass., Fel). 2, ISOl, married Caroline 
Xewcomb, of Madison, Oliio, Jan., 1S20, and liad 

516 Eunice Euphrasia, b. July 19, 1821 ; ui. PiirLVNDER Davis, Juno 

20, 1843. 

517 Fitz Henry, b. Oct. 14, 1822; m. Almyha Xve, 1843. 

518 Mary Angelinc, b. June 19, 1824; m. Elam Hammond, Jan., 

1844 ; d. Feb. 25, 1872. 

519 Bradford N., b. Nov. 14, 1827; m. Mary A. Xve, Feb., 1850. 

520 Elvina F., b. June 14, 1829 ; d. Aug. 8, 1831. 

521 Edward P., b. Oct. 14, 1831 ; m. Eliza Adams, Oct. 0, 1850. 

522 Walter B., b. Nov. 3, 1833 ; m. Cloe IIoLEiutooK, July 4, 1856; 

killed Jan. 7, 1805. 

523 Horace P., b. April 10, 1835; m. Eltzaretit S. Kemp, July 5, 


524 Elvina C, b. June 20, 1837 ; m. (^iiarles Strong, Dec. 24, 1858. 

525 Lydia E., b. Sept. 21, 1839 ; ni. Hor.ue P. Allen, 1857. 

526 WiUiam A.., b. Oct. 3, 1841 ; ni. Aj-myka Sava(;e. 

527 Mabel O., b. July 14, 1845; m. H. A. IIollisteh, March 27, 1801. 

528 Silas A., b. Feb. 27, 1848 ; m. Mary M. Allen, widow of (Mini- 

mi ngs, Oct. 29, 1874. 

Asa Talcott died in Madison, Lake Co., Ohio, Nov. 18, 
1S71. (^aroline Newcond), liis wife, died in Madison, Lake 
Co., Oliio, Dee. 25, ISOt). 


Polly, (laughter of (476) Joseph Talcott, Jr., aiul Re- 
becca Warren, was born in Dalton, Mass., Jan. Id, liS08, 
married Ichabod Adams, Jan. 2(>, 1S20, and liad 

629 Caroline, b. Jan. 23, 1821 ; d. s. Aug. 19, 1840. 

530 Marcia M., b. Aug. 27, 1822 ; m. Joskph Halj.owkll, Oct. 23, 184.>. 

531 William, b. Dec. 27, 1823 ; m. Juija Aj)AMs, 1855. 

632 Ichabod, b. Aug. 13, 1826; m. Lydia Olmstead, April 20, 185G. 

533 Rebecca W., b. March 28, 1828 ; m. Daniel Denton, Dec. 1), 1845; 

d. Dec. 9, 1846. 

534 AmeUa T., b. Feb. 27, 1830 ; in. Daniel Denton, 1847. 

535 EUza W., b. Sept. 30, 1832; m. Edward Talcott, Oct. 7, 1849 ; 

d. Aug. 2, 1875. 

536 Samuel, b. Aug. 7, 1834 ; d. s. Aug. 30, 1860. 

537 Emily M., b. Sept. 17, 1830 ; in. W. W. Adams, Feb. 13, 1855 ; d. 

July 5, 1856. 

538 JohnQ., b. Oct. 10, 1839; m. Nancy Thomas, April 14, 1868. 

539 Asa A., b. Aug. 23, 1842 ; d. a. June 24, 1868. 

540 Lydia R., b. March 11, 1846 ; d. Oct. 31, 1846. 

Ichabod Adams died in Madison, Oliio, Se])t. IH, 185:5, je. 
07. Mi's. Polly Adams, his widow, is living in Madison, Ohio. 


Martin, son (►f (476) Joseph Talcott, Jr.^ and Rebecca 
Warren, was born in Dalton, Mass., April 7, 1806, married 
1st Mary Kellogg, March :^, 1830, and had 

541 Mary M., b. Sept. 19, 1831 ; m. lat Benj. F. Stuon(}, Oct. 20, 

1854 ; 2d J. 1). Seagkave, Sept. 1, 1872. 

542 MeUssa A., b. Juno 16, 1833 ; m. Benj. T. Wilder, Feb. 21,1850 ; 

d. Nov. 27, 1874. 

543 Orelle, b. Sept. 20, 1836; ni. 1). ('. CiiirrENDEN, Aug. 7, 1856 ; d. 

Feb. 29, 1801. 

Mary, wife of Mautin Talcott, died May 30, 1838, m. 28 years, and he 
marrietl Sybil 1). (^tleu (1). March 27, 1822), Aug. 27, 1840, 
and had 

544 Vivaldo F., b. June 7, 1841 ; ni. MA(;(iiE Bauttle, Jan., 1866. 

545 Florence Q., b. April 30, 1843 ; ni. Silas Hoffman, Jan. 3, 1860. 

546 Alphonso M., b. April 24, 1815; in. Maitie McCole. 

547 Benjamin W,, b. Feb. 15, 1847; in. Maogie Wilson. 

548 Charles R., b. Sept. 27, 1848 ; in. Kllie Guace. 

549 Jesse N., b. Aug. 18, 1850 ; d. Nov. 26, 1852. 


650 Albert R, b. Sept. 6, 1852 ; m. Maky Adams. 
551 Ami M., b. Sept. 16, ia54 ; d. April 21, 1863. 
652 Warren B., b. March 22, 1857 ; unmarried. 

Sybil D., wife of Martin Talcott, died near the village 
of Morrison, AVhiteside Co., 111., June 10, 1857, and he mar- 
ried Hannah Rood, of Morrison, II]., Jan. 23, 1860. 

Martin Talcott died at his farm near Dowville, July ^, 
187-1. He was a man much beloved bv all who knew him. 
He went with his parents from Dalton, Mass., to Madison, 
Ohio, in 1816, and in his youth experienced all the troubles 
and hardships of a pioneer's life ; at twenty-one he learned 
the carpenter's trade, and afterward built a large portion of 
Centerville, Ohio, where his first child was born. He removed 
to Illinois and purchased a farm near Momson, where lie 
remained for a time and fiually settled on a farm near Dow- 
ville, in Iowa, where he died as above stated. 


Eliza D., daughter of (476) Joseph Talcott^ Jr., and 
Rebecca Warren, was born in Dalton, Mass., Jan. 2, 18ot», 
married Peter Hallowell, 1830, and had 

553 Martin. 

554 Armenia, dead. 

555 Caroline, dead. 

556 Mary, dead. 

557 Henry, dead. 


Rebecca^ daughter of (476) Joseph Talcott, Jr., and 
Rebecca Warren, was born in Dalton, Mass., Nov. 11, 1811, 
married W. W. Wood, 1830, and had 

558 OrviUe, b. , 1830 ; m. Jane . 

559 Oonstantia. 

560 Waldimer. 

Rebecca, wife of AV. W. Wood, died in Michigan, 1850. 


Caroline, daughter of (476) Joseph Talcott, Jr., and 
Rebecca Warren, was born in Dalton, Mass., March 11, 1813, 
married Oliver Steward, March 3, 1S3(), and had 


561 Frances, b. June 12, 1832 ; d. Dec. 2, 1839. 

562 Caroline M., b. Dec. 22, 1833 ; m. Edwin BnowTnEK, Oct. 29, 


563 Noble E., b. March 11,1836; m. 1st Adelaide Coopeh, Jan. 1, 

1857; 2d Mary Pelham, May, 1^59. 

564 Harrison, b. May 28, 1838; m. Eliza Perry, 1862. 

565 William Henry, b. Oct. 12, 1840; unmarried. 

566 VandaUa,b. Sept. 20, 1842; m. Edgar Lapiiam, Sept. G, 1H6;J; 

d. Jan. 20, 1865. 

567 Josephine, b. Aug. 21, 1846; ni. Thomas Parsons, 1867. 

568 OUver J., b. July 7, 1848; m. Emma Lathrop, Sept. 25, 1873. 

Oliver Steward died June 12, 1848, and his widow married Josiah 
Fuller, Oct. 4, 1857, and had 

569 Annie J., 1). Feb. 27, 1862. 

Josiah Fuller and family reside in Savhrook, Oliio. 

l¥illiain €., son of (47()) Joseph Talcott, Jr., jmd 
Rebecca Warren, was l)orn in DaltcMi, l>ei-ksliire Co., Mass., 
Dee. 25, 1815, married Maria Luther, IVFay 1, ISHS, and had 

570 Henry, b. Feb., 1839. 

571 Joseph, b. Jan., 1850. 

572 Charles R., b. April 1, 1852. 

William C. Talcott resides in Vali)araiso, Ind. Is the 
Editor of the " Porter ('ounty Vidette,'' and an attorney at law. 
His son, CnAKLp:s K., is associated with him in mana<j^ing the 
" Vidette," and JosKrn is mail agent, both residing in Valpa- 
raiso. His eldest son, IIe.xkv, is a Jndge, and resides in Kansas. 

Silas Newconib, .^on of (476) Joseph Talcott, Jr., 

and Rebecca Warren, was horn in Madison, Lake (.\>., Ohio, 
March 23, 1818, married Jane Hamiiioiicl, 1S4;>, and had 

573 Iiinden, in. Helen Gikfoud ; resides in Maynard, Iowa. 

574 Dean, m. Olivia Peuuy; resides in Maynard, Iowa. 

575 Harriet, m. Wm. Melvin; resides in Maynard, Iowa. 

576 Henry, ni. Maggie Conner ; resides in Guttenberg, Iowa. 

Silas N. Talcott resides in (ireeley, Delaware (V>., lown, 
where he is engaged in the dry goods hnsiness. 



lfleli§sa Armenia, daughter of (476) Joseph Talcott, 
Jr f and Rebecca Warren, was bom in Madison, Lake Co., 
Ohio, Aug. 5, 1820, married John Gar is, Jan. 1, 1844, and 

577 Rio R., b. .July 11, 1848; in. Elizabeth Needuam, June 20, 1871 . 

578 Minnie M., b. May 3, 1856. 

579 Reu L., b. June 13, 1856. 

580 Joseph Wm., b. Dec. 26, 1860. 

John Garis died Aug. 0, 18G-2. Mrs. M. A. (taris is resid- 
ing at Wadena, Fayette Co., Iowa. Mr. (laris was a Surveyor 
and Engineer by profession. 


Asenath Catharine, daughter of (47t>) Joseph Tal- 
cott, Jr., and Rebecca Warren, was born in Saleni, Colum- 
biana Co., Ohio, Aug. 1, 1822, married Ezra Foss, 183*J, and 

581 Helen, b. 1840 ; m. 1st John CoriLisTEii, 1857. lie d. 1863, and 

she m. 2d Henry HuuTiBUirr, 1865. 

582 Armenia, b. 1842 ; m. Linus Caiitp:h, 1868. 

583 Augusta, b. 1844; m. 1st Edward IIalstead, 1860. He d. 1861, 

and she m. 2d Henry Smead, 1862. 
583i Ezra, b. 

.fjzra FOSS d. Au^. 30, 1850, and his widow married Mii/roN Barti.ett, 
of Pembroke, Uenesee Co., N. Y., 1857, and had 

584 Carrie, b. 1858. 

Milton Bartlett and family reside at Pembroke, (4enesee 
(Jo., ]S". Y. 


Eiiiiiee Euphrasia, daughter of (481) Asa Talcott 
and Caroline Newcomb, was born in Madison, Ohio, »lidy li), 
1821, married Philander Davis, June 20, 184:5, and had 

^Aroac/t. Jus son Cap te/o/m o//fe6ron,Ct . 



Se^t'i'-i^ i .^i apf^: s J' b^n^'','i 

. ''V 

~i — \ — I — n ! i 

V"^ ' p/te^e. Z-:{^uA. lucy. JJarinok. .A''^-rjcci L.'ura^ 

Fran/c D. 

W^iam S. 





^ ,-5 %rt- 

r> ' 

V » 1 





Almon. ' 







Philander Davis is a fanner ivsidino- in Hetliel, Favette 
Co., Iowa. 


Fit« Henry, son of (481) Asa Talcott and Caroline 
Neweomb, was born in Madison, Dliio, Oct. 14, 1S22, niari'iiHl 
Almira Nye, of Madison, Oln'o, 184P>, and Iiad 

584^ Lydia, b. April 21, 1845; d. Dec. — , ISOO. 

585 Frank, m. Mauy Saa^age, 1871. 

586 Charles, m. Maky Pjioity, IHTfi. 

587 Edward. 

587i Ida May, b. t8."»l ; d. 185:]. 

588 Inez. 

589 Ettie. 

589^ Henry, b. June, 1860 ; d. May 5, 1870. 

Ahnira, wife of Frrz IIenkv Talco-it, died Jnne 1, ISOT. 
FiTZ IlKxiiv Taiaujit resides in Wadena, Fayette (Jo., Iowa, 
and is a farmer hy occupation. 


Mary Aiig^eliiie, daugliter of (48 Ij Asa Talcott and 

Caroline Neweomb, was born in Madison, Obio, June H), 
1824, married Elam Hammond, Jan., 1844, and bad 

590 Henry, b. 1844 ; d. 1864, in Carson Valley, Nev. 
590i Charles. 

Mary A, HanAnond died in Crawford Co., Towa, Feb. 25, 

* These names were received too late to be numbered. 



Bracirorcl Newconib, sou of (481) Asa Talcott and 
Caroline Newcomb, was ])()ni in Madison, Ohio, Xov. 14, 
1S27, married Mary A. Nye, Feb. , 1850, and liad 

591 Ellen M., b. Jan. 14, 1854; d. s. at Strawberry Pt, Iowa, Aug. 


592 Asa, b. Sept. 27, 1800. 

Bradford N. Talcott is a carpentc'r by trade, owns the 
AVadena Mills and lives in Wadena, Towa. He served three 
years, from 18r)l to IS^U, in tlie war of the Rebellion, and passed 
througli many thrilling adventures and hair-breadth escapes. 

Edward P., son of (481) Asa Talcott and Caroline 

Newcomb, was born in Madisim, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1831, married 
Eliza W. Adams, Oct. (>, 1850, and had one child, 

593 Walter Melvin, b. Aug. 28, 1851 ; m. Rosa A. Manlev, May 20, 

5931^ (Daughter), b. ; d. ne. 2 years. 

Edward P. Talcott is an inventor of machinerv. Has 
patents for a steam wagon and a steam plough. ITe resides in 
Tlighland, Clayton Co., Iowa. Eliza W., his wife, died in 
Madison, O., Aug. 81, 1875. 

liValter B«, son of (481) Asa Talcott and Caroline 
Newcomb, was born in Madison, Ohio, Nov. 8, 1838, married 
Chloe Holebrook, July 4, 1856, and had 

594 Genevieve. 

595 Bertie. 

Walter B. Talcott was an editor of a paper in Iowa before 
the war of the Ilebellion, but became a soldier and was killed 
by the Inflians while trying to save one of his comrades, Jau. 
7, 1865. 

SQS. • 

Horace P., son of (481) Asa Talcott and Caroline 
Newcomb, was born in Madison, Ohio, April 10, 1885, mar- 
rie<l Elizabeth H. Kemp, July 5, 1857, aud ha<l 

596 Fred, b. Aug., 1867. 

597 Bertie, ) 

598 MirUe, [ '^^'^'' ^- ^'"'^^ ^^^^• 

Horace P. Talcott served in the war of tlie Rebellion until 
its close. Is now a farmer and resides at Putnam, Favette 
('O., Iowa. 


Elvira, daugliter of (481) Asa Talcott and Caroline New- 
comb, was horn in Ma(h'son, Olijo, June 20, 1S87, married 
Charles W, Strong, Dee. 24:, lsr)S, and had 

599 Alina F., b. Nov. 21, 1850. 

600 Mary I., b. June 20, 1804. 

601 Clara B., b. June 7, 1860 ; d. Dec. 25, 1800. 

602 Minnie E., b. Sept. 12, 1807. 

603 Charles L., b. Dec. 20, 1874. 

Charles W. Strong is a farmer and resides in Illjria, Fay- 
ette Co., Iowa. 


Lydia E., daugliter of (ISl) Asa Talcott and Caroline 
Newcomb, was horn in Madison, Ohio, Sept. 21, 1839, married 
Horace P. Allen, 1S57, and had 

604 Frederic C, b. Oct. 25, 1858. 

605 Cora B., b. June 80, 1801 ; d. Nov. 29, 1863. 

606 BUis S., b. Nov. 4. 1863. 

607 Frank A., b. Aug. 10, 1865. 

608 Bertha C, b. March 28. 1869 ; d. June 9, 1871. 

609 Albert V., b. June 9, 1871. 

Horace P. Allen resides in Madison, Oliio. 


William A., son of (481) Asa Talcott and Caroline 

Xewcomb, was horn in Madison, Ohio, Oct. 3, IS-il, married 
Almyra, daughter of Keu])en Savage, of llepersfield, Ohio, 
and had . .* 

610 Walter B., b. Nov. 22, 1866. 

611 WiUie R., b. April 14, 1808 ; d. Feb. 26, 1869. 

612 Prank N., b. Aug. 16, 1860. 

613 Harry a, b. Aug. 29, 1870. 

614 Claude F., b. April 17, 1872. 

615 Charles A-, b. Sept. 8, 1873. 



616 niyria F., b. Marcli 2^3, 1875. 
616^ Welcome, b. July, 187<;. 

William A. Talcott is a fai'iner and resides at lUvria, 
Favette Co.. Iowa. 

Mabel C, daughter of (481) Asa Talcott and ('aroline 
Newcomb, was bom in Madison, < )Iiio, July 14, 1845, married 
Henry A, HoUister^ Marcli 27, ISfil, and had 

617 AUce M., b. April 3, 1865. 

618 Horace F., b. Marcli 12, 1807. 

619 Caroline I*., b. Sept. 13, 1809. 

620 liua B., b. July 17, 1871. 

621 Lydia B., b. Nov. 33, 1875. 

Henry A. Hollister is a dmi^i^ist residing: in A'olicJi C\t\\ 

Silas A., son of (4S1) Asa Talcott and (Caroline New- 
comb, was born in Madison, Ohio, Feb. 27, 1S48, married the 
widow Mary M. Cummings, daughter of Varancons and 
Ammadella Allen (b. June 18, ism»), Oet. 21), 1S74. Xo 

Silas A. Talcott is a farmer residinjj^ in Wadena, Towa. 


Mary Ifl., daughter of (483) Martin Talcott and Mary 

A. Kelloggy his first wife, was born in Centerville, Ohio, Sept. 
11), 1S31, married 1st Benj, F. Strong, of Keene City, N. 11. 
(born in Leverett, Mass., Jan. 1, 1S31), Oct. 20, 1854, and 

622 Freddy C, b. Nov. 24, 1850. 

623 NeUie M., b. Dec. 1, 1858. 

She married 2d J. D. Seagrave, of Denison, Iowa, Sept. 1, 
1872, and has had no more children. Mr. SKA<ii{AVK an<l 
family reside in Denison, (Jrawford C\>., Iowa. 


Melissa A., daughter of (483) Martin Talcott and Mary 

A. Kellogg, his lirst wife, was born in Ohio, June !♦►, ls;^:3, 


married Beiij. T. Wilder, of AshtHl)ula, Ohio, Feb. 21, 1850, 
and had 

624 Clarence M., b. Nov. 6, 1850. 

625 Frank B^ b. Jan. 26, 1858. 

626 Ned R., b. Nov. 11, 1860. 

627 Karl Van Dorr, b. Dec. 12, 1867. 

Melissa A,, wife of Benm. T. AV^ildek, died Xov. 27, 1874. 
Benj. T. Wildek and family reside at Dowville, Iowa. 

Orelle V., daughter of (483) Martin Talcott and Mary 

A. Kellogg, his iirst wife, was born in Oliio, Sept. 20, 183f), mar- 
ried D. ۥ Crittenden, of Morrison, III., Aug. 7, 185(5, and had 

628 Dorr, b. March, 1858 ; d July, 1858. 

629 Mary, } d. , 1861. 

«on /^ ,, !>• Feb. 13, 1861 ; ^ ,„^ . 

630 Orelle, ) ' d. , 1864. 

Orelle, wife of D. C. Crittenden, died Feb. 2t», ISfU. 


Vivaldo F., son of (483) Martin Talcott and Sybil 

D. Cutler, his second wife, was born June 7, 1S41, married 
Maggie Barttle, Jan. , 1806, and had 

* (Son), ) 

.« t^x X Twins, b. Feb., 1869 ; both dead. 
(Daughter), S 

* Viola, b. 1870 ; d. ae. 18 months. 

631 Martin, b. 1871. 

632 Bessie, b. 1874. 

633 (Daughter), b. May, 1870. 

VivaWo F, Talcott and family live near Dowville, Craw- 
ford C^o., Iowa. 


Florence G., daughter of (483) Martin Talcott and 

Sybil D. (hitler, liis second wife, was born April 30, 1843, 
married Silas Hoffman, Jan. 3, 18(J(), and liad 

634 Clara, b. Nov. 10, 1860. 

635 Bffie, b. Feb., 1861 ; d. 1862. 

636 Wime,b. Feb., 1864. 

637 Orelle Q., b. March 17, 1866 ; d. Sei)t., 1860. 

638 West B., b. Jan. 18. 1868 ; d. SejH., 1869. 

639 Edith, b. Feb., 1870. 

640 George, b. , 1872. 

641 (Son), b. June, 1876. 

* Thene names were received too late to be numbered. 


Silas Hoffman and family reside iu Ogdeu City, Utah, 
where his last child was born. 

Alplioniso M., son of (483) Martin Taicott and Sybil 
D, Cutler, his second wife, was born April 2-i, 1845, married 
Mattie McCole, , 1870, and had 

642 Minnie, b. 1871. 

643 Cora, b. 1874. 

6431 (Daughter), b. Aug., 1876. 

Benjamin !¥., son of (483) Martin Taicott and Sybil 
D. Cutler, his second wife, was born Feb. 15, 1847, married 
Maggie Wilson, Oct., 1868, and had 

644 Sybil, b. 1869 ; d. June — , 1876. 

645 Wilson, b. March, 1871. 

646 George, b. 1873. 

647 Benjamin, b. June, 1876. 


Charles R., son of (483) Martin Taicott and Sybil D. 
Cutler, his second wife, was born Sept. 27, 184S, married 
Ellie Grace, Nov., 1872, and had 

648 Gracie, b. Aug., 1874. 
648i (Daughter), b. Aug., 1876. 

Albert R., son of (483) Martin Taicott and Sybil D- 
Cutler, his second wife, was l)orn Sept. 6, 1852, married 
Mary Adams, Sept. — , 1873, and had 

649 Marion, b. Oct., 1874. 

l¥alter ML-, son of (521) Edward P. Taicott and Eliza 

W. Adams, was born in Madison, Ohio, Aug. 28, 1851, mar- 
ried Rosa A, Mauley, of Andover, Ohio, May 20, 1874, and had 

650 AUen M., b. Aug. 28, 1875. 

Walter M. Taicott and fainilv reside at Ando\'er, Ohio, 
where he is engaged in the printing ])iisiness. 


Elixnr, s(hi of (470) Elizur Taicott and , was 


bom in , April li), 1759, married Sarah Baxter, of 

Enfield, Ct. (b. May 12, 1707), Jan. i:^>, 1790, and liad in En- 
field, tlie first five named children, 

661 Sarah, b. June 25, 1791 ; m. Jabez Lane, Juno 25, 1816 ; d. July 
30, 1859. 

652 Clarissa, b. Oct. 19, 1792; m. Israel SiiEr.DON, May 7, 18l8 ; cl. 

Jan. 24, 1871 ; no ch. 

653 Reuben, b. July 12, 1794 ; in. Luis Fuisby, Dec. 4, 1822 : d. March 

21, 1859. 

654 Persis, b. June 80, 179(5; d. s. May 3, 1867. 

655 Betsey, b. June 20, 1798; m. Linus Tkacy, Sept. 21, 1820; d 

Dec. 28, 1878. 

656 Flavia, b. , 1800; ni. Jay Ci;utis ; no ch.; d. , 1864. 

657 Harvey, b. July 6, 1802 ; m. Lucina Pakkek, March 4, 1881 ; d. 

Feb. 25, 1859. 

658 Nelson, b. April 22, 1804 ; ni. Loujsa C. WuiTiNii, Feb. 9, 1882 ; 

d. July 19, 1856. 

659 Francis, b. 1805 ; d. s. in California, 1860. 

660 Theodore, b. Oct. 15, 1807 ; d. Aiiir. 10, 1810. 

661 Mabel, b. Nov. 10, 1810; singU-. 

662 Paulina, b. Aug. 2, 1811 ; d. July 12, 1814. 

Elizur Talcott died in Mesopotamia, ()., Jan. 4:, IS:};*). 
Sarali, his wife, died in Mesopotamia, ()., Oct. 15, 1858. 

Elizir TAUMyrr resided first in Enfield, (^onn., and removed 
from thence to Xorwieh, now Ilnntington, Hampden C^o., 
Mass., wdiere he remained until a])ont 182^>, wlien he went to 
Ohio with his family and settled in Mesopotamia, Tnnubull 
Co. The mother of Elizck Taumut died at his lionse in 
Xorwich, Mass. He was the grandson (►f Samuel TALoorr 
and TnANKFUL I^kloino. Tlie old family Bible hi possession 
of Miss M. B. Tracy, of Mesopotamia, in wdn'ch is written " The 
widow TiiAXKFrL Talcott,'' was probably that of his grand- 
mother. Elizlk Talcxht was a Iwevolutionary soldiei*, and by 
occupation a farmer. 


^arali, daughter of (474) Elizur Talcott and Sarah 

Baxter, was b<H'n in Enfield, C\>nn., June 25, 1791, married 
Jabez Lane, of (hirtisville, Mass., June 25, ISK), and had 

663 William Talcott, b. March 25, 1817 : m. Ann Eijza Gooduicii, 

May 10, 1839. She d. Aug., 1804. He d. Nov. 15, 18(54. 

664 Charles Henry, b. Nov. 12, 1819 ; d. s. Nov. 20, 18;J5. 

1 20 

665 Sarah Ann, b. Nov. 16, 1821 ; m. Lorenzo Howe, 1845 ; d. Oct. 

10, 1846. 

666 Edward, b. Feb. 28, 1824 ; m. Fanny Hyde, of Garrettsville, O. 

667 John, b. Oct. 8, 1825: m. Maria Sophia Peck, Sept. 1, 1852; d. 

Feb. 28, 1873. 

668 BHzabeth, b. Nov. 0, 1827 ; m. Miia) Martin, Nov., 1848. 

669 Theodore Baxter, b. Feb. 12, 1830 ; m. Elmira Carpenter, May, 

ia52 ; d. Jan. 27, 1853. 

Sarah, wife of Jal)ez Lane, died in (hiitisville, Jk»rks1iire 
(V)., Mass., July 30, lsr)9. jHl)ez Lane, Es<]., in now 87 years 
of age, and i.s residing at Cnrtisville, Mass. 


Reuben, son of (+74) Elizur Talcott and Narah Baxter, 

was born in Eniield, (\mn., 'rnly 12, 17i>+, married Lois M., 
daughter of Luther Frisby, of Mesopotamia, Dec. 4, 1822, 
ami had 

670 Paulina, b. Sept. 30, 1823; in. Royal P. Munsell, Oct. 11. 1842. 

671 Amanda, b. July 7, 1825 ; m. Charles Harris, Dec. 14, 1842. 

672 Heman, b. May 19, 1827 ; m. Elizaam Bigelow, Aug. 3, 1854. 

673 Heman and Freeman (twins), b. March 24, 1831 ; died in infancy. 

674 Abner S., b. Sept. 6, 1834 ; m. Emma Davis, Sept. 2, 1856. 

675 Clarissa a, b. July 8, 1836. 

676 Whitman Byrd, b. Oct. 22, 1841. Wounded in battle at Perry 

vUle, Ky., Oct. 8 ; d. Dec. 6, 1862. 

677 Theodore, b. Feb. 13, 1849 ; m. Emfly Tkeep, Marcb 10, 1870. 

Reuben Talcott died in Mesopotamia, March 21, IS.")!), 
where his widow is still living. lie was a fai-mer by occuj>a- 


Bettiey, daughter of (474) Elizur Talcott and Sarah 

Baxter, was l)orn in Eniield, Conn., June 20, 17t*8, married 
Liuus Tracy, of Mesopotamia, Ohio, Sept., 1820, and had 

678 Marion B., b. June 19, 1821. 

679 Irene H., 1). D(ic. 1, 1822 ; ni. Joseph L. Wood. 

680 Helen M., b. Feb. 12, 1827; m. Cjjampion Williams. 

681 AdaUne P., b. Aug. 25, 1828; m. W. B. Reyneu, M. D 

682 JuUa H., b. Feb. 27, 1831. 

683 R. Bruce, b. July 4, 1832. 

684 W. WaUace, b. April 13, 1S41. 


HriM'y, wil'c (»]' i Jnus 'i i :i' \ , MiiMi 'ft \! .. : • 

l^^i^*. ( nl. Ijp»i< '1i"m'\ .-.rv«''t * • •'..!• w ,> .- ' . ■ . 

-■*:i-. 1! ''("fT ;tiu| \\ . \\ at! fc, ;t--I- "tl i-, ;■• ■ . 

■ •' '.''.»; I. A I I ! I I- i \ • "(* "1 .■t„" ' •[ ' .' ■ ^ : ' . 

-.-MJuiiti'!* of' Ira I'a:'!'"?-. ot' ).;.'-■_ ;':t!;!. M.,;.i, L !'^''l, .c.l 

5C5 Narcissa, 1>. Fe 'i. 2-^ '^'i^- m. Hi; '."m f».t;i .ii.tM- 1 isVi 

(!. S.').f *T, 1N71. 
6'^o Henrietta, h. S. .<*. '?, 1;-^:^} ; ni. .!^.^^^.' . - \]";" i. : ■■»■•'; 

5P7 TPlminaR.J*. r-''. -J\ i^-lT. 

689 Sar^i C, b. ' ). t 15, jsri ; <1. Nov. 4, 1- 

lal'liiCr liV (•"(•np.itioi.. I .i-i': I, M- a\.' . ! 'n M«' 

;'!! Ill Xor\' ■'•];, i'-'i-l.-liiM- (.'<>,, M.iss.. .^ jn*'! _ ■ '• t : 

• •■>■*'). 
>.«'i;iy F., I) "No. . i t. 1^ ^h Jf Ai.ui.iM W \[;i;i. s, S.-j-a 0. I'". 
:--..son A., !\ Mi'.!.-'» 11, iJ^::; . ui M\i::r.i-|A T; ; i i.-r hi\.. ■ 

•^ ; ; d. A '-. n, 1H71. 
•• :«rin M., ^ I-iiu? 4, l*^:;i>- in. HAr'.;-. A. l':iri t .iaku, ^'.t:•ii 

- :^o<;. 

-" -Jane. b. a ^'^r. :), Isj:*; m ls\u' \'\!ii!'n«. Jm-. 1, iS(;;\ 
•- .'le Anyrust'^ b. Sent, JO, I'^l", ii .h^n.N H<>T;\f;v- k S<'".. 

'•t'tj-cii s, '^i'': 'A\ l)\. K.irr J.oOMi.. Marc). VI>, 1^'U'. 
*^n "3, t-. .: ni, Tl:.\: v \;' •»;;;}.%. >i > -'r, ls<w. 


Betsey, wife of Linus Tracv, died in Mesopotamia, Dec. 2S, 
187^^. Col. Linu8 Tracy served in the war of 1812, and his 
sons, K. Hruce and W. Wallace, assisted in putting down the 
late rebellion. x\t the advanced aii:e of S2 vears he is still 
residing in Mesopotann'a. 


Harvey, son of (474) Elizur Talcott and Sarah Baxter, 

w^as horn in Xorwieh, Mass., July n, IS()2, married Liiciiia, 
daughter of Ii*a Parker, of Mesopotamia, March 4, 1S81, and 

685 Narcissa, b. Feb. 23, 1832; m. Hiram Woodford, June 1, 1854; 

d. Sept. 27, 1871. 
636 Henrietta, b. Sept. 2, 1834; m. Joseph Skalv, April 5, 1800. 

687 Emma R., b. Dec. 25, 1837. 

688 Rosetta, b. Feb. 27, 1841 ; d. Sept. 27, 1851. 

689 Sarah O^ b. Oct. 15, 1842 ; d. Nov. 4, 1801. 

Harvey Talcott died in Mesopotamia, Veh. 25, 1859. lie 
was a farnier by occn[)ation. Lncina, his widow, died in Mes- 
o])otamia, Feb. 22, lSf)5. 

NeUon, son of (474) Elizur Talcott and Sarali Baxter, 

was born in Norwich, Herksliirc Co., Mass., April 22, 1S04; 
married Louisa C. Whitiiii?> in Nelson, (). (b. in Lee, r>erk- 
sliire (^^, Mass., Oct. P), 181:5), Feb. t», 1S;]2, an<l liad 

690 Henry, b. Dec. 28,1832; m. ('ordklfa J. Pritcuaud, Dec. 23, 


691 Emily F., b. Nov. 24, 1834; m. Albrht Warrkn, Sept. 9, 1855. 

692 Nelson A., b. March 11, 1837; m. Marietta, Jan. 1, 

1861 ; d. Aug. 9, 1871. 

693 Edwin M., b. June 4,1839; in. Hattie A. Pritciiard, March 

25, 1866. 

694 Charles, b. Sept. 10, 1841 ; m. Weltiiea M. Hyde, May 13, 1863. 

695 Sarah Jane, b. Aug. 3, 1843; m. Isaac VViirTiNG, Jan. 1, 1863. 

696 Catharine Augusta, b. Sept. 29, 1845; ni. John Uorabeck, Sc\n. 

29, 1868. 

697 Mabel, b. March 8, 1848 ; m. Dwight Loomis, March 29, 1869. 

698 Frances, b. Jan. 2, 1851 ; m. Henry Warren, May 26, 1868. 

Nelson Talcott died in Oarrettsvillo, Oliio, of licart dis^'.Msc, 


July lt>, lsr>6. He was an extensive inaiiiifaeturer of ehaii*s, 
and merchant of Nelson and (laiTettsville, Ohio. 


Henry, son of (058) Nelson Talcott and Louisa C. Whit- 
ing, wfis born in Nelson, Portage Co., Ohio, Dec. 28, 1832, 
married Cordelia Jane Pritehard, of Nelson (b. Aug. 12, 
1834), Dec. 23, 1855, and had 

699 John Carlos, b. March 8, 1857. Graduated at Mt. Union College, 

Ohio, July 25, 1876, and now taking a law course in Yale College. 

700 Albert Lewis, b. Feb. 8, 1859. Graduated at Eastman's Business 

College, Poughkeepsie, Aug. 17, 1874, and now in Senior Class 
Mt. Union College. 

701 Ralph Henry, b. Dec. 3. 1860. 

702 WilUam Ellsworth, b. Oct. 25, 1862. 

703 George Nelson, b. Dec. 25, 1866. 

Henry Talcott and family reside in Jeiferson, Ohio, where 
lie is condncting an extensive bnsiness as banker, hardware 
dealer and stock farmer. 

Emily, daughter of (658) Nelson Talcott and Lonisa €. 

Whiting^ was born m Nelson, Ohio, Nov. 21:, 1834, married 
Albert Warren, Sept. 9, 1855, and had 

704 Carrie I*, b. Aug. 9, 1856. 

705 Lena F., b. Oct. 8, 1861. 

706 Albert B., b. March 25, 1866. 


Nelson A., son of (658) Nelson Talcott and Lonisa C. 

Whiting, was born in Nelson, Ohio, March 11, 1837, married 
Marietta Tuller, of Manti, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1801, and had born 
in Sidney, Iowa, 

707 Barle, b. Oct. 26, 1862 ; d. Oct. 12, 1864. 

708 Bell, b. April 7, 1867. 

709 Louie, b. Dec. 18, 187.0. 

Nelson A. Talcott died in Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa, 
Aug. i), 1871. He was a hardware merchant in that place, 
connty clerk and anditor of the connty, in which capacity he 
served two terms. 



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Cdwin 11.9 son of (658) Nelson Talcott and Louisa C. 

Whiting, was bom in Garrettsville, Ohio, June 4, 1839, mar- 
ried Hattie A., daughter of Jessie Pritchard, of Hiram, Port- 
age Co., Ohio (b. Nov. 8, 1841), March 25, 1866, and had 

710 Melvin, b. Dec. 16, 1866. 

711 Louis W., b. April 26, 1869. 

Edwin M. Talcott and family reside at Jeiferson, Ashtabula 
Co., Ohio. He is largely engaged in the manufacture of 
^ Cheese and in farming. 


Charles, son of (658) Nelson Talcott and Louisa C 

Whiting, was born in Garrettsville, Ohio, Sept. 10, 1841, 
married Welthea M., daughter of Gates Hyde, Esq., of Lenox, 
Ohio (b. in Allegany Co., N. Y., April 1, 1843), May 13, 1863, 
and had 

712 Lewis L., b. April 15, 1866. 

713 Bemice L., b. Nov. 10, 1869. 

Welthea, wife of Charles Talcoit, died Nov. 13, 1875. 
Charles Talcott resides in Geneva, Ohio, where he is en- 
gaged in the hardware business, and is senior partner in the 
house of Talcott & Wright, Jewellers. 


Narah J.^ daughter of (658) Nelson Talcott and Louisa 
C. Whiting, was born in Nelson, Ohio, Aug. 3, 1843, married 
Isaac Whiting, Jan. L, 1863, and had 

714 Charles L., b. Feb. 9, 1866. 
716 Emily A., b. Dec. 8, 1867. 

716 Addie, b. July 26, 1871. 

717 Nelson L., b. June 25, 1874. 

718 Royelle, b. Jan. 18, 1875 ; d. March 27, 1875. 

719 Jean Earl, b. Jan. 2, 1876. 


Catharine Aiig:iista9 daughter of (65S) Nelson Tal- 
cott and Louisa C. Whiting, was bom in Nelson, Ohio, Sept. 


29, 1845, married John Borabeck^ Sept. 29, 1868, and 

720 Winnie, b. Nov. 6, 1869. 

721 Mabel, b. Aug. 25, 1871. 


Mabel, daughter of (658) Nelson Talcott and Louisa C. 
Whiting, was bom in Nelson, Ohio, March 8, 1848, married 
Dwight Loomis, March 29, 1869, and had 

722 Clarence K, b. Nov. 26, 1873. 


Frances, daughter of (658) Nelson Talcott and Louisa 

C. Whiting, was bom in Nelson, Ohio, Jan. 2, 1851, married 
Henry Warren, May 26, 1868, and had no children of her 
own but adopted 

723 Frederick B., b. Nov. 9, 1872. 


(Samuel ?), son of (470) Elizur Talcott and , 

was born in , married Jedidah Lord, and had 

724 Moses, b. March 4, 1786 ; m. Charlotte Wakneh, Jan. 3, 1814 ; 

d. April 28, 1852. 

725 Aaron, b. ; d. s. in Springfield, Mass. 

726 Asa, b. ; m. Dblana Russbl, Jan. 22, 1817. 

727 Samuel Lord, b. Oct. 24, 1795 ; ra. Harriet M. Welton, 1825 ; 

d. April 20. 1860. 

728 Mary, b. 

729 Charlotte, b. ; m. Oscar Fitzland RussELii. 

(Samuel?) Talcott lived in (Suffield?), Conn., and died 
there of heart disease about 1823. The name of his son, Moses, 
is found on the Danby records as conveying a farm, and some 
of his descendants say he was a resident of Tolland, Conn. 

Moses, son of (475) (Samuel?) Talcott and Jedidah 

Lord, was bom in , March 4, 1786, married Charlotte 

Warner, Jan. 3, 1814, and had 

730 Moses O., b. Oct. 10, 1815 ; m. Jane Gray, Sept., 1854. 

\:A"ics TAicorr 


nutti'.'.l t)*,]\V Kor:;h#»«'k, S(M>t. '2\K \> >-. ;i':'^ 

^7^0 Wii rr.'j. h. v.v 6, 1-'i». 

tSi^^U'L ri.s.:-''tt- of (<);,S' Nelson TaU'Ott i^\d Loi?i>n C. 

V'"':^*i'i L^*a?h:A. ^' ir.-): X-'l^ 1 >*';*.♦, ;<ml liail 

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Wai'iier, ,1;.i* :i, ISj-K a.- d Iki'I 



731 AppoUos P., b. May 10, 1819 ; lives in Ohio, single. 

732 Charlotte S., b. Sept. 13, 1822 ; m. F. Hulbert, Sept. 8, 1842. 

733 Oliver B., b. Sept. 8, 1826 ; m. Emily Grebn, Jan. 16, 1850. 

Moses Talcott died in Thompson, Ohio, April 28, 1852. 
Charlotte, his wife, died in Thompson, Ohio, Dec. 9, 1868. 
His occupation was farming. He came to Ohio in 1830, was 
an honest, upright man, generous, conscientious and a strict 
observer of his cliristian duties, fond of music, and a self-taught 
musician. He was buried on his own farm and the funeral 
services were performed at the M. E. Church, at Thompson. 


Moses 0.5 son of (724) Moses Talcott and Charlotte 
Warner, was born in Suffield, Conn., Oct. 10, 1815, married 
Jane Gray, of Yorkshire, England, Sept., 1854, and had 

734 Charlotte, b. Oct. 6, 1855 ; m. Oeorqb A. Fay, May, 1874. 
734i Cora AdeUe, b. Aug. 1, 1858. 

735 AUce R., b. Sept. 24, 1860. 

736 Jane, b. March 22, 1862. 

737 Zadie, b. Nov. 12, 1864. 

738 Mary, b. Feb. 12, 1866 ; d. March 22, 1866. 

739 Cecil, b. March 25. 1869. 

740 Lemuel Ozroe, b. March 12, 1871. 

741 Bertie F., b. July 25, 1873. 

742 Oscar F., b. Aug. 28, lb75. 

Moses 0. Talcott is residing 35 miles from Omaha, Nebraska 
Ter., on the Union P. R. R. 

733. • 

Charlotte S., daughter of (724) Moses Talcott and 

Charlotte Warner, was born in Suffield, Conn., Sept. 13, 
1822, married Frederick Hulbert, Sept. 8, 1842, and had 

743 Frederick Alonzo, b. Sept. 8, 1843 ; was in the army, and died in 

hospital, Feb. 5, 1863. 

744 Edgar S., b. Jan. 24, 1849 ; m. Isabellb Pomoroy, April 6, 1876. 
746 Charlotte Esther, b. Dec. 21, 1850; m. G. A. Mathbws, Dec. 15, 


746 Mary Annette, b. Oct. 6, 1854. 

747 Eugene Newel, b. Feb. 12, 1857. 

748 Almjrra E, b. May 10, 1859. 


Frederick Hulbert and family reside in Thompson, Geauga 
Co., Ohio. 


Oliver E., son of (724) Moses Talcott and Charlotte 

Warner, was bom in Suffield, Conn., Sept. 8, 1826, married 
Emily A. Green, Jan. 16, 1850, and had 

749 Minnie B., b. Sept. 22, tail ; d. May 6, 1852. 

760 Marion L^ b. Jan. 23, 1853. 

761 Orson O., b. June 16, 1857 ; d. March 16, 1858. 

762 Bffie O., b. May 1, 1859. 

763 Alonzo H., b. Oct. 14, 1865. 

764 MayriUa M., b. Aug. 1, 1870. 

Oliver E. Talcott and family reside in Thompson, Geauga 
Co., Ohio, and is a manufacturer and dealer in lumber, build- 
ing and bridge timbers, etc. 

Samuel Lord, son of (475) (Samuel!) Talcott and 
Jedidah Lord, was bom in Enfield, Conn., Oct. 24, 1795, 
married Harriet Maria Welton, of Centerfield, Ontario Co., 
N. Y. (b. Jan. 30, 1803), in 1825, and had 

765 Caroline B., b. Nov. 7, 1826 ; m. Curtis Kbnnan, Oct. 31, 1848. 

766 Mary P., b. April 13, 1828 ; m. Sparrow Mayo, 1848 ; d. Aug. 

30, 1873. 

767 Samuel O., b. June 15, 1830; m. Hannah M. Webb, Oct. 12, 1858; 

no children. 

768 Harrison G., b. April 13, 1832; m. twice and lives in Kansas, has 


769 Martha A^ b. Jan. S3, 1834 ; d. s. in Salem, O. 

760 Harriet M., b. Sept. 13, 1836. 

761 Stephen W^ b. March 20, 1840 ; m. Mary Magee, 1860 ; d. 1861. 

762 Julia A., b. Feb. 12, 1849 ; m. Richard Yarner, of Kansas. 

Samuel Lord Talcott died in West Randolph. Cattaraugus 
Co., N. Y., April 20, 1860, at the house of his daughter, Mrs. 
Kennan. Harriet M., his widow, died in E. Bloomtield, On- 
tario Co., N. Y., Jan. 8, 1870. He was, at four or five years of 
age, taken from Enfield to Long Meadow, where he learned the 
trade of carpenter and joiner. He remained in Long Meadow 
until he was 21 or 22 years of age, when he removed to Ash- 


tabula, Ohio, and remained there less than a year. He canje 
east again and worked for the government on the public works 
at Black Rock. Here he remained but a short time and then 
moved to Centerfield, a small village about four miles from 
Canandaigua, where he married. His family is scattered 
throughout the west. He was a wheelwright by trade, and 
the first inventor of clothes wringers; a strong anti-slavery 
man, a politician and great reader, and a good man and 


Caroline E., daughter of (727) Samuel Lord Talcott 

and Harriet M. Welton, was born Nov. 7, 1826, married 
Curtis Kennan, of East Bloomfield, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1848, 
and had 

763 Charles L., b. June 26, 1851 ; d. Sept. 5, 1855. 

764 Harriet M., b. Jan. 26, 1853 ; unmarried. 

765 George W., b. Dec. 1, 1854; d. Aug. 29, 1862. 

766 Harlow O., b. Jan. 10, 1856 ; d. Aug. 26, 1862. 

767 Charlie S., b. March 7, 1858 ; unmarried. 

768 Minnie M., b. Jan. 22, 1860; d. Aug. 18, 1862. 

769 OaroUne B., b. Feb. 7, 1862. 

Curtis Eennan and family reside in Jamestown, Chautau- 
qua Co., N. Y. 


Mary P., daughter of (727) Samuel lord Talcott and 
Harriet M. Welton, was born in E. Bloomfield, N. Y., April 
13, 1828, married Sparrow Mayo, ofE. Bloomfield, 1848, 
and had 

770 Arthur O., b. July 20, 1850. 

771 Edward F., b. July 30, 1856. 

Mary P. Mayo died in E. Bloomfield, N. Y., Aug. 30, 18Y3. 
S. Mayo is still living in E. Bloomfield. 


Samuel C, son of (727) Samuel Lord Talcott and 

Harriet M. Welton, was born in E. Bloomfield, June 15, 1830, 
married Hannah^ daughter of William and Elizabeth Webb, 


of Salem, Coluinbiaua Co., Ohio, Oct. 12,' 1858. They have no 
children. Samuel C. learned a trade and worked at it, but hi 
1866 he took out a patent for an " elastic rubber button hole 
for carriage curtains," which has proved quite a success. He 
has been mayor of Ashtabula, Ohio, and is now actively en- 
gaged in a lucrative business. 


Harrison «., son of (727) Samuel Lord Talcott and 
Harriet M. Welton, was bom in E. Bloomtield, Ontario Co., 

N. Y., April 13, 1832, married 1st , and 2d , in 

Kansas. Has had a number of children and lost seveml. 

Harrison G- Talcott and family live in Kansas. 


Stephen W., son of (727) Samuel Lord Talcott and 
Harriet M. Welton, was born in E. Bloomtield, N. Y., March 
20, 1840, married Mary Magee, of Salem, Ohio, 1860. (Not 
known if there were children.) 

Stephen W- Talcott went into the army as a volunteer, 
Aug., 1861, Co. C 1st Ohio Regiment, and was wounded at 
the battle of "Lookout Mountain," and died in a few days in 
the hospital, at Chattanooga, and was buried in Salem, Ohio. 
Ilis comrades said he was a good soldier. 

yea. ^ 

Julia A., daughter of (727) Samuel Lord Talcott and 
Harriet M. Welton, was born in E. Bloomiield, N. Y., Feb. 
12, 1849, married Richard Varner, of Kansas, and had 

772 One child. 


fibenezer, son of (439) Samuel Talcott and Thankful 

Belding^ was born in Wethersfield, 1731, married Sarah^ 
daughter of John TALOorr, and had 

773 Samuel, b. ; d. y., unmarried. 

774 Ebenezer, b. ; sailor, lost at sea, unmarried. 

776 Samuel, b. Feb. 3, 1758 ; m. Mary Hurlbut, Dec. 25, 1788 ; d 
Dec. 33, 1794. 


776 Josiah, b. ; sailor, drowned in Connecticut river, d. s. 

777 John, b. ; sailor, lost at sea, near Saybrook, returning from 

West Indies. 

778 Sarah, b. ; m. Capt. James Treat, of Wethersfield. 

779 William, b. Nov. 7, 1771 ; m. Amelia Hanmer, July 31, 1800; d. 

June 28, 1813. 

780 Mary, b. ; unmarried ; d. in Wethersfield. 

781 Joseph, b. ; m. Anna Boardman, , 1803 ; d. June 17, 


Ebenezer Talcott died in Wethersfield, Aug. 25, 1795. 
Sarah, his widow, died in Wethersfield, April 13, 1801, ae. 68 


Samuel, son of (471) Ebenezer Talcott and Sarah 

Talcott, was bom in Wethersfield, Ct., Feb. 3, 1758, married 
Mary Hurlbut (b. March 24, 1762), Dec. 25, 1788, and had 

782 Clarissa, b. Jan. 27. 1790 ; d. b. Jan. 10. 1807. 

783 Emily, b. Sept. 30, 1791 ; d. s. Nov. 11, 1830. 

784 Samuel, b. March 16, 1794; m. Betsey Belden, June 19. 1828 ; 

d. March 5, 1873. 

Samuel Talcott died in Wethersfield, Ct., Dec. 23, 1794. 
Mary Ilurlbnt, his widow, died in Wethersfield, Ct., July 6 


Samuel, son of (775) Samuel Talcott and Mary Hurl- 
but, was born in Wethersfield, Ct., Marcli 16, 1794, married 
Betsey Belden (b. Sept. 10, 1802), June 19, 1828, and had 

785 Clarissa Ann, b. April 24, 1829. 

786 David (twin with Samuel), b. July 29, 1830; d. July 30, 1830. 

787 Samuel (twin with David), b. July 29, 1830; d. July 30, 1830. 

788 Emily B., b. Dec. 11, 1831 ; m. Bronson Outon, Sept. 22, 1852 

no. ch. 

789 Infant son, b. April 30, 1834 ; d. May 27, 1834. 

790 Mary B., b. Dec. 28, 1835 ; d. s. Aug. 14. 1854. 

791 Infant son, b. Nov. 1, 1838 ; d. Nov. 1, 1838. 

792 Eliza S., b. May 3, 1841 ; d. s. Sept. 5, 1862. 

793 Samuel Justus, b. July 6, 1842 ; d. Aug. 14, 1857. 

Samuel Talcott removed to North East, Penn., in early 
life, where he lived and died March 15, 1873. Betsey Belden, 


his wife, died in North East, April 24, 1868. Clarissa Ann 
and Mrs. Emily B. Orton are the only survivors of this branch 
of the family and they reside in the homestead in North East, 
Penn., purchased by their father in 1850. 

Deacon IWilliaiii^ son of (471) Ebenezer Talcott and 

Sarah^ daughter of John Taloott, was born in Wethersfield, 
Ct., Nov. 7, 1771, married Amelia^ daughter of Francis Ilan- 
mer, of Wethersfield (b. Dec. 18, 1775), July 31, 1800, and had 

794 Amelia, b. July 6, 1801 : m. David Hii^s, of East Hartford ; d. 

Aprils, 1847. 
796 Oelia, b. Feb. 1, 1804 ; m. Henry Robbins, of Wethersfield ; 

alive, 1875. 

796 William, b. Sept. 22, 1806; m. Eliza H. Harris, May 12, 1830. 

797 Sarah Treat, b. July 21, 1809; m. John Loveland; d. Dec. 3, 


798 Francis H., b. April 19, 1812 ; d. s. Dec. 2, 1854, in Brattleboro, Vt. 

Deacon William Talcott died June 28, 1813, a3. 42. 
Amelia, his widow, died Sept. 4, 1837, se. 62. 


l¥illiani, son of (779) William Talcott and Amelia 

Hanmer^ was born in Wethersfield, Ct., Sept. 22, 1806 ; mar- 
ried Eliza H., daughter of Thomas Harris, of Wethersfield 

(b. April 10, 1806), May 12, 1830, and had 


799 William Hanmer, b. Feb. 17, 1831 ; m. Charlotte F. Church, 

of Hartford, Nov. 5, 1861. 

800 Francis Hanmer, b. March 3, 1833 ; m. Ellen Sophia Prudkn, 

of Hartford, June 6, 1856. 

801 Thomas Harris, b. May 23, 1835. 

802 Elizabeth Amelia, b. Feb. 3, 1838 ; m. James T. Smith, of Weth- 

ersfield (b. May 4, 1833), Nov. 23, 1864. 

803 Marshall Decatur, b. Oct. 3, 1840 ; m. Alice Benedict, of Mar- 

shall, Mich. ; no eh. 

804 DeWitt Clinton, b. June 3, 1842 ; single. 

805 Cecelia Augusta, b. Nov. 8, 1845 ; single. 

806 Harriet Ella, b. March 3, 1849 ; single. 

l¥illiaiii Haniner, son of (796) William Talcott and 


Eliza H, Harris^ was born in Wethersfield, Ot., Feb. 17, 
1831, married Charlotte F., daughter of Charles Church, of 
Hartford, Ct. (b. Jan. 31, 1836), Nov. 5, 1861, and had 

807 Charles Church, b. Aug. 15, 1862 ; d. June 28, 1866. 

808 William Church, b. Feb. 21, 1872. 


Franei^ Hanmer, son of (796) William Talcott and 
Eliza H. Harris^ was born in Wethersfield, March 3, 1833, 
married Ellen Sophia, daughter of Nathaniel Pruden, of Hart- 
ford, June 16, 1856. No children. 

William H. and Francis H. Talcott are book-binders, of 
the firm of William H. Talcott & Brother, Hartford, Ct. 


Elizabeth Amelia, daughter of (7%) William Talcott 

and Eliza H. Harris, was born in Wethersfield, Ct., Feb. 3, 
1838, married James T. Smith (b. May 4, 1833), Nov. 23, 
1864, and had 

808i Edward Talcott, b. March 3, 1870. 

809 Carrie Louisa, b. March 6, 1875 ; d. Aug. 11, 1875. 


Joseph, son of (471) Ebenezer and Sarah Talcott^ was 

bom in Wethersfield, Ct., , married Anna Boardman, of 

Wethersfield, , 1803, and had 

810 Ebenezer, b. July 20, 1804; m. Rubib S. Rislby, June 13, 1827 ; 

d. Oct. 17, 1865. 

811 Julia A., b. Nov. 16, 1806 ; m. Gborgb W. Loomis, Oct. 4, 1827. 

812 Joseph, Jr^ b. Sept. 30, 1808 ; m. Priscilla Simmons, Feb. 28, 

1839; d. July 21, 1862. 

813 Maria, b. May 2, 1811 ; unmarried. 

814 John, b. Dec. 10, 1815 ; unmarried, d. at Madison, May 30, 1842. 

815 Samuel, b. Nov. 6, 1816 ; m. Ann Crowfoot, Dec. 10, 1858 ; d. at 

N. Brookfield, May 11, 1874, 

816 William, b. April 4, 1818 ; m. Julia Wech, July 3, 1845 ; d. Jan. 

18, 1870. 

. Joseph Talcott died in Madison, N. Y., June 17, 1832. 
Anna, his widow, died in Madison, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1863. 
Joseph Talcott emigrated from Wethersfield, Ct., in Feb., 



1816, and settled in central New York, then a wilderness, 
and opened a new farm, where he resided and cultivated the 
ground till his death. He was a member of the Presbyterian 


Ebenezer, son of (781) Joseph Talcott and Anna 
Boardman^ was bom in Wethersfield, July 20, 1804, married 
BuMe S., daughter of Elizur Eisley, of Madison, N. Y. (b. 
June 3, 1809), June 13, 1827, and had bom in Madison, 

K Y., 

817 Nelson J., b. May 12, 1833 ; m. Elizabeth Carpenter, Feb. 7, 

1858 ; d. Oct. 19, 1865. 

818 Cornelia, b. Feb. 25, 1835 ; m. Andrew M. Goodwin, May, 1857 ; 

d. Feb. 13, 1869. 

819 Oscar, b. April 12, 1836; m. Mary A. Ackles, March 4, 1861. 

820 Ohauncey O., b. Feb. 9, 1838 ; m. Emily J. White, July 12, 1865. 

821 Irving B., b. Sept. 19, 1841 ; d. Jan. 16, 1844. 

822 George L, b. Nov. 16, 1845 ; in. Ida M. Holmes, Sept. 19, 1867. 

823 Ann A., b. Aug. 22, 1850, at Ronald, Mich. ; m. Charles H. 

Burke, Oct. 9, 1867. 

Ebenezer Talcott died at Ronald, Mich., Oct. 17, 1865. 
RuBiE S., his wife, died at Ronald, Mich., April 12, 1861. 


Nelson J., son of (810) Ebenezer Talcott and Ruble S. 

Risley, was born in Madison, N. Y., May 12, 1833, man-ied 
Elizabeth Carpenter (b. Feb. 8, 1837), Feb. 7, 1858, at Ro- 
nald, Mich., and had born there 

824 AUce EUzabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1859. 
826 Belbert, 
826 Herbert, 

I b. Aug. 22, 1863. 

Nelson J. Talcott died Oct. 19, 1865. 


Cornelia, daughter of (810) Ebenezer Talcott and Ruble 

S. Risley, was born in Madison, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1835, mar- 
ried at Eonald, Mich., Andrew M. Goodwin, May, 1857, and 

had born there 


827 Irving O., b. Feb. 3, 1859. 

828 Ida May, b. July 16, 1860. 

829 Andrew O., b. Jan. 10, 1865. 

Cornelia Talcott, wife of Andrew M. Goodwin, died at 
Ronald, Mich., Feb. 13, 1869. 


Oscar, son of (810) Ebenezer Talcott and Ruble S. 
Bisley^ was born in Madison, N. Y., April 12, 1836, married 
at Grand Rapids, Mich., Mary Amanda Ackles (b. at TuUy, 
N. Y., Aug. 12, 1839), March 4, 1861, and had bom at Ro 
nald, Mich., 

830 Ettie May, b. April 11. 1863. 

831 Julia Harriet, b. Dec. 12, 1866. 

832 Bertha Bell, b. Jan. 4, 1869. 

Oscar Talcott and family reside at Ionia, Mich. 


Chauneey C, son of (810) Ebenezer Talcott and Buble 

S. Risley, was born at Madison, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1838, married 
Emily J. White, of Lyons, Mich. (b. May 7, 1843), July 12, 
1865, and had bom at Ronald, Mich., 

833 Bxie, b. Nov. 11, 1866. 

83^ Effie Adell, b. Sept. 11, 1868. 


Oeorge Irving, son of (810) Ebenezer Talcott and 
Ruble S. Risley, was born in Madison, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1845, 
married Ida M. Holmes (b. June 25, 1848), Sept. 19, 1867^ 
and had born at Ronald, Mich., 

836 Minnie A., b. April 9, 1869. 


Ann Amelia, daughter of (810) Ebenezer Talcott and 
Ruble S. Rlsley, was born in Madison, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1850, 
married Charles H. Burke (b. July 23, 1837), Oct. 9, 1867, 
and had bom at Ronald, Mich., 


S36 JBbUlla, h. Jnly 4, 1^09. 

937 Flonac* Edaa, b, Maj ^,1870; d. Oct. S, 1^7^ 
S37i MasgU, K Ma/ 15, ]8r;3; d. Oct. S, l^r;^ 
eas iMMnjiiBii, b. Hept. 15, 187S. 


Jalia Ann, rlan^^hterof (781) Josepk Talfott and Amia 
Boardman^ wa^s lK»m in WetherhiieM, Xov. 16, 1S«)6, married 
Oeori^e W. Loomte^ of Madison, X. Y. (b. April 30, 1801), 
Oct, 4, 1 827, and had 

839 Sarah, b. April 24. 1829 ; d. April 23, 1833. 

840 Emllj, b. Aag. 16. 1830 ; d. April 23, 1833. 

841 Sarah, b. Feb. 24, 1837 ; m. Edwin P. Bush, Feb. 10, 1853. Their 

cliildren are George Willie, b. Jane 12, 1859; Franklin, b. Dec. 
22, 1863 ; Ervin, b. Feb. 14, 1865. 


Joneph, Jr., son of (781) Joseph Taleott and Anna 
Boardman^ wa« lx>m in Wethersfield, Sept. 30, 1808, married 
PrlHcllla HimmonH^ of Madison. N. Y., Feb. 28, 1839, and 

84d WUliam Hanrey, b. Feb. 3, 1840 ; m. Ctnthia S. Kellbt, Nov. 
12, 1872. 

843 Stuian Eliza, b. Sept. 7, 1842 ; m. Rev. Newell Newton, Nov. 15, 

1869; d. Sept. 29, 1871. 

844 Amelia Slnora, b. July 20. 1844 ; m. D. J. Stowbll, Nov. 15, 1869. 
846 Mary Stigenia, b. Aug. 28, 1846 ; m. Emebt Stowell, Nov. 4, 

846 Julia Ann, b. Feb. 12, 1848; m. Seth B. Mereness, Oct. 21, 1871. 

Joseph Taleott removed to Washtenaw Co., Mich., in the 
spring of 1846, and settled on a new farm in the then wilder- 
noHH of Micliigan. lie enlisted in the 27th Michigan Infantry, 
F(il)., 1802, and died at Milldale, twelve miles from Vicksburg, 
Miss., July 21, 1863. His widow resides with her youngest 
daugliter at Ypsilanti, Mich. * 


Natnnel, son of (781) Joseph Taleott and Anna Board- 

maUy was born in Madison, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1816, married Ann 
Crowfoot, of Madison, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1853, and had 


847 liuella, b. Jan. 18, 1855 ; m. Herbert Throop, of Madison, March 


848 Charles Crowfoot, b. Feb. 2, 1859. 

Samuel Talcott died at N. Brookiield, N. Y., May 11, 1874. 


liUella, daughter of (815) Samuel Talcott and Ann 
Crowfoot, was bom in Madison, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1855, married 
Merbert Throop, of Madison, March, 1871, and had 

849 CeUa, b. Dec. 1, 1873 


l¥illiani, son of (781) Joseph Talcott and Anna Board- 
man, was born in Madison, April 4, 1818, man*ied Julia 
Wech, of Brookfield, Madison Co., N. Y., July 3, 1845, and 

850 Alice Lucelia, b. March 3, 1848 ; m. Emery D. Morgan, June 24, 

1868. ^ 

861 Denslow Herodian, b. May 2, 1849 ; m. Lucia Liyermore, June 

22, 1870. 

862 Vermelle M. Bette, b. April 19, 1854. 

863 Roselind, b. June 30, 1858. 

William Talcott died in North Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 18, 
1870. He was an influential citizen of that town, an extensive 
hop grower and speculator. His death, which was quite sud- 
den, brought a cloud of gloom over the entire community. 


l^illiain Harvey, son of (812) Joseph Talcott, Jr., 
and Priscilla Simmons, was born in Madison, N. Y., Feb. 3, 
1840, married Cynthia S. Kelley, of Platteville, Neb., Nov. 
12, 1872. They have no children. 

William Harvey Talcott was educated at the Michigan 
State Normal School, and was admitted to the bar of La Porte, 
Ind., May 3, 1875, and is a resident of Fremont, Nebraska. 


Snsan Eliza, daughter of (812) Joseph Talcott, Jr., 
and Priscilla^inimons, was born in Madison, N. Y., Sept. 


7, 1842, married at Ypsilanti, Mich., Rev. Newell Newton, 
Nov. 15, 1869, and had no children. 

Susan E._, wife of Kev. Newell Newton, died at Brooklyn, 
Mich., Sept. 29, 1871, in the tiinmph of a christian hope. 
She was educated at the Ypsilanti Union School, and was a 
successful teacher in the schools of Michigan for several years 
before her marriage. 


Amelia Elnora, daughter of (813) Joseph Talcott^ 
Jr., and Priscilla Simmons, was born in Madison, N. Y., 
July 20, 181:4, married at Ypsilanti, Mich., D. J. Stowell, of 

Dundee, Mich., Nov. 15, 1869, and had 

864 Clarence Eugene, b. Aug. 14, 1872. 

Amelia Elnora Stowell was educated at the Ypsilanti Union 
Semiuary. D. J. Stowell is a farmer and resides at Dundee, 
Monroe Co., Mich. 


Mary Eugenia, daughter of (812) Joseph Talcott, Jr., 
and Priscilla Simmons, was born in Augusta, Mich., Aug. 
28, 1846, married Emery Stowell, of Dundee, Mich., Nov. 4, 
1867. They have no children. 

Mary Eugenia Stowell was educated at the Ypsilanti Union 
Seminary, and taught in the Dundee Union School for several 
years. Emery Stowell is a farmer residing at Dundee, Mon- 
roe Co., Mich. 


Jnlia Ann^ daughter of (812) Joseph Talcott, Jr., and 
Priscilla Simmons, was born at Augusta, Mich., Feb. 2, 1848, 
married at Ypsilanti, Mich., Seth B. Mereness, of Ypsilanti, 
Mich., Oct. 21, 18Y1. They have no children. 

Julia Ann Mereness was educated at at the Michigan State 
Normal School, was for several years a successful teacher and 
assistant principal of the Saline Union School. 

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Wdhhtfi of 
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Joseph L-,ra^. 




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Alice liucelia, daughter of (816) William Talcott and 
Jnlia Wech, was born in Madison, N. Y., March 3, 184:8, 
married Emery D. Morgan^ of Madison, June 24, 1868, and 

855 Ivanore Vermelle, b. Oct. 18, 1873. 


Denslow Herodian, son of (816) William Talcott and 
Julia Wech, was born in Madison, N. Y., May 2, 1849, mar- 
ried Lucia Livermore, of North Brookfield, June 22, 1870, 
and had 

856 WilUam Uvermore, b. June 80, 1873. 

857 Lulu EaUe, b. March 10, 1875. 


Josiah, son of (434) Dea. Joseph Talcott and Sarah 
Deming^ was born in Wethersfield, Ct., Jan. 27, 1702, mar- 
ried Dinah^ daughter of Israel Wyatt, Nov. 20, 1728, and 

858 Joseph, b. Aug. 18, 1729; m. Susannah ; d. Aug. J30, 1816. 

859 Israel, b. March 4, 1731 ; m. Abigail ; d. April 18, 1813. 

860 Sarah, b. March 18, 1732. 

861 Hezekiah, b. Jan. 5, 1734; d. Oct. 19, 1737. 

862 Josiah, b. July 7, 1737 ; m. ; d. June 17, 1818. 

863 HezeMah, b. June 18, 1739; m. Sakah ; d. Nov. 17, 1824. 

864 John, b. May 18, 1743 ; d. s. (shaker.) 

865 Binah, b. Aug. 25, 1748. 

Josiah Talcott died in Wethersfield (?). Dinah, his wife, 
died in Wethersfield (?). All the sons of Josiah joined the 
shakers, except Hezekiah, who moved to central New York 
and had a large family of children. What became of the two 
daughters is not known. 


Joseph, son of (452) Josiah Talcott and Dinah Wyat, 

was bom in Wethersfield, Ct., Aug. 18, 1729, married Su- 
sannah , and had 

866 Joseph, b. 1758; d. s. June 31, 1831, aB. 73 years. 

867 Hannah, b. 1760; d. s. June 19, 1850, se. 90 years. 


These two are all the children Joseph Talcott was known 
to have had, and they with their parents joined the settlement 
of Shakers, at Hancock, south village, in 1781, or shortly after. 

Joseph Talcott died at the Shaker village, at Hancock, 
Berkshire Co., Mass., Aug. 30, 1816, 8b. 87 years. He came 
from Wethersfield, Ct., to Richmond, Berkshire Co., about the 
year 1764, with his brothers Israel, Josiah and John, and with 
them and a family named Goodrich, and some others, estab- 
lished in 1781 the Society of Shakers in the town of Hancock, 
Berkshire Co., Mass. Susannah, wife of Joseph TALCorr, died 
at the Sliaker village, April 27, 1799, ae. 65 years. 


Israel, son of (452) Josiah Talcott and Dinah Wyat, 

was born in Wethersfield, Ct., March 4, 1731, married Abi- 
gail (who was born in 1738), and had 

868 Israel, Jr., b. 1760 ; m. Molly ; d. Jan. 1, 1838, 8b. 78. 

869 Abigail, b. 1765 ; d. s. Sept. 15, 1819, se. 54. 

870 Elijah, b. 1767 ; d. s. July 5, 1848, se. 82. 

871 Asa, b. 1770 ; d. s. Nov. 14, 1823. ae. 53. 

872 Wyat, b. 1774 ; d. s. Jan. 13, 1816, se. 41. 

873 Sylvia, b. 1776 ; d. s. July 6, 1855, ae. 79. 

874 Amos. 

Israel Talcott, Sr., died at the Sliaker village of New 
Lebanon, Columbia Co., April 18, 1813, se. 82 years. Abigail, 
his wife, died at the same place, April 12, 1798, ae. 60 years. 
His children were all Shakers and died at New Lebanon. 


Hezekiah, son of (453) Josiah Talcott and Dinah Wyat^ 

was born in Wethersfield, Ct., June 18, 1739, married Sarah 
, and had 

880 Polly, b. Oct. 29, 1764 ; d. Nov. 20, 1840. 

881 Hezekiah, b. Jane 14, 1766 ; d. April 3, 1810. 

882 Bphraim, b. May 25, 1767 ; d. Nov. 12, 1778. 

883 Daniel, b. April 29, 1770 ; d. May 29, 1831. 

884 Dinah, b. March 19, 1772 ; d. Sept. 18, 1821. 

885 Ruth, b. May 7, 1774 ; d. Jan. 22, 1823. 

886 Levi, b. March 17, 1776; d. July 21, 1789. 


887 SaUy, b. April 13, 1778 ; d. July 18, 1837. 

888 Enoch, b. July 21, 1780 ; m. Lydia Barton ; d. Aug. 28, 1814. 

889 Alpheus, b. April 30, 1782. 

890 Esther, b. Oct. 19, 1785 ; d. Oct. 31, 1836. 

891 Eunice, b. Sept. 26, 1787 ; d. Nov. 6, 1826. 

892 Hannah, b. June 24, 1789 ; d. July 4, 1789. 

893 Jonathan, b. Jan. 28, 1792 ; d. July 16, 1794. 

Hezekiah Talcott removed from Wethersfield, Ct., to Her- 
kimer, New York, where the above children were born. 
Sarah, the wife of Hezekiah Talcott, died Nov. 19, 1811. 

Hezekiah Taloott died in Sherburne, Chenango Co., N. Y., 
Nov. 17, 1824. 


Josiah, son of (452) Josiah Talcott and Dinah Wyat, 

was born in Wethersfield, Ct., July 7, 1737, married , 

and had 

876 Josiah, Jr., b. 1759 ; d. s. May 21, 1838, bb. 79. 

876 Lydia, b. 1765 ; d. s. Sept. 28, 1837, ». 72. 

877 OUve, b. 1774 ; d s. April 10, 1855, se. 81. 

Josiah Talcott died at the Shaker village in South Han- 
cock, now West Pittsfield, June 17, 1818, ae. 81. Josiah 
TALCOT*r was a soldier in the war of the revolution and belonged 
to Lieut. James Hubbard's company, and was mustered into 
the service of the United States, Aug. 9, 1777. In June, 1781, 
he with his brothers, Joseph and Israel, joined the Society of 
Shakers, in Hancock, south village. His children were all 


Israel, son of (859) Israel Talcott and Abigail , 

was bom 1760, married Molly , and had 

878 Nehemiah, b. 1781 ; d. Oct. 20, 1786, ae. 5 years. 

879 Jeremiah, b. 1784; d. a. Maj 24, 1867, sb. 83 years. 

Israel Talcott, Jr., joined the Shakers and died at Mt. Leb- 
anon, Jan. 1, 1838, se. 78 years. Molly, his wife, died there 
Feb. 14, 1813, se. 53 years. His children were Shakers and 
died at Mt. Lebanon. 



Enoch, son of (861) Hezekiah Talcott and Sarah , 

was born in Herkimer, July 21, 1780, and married Lydia^ 
daughter of Barton, and had only one child 

894 Enoch Barton, b. in Herkimer, April 30, 1811 ; m. Mary G. 

DoOLiTTLE, July 6, 1842 ; d. June 21, 1868. 

Enoch Talcott died Aug. 28, 1814, and his widow married 
Deacon Smith. 


Enoch B., son of (888) Enoch Talcott and Lydia Bar- 
ton, was born in Herkimer, N. Y., April 30, 1811, married 
Mary G., daughter of Dr. Harvey Doolittle, July 6, 1842, 
and had 

895 Harvey D., b. March 25, 1844. 

896 Mary L., b. April 26, 1846 ; m. Augustus Wynkoop, Oct. 8, 


897 Anna M., b. Dec. 29, 1850. 

898 Barton, b. June 26, 1855; d. May 2, 1870. 

899 Oharles, b. June 10, 1857. 

900 Fanny, b. Dec. 2, 1859. 

Enoch B. Talcott died of a disease of the heart, at Utica, 
N. Y., June 21, 18C8. His widow and family reside in Utica, 
N. Y. 


Sarah, daughter of (435) Deacon Benjamin Talcott and 
Sarah HoUister, was born in Grlastenbury, Ct., Oct. 30, 1699, 
married Oapt. Jonathan^ son of Samuel Hale (b. Aug. 21, 
1696), Nov. 28, 1717, and had 

901 Sarah. 

902 Jionathan, b. ; m. Mary Whiting. 

903 David, d. y. 

904 Elizur, b. ; m. Hollister. 

905 David, b. ; m. Mary Wells. 

906 Penelope, b. ; m. Nathaniel Talcott, Feb. 26, 1784. 

907 Theodore, b. Feb. 6, 1735; m. Rachel, dau. of (459) Elizur 

Talcott and Ruth Wright, Feb. 23, 1759. He d. May 14, 

908 Prudence. 


Sarah^ wife of Jonathan Hale, died in Glastenbury, Ct., 
July 15, 1743. Capt. Jonathan Hale died in Glastenbury, Ct., 
July 2, 1772. 

Samuel Hale, Sr., the ancestor of Jonathan, came it is sup- 
posed from Wales ; was in Hartford, Ct., in 1637 ; a soldier in 
the Pequot war ; owned land in Hartford, Ct., 1639, was in 
Wethersfield, Ct., in 1643 ; resided in and represented Norwalk 
in General Court in 1665, but returned to Wethersfield, Ct. 
The Hales are represented to have been men of large stature 
and great strength. He married Mary Wells, and had Samuel, 
Jr., b. 1645 ; m. 1st Ruth Edwards, 1679 ; who d. Dec. 26, 
1682 ; 2d Mary, dau. of Capt. Samuel Wells. 

Samuel Hale, Sr., died Nov. 9, 1693. 

Samuel, Jr., by his wife Mary Edwards, had Jonathan, b. 
Aug. 21, 1696 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Dea. Benjamin Talcott. 
David, b. July 7, 1700; d. March 31, 1715. Joseph, b. July 
10, 1702 ; d. Aug. 4, 1702. Benjamin, b. July 22, 1707 ; m. 
Hannah, dau. of (435) Dea. Benjamin Talcott. 

Samuel Hale, Jr., was a Lieutenant and Justice of the Peace. 
He died Nov. 18, 1711. Mary, his widow, died Feb. 18, 1715. 


Benjamiii, son of (435) Deacon Benjamin Talcott and 
Sarah Hollister, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., June 27, 1702, 
married Esther, daughter of Jolin Lyman and Mindwell 
Pomeroy, of Northampton, Mass. (b. Feb. 15, 1698), Aug. 26, 
1724, and had 

909 Bex^jamin, b. June 10, 1725 ; m. Elizabeth Lyman, March 15, 

1753 ; d. April 18, 1811. 

910 Joseph, b. Jan. 31, 1728 ; m. Eunice Lyman, Jan. 9, 1752 ; was 

drowned June 10, 1789. 

911 Oaleb, b. Aug. 11, 1730 ; d. y. 

912 Caleb, b. 1732; m. Martua Parsons, March 27, 1759; d. April, 


913 Esther, b. July 24, 1736 ; d. May 23, 1808. 

Cstlier, the wife of Benj. Talcott, d. , and he m. Deborah, dau. 

of Gillett, and had 

914 liucy, b. ; m. Benj. Wells. 

915 Sarah, b. ; m. John Carver. 


916 Beth, b. Dec. 26, 1743; m. Anna White, April 21, 1763; d. , 


917 John, b. ; in. Sarah Stimson. 

918 Phebe, b. ; m. Hezbkiah Wells. 

919 Anna, b. ; m. Elkana Porteb. 

920 Deborah. 

Benjamin Talcott was a farmer and lived on the lands 
which he inherited from his father, in Bolton, Ot., where he 
died March 9, 1785, ae. 83 years. 


€apt. John, son of (435) Deacon Benjamin Talcott 
and Sarah Hollister, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Dec. 17, 
1704, married Lucy^ daughter of the Kev. William Burnham, 
in 1731, and had 

921 John, b. 1731 ; in. Abiah Phelps ; d. July 15, 1760. 

922 Sarah, b. March 3, 1735 ; m. Obediah Wilcox. 

923 Lucy, b. Nov. 4, 1736 ; d. s. 

924 BanieL 

Gapt. John Talcott died at Provincetown, Aug. 25, 1745. 
He was the captain of the 'Transport Gull,' which carried 
troops who fought at Cape Breton, in 1745. On a monument 
in a deep depression of the sand hills, in tlie village grave 
yard at Provincetown, is the following inscription : 

" Here lies interred the remains of Capt. John Talcott, ot 
Glastenbury, son to Deacon Benjamin Talcott, who died here 
on his return after the victory of Cape Breton, A. D. 1745, in 
the 41st year of his age." Capt. Talcott's family resided at 


John, son of (456) Capt. John Talcott and Lucy Burn- 
ham^ was born in Hebron, Ct., 1731, married AMah^ daughter 
of Ichabod Phelps, and had 

925 John, b. 1753 ; d. s. Sept. 30, 1771. 

926 Sarah, b. 1754. 

927 Lucy, b. 1756; m. Daniel Chapman, Jan. 5, 1775; d. April 19, 



928 Mary, b. Sept. 21, 1757; in. Col. David Mack, April 21, 1774; d. 

July 11, 1827. 

929 Daniel, b. 1758 ; m. Lydia Ellis ; d. Aug. 28, 1843. 

930 Anna, b. ; m. Buck. 

John Talcott died July 15, 1760, and bis widow married 
Simeon Dunham, of Oliicopee, Mass., and liad 12 children. 
She died June 23, 1804. 


liUcy, daughter of (921) John Talcott and Abiah Phelps, 

was bom in Hebron, Conn., 1756, married Daniel, son of 
Ichabod Chapman, of Springfield, Mass., Jan. 5, 1775, and had 

931 Daniel, b. Nov. 4, 1775; d. s. Dec. 17, 1794. 

932 Icliabod, b. Nov. 14, 1777; m. Eunice Butlkh, of Pittsfield, 

Aug. 14, 1815. 

933 Lucy, b. Feb. 11, 1780 ; m. Gideon Nokton, of Lanesboro, Mass 

934 Anna, b. July 11, 1782 ; m. Nathaniel Harris, of Cheshire, 

N. Y. 

935 Mahala, b. Sept., 1784 ; m. David H. Frances, of Pittsfield, Mass 

936 Hannah, b. Nov., 1787 ; m. Bartlet Leonard. 

Lucy, wife of Daniel Chapman, died in Springfield, Mass., 
April 19, 1809. Daniel Chapman died in Springfield, Mass., 
Nov. 23, 1842. 


Mary, daughter of (931) John Talcott and Ahiah Phelps, 

was born in Hebron, Sept. 21, 1757, married Col. David 
Mack, of Middlefield, Mass., April 21, 1774, and had 

937 Mary, b. Nov. 17, 1774 ; m. Ebbnezer Emmons ; d. Sept. 14, 


938 Lois, b. March 14, 1776 ; m. Jacob Robbins, Sept. 17, 1794 ; d. 

Jul7 20, 1862. 

939 David, b. Feb. 17, 1778 ; m. 1st Independence Pease, March 2, 

1802 ; 2d Mary Ely, Jan. 14, 1812 ; 8d Harriet (Parsons) 
Washburn, widow, April 16, 1844 ; d. Sept. 9, 1854. 

940 Mindwell, b. Sept, 6, 1779 ; m. Ichabod Emmons, Dec. 9, 1799 ; 

d. June 23, 1862. 

941 John Talcott, b. Aug. 23, 1781; m. 1st Lydia Randall, March 

5, 1805 ; 2d Tirza Chapin, Dec. 17, 1818 ; d. April 16, 1858. 

942 Elisha, b May 26, 1783 ; m. 1st Catharine Cone, Oct. 7, 1813 ; 2d 

Harriet Clark, Nov. 25, 1820 ; d. Dec. 9, 1852. 


943 Anna, b. Dec. 18, 1784 ; m. 1st Isaac Clark, April, 1806 ; 2(1 

Joseph Eggleston, July 3, 1844 ; died Nov. 27, 1857. 

944 Phebe, b. Jane 30,1786; m. Uriah Church, Jan. 11, 1810; d. 

May 21, 1851. 

945 ZUpah, b. Feb. 3, 1788; m. Azariah Smith, Aug. 29, 1811 ; d. 

March 14, 1871. 

946 Lucy, b. Feb. 19, 1790 ; m. Seldbn Spencer, May 13, 1813 ; d. 

Dec. 9, 1841. 

947 Hannah, b. Oct. 29, 1791 ; m. George McIlwaine, June 10, 1817(?); 

d. Nov. 20, 1836. 

948 AbigaU, b. June 20, 1793 ; m. William Elder, Sept. 21, 1815 ; 

d. July 5. 1840. 

949 Laura, b. June 4, 1795 ; m. Solomon Root, March 16, 1815. 

Mary, wife of Col. David Mack, died in Middlefield, July 
11, 1827. Col. David Mack died at Middlefield, March 24, 
1845. He was the son of Elisha and Mary (Ellis) Mack, bom 
in Middlefield, Mass., Dec. 10, 1750. He was the oldest of 
15 children, lived to be over 94, and had an uncle that Hved 
40 days over his 100th birthday. Col. Mack was the first 
merchant in the town, and made a*large fortune which he gave 
away in charities. His noble and christian life is portrayed in 
the tract 487, issued by the American Tract Society, called 
the " Faithful Steward." He was much in public office, and 
of great influence; his integrity never questioned and his 
christian character always revered. 


Daniel, son of (921) John Talcott and Abiah Phelps, 

was born in Hebron, Conn., 1758, married Lydia Ellis, and 

950 John, b. 1784 ; d. Jan. 21, 1808. 

951 Lydia, b. 1786; m. Jonas Cleland, nacli. ; d. Oct. 15, 1807. 

952 Daniel Whiting, b. Aug. 8, 1789 ; m. LoviCY (Graves) Kathern, 

Aug. 7, 1814 ; d. June 20, 1849. 

953 Lucy, b. 1791 ; m. Abel Millington ; d. Feb. 16, 1821. 

954 Chester, b. June 16, 1796 ; m. Phebe Bronson, Jan. 12, 1817 ; d. 

Sept. 6, 1826. 

955 Anna, b. 1798 ; d. Sept. 2, 1815. 

956 William, b. Oct. 7, 1800 ; m. Elmira Starkweather, Dec. 20, 

1821 ; d. Oct. 4, 1824. 

Lydia Ellis, wife of Daniel Talloott, died in Warren, 


N. T., Aug. 27, 1827, se. 66. Daniel Tallcott died in Warren, 
Herkimer Co., Aug. 28, 1843. He spelled his name " Tall- 
cott," as his descendants continue to do. 


Daniel l¥hiting, son of (929) Daniel Tallcott and 
Lydia Ellis, was born in Lenox, Mass., Aug. 3, 1789, married 
the widow Lovicy (Graves) Eathern (b. Feb. 20, 1786), Aug. 
7, 1814, and had 

957 Edwin, b. May 31, 1815 ; m. 1st Eliza C. Wimple, Jan. 6, 1841 ; 

2d Mary Smolk, Jan 1, 1862 ; d. Dec. 18, 1863. 

958 Lucy M., b. June 7, 1817 ; d. Sept. 29, 1819. 

959 WiUiam H., b. April 3, 1819 ; d. Aug. 22, 1819. 

960 Lydia M., b. Nov. 22, 1820 ; m. Clement Earll, July 24, 1845. 
9(51 Julia A., b. Feb. 23, 1823 ; m. Charles H. Robison, May 8, 1849. 

962 Daniel W., b. Jan. 20, 1830 ; m. Viletta Hulsapple, Feb. 15, 


Daniel Whiting Tallcott died in Albany, N. Y., June 20, 
1849, SB. 60. Lovicy, his widow, died in Rochester, N. Y., 
Aug. 14, 1864, 86. 79. 


l<ucy, daughter of (929) Daniel Tallcott and Lydia Ellis, 

was born in Lenox, Mass., 1791, married Abel Millington, 
and had 

963 Darwin. 

964 Oicero, lives in Detroit, Micb. 

965 (Daughter.) 

966 (Daughter.) 

Lucy, wife of Abel Millington, died Feb. 16, 1821, ae. 30 


Chester, son of (929) Daniel Tallcott and Lydia Ellis, 

was born in Warren, Herkimer Co., N. Y., June 16, 1796, 
married Phebe Bronson, Jan. 12, 1817, and had 

967 Anna, b. Feb. 26, 1818 ; m. Rev. John H. Stewart, Dec. 16, 

1845 ; d. March 16, 1875. 


Chester Tallcott died in Warren, Herkimer Co., N. Y., 
Sept. 6, 1826. Phebe, his widow, died in Warren, Herkimer 
Co., March 17, 1847, se. 48. 


l¥illiaiii, son of (929) Daniel Tallcott and Lydia Ellis, 

was born in Warren, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Oct. 7, 1800, mar- 
ried Elmira Starkweather, Dec. 20, 1821, and liad 

968 Harriet DouglaBB, b. Sept. 30, 1822 ; m. Justus S. F. Crim, 

Sept. 22, 1842. 

William Tallcott died Oct. 4, 1824. 


Edirin, son of (952) Daniel Whiting Tallcott and Lovicy 
Eathern^ was bom in Warren, Herkimer Co., N. Y., May 
31, 1815, married Eliza C. Wimple (b. July 16, 1818), Jan. 6, 
1841, and had 

969 Fanny L. K., b. Jan. 25, 1843 ; m. Robert Harding, June 5, 1867. 

970 Edwin O., b. Jan. 14, 1845 ; m. Bella C. Carbery, Aug. 3, 1869 ; 

no ch. 

971 George N., b. Jan. 13, 1854; unmarried. 

Eliza C, wife of Edwin Tallcott, died at St. Anthony, 
Minn., Dec. 24, 1858, and he married 2d Mary Smolk, Jan. 1, 
1862 ; no children. Edwin Tallcott died in Cleveland, N. Y., 
Dec. 18, 1863. 


liydia M., daughter of (952) Daniel Whiting Tallcott 
and Lovicy Kathern, was bom in Albany, N. T., Nov. 22, 
1820, married Clement Earll (b. May 5, 1808), July 24, 1845, 
and had 

97 li Clement T., b. July 16. 1846. 

972 Lydia M., b. Sept. 14, 1847 ; d. Aug. 15, 1849. 

973 Daniel W., b. June 10, 1849 ; d. Jan. 30, 1855. 

974 Justus E., b. March 6, 1853. 

975 Mary, b. Aug. 29, 1856 ; d. March 30, 1860. 

976 JuUa R., b. Jan. 2, 1860. 

Clement Earll died May 8, 1859. Lydia M., his widow, is 
now residing in Cleveland, N. Y. 



Jalia A., daughter of (052) Daniel Whiting Talleott 
and Lovicy Katiiern^ was born in Warren, Herkimer Co., 
N. T., Feb. 23, 1823, married Cliarles H. Robison^ May 8, 

1849, and had 

977 Charles Yates, b. Feb. 27, 1850 ; unmarried. 

978 Evaline Oowles, b. Oct. 30, 1851 ; d. Feb. 27, 1857. 

979 William Talleott, b. Nov. 12, 1855 ; single, resides near Fort 

Leavenworth, Kansas. 

980 JuUa Elizabeth, b. Oct. 1, 1858. 

Charles Bobison resides at Cleveland, Ohio, 1876. 


Daniel Whiting:, son of (953) Daniel Whiting Talleott 
and Lovicy Eathern^ was born in Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y., 
June 20, 1830, married Viletta Uulsapple of Greenbush (b. 
Feb. 14, 1832), Feb. 15, 1852, and had 

981 Anna VUetta, b. June 18. 1853. 

982 Daniel William, b. June 4, 1856. 

983 LilUe Earll, b. Oct. 9, 1859. 

984 Edwin Saze, b. Sept. 22, 1863. 

985 Charles Kathern, b. Oct. 25, 1870 ; d. Nov. 5, 1870. 

Daniel W. Talleott resides at West Troy, N. Y., and is in 
the lumber business. 


Frances liOni§a Katliern, daughter of (957) Edwin 
Talleott and Eliza C. Wimple, was born at Kichfield Springs, 
N. Y., Jan. 25, 1843, married Robert Harding, of Cleveland, 
Ohio, June 5, 1867, and had 

986 Robert Edwin, b. June 11, 1868 ; d. April 5, 1869. 

987 Anna EUza, b. Jan. 28, 1870. 

Robert Harding and family reside in Cleveland, Ohio. 


Edwin C, son of (957) Edwin Talleott and Eliza 

Wimple, was born at Richfield Springs, Jan. 14, 1845, mar- 
ried Bella C. Carbery, at Syracuse, Aug. 3, 1809. Has no 

children. lie was in the United States army during the war 


of the rebellion and was a prisoner at Anderson ville. He now 
resides at Syracuse, N. Y. 


Anna, daughter of (954) Chester Tallcott and Phebe 

Bronson, was born in Warren, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Feb. 26, 
1818, married Rev. John H. Stewart, Dec. 16, 1845, and had 

988 Chester T., b. Jan. 23, 1847, in Butternuts. 

989 John a., b. Sept. 20, 1850, in Watertown. 

990 WiUiam B., b. Aug. 9, 1852, in Watertown. 

Anna, wife of Kev. John H. Stewart, died at Watertown, 
March 16, 1875. 


Harriet Dongla§, daughter of (956) iVilliam Tallcott 
and Elinira Starkweather, was born in Warren, FJerkimer 
Co., N. Y., Sept. 30, 1822, married Justus S. F. Crim, of 
Warren, Sept. 22, 1842, and had 

991 WiUiam TaUcott, b. Aug. 29, 1845. 

992 BUa Elizabeth, b. July 1, 1849; m. Byron A. Stone, of New 

York, Feb. 14, 1872. 

993 Frank Dwight, b. Nov. 28, 1855. 

Justus S. F. Crim and family reside at Mohawk, N. Y., 
where their children were born. 


Hannah, daughter of (435) Deacon Benjamin Talcott and 

Sarah Holllster, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Oct. 16, 1706, 
married Benjamin, son of Samuel Hale, arid Mary Wells, 
Jan. 30, 1729, and had 

994 Hannah, b. ; m. Timothy Hale. 

995 Ruth, b. ; Daniel Hale. 

996 Gideon. 

997 RacheL 

998 Mary. 

999 Bei^jamin. 
1000 Joseph. 

Hannah^ wife of Benjamin Hale, died in Glastenbury, Ct., 
Feb. 6, 1796. Benjamin Hale (b. July 22, 1707), died in Glas- 


^Descendants of 
Capt SamizelTalcott , 
ofWether^iMf Contv. 
through his son i)ea ^enfomm 
and ymndson Sanrnel M 

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tenbury, Ct., July 22, 1784:. His brother, Jonathan Hale, 
married Sarah TALOorr, the sister of his wife. Their mother, 
Mary Wells, was the daughter of Capt. Samuel Wells, who 
was a son of Governor Thomas Wells, who came to Saybrook 
as private secretary to Lord Say and Seal. Thomas Wells was 
Governor, in 1658, and died Jan. 14, 1660. His children were 
Thomas, Samuel, John, Mary, Ann and Sarah. 


Capt. ISamuel, son of (435) Deacon Benjamin Talcott 
and Sarah Hollister^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Feb. 12, 
1708, married Hannah^ daughter of Capt. Joseph Moseley (b. 
Jan. 12, 1710), Oct. 5, 1732, and had 

1001 Samuel, b. July 23, 1733 ; m. 1st Mary Smith ; 2d Sarah , 

d. 1780. 

1002 Hannah, b. July 10, 1736; d. June 21, 1750. 

1003 Ahiail, b. Aug. 21, 1738; m. Hamlin. 

1004 EUzabeth, b. Dec. 12, 1740 ; d. Feb. 27, 1741. 

1005 William, b. June 8, 1742 ; m. Mary Carter, of Hebron, July 5, 
1769. He d. March 28, 1807 ; she d. March 27, 1812. 

1006 Gad, b. July 13 or 26, 1745 ; m. Abigail Root, March 29, 1770; 
d. Oct. 3, 1830. 

1007 Asa, b. Oct. 4 or 15, 1750 ; m. Annar Stillman, Nov. 19, 1772 ; 
d. Jan. 8, 1785. 

Capt. Samuel Talcott died in Grlastenbury, Sept. 26, 1768. 
Hannah, his widow, died in Glastenbury, Sept. 10, 1800, se. 
91 years. 

Hannah Moseley was descended from Capt. John Maudsley, 
who settled in Windsor, Ct., and married Mary, daughter of 
Benjamin Newbery, Dec. 14, 1664, and had Benjamin, b. Oct. 
6, 1666 ; Margaret, b. Feb. 4, 1669, d. y. ; Joseph (father of 
Hannah, wife of Capt. Samuel Talcott), b. Dec. 21, 1670 ; m. 
Abigail Root; he d. in Glastenbuiy, in 1719. Consider, b. 
Nov., 1675; John, b. Aug. 21, 1678; Comfort, b. Dec. 3, 
1680, d. 1711 ; Margaret, b. Nov. 17, 1685. 

Capt. John Maudsley was in the Philip war as Lieutenant 
and Captain. He was the son of John, of Dorchester, who 
was made freeman in 1639. 

Some of the descendants of Capt. Samuel Taloott spell their 


names with two " I's " and some with but one. Those which 
use two claim tliat sucli was the original spelling. Asa and 
his children use the two " I's," while some of the descendants 
of Gad use one, and some two. 


Col. Elixur Taleott, the son of (435) Deacon Benja- 
min Talcott and Sarah, his wife, was born at the old home- 
stead in Glastenbury, Ct., Dec. 31, 1709, and married Ruth^ 
the daughter of Daniel Wright, Jr., and Ellen Benton, Dec. 
31, 1730, by whom he had 

1008 Ruth, b. Oct. 17, 1731 ; d. Sept. 10, 1747, of fever. 

1009 Prudence, b. Jane 6, 1734 ; m. John Goodbich, June 17, 1752; 
d. Oct. 18, 1752, of consumption. 

1010 Rachel, b. Aug. 1, 1736 ; m. Theodore Hale, Feb. 23, 1759. He 
d. May 14, 1807 ; she d. Aug. 10, 1824, of old age. 

1011 BUzur, b. Aug. 27, 1738 ; d. Feb. 16, 1750, of black canker. 

1012 Isaac, b. Aug. 29, 1740 ; m. Ist Sarah, dau. of David Goodrich, 
Nov. 20, 1765 ; and 2d, widow of Joseph Stratton. He d. Aug. 
6, 1815, of lung fever. 

1013 Daniel, b. May 8, 1743 ; d. Feb. 12, 1748, of black canker. 

1014 aeorge, b. Nov. 30, 1745 ; d. Feb. 22, 1750, of black canker. 

1015 Daniel, b. July 27, 1748; d. Dec. 3. 1751, of black canker. 

1016 Elizur, b. Dec. 17, 1750 ; m. Dorothy Lord, of Marlborough, Ct., 

Sept. 15, 1774 ; d. of old age, in Oswego, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1831. 

1017 Ruth, b. May 11, 1753 ; m. Thomas, son of Capt. Joel White, 

July 7, 1773 ; d. in Bolton, Ct., June 4, 1821, of influenza. 

1018 George, b. Sept. 30, 1755; m. 1st Vienna, dau. of Jeremiah 
Bradford, March 16, 1777; 2d Abigail Goodrich, dau. of 
John Goodrich, Feb. 9, 1786 ; d. in Glastenbury, June 13, 1813, 
of inflammation of the brain. 

1019 Prudence, b. Dec. 2, 1757 ; m. George Welles, Feb. 13,(?) 1780 ; 

d. Nov. 20, 1839, in Owego, N. Y. 

Buth^ the wife of Col. Elizur Talcoit, died at the home- 
stead, in Glastenbury, of old age, Sept. 12, 1791, at 6 o'clock 
p. M., aged 80 years, 3 months and 7 days. In her youth she 
was a remarkably handsome woman, tall, erect, with a fine, 
clear, light complexion, golden hair and black eyes, being an 
only child, she brought a large fortune to her husband, which 
she inherited from her father who was a man of wealth. 


Col. Elizuk Talcott died at the homestead, of old age, Nov. 
24, 1797, aged 87 years, 10 months and 25 days. He was a 
man of wealth and note in his day, possessing lands in various 
places, and was one of the large owners of the " Connecticut 
tract," on the Susquehanna river, which he lost by the defect 
in the title of the State of Connecticut to the lands. He held 
many of the principal public offices in his town, during his life ; 
was chairman of the meeting in the town of Glastenbury, which 
denounced the "Boston Port Bill;" held a commission as 
Colonel of a Troop of Horse, previous to and during the war 
of the revolution, and was called into the field and served with 
the Connecticut forces on Long Island, in command of his 
troop; was in New York city while the British army was 
marching in, and from thence was taken home sick upon a 
litter, and did not again join the continental army. 

Ruth Wright, the wife of Col. Elizur TALcorr, was the 
only child of Daniel Wright and Elinor Benton, who were 
married Aug. 24, 1705. She was descended from Thomas 
Wright, wlio came from England with his wife and children, 
and was in Wethersfield in 1039. The name of his first w^ife 
is unknown. His second was Margaret, widow of John Elson, 
by whom he had no children. By his first he had Samuel, m. 
Mary, dau. of Eichard Butler, Sept. 29, lOoO ; d. Feb. 13, 

1690. Joseph, m. 1st Mary ; 2d Mary (Deming ?), 1685 ; d. 

Dec. 17, 1714. Thomas, in. Elizabeth, dau. of Lieut. Chitten- 
den, June 16, 1657; d. Aug. 23, 1683. James, m. 1st Mary 
; 2d Dorcas , 1660; d. 1707. 

Thomas Wright was the original owner of Wright's Island, 
in the Connecticut river opposite Glastenbury, and possessed 
a large estate on the east side of the river. He died April, 
1670, and his widow died in 1671. His son, James, who 
married 1st Mary (died Oct. 6, 1659, childless) ; 2d Dor- 
cas, dau. of Jonas Weed, Nov. 20, 1660, had James, b. 1661 ; 
(m. Mary, dau. of Daniel E-ose, July 17, 1690 ; and had twelve 
children. He d. Dec. 24, 1743. His seventh child, Hezekiah, 
b. Dec. 10, 1701 ; m. Mehitabel, dau. of Dea. Benjamin Tal- 
cott, Nov. 29, 1733). Thomas, m. Elizabeth Hubbard, June 1, 
1710 ; d. 1749. Jonas, m. Olive ; d. May 10, 1709. Daniel, 


b. 1074; in. Elinor, dau. of Edward Benton, Aug. 24, 1705. 
He died June 8, 1701:, she died Sept. 27, 1749. Lydia, m. 
Crane, of Wetliersfield. Ilannah, m. Lieut. John Cole- 
man, April 24, 1085 ; d. Aug. 1, 1741. 

Dorcas, wife of James Wright, Sr., died Nov. 24, 1092. 
James Wright, Sr., died at Middletown, Ct,, in 1705. 


Mehitabel, daughter of (435) Deacon Benjamin Talcott 
and Sarah Hollister, was born in Glastenburj, Ct., July 17, 
1713, married Hezekiah^ son of James and Mary (Rose) 
Wright, Nov. 29, 1733, and had 

1 20 Samuel, b. March 18, 1737 ; m. 1st Smith ; 2d Mary Ben- 

1021 JoBiah, b. Nov. 4, 1738. 

1022 Abigail, b. Dec. 18, 1740. 

1023 Mehitabel, b. Oct. 28, 1742 ; m. William Brooks, Sept. 18, 

1024 Hezekiah, b. July 8. 1744. 

1025 David, b. Dec. 12, 1745. 

1026 Sarah, b. Oct. 1, 1748. 

1027 Isaac, b. July 25, 1753 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Elizur Goodrich, 
April 3, 1783. 

Mehitabel^ wife of Hezekiali Wright, died April 20, 1781- 


Dea. Benjamin, son of (455) Benjamin Talcott and 
Esther Lyman^ was born in Bolton, Ct., June 10, 1725, mar- 
ried Elizabeth^ daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Smith) 
Lyman, of Coventry, Ct. (b. May 10, 1730), March 15, 1753, 
and had 

1028 Benjamin, b. May 9, 1754 ; m. Jerusha Olmstead, Oct. 31, 1782 ; 
d. Feb. 1, 1829. 

1029 Eljjahj b. June 22, 1755; m. Rebecca Olmstead, Nov. 17, 
1779 ; d. Feb. 8, 1826. 

1030 Samuel, b. April 7, 1757 ; m. Sarah Smith, Sept. 8, 1791 ; d. 
May 26, 1813. 

1031 Phineas, b. Dec. 14, 1758 ; m. Hannah Kellogg, Nov. 26, 1789 ; 
d. Dec. 17, 1835. 

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1032 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 6, 1760 ; m. Theophilus Griswold ; d. 

1033 Daniel, b. July 29, 1763 ; m. 1st Betsey Keeney ; 2d Abigail 
Holt ; d. Nov. 10. 1807. 

1034 Jacob, ) 

1035 Rachel, 

b. Feb. 9, 1766 ; m. Anna Carpenter, Oct. 31, 

twins ^"^^^ ' ^' ^^^* ^'^' ^^^• 

' b. Feb. 9, 1766 ; m. Samuel Howard, Dec. 3, 

1788; d. Sept. 24, 1805. 

1036 OUve, b. Jan. 20, 1768; m. David Smith; d. May 19, 1829. 

1037 Esther, b. May 7, 1770 ; m. Alexander Keeney ; d. Feb. 17, 

1038 Alvan, b. Nov. 2, 1773 ; m. Philomela Root, Nov. 8, 1797 ; d. 
March 23, 1835. 

Elizabeth^ wife of Benjamin Talcott, died at Boltou, Ct., 
Sept. 3, 1810. Deacon Benjamin Talcoti^ died at Bolton, Ct., 
April 18, 1811. He was a farmer and settled in Bolton near 
the quarry, on land given him by his father. 


Benjamin, son of (909) Dea. Benjamin Talcott and 

Elizabeth Lyman^ was born in Bolton, Ct., May 9, 1754, 
married Jerusha^ daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah (Pitkin) 
Olmstead (b. Nov. 19, 1749), Oct. 31, 1782, and had 

1039 Jerusha, b. Nov. 12, 1783 ; m. Joseph Loomis, of Manchester ; 
had six children ; he d. 1842, she d. 1848. 

1040 Bei^jamin, b. May — , 1789 ; m. Fanny, dau. of Roswell Smith, 
Nov. 4, 1812 ; d. Aug. 4, 1850. 

tJerusha, wife of Benjamin Talcott, died Oct. 30, 1800. lie married 
2d Hannah Percival, of East Haddam, Ct., and had 

1041 Hannah, b. April — , 1804; m. Nathaniel Chapman, of East 
Haddam, Ct., May 19, 1824, and had seven children; d. Oct. 1, 

Hannah Percival, second wife of Benjamin Talcott, 
died Oct. 9, 1820, ae. 59. He married 3d Betsey, daugliter 
of Daniel Field, and widow of Samuel Baker. 

Benjamin Talcott died Feb. 1, 1829. Betsey, his widow, 
died March 5, 1854, se. 83. lie was a farmer, in comfortable 
circumstances, residing in Yernon, Ct. 



Dea. Elijah, son of (909) Deacon Beiyamin Talcott and 
Elizabeth Lyman^ was bom in Bolton, Jnne 22, 1755, mar- 
ried Rebecca^ daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah (Pitkin) 
Olmstead (b. Nov. 22, 1756), Nov. 17, 1779, and had 

1042 Eiyah, b. May 5, 1784 ; m. 1st Anna Hubbakd, May 25, 1813 ; 
2d Florilla Hubbard, Sept. 8. 1814 ; he d. Sept. 13, 1859. 

1043 Plavel, b. July 18, 1786; m. Eunice Hubbard, April 6, 1815 ; 
d. March 28, 1844. 

1044 Hart, b. Nov. 8, 1787 ; m. Ist Parthenia Maria Brainard, 
May 29, 1820 ; m. 2d Clarina Warner, Oct. 18, 1826 ; he d. 
March 27, 1836. 

1045 Rebecca, b. May 17, 1789 ; m. Russell Stone, Sept. 25, 1839 ; 
no ch.; d. April 12, 1841. 

1046 Asa, b. July 12, 1793 ; d. July 21, 1793. 

1047 WilUam O^ b. Oct. 2, 1794 ; Y. C, 1823 ; m. Elizabeth M., dau. 
of Edward Wilcox ; d. Oct. 27, 1831. She m. 2d Rev. Enoch 
S. Huntington, Oct. 29, 1843, and d. Feb. 1, 1852. 

1048 Julius, b. Dec. 18, 1796 ; m. Maria Schoonmaker, April 14, 
1824 ; d. Oct. 10, 1854. 

Rebecca Olmstead, wife of Deacon Elijah Talcott, d. May 3, 1801, 
and he married 2d Wealthy, dau. of David Strong, of Colum- 
bia (b. Nov. 1, 1767), Jan. 26, 1803, and had 

1049 Wealthy, b. June 4, 1806 ; d. Dec. 31, 1807. 

1050 Luna, ) b. July 7. 1808 ; d. July 8, 1808. 

1051 Lura, ) ^*"^' b. July 7, 1808 ; d. July 11, 1808. 

Deacon Elijah Talcott died in Bolton, Ct., Feb. 8, 1826. 
Wealthy Strong, his widow, died in 1835. He was a farmer, 
in comfortable circnmstanees, residing in Bolton, Ct. 


Dea. ISainuel Talcott, son of (909) Dea. Benjamin 
Talcott and Elizabeth Lyman, was bom in Bolton, Ct., 
April 7, 1757, married Sarah, daughter of James and Mary 
(Tudor) Smith of Cromwell, Sept. 8, 1791, and had 

1052 Samuel S., b. Dec. 13, 1793; m. 1st Harriet Smith, Jan. 6,1818; 
m. 2d Sophia C. Keeney, Dec. 5, 1860. 

1053 Sarah, b. Feb. 27, 1796 ; d. March 9, 1796. 

1054 Sarah, b. May 4, 1797 ; m. Harry Landfear, of Manchester ; 
had four children ; she d. 1837, he d. Jan. 7, 1850. 


1055 Juliana, b. April 21, 1799 ; living single in Boston, in 1874. 

1066 Martha, b. July 9, 1801 ; m. Lathrop B. GLEA80N,of Westfield, 
Mass., March 3, 1837; had three children. 

1067 Elihu, b. April 6, 1804 ; m. Chloe, dau. of Wabrbn McKinnby. 

1068 Philenda, b. May 29, 1806; m. Erastus Barber, of Boston, 
Mass., Feb. 3, 1829; no ch.; he d. 1848; she d. 1873.(?) 

1069 James Tudor, b. July 7, 1811 ; d. Oct. 2, 1811. 

1060 James Tudor, b. April 26. 1813 ; m. Sarah H. Parker, of Ver- 
non, Ct., Dec. 10, 1835. 

Dea. Samuel Talcott died in Yernou, Ct., May 26, 1813. 
Sarah, his widow, died in Vernon, Ct, Feb. 16, 1823. Dea. 
Samuel Talcjott was a farmer in moderate but comfortable 
circumstances, and resided in Yernon, Ct. 


Dea. Phiiiea§, son of (909) Dea. Benjamin Talcott and 
Elizabeth Lyman, was bom in Bolton, Ct., Dec. 14, 1758, 
and married Hannah^ daughter of the Rev. Ebenezer Kellogg 
and Hannah Wright, his wife (b. May 24, 1768), Nov, 26, 
1789, and had 

1061 Hannah, b. Aug. 27, 1791 ; m. Russell Stone, widower of (1045) 
Rebecca Talcott, April 27, 1842 ; he d. 1864, she d. Aug. 2, 1866. 

1062 Phineas, b. Aug. 7, 1798; m. Lora McLean, of Vernon, Ct., 
Nov. 19, 1823 ; d. June 6, 1863. 

1063 Ralph, b. Sept. 18, 1795 ; m. Susan Bull, of Plymouth. Ct., 
June 10, 1830 ; d. April 30, 1847. 

1064 Joel, b. Oct. 12, 1797 ; m. Ist Lois Twining, Oct. 5, 1829 ; 2d 
Sarah Ann Cubcmings, Dec. 13, 1838 ; d. Dec. 28, 1871. 

1066 Allyn, b. May 23, 1800 ; m. Martha G. Robbins, of Wethers- 
field, Ct., April 10, 1833 ; d. May 22, 1863. 

1066 Clement, b. Aug. 13, 1802 ; d. Oct. 2, 1802. 

1067 Belinda, b. Feb. 14, 1804 ; d. s. June — , 1845. 

1068 Eunice, b. March 5, 1807 ; m. John B. Halsted, of Castile, N. Y., 
Oct. 26, 1832 ; no ch. 

Dea. Phineas Talcott died in Vernon, Ct., Dec. 17, 1836. 
Hannah, his widow, died Jan. 6, 1836. Dea. Phineas Tal- 
cott was a farmer in Yernon, Ct. ; he was much employed in 
the offices of the town. He was a representative in the State 
Legislature for very many sessions, and was one of the dele- 
gates who formed the State Constitution of 1818. 




Elizabeth, daughter of (909) Dea. Beigamin Talcott 
and Elizabeth Lynian^ was bom Dec. 6, 1760, married 
Theophilus Griswold^ and had 

1069 Iiyman. 

1069i John Flavel, b. April 14. 1795 ; d. Feb. 15, 1873. 

1070 Betsey, d. s. 

1071 Phila, m. Robbbt Clabk. 

1072 Sophia, m. Risley. 

1073 Amelia, m. Chester Parmenter. 

1074 XSmily, m. Richards. 

1076 Charlotte, m. Sawyer. 

1076 Adaline, m. Sawyer. 

1077 MeUtta. 

1078 Talcott, d. y., having been scalded. 

Elizabeth^ wife of Theophilus Griswold, died in 1846. 


Danf el, son of (909) Dea. Beujamin Talcott and Eliza- 
beth Lynian^ was bom in Bolton, Ct., July 29, 1762, married 
1st Betsey, daughter of Tel Keeney, and had 

1079 Bela, b. 1797 ; idiotic, d. m. 5 years. 

1080 Betsey, b. April, 1799 ; m. George Griswold, of Manchester, 
Ct., Jan. 1, 1822 ; they had five children. He was b. Sept. — , 
1800, she d. 1844. he d. Oct. 23, 1857. 

Betsey Keeney^ the wife of Daniel Talcott, died Jan. 8. 1802, se. 
31, and he married 2d Abigail; daughter of Dea. Nathaniel 
Holt, and had 

1081 Bartsheba Williams, b. Oct. 5, 1804 ; m. Eber Cotter, Oct. 25, 
1827. He was b. Sept., 1800 (had one child) ; she d. April, 1847, 
le. 42. 

yOB2 Abigail, b. 1806; m. Jeduthan Hubbard, June 28, 1826; 
moved to Wethersfield, 111 . , had three children. 

Daniel Talcott died Nov. 10, 1807. AbigaU Holt, his 
widow, died 1845. 


Jacob, son of (909) Dea. Benjamin Talcott and Eliza- 



beth Lyman, was born Feb. 9, 1766, married Anna Carpenter^ 

of Tolland, Oct. 21, 1795, and had 

1083 Royal, b. March 18, 1797 ; m. Martha Warner, of Bolton ; d. 
Oct. 9, 1833 (had one child, Martha, b. July, 1823 ; d. March 10, 
1826); she d. Aug. 11, 1827. 

1084 Anna, b. Jan. 24, 1799 ; d. s. Oct. 29, 1817. 

1085 (Infant.) 

1086 (Infant) 

1087 EUzabeth Lyman, b. July, 1804 ; d. s. 1824. 

1088 OUve, b. Oct. 1, 1807 ; d. s. April 23, 1821. 

Jacob Talcott died Nov^. 27, 1835. Anna Carpenter, his 
widow, died Nov. 27, 1849. 


Rachel, daughter of (909) Dea. Benjamin Taleott and 
Elizabeth Lyman^ was born in Bolton, Ct., Feb. 9, 1766 
(twin with Jacob), married Samnel Howard^ of Perry, Gene- 
see Co., N. Y. (b. Nov. 3, 1752), Dec. 3, 1788, and had 

1089 Samuel, b. Jan. 2, 1790 ; m. Roxa Carpenter. 

1090 UlyBBes, b. ^ov. 18, 1791 ; d. at Bolton, Sept. 1, 1794. 

1091 Rachel, b. April 17, 1794 ; m. Horace Bingham. 

1092 Talcott, b. March 9, 1796. 

1093 Emily, b. June 1, 1798 ; m. Daniel Veazey ; no ch. 

1094 Julia, b. Aug. 29, 1800 ; m. P. M. Ward, of Perry Centre, N. Y. 

1095 Walter, b. Dec. 14, 1802 ; m. Ruth Keenet, of Manchester, Ct. 

1096 Anson, b. Sept. 24, 1805 ; m. Hannah Hurd. . 

Rachel^ wife of Samuel Howard, died Sept. 24, 1805. 
Samuel Howard died April 22, 1819. 


OliTe, daughter of (909) Dea. Benjamin Taleott and 
Elizabeth Lyman^ was born in Bolton, Ct., Jan. 20, 1768, 
married Dayid Smithy of Vernon, Ct., and had 

1097 Aurora, b. May 25, 1792 ; d. s. April 22, 1830. 
I09a OUve, b. Sept. 1, 1798 ; d. s. March 29, 1831. 

''1099 Warren, t). July 27, 1800; m. Mart Goodrich; no ch.; d. at 
Chicopee, Mass., Jan., 1870. 


1100 David Talcott, b. July 23, 1804 ; m. let Mary McLean, May 
27,1828; she d. Aug. 8, 1831; m. 2d Makgabet Thompson, 
1831; she d. 1852, he d. July 25, 1855. 

1101 Mary, b. June 16, 1807 ; m. Horace Taylor ; no ch. 

1102 Dani^ b. Sept. 9, 1810. 

1103 Zolva, b. June 1, 1813; m. McNall. 

Olive, wife of David Smith, died May 19, 1829. David 
Smith died Oct. 30, 1837, se. 74. 


Esther, daughter of (909) Dea. Benjamin Talcott and 
Elizabeth Lyman, was born May 7, 1770, married Alex- 
ander Keeney^ of Perry, N. Y., and had 

1104 Alexander, b. Jan. 18, 1796 ; d. Oct., 1819. 

1106 Chester, b. Nov. 19, 1797; m. Hannah Richardson, Nov., 
1827 ; she d. March 10, 1856. 

1106 Oeorge, b. March 17, 1800 ; m. Cynthia S. Burr, Dec. 11, 1829; 

she d. April 12, 1865. 

1107 Talcott, b. June 11, 1802; m. 1st Rhoda Wells. April, 1828 ; 
she d. 1835; m. 2d Sarah Crayath, 1837; she d. 1846; he d. 
Nov., ia59. 

1108 Eli, b. Nov. 10, 1804 ; d. Aug. 8, 1832. 

1109 Samuel Lyman, b. July 21, 1806 ; m. Sarah Reddish, in 1833 ; 
be d. Aug. 14. 1863. 

1110 Benjamin, b. Oct. 15, 1810; d. Nov., 1811. 

Esther, wife of Alexander Keeney, died Feb. 17, 1813. 
Alexander Keeney d. Jan. 7, 1842. 


Alvan, son of (909) Dea. Benjamin Talcott and Eliza- 
beth Lyman^ was bom in Bolton, Ct., Nov. 2, 1773, married 
Philomela^ daughter of Samuel Koot, of Vernon, Ct. (b. Oct. 
25, 1773), Nov. 8, 1797, and had 

1111 Amelia, b. Sept. 20, 1798 ; m. Marvin Smith, of Kent and Rock- 

ville (b. April 2, 1792), Aug. 24, 1836 ; she d. Oct. 15, 1859, he d. 
April 10, 1864. 

1112 Mary, b. March 7, 1802 ; m. Ambrose L. Cotter, of Middleburj, 

Summit Co., Ohio, Nov. 1, 1837 ; no ch. 


1113- Alvan, b. Aug. 17, 1804; Y. C, 1824 ; m. Olivb N. Chiti'BNDbn, 

March 7, 1831. 
1114 Rachel Howard, b. Oct. 2, 1806; m. Justin Case, May 26, 1836; 

no ch. ; he d. Oct. 1, 1841 ; she d. in Rockville, Dec. 4, 1872. 
1116 Rosanna, b. Oct. 25. 1811 ; m. Rev. MiLO N. Miles, May 9, 1836 ; 

had two children, William Stanley, b. Feb.. 1837 ; d. Aug., 1837; 

Edward Talcott, b. April 3, 1838 ; d. Feb. 26, 1859 ; she d. July 16, 

1838. He married 2d Mart Keyes, and had eight children by 


1116 Emeline, b. March 16, 1815 ; m. Andrew W. Tracy, May 23, 

1833; d. March 1, 1867. 

Alyan Talcott died March 22, 1835. Philomela Eoot, his 
widow, died Feb. 15, 1859. 


Dr. Alvan, son of (1038) Alyan Talcott and Philomela 
Root^ was bom in Vernon, Ct., Aug. 17, 1804, married Olive 
N,, daughter of Abel and Anna H. (Baldwin) Chittenden, ot 
Guilford, Ct., March 7, 1831, and had 

1117 WilUam Henry, b. May U, 1832 ; lost at sea, March, 1856. 

1118 Mary EUzabeth, b. Dec. 12, 1836; d. May 27, 1837. 

1119 Sarah, b. Oct. 2, 1841 ; d. March 11, 1856. 

Dr. Alyan Talcott is the son of a farmer, and until he 
entered college labored on a farm in summer and pursued his 
studies in the fall and winter. He fitted for college at home, 
and entered the class of 1824, in Yale College, in freshman 
year. After graduating he was engaged for five years in teach- 
ing at East Windsor and Guilford, Ct., and at Wilkesbarre, Pa., 
pursuing at intervals the study of botany and other branches 
of medicine. In 1829, he entered the office of Dr. Samuel B. 
Woodward, of Wethersfield, Ct., and after attending two 
courses of lectures, he received the degree of M. D. from Yale 
College, in 1831. He commenced the practice of his profession 
in Vernon, Ct., his native town, and in 1841, he removed to 
Guilford, Ct., where he has continued in the practice of medi- 
cine for more than a third of a century. The wife of Dr. 
Talcoti is a sister of the Hon. S. B. Chittenden, of New 
York. Their three children are all deceased. Their son, 
William Henrt, was a remarkable scholar, quick and accurate 


in his studies and fond of reading. He entered the class of 
1852, in Yale College, and maintained a high standing in his 
class, but through failure of his health, was obliged to take a 
dismission in his sophomore year. He went twice to Europe 
for the benefit of his health, but was lost at sea, in 1856, in a 
homeward bound New York packet ship, which was never 
heard from after leaving the coast of England. 

Their youngest child, Sarah, a daughter of peculiar sweet- 
ness and purity of character and of much promise, and 
endeared to a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, died 
after a protracted illness, in 1866, at the age of 24 years. 


Amelia, daughter of (1038) Alyan Talcott and Philo- 
mela Boot^ was born Sept. 20, 1798, married Maryin Smithy 

of Kent and Eockville, Ct. (b. April 2, 1792), Aug. 24, 1836, 
and had 

e. Eugene, b. Jan. 15, 1839 ; m. 1st Emily Moorb, April 15, 1860 ; 2d 
Minnie 0. Spukr, Aug. 5, 1871 ; d. March 2, 1873. 

Amelia, wife of Marvin Smith, died Oct. 16, 1869. Mar- 
vin Smith died April 10, 1864. 


Rosanna, daughter of (1038) Alvan Talcott and Philo- 
mela Boot^ was born Oct. 25, 1811, married Rev. Milo N. 
Miles^ May 9, 1836, and had 

£ William Stanley, b. Feb., 1837 ; d. Aug., 1837. 
g. Edward T., b. April 3, 1838 ; d. Feb. 25, 1859. 

Bosanna^ wife of Eev. Milo N. Miles, died July 16, 1838, 
and he married 2d Mary Keyes and had eight children by her. 


Emeline, daughter of (1038) Alyan Talcott and Philo- 
mela Booty was born in Vernon, Ot., March 16, 1815, married 
Andrew Williams Tra^y, of Franklin, Ct. (b. AprQ 7, 1806), 
May 23, 1833, and had 


1120 Emma, b. Maj 9, 1835 ; m. 1st Andrew C. Baldwin, July 2, 
1856 ; 2d Theodore S. Gold, April 4, 1859. 

1121 Rosa Miles, b. Sept. 25, 1838; m. Nathan F. Peck, Aug. 8, 

1860; d. June 21, 1871. 

1122 Mary Louise, b. Jan. 20, 1844; d. Aug. 23, 1845. 

1123 Alvan Talcott, b. Jan. 2, 1846. 

1124 Iicuise AdeUe, b. Dec. 13, 1853 ; m. Walter D. Smith, Sept. 1, 
1874 ; d. June 23, 1876 ; one cbild. 

Emeline^ wife of Andrew W. Tracy, died March 1, 1867, 
se. 52 years. Andrew W. Tracy died at Hartford, Ct., April 
29, 1872. He was a merchant residing at Rockville, Ct. 


Emma, daughter of (1116) Andrew W. and Emeline 
(Talcott) Tracy, was bom at Rockville, Ct., May 9, 1835, 
married 1st Andrew C. Baldwin, July 2, 1856; no children. 
He died Jan. 26, 1858, and she married Theodore Sedgwick 
Gold, April 4, 1859, and had 

1126 AUce, b. Jan. 14, 1860. 

1126 Martha Wadaworth, b. July 20, 1861. 

1127 Oharles Lockwood, b. April 14, 1863. 

1128 Jamea Douglass, b. Nov. 5, 1866. 


Rosa 11.5 daughter of (1116) Andrew W. and Emeline 
(Talcott) Tracy, was born at Kockville, Ct., Sept. 25, 1838, 
married Nathan F. Peck, Aug. 8, 1860, and had 

1129 AdeUe T., b. Sept. 13, 1861. 

1130 Philip Fletcher, b. Nov. 18, 1869. 
1130^ Frederic William, b. June 16, 1871. 

Bosa^ wife of Nathan F. Peck, died June 21, 1871. 


Capt. Joseph, son of (455) Benjamin Talcott and 

Esther Lyman^ was bom in Bolton, Ct., June 31, 1728, mar- 
ried Eunice^ the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Smith) 
Lyman, of Coventry, and sister of his brother Benjamin's 
wife (b. Sept. 4, 1733), Jan. 9, 1752, and had 

liai JoMupk, b. Aof . €, 17^: m. Rercca Poktkb, Bept, 11, 1777 ; 

1132 EoBioe, b. Jan. 19, 17o9 ; m. Dati d Hibbasd, of CoTestrj : 

settled in Coooord, and had 11 childrem. 

1133 EsUmi^ b. Feb. 14, 17<S3 ; d. j. Feb. 17, 17^ 

1134 Pliwilla, b. AprU 21, 1764; m. I>e*. JxasB GoOK,of Corentry, 
had four diildreo. 

Joseph Taleott^ was a fanner in Coventry, and throngh his 
wife received a farm on " Pond Hill," where he lived and died. 
He wa« drowned in the Skankamng river, Jnne 10, 1789. His 
epitaph on a stone in the old south burial ground of Coventry, 
reads thus : 

^^As the fishes that are tak^i in an evil net, and as the birds 
that are caught in the snare, so are the sons of men snared in 
an evil time." 


Caleb, son of (455) Benjamin Taleott and Esther 

Lyman^ was bom in Bolton, Ct., 1732, married Martha^ 

daughter of Hezekiah Parsons, of Windsor, Ct. (b. June 20, 
1732), March 22, 1758, and had 

1136 Jtifttis, b. Maj — , 1759 ; m. Ist Sakah Johns, of Vernon, Ct, 

1785 ; d. June 5, 1849 ; 2d Lydia Chesbbbough, Jane 20, 


1136 Martha* b. , 1761 ; m. John Olcott, of Vemon, Ct. ; d. 

April 5, 1790. 

1137 Caleb, b. . 1764 ; m. Lydia Baker ; d. , 1801. 

Martha, the wife of Caleb Talcott, died , and he married Rachel 

Andrus, and had 

1138 Anna, m. Ezekiel Baker, of Vernon, Ct., May 28, 1828 ; had 
one child, and d. 1827 ; he d. 1842. 

1139 Roxa, in. Alexander McKinney, of Vernon, Ct., had six 

1140 Rachel, d. y. 

Caleb Talcott died April — , 1802. Kachel, his widow, 
died , 1822. 


Seth, son of (455) Benjamiii Taleott and Deborah Oil- 
lett, his second wife, was bom in Bolton, Ct., Dec. 26, 1742, 


married Anna White, of Coventry, Ct., April 21, 1763, and 

1141 Seth, bap. June 24, 1764. 

1142 Anna, bap. Feb. 16. 1766. 

1143 Jenuha, bap. Nov. 29, 1767, d. s. 

1144 Jesse, bap. Jan. 14, 1770, d. s. 

1145 James White, b. April 6, 1772 ; m. 1st Polly ; 2d Esther 

Bliss, March 27, 1814. 

1146 Deborah, b. July 19, 1774. 

1147 Rhoda, b. June 21, 1776 ; d. Feb. 28, 1777. 

Seth Talcott died 1826. 


John, son of (4r>5) Benjamin Talcott and Deborah Gil- 
lette was bom in Bolton, Ct., , married Sarah Stimson, 

of Bolton, Ct., , and had 

1148 John, b. , 1775 , m. Tryphena Cooley ; no ch. ; d. July 3, 

1859. She d. in New York, July 9, 1868, ae. 82. 

1149 Sarah, m. Josiah Tucker. 

1160 Rhoda, d. s. 

1161 Ohloe, m. Jabez Kingsbury; had two children ; d. 1860; he d. 

1162 Nancy, m. Andrew Chapman, of Vernon, Ct., had three children* 

1163 liUther, b. , 1792 ; m. Melinda Risley, Jan. 11, 1815; lived 

in Bolton, Ct.; d. Dec. 3, 1857. 


Benjamin, son of (1038) Benjamin Talcott and 

Jernsha Olmstead^ was born May — , 1789, married Fanny, 
daughter of Roswell Smith, Nov. 4, 1812, and had 

1164 Beiyamin O., b. Nov. 27, 1814 ; killed by a cart, Nov. 3, 1832. 
1166 Alfred Kingsbury, b. Nov. 25, 1816; m. Lucretia L.Clark, 

March 20, 1839 ; no ch. 
1166 Fanny, b. Sept. 22, 1822 ; d. s. May 14, 1864. 

Benjamin Talcott died Aug. 4, 185U, se. 61. Fanny, his 
widow, died June 3, 1855, m, 60. 


Hannah, daughter of (1038) Benjamin Talcott and 

Hannah Percival, was born in Vernon, Ct., April — , lb04, 


iiiarried XathanM, s^m uf CaleK C'iiapinaD. of East Haddanu 
Ct„ Mav r.*, l^:f4. aii«l La*! Inini in En-t Iladtlam, 

1157 Fredctu^ T^ b Feb. 21. l^-^r, . 

1168 Mary F^ b. Jan. 27, 1«27. 

1169 Jc^m P^ b. Jan. 6. I«c2d. 

1160 KatfaanM O^ b. March 28. 1^:'^! 

1161 Wimam H^ b. Oct. 20, ixiT,. 

1162 Maro a, b. Feb. 13, lS:rj 

1163 JamM B^ b. fxn. 26, ia44». 

Hannah^ wife of Xatlianiel f*haj>iDan, die<l Oct. 1, 1S64. 
Xatlianiel (Tiapiiiaii wa^ l^>ni in 17^7, and Haxxah Talcott 
wai> lii?» He<^*ond wife. He was a fanner in Ea&t Iladdain. 


Elijah, K^n of (1029) Dea. Elijah Taleott and Rebecca 
Olmntead^ wa* l>orn May 5, 17-^4^, married 1st Anna, daughter 
of Xatlianiel IIul>hard «b. Julv r», 171^3), Mav 25, 1813, who 
died Fel>. 24^, 1814, without i>>ue, and he married 2d Florilla 
Hubbard <b. June ♦>, 171*7), Se[)t. 8, 1814, and had 

1164 Martha Ann, b. Au^. 13, 1815; d. Sept. 26, 1816. 

1166 Elijah Hart, b. April 10, 1817; m. 1st Xinetta West. April 27, 
1841; 2d Clarissa H.vth.vway, May 27, 1852; 3d Elizabeth 
llrn iico<TC, Nov. 24, ISTA ; d. Nov. 11, 1866, at Sweden, N. Y. 

1166 Florilla Maria, b. March 6, 1819 ; m. W. P. Moore. Jan. 18, 

1843; bad ^even children. She d. Aug". 25, 1865. 

1167 Horace Wells, b. June 10, 1821 ; m. Jane M. Gardiner, Oct. 9, 

1842; d. June 16, 1871. 

1168 Charles Dennison, b. Sept. 11, 1823; m. H.arriet McLean, of 
Vernon, Ct.. May 7. 1851 ; no ch. She d. Sept. 25, 1874. 

1169 Oeorge Sheridan, b. March 18, 1>^29 ; m. Electa Bird, Nov. 
27, 1855; had one child (Delia B., b. Dec. 8, 1856; d. Oct. 7, 
1865); d. June 30, 1867. 

1170 Lyman Pitkin, b. March 13, 1831 ; unnmrried 1875. 

1171 Wealthy Ann, b. Dec. 26, 1834 ; m. Andrew Dexter, April 7, 

I860 ; had four children. 

1172 Martha Jane, b. July 16. 1839; epileptic. 

1173 Emorett Rebecca, b. July 22, 1842. 

Elijah Taleott died Sept. 18, 1859. 


Dea. Flavel, son of (I02D) Dea Elijah Taleott and 
Rebecea Olmstead^ was horn July is, 178r), married Eunice, 


daughter of Nathaniel Hubbard (b. May 26, 1791), April 6, 
1815, and had 

1174 Nathaniel H., b. Jan., 18, 1816 ; m. Betsey T., dau. of Alpheus 

Chapman, of Vernon, Ct., April 10, 1838. 
1176 James Morris, b. Nov. 23, 1817 ; m. Amanda Stoughton, of 

Providence, R. I., June 13, 1849 ; had one daughter b. 1853. 

1176 William Flavel, b. Dec. 21. 1819 ; m. 1st Mary Edson, Nov. 22, 
1846 ; 2d Marietta Webber, Aug. 7, 1849 ; d. April, 1873. 

1177 Samuel Olmstead, b. Sept. 5, 1821 ; d. April 0, 1825. 

1178 Philander Parmele, b. Oct. 1, 1823 ; m. Jane, dau. of Sol. 

Spencer, of East Hartford, Nov. 26, 1846 ; no cli. ; d. April 22, 

1179 EUzabeth Ann, b. Aug. 4, 1825 ; m. JouN Q. A. Perrin, March 
6, 1844; had five children. 

1180 Royal, b. June 7, 1828; d. July 2, 1833. 

Dea. Flavel Talcott died in A^ernon, Ct., March 28, 1844. 
Eunice, his widow, died in Vernon, Ct., Nov. 5, 1872. 


Rev. Hart, son of (1029) Dea. Elijah Talcott and 
Rebecca Olmstead, was born Nov. 8, 1787, married 1st Par- 
thenia, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Brainard, of Randolph, Vt. 
(b. May 1, 1790), May 29, 1820, and had 

1181 WilUam Hart, b. Jan. 5, 1822 ; m. Eunice A. Beers, Nov. 8, 

1853;d. Jan. 22, 1866. 

1182 Susan Maria, b. May 11, 1823 ; m. Moses F. Bassett, Nov. 8, 
1842 ; no ch. ; d. Sept. 9, 1845. 

Partheuia, the wife of Rev. Hart Talcout, died in Clinton, Ct., Nov. 
27, 1823, and he married Clarina, dau. of Judge Jonathan 
Warner, of Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y. (b. in Canaan, N. Y., 
July 19, 1799), Oct. 18, 1826, and had 

1183 Henry Warner, b. Sept. 13, 1827 ; d. Dec. 30, 1846. 

1184 BUzabeth Parthenia, b. Sept. 29, 1829 ; d. Dec. 12, 1850. 

1185 Olarina Rebecca, b. Sept. 26,1833; d. g. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 
April 13. 1870. 

1186 Edward Olmstead, b. Aug. 10, 1835; d. Nov. 10, 1840. 

Rev, Hart Talcott died in Warren, Ct., March 27, 1836. 
He was graduated at Dartmouth College, in 1812, and was 
settled, tirst at Kittingswortli (now Clinton) and then at War- 
ren, Ct. 


Clarina Rebecca, the daughter of the Rey. Hart Tal- 

cott, wa8 for nearly ten years previous to her death connected 
with the Packer Institute, at Brooklyn, N. Y., where she was 
an earnest, conscientious and most reliable teacher beloved by 
all who knew her. Earlv and while at school, she became a 
professor of religion under the ministration of the Kev. J. S. 
Spencer, and in her christian life was irreproachable, and ever 
consistent. Pier obituary is beautifully and pathetically set 
forth in the '' Packer Quarterly for April, 18H9.'' 


Dr. l¥illiani !>., son of (1029) Dea. El^ah Talcott 
and Rebecca Olmstead^ was born Oct. 2, 1794, married 
Elizabeth M., daughter of Edward Wilcox, and had 

1187 Sarah W., b. 1830; d. April 19, 1830. 

1188 BUzabeth W., b. Nov. 6, 1831 : d. a. 1861. 

Dr. William 0. Talcott died Oct. 27, 1881, and was buried 
in Winsted, Conn., and his widow married Rev. Enoch S. 
Huntington, Oct. 29, 1843, and died Feb. 1, 1852. 

Dr. Talcott was graduated at Yale Medical School, in 1823, 
and was much respected in Winsted. He died of consumption 
contracted by exposure during his practice. 


Juliu§, son of (1029) Dea. Elijah Talcott and Rebecca 
Olmstead^ was born Dec. 18, 1796, married Maria Schoon- 

maker (b. July 21, 1803), April U, 1824, and had 

1189 Edward Charles, b. Nov. 4, 1824; in. Ist Phebe Ann Benja- 
min, Nov. 17, 1853 ; 2d Hannah York, Jan. 26, 1860. 

1190 Parthenia Maria, b. March 17, 1826; m. Jacob Wurtz Tobias, 

Aug. 11, 1849; had three children. H« d. Feb. 20, 1854. 

1191 Biyah JuUus, b. Sept. 16. 1828; d. July 20, 1858. 

1192 BUza Jane, b. June 13, 1830; d. March 15, 1865. 

Maria^ wife of Juluis Talcoit, died January 22, 1842. 
JrLius Talcott died Oct. 10, 1851. 



Samuel Smith, son of (1030) Samuel Talcott and 
Sarah Smithy was bom in N. Bolton, Ct., Dec. 13, 1793, mar- 
ried 1st Harriet^ daughter of Koswell Smith (b. May 25, 
1797), Jan. 6, 1818, and had 

1193 Harriet, b April 26, 1819; d. y. Nov. 29. 1824. 

1194 Caroline, b. Feb. 12, 1823 ; in. Orin C. Brown, Aug. 23, 1859. He 
WHsb. 1829; d. in the army April 12, 1863. 

1195 Samuel Tudor, b. Dec. 26, 1825 ; d. Aug. 24, 1827. 

1196 Samuel Tudor, b. April 15, 1829 ; m. Louisa M. Woodford, 
April 4, 1843 ; had one child b. April 3, 1854, who d. Sept. 16, 
1863. His wife d. May 22, 1859, and he m. 2d Sabra C. Bush- 
NBLL, May 7, 1861 ; no ch. 

1197 Harriette, i rj.^, ^ ^^^ 2j ^^3^ 

1198 Hemiette, ( d. y. Aug. 10, 1831. 

Harriet, the wife of Samuel S. Talcott, died April 28, 
1860, 86. 63 years, and he married Sophia E., daughter of 
George Nelson and Mary (Treat) Keeney, Dec. 5, 1860. 
Samuel S. Talcotp resides in Vernon, Ct. 


Elihu, son of (1030) Samuel Talcott and Sarah Smith, 

was born in N. Bolton, Ct., April 6, 1804:, married Chloe, 

daughter of Warren McKinney, ; Hves in Rushford, 

Allegany Co., N. Y., and had 

1199 Revilo, d. a. in Hartford, Ct. 

1200 Philenda. 

1201 SamueL 

1202 Henry. 

1203 Jane. 


James Tudor, son of (1030) Samuel Talcott and 
Sarah Smithy was bom in Vernon, Ct., April 26, lbl3, married 
Sarah H. Parker, Dec. 10, 1835. Lives in Vernon, Ct., and 

1204 James Herbert, went into the army during the rebeHion and 
was never heard from. 

1206 Julianna, accidentally hurt and died. 

1206 Charles, d. y. 

1207 Charles. 

1208 Iiucy. 



Phineas, son of (1031) Dea. Phineas Talcott and 
Hannah Kellogg^ was born in ^N^. Bolton, Ct., Aug. 7, 1793, 
married Lora^ daughter of Francis McLean, of Vernon and 
Rockville, Nov. 19, 1823, and had 

1209 Frederick, b. Dec. 27, 1824; d. s. Sept. 2, 1849. 

1210 George, b. Jan. 20, 1827 ; m. Rosanna McLean, June 30, 1856. 

Lora^ wife of Phineas Talcott, died Jan. 7, 1835, ae. 32 
years. Puinkas TALcorr died in Rockville, Ct., June 6, 1863. 
He was, in connection with his brothers Ralpu and Allyn, 
engaged in the manufacturing business in that place. 


Ralph, son of (1031) Dea. Phineas Talcott and Han- 
nah Kellogg^ was born in N. Bolton, Ct., Sept. 18, 1795, mar- 
ried Snsan Bnll^ of Plymouth, Ct., June 10, 1830, and had 

1211 Edward, b July 20, 1831 ; d. Dec. 4, 1831. 

1212 Susan BuU, b. Feb., 1833 ; m. Galen M. Fisher (b. 1826), Dec. 
24, 1850. Lived in New Jersey, and had five children. 

1213 Eliza, b. May 23, 1836. 

. 1214 Laura EUzabeth, b. Feb. 13, 1838 ; m. Rev. Robert C. Learned, 
of Plymouth, Ct. (who was graduated in Y. C, 1837), Jan. 13, 
1860 ; no ch. He d. 1867. 

1215 Maria, b. Nov., 1839. 

1216 Mary, b. March 21, 1846 ; d. July 13, 1856. 

Ralph Talcott died at Rockville, Ct., April 30, 1S47. 
Susan, his widow, married Eber Cotter, 181:8, and died Aug. 
22, 1854, se. 50 years. 

RAr.PH Taloo'it was one of the founders of Rockville, Ct. 
He with the assistance of another pei'son started the manufac- 
ture of cloth by machinery in this town, and the result was a 
thriving village and an accumulation of wealth, so that where 
in 1830, thei'e were only barren lields, there is now, in 1875, 
a populous, picturesque and beautiful city. 


Rev. Joel, son of (1031) Dea. Phineas Talcott and 
Hannah Kellogg^ was born in N. Bolton, Ct., Oct. 12, 1797, 


married Lois, daughter of Judah and Catharine (Fowler) 
Twining, of Tolland, Mass. (b. 1808),, Oct. 5, 1829, and had 

1217 Henrietta Mazia, b. Aug. 29, 1830 ; ra. Joseph Twining, Dec. 
10, 1850 ; lived in Sandisfield and had seven children. 

1218 Lora Annette, b. April 17, 1834 ; m. John Foot, Oct. 13, 1857. 
Lived in Hartland, Ohio, had one child. 

1219 Philander T., b. March 10, 1836 ; d. Sept., 1836. 

LiOl§, the'wife of the Rev. Joel Talcott, died March 16, 1836, and 
he married Sarah Ann, daughter of Archibald and Elizabeth 
(Anderson) Cummings, of Sullivan, Ohio (b. Nov. 3, 1813), Dec. 
13, 1838, and had 

1220 Philander T., b. Dec. 28, 1840 ; was in the army and died in 
Wakeman, Ohio, Feb. 19, 1865. 

1221 Loia EUzabeth, b. Jan. 22, 1845. 

1222 Phineas Halstead, b. June 8, 1846 ; d. s. in Wakeman, Ohio, June 

1223 Harriet Minna, b. Dec. 15, 1856 ; d. s. in Wakeman, Ohio, Nov. 
29, 1872. 

Eev. Joel Talcott died at Wakeman, Ohio, Dec. 28, 1871. 
He was fitted for college at Bacon Academy, Colchester, Ct., 
and entered the class of 1^24, in Yale College. A year after 
graduation he entered the Auburn Theological Seminary, 
w^here he remained two years. He was ordained an Evan- 
gelist in Hartford, July 1, 1828, and went immediately to 
Wellington, Lorain Co., Ohio, where he was settled in the 
ministry, where he remained ten years. For the last ten or 
twelve years of his life, owing to impaired health, he relin- 
quished preaching and engaged in agricultural pursuits. 


AUyn, son of (1031) Dea. Phineas Talcott and Hannah 
Kellogg^ was born in Bolton, Ct., May 28, 1800, married 
Martha iJ-, daughter of Elisha and Sarah (Goodrich) Eobbins, 
of Wethersfield, Ct. (b. Aug. 3, 1808j, April 10, 1833, and 

1224 Sarah Goodrich, b. March 23, 1835 ; d. s. Nov. 3, 1862. 
1226 Martha Robbins, b. Jan. 19, 1837. 

1226 Allyn Kellogg, b. March 12, 1839; m. Hannah Kingsbury, 
May 25, 1876. 


1227 I^aviaia lMa>el, b. July 26, 1841 ; d. Oct. 2, 1865. 

1228 Phineaa, b. Sept. 29, 1845. 

1229 Frederick, b. Sept. 28, 1850. 

Allyn Taleott died at Rockville, Ct., May 22, 1863. He 
was engaged in the manufacture of cloth in that city in part- 
nership with his brothers Phineas and Ralph. 


Royal, son of (1034) Jacob Taleott and Anna Car- 
penter^ was bom in N. Bolton, Ct., March 18, 1797, married 
Martha, daughter of Ichabod M. Warner, and had 

1229^ Martha, b. July, 1823 ; d. March 10, 1826. 

Royal Taleott died in Vernon, Ct., Oct. 9, 1823. Mabtha, 
his widow, died in Vernon, Ct., Aug. 11, 1827. 


Dea. Joseph, son of (910) Joseph Taleott and Eunice 
Lyman^ of Coventry, was bom in Coventry, Aug. 6, 1755, 
married Rebecca^ daughter of William and Esther (Carpenter) 
Porter (b. Oct. 31, 1758), Sept. 11, 1777, and had 

1230 Joseph, b. Jane 28, 1778; m. 1st Mekcy Eells, of Coventry, 
Nov. 25, 1801 ; 2d Abigail Turner, of Coventry; he d. April 
4. 1857. 

1231 Arad, b. Sept. 2, 1780 ; m. Anna H. Tracy, Oct. 15, 1806 ; d. 

Nov. 20, 1845. 

1232 Eunice, b. April 23, 1783 ; m. Nathan H. Rose, Sept. 16, 1801 ; 
d. Feb. 10, 1805. 

1233 William, b. Dec. 30, 1786 ; m. Ist Polly Pomeroy, Oct. 10, 
1808 ; 2d Matilda (Woodruff) Miller, Nov. 30, 1846 ; he d 
July 28, 1858. 

1234 EUzur, b. May 14, 1789 ; d. June 7, 1789. 

1236 Hervey, b. Jan. 6, 1791 ; m. Cynthia Osborne, Aug. 26, 1817; 
d. Dec. 19, 1865. 

1236 L3rman, b. Jan. 25, 1793 ; m. Harriet Hatch, April 21, 1813 ; d. 
Feb. 27, 1869. 

1237 Esther, b. April 25, 1795 ; m. James Smith, of Wethersfield, 
March 22, 1825; she d. Oct. 29, 1861. 

1238 Erastus, b. April 28, 1797; m. Aurelia Loomis, Sept. 20, 1820. 

1239 Chester, b. April 29, 1799 ; m. Sarah Kellogg, April 17, 1822. 

Dea. Joseph Taleott died in Coventry, June 8, 1826. 
Rebecca, his widow, died in Coventry, Dec. 22, 1843. 


Dea. TALCorr inlierited from his father considerable land on 
what was known as " Pond Hill," in the town of Coventry, 
and by thrifty management soon added to his possessions until 
he owned not less than 350 acres. For many years he was 
Justice of the Peace, and noted for strict probity in that office. 
He was early elected Deacon of the Second Congregational 
Church, of Coventry, and held the office until Dec. 8, 1822, 
and it speaks much for the care with which he trained his 
family to say that three of his sons became deacons of the 
same church, and a fourtli son was a clergyman, and a 
daughter became tlie wife of a deacon in the first parish of 
the same town. He settled his sons upon farms from his 
own acres, and like Job of old he gave liis daughters " inherit- 
ance among their brethren." He died as he liad lived in the 
Christian faith. 

Dea. Joseph, son of (ll*U) Dea. Joseph Talcatt and 

Rebecca Parter, was born in Coventry, June 28, 1778, mar- 
ried 1st Mercy, daughter of Dea. Nathaniel Eells, of Coventry, 
Ct., Nov. 25, 1801, and had 

1240 Joseph Augustus, b. May 12, 1810 ; m. Mary Loomis, July 1, 

1241 Nathaniel Bells, b. Dec. 13, 1811 ; m. Sarah Frogget, Dec. 3, 


1242 Mercy Rebecca, b. Jan. 9, 1814 ; unmarried. 

Mercy Cells, wife of Dea. Joseph Talcott, died April 5, 1844, ae. 64, 
and he married 2d Abigail, dau. of Phineas Turner, and had 

1243 John Hervey, b. Sept. 7, 1846 ; m. Mary E. Chamberlain, of 
Coventry, Sept. 20, 1866. 

Dea. Joseph Talcott died in Coventry, April 4, 1857. 
Abigail, his widow, died in the autumn of 1872. 

Dea. Joseph Talcott settled near bis father in Coventry, 
Ct., was somewhat prominent in civil and military matters, 
and was a captain in the State militia several years. He was 
elected Deacon of the Second Church, in Coventry, March 2, 
1829, and resigned April 28, 1853. 




Dea. Arad, son of (1131) Dea. Joseph Talcott and 
Rebecca Porter, was bom in Coventry, Sept. 2, 1780, mar- 
ried Anna Huntington, daughter of Calvin and Elizabeth 
(Huntington) Ti-acy, of Seipio, N. Y. (b. Jan. 12, 1783), Oct. 
15, 1806, and had 

1244 Oeorge Huntington, b. Nov. 2, 1807 ; m. Lucrbtia Coleman, 

Oct. — , 1835. 
1246 Charles Trumbull, b. June 16, 1809 ; m. Jekusua Gager, July 

22, 1835. 

1246 Juliana, b. Sept. 6, 1812 ; unmarried. 

1247 Joseph, b. May 17, 1821 ; m. Celestia CHAPiN,of Huron, N. Y., 
Jan 22, 1845. 

Dea. Arad Talcott died in Huron, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1845. 
Anna, his widow, died Aug. 10, 1853, se. 71. 

Dea. Arad settled first in Coventry, and was several years 
Deacon of the Second Church there; but about 1819, moved 
to Huron, N. Y., where he was well known and beloved both 
as a man and as an elder in the Presbyterian Church. 


Eunice, daughter of (1131) Dea. Joseph Talcott and 
Rebecca Porter, was born April 23, 1783, married Dea. 
Nathaniel Hale Rose, of South Coventry, Sept. 16, 1801, 
and had 

1248 Zlunice T., b. Aug. 26, 180'^; d. June, 1810. 

Eunice, wife of Nathaniel II. Kose, died Feb. 10, 1805. 

Deacon Nathaniel Hale Rose was tlie second son of Dr. 
Samuel Rose, a surgeon in the revohitionary war, and his wife 
Elizabeth Hale, who was the oldest daughter of Dea. Richard 
Hale, of Coventry, and sister of the celebrated Nathan Hale, 
the martyr spy, executed at New York, Sept. 22, 1776. 


l¥illiani, son of (1131) Dea. Joseph Talcott and Re- 
becca Porter, was born in C'oventrv, Dec. 30, 1786, married 


Ist Polly, daughter of Eleazer and Priscilla (Kingsbury) 
Poineroy, of Coventry, Oct. 10, 1808, and had 

1249 Eleazer P., b. Dec. 12, 1809 ; Y. C, 1832 ; d. Nov. 14, 1832, of 

Polly, the wife of William Talcott, died April 18, 1846, 
and lie married 2d widow Matilda (Woodruff) Miller, 
daughter of Ozera and Martha Scott Woodruff, of Farmington, 
Ot.,'Nov. 30, 1846 ; they were childless. 

William Talcotp died July 28, 1858. His widow still lives 
in Coventry (1875). William Talcott lived in Coventry, Ct., 
on a farm near his father. 


Rev. Hervey, son of (1131) Dea. Joseph Talcott and 
Rebecca Porter, was born in Coventry, Jan. 6, 1791, mar- 
ried Cynthia, daughter of Ebenezer and Cynthia (Barber) 
Osborne, of East Windsor, Ct. (b. March 3, 1800), Aug. 26, 
1817, and had 

1250 Susan, b. June 15, 1818 ; m. Jared W. Post, May 20, 1840. 
1261 Jane, b. June 1, 1820 ; m. Be v. Aaron C. Beach, May 6, 1856. 

1252 Harriette, b. June 15, 1825; m. Dr. G. C. H. Gh^bert, May 6, 

1253 Maria, b. May 30, 1831 ; d. June 27, 1848. 

Rev. Hervey Talcott died in Portland, Ct., of typhoid pneu- 
monia, Dec. 19, 1865. Cynthia Osbobne, his widow, died in 
Waterbury, Ct., April 23, 1869. 

Rev. Hervey Talcott was graduated at Yale College, in 
1810. Among his classmates were Rev. Professors E. T. Fitch 
and Chauncey A. Goodrich, of New Haven ; Judge Wm. W. 
Ellsworth and Professor S. F. B. Morse, of telegraphic fame. 
Alter teaching a year at Newcastle, Me., he entered Andover 
Theological Seminary and remained there three years. Dur- 
ing the next two years he preached at various places in Con- 
necticut, Massachusetts and New York, and for a part of the 
time was under the direction of the Connecticut Home Mis- 
sionary Society, of which he was the first missionary. He was 
ordained Oct. 23, 1816, pastor of the First Congregational 


Church, in Chatham (now Portland), Ct., where he remained 
until his death, a period of almost fifty yeai-s. He was able to 
discharge all the duties of this office untQ within five years of 
his death, when he requested to be relieved somewhat and a 
colleague was appointed. He furnished an excellent example 
of those ministers of whom Xew England has produced so 
many, characterized by prudence, fidelity and the ability to 
grow with their parishes, so that they spent their days over 
one church. Mr. TALcorr's characteristics were a sincere and 
childlike piety, an unvarying devotion to his work, a well- 
balanced and clear head, a genial and kindly manner, an un- 
usual discreetness of conduct, and before all men a blameless 
life. All these qualities combined to make him greatly loved 
and honored in Portland, and his pastorate was long and suc- 
cessful. It is a striking proof of his prudence that though 
his church was rent by many dissensions during his pastorate, 
he retained the respect and confidence of every one, almost 
without an exception. As a preacher he was earnest, pointed, 
instructive and scnptural. He could never be called brilliant, 
but had those qualities of a speaker that wear well. Person- 
ally he always gave one the idea of a high toned christian gen- 
tleman. His piety was apparent, but not obtrusive, and his 
presence was always attractive to young and old, and yet an 
air of godliness about him wa^s sufficient to keep improprieties 
and wronof-doino: at a distance without a word of rebuke. In 
his family he was greatly loved, and he gave example as well 
as precept in keeping a '" well-oi"dered christian household." 


liyman, son of (1131) Dea Joseph Talcott and Rebecca 
Porter, was born in Coventry, Ct., Jan. 25, 1793, married 
Harriet, danghter of Eliezer and Abigail (Lamb) Hatch, of 
Coventry (b. July 9, 1792), April 21, 1813, and had only 

1254 Samuel Lyman, b. July 19, 1817 ; m. Elizabeth B. Collins, 
June 2, 1840. 

Lyman Talcott died in Coventry, Feh, 27, 1869. His 
widow still lives (1875). 


Lyman Taloott settled in Coventry, Ct., a solid and re- 
spected man both in the church and town. He was for many 
years Treasurer of the Church, and a member of the standing 
committee both of the church and society. 


Esther, daughter of (1131) Dea. Jaseph Talcott and 
Rebecca Porter, was born in Coventry, April 25, 1795, mar- 
ried James Smith, Jr , son of James Smith, of Wetherslield, 
Ct., March 22, 1825 ; settled upon a fann there, and had 

1256 Mary Bull, b. March 21, 1828 ; unmarried. 
1266 Martha, b. May 31, 1832 ; d. s. Feb. 24, 1874. 

1257 James Talcott, b. May 4, 1833 ; m. Elizabeth A. Tai.cott, dau. 
of Col. William Talcott, had Edward Talcott, b. March 3, 
1870; Carrie Louise, b. March 6, 1875. 

1258 Frances S., b. Aug. 20, 1836 ; m. Albert Shipm an, Sept. 18, 
1858 ; no ch. ; 2d Pat. T. Chadwick, Se|rt 25, 1872. 

1259 Edward Dwlght, b. Feb. 18, 1841 ; d. s. Feb. 7, 1865. 

Esther, the wife of James Smith, Jr., died Oct. 29, 1861. 


Erastus, sou of (1131) Dea. Joseph Talcott and Re- 
becca Porter, was born in Coventry, Ct., April 28, 1797, 
married Aurelia, daughter of Zenas and OHve (Brewster) 
Loomis, of Coventry (b. June 14, 1799), Sept. 20, 1820, and 

1260 Aurelia, b. March 23, 1822; m. Rev. Jonathan A. WooDRtFF, 
Nov. 6, 1845 ; d. June 19, 1872. 

1261 Zldwin, b. Aug. 30, 1826; m. Harribt Hester, dau. of Dea. 
Samuel and Hester (Reynolds) Talcott, of Gilead, Ct. ; no 
ch. He settled in Ellington, Ct., was chosen Deacon of Congre- 
gational Church, which office he still holds (1875). He married 
Jan. 1, 1856. 

1262 Charles, b. April 2, 1829 ; m. Mary F. Sayward, June 1, 1874. 

1263 Harriet, b. April 19, 1832 ; d. s. May 15, 1851. 

1264 Henry, b. Sept. 29, 183^1; m. Rllen M. Fay, Jan. 15, 1861 ; d. 

Nov. 10, 1862 ; no ch. ; was in the army ; wounded at Antietam. 

1265 Samuel Lillie, b. Oct. 25, 1841 ; was in the army ; d. Oct. 14, 

Henry and Samuel Lillie enlisted in the 14tli Regiment 
Connecticut volunteers, in the war with the South, were 


wounded at the battle of Antietara, and died from their 

AcRELiA, wife of Erastus Tai.cdtt, died in Coventry, Ct., 
Oct. 2, ISTO, and soon after Ekastis sold his farm in Coven- 
try, and has since been residing with his son, ED\^^x, at Ell- 
ington, Ct. 


Dea. Chester, son of (ll^H) Dea. Joseph Taleott and 
Rebecca Porter, was born in Coventry, Ct., April 29, 1799, 
married Sarah, daughter of Daniel and Susanna (Griggs) 
Kellogg, of Colchester, Ct. (b. Jan. 19, 1802), April 17, 1822, 
and had 

1266 BUzabeth KeUogg, b. Dec. 10, 1823 ; unmarried. 

1267 Mary Jane, b. May 3, 1826 ; m. Marvin Landfear^ Nov. 22, 

1268 Joseph, b. Sept. 28, 1883 ; m. Marie Antoinette Gleason, 
Oct. 2, 1860 ; d. March 16, 1875. 

1269 Maria, b. April 2, 1838 ; m. Rev. John W. Beach, Aug. 24, 1869. 

Sarah^ wife of Chkster Talcojt, died in Coventn-, July 8, 
1862. She was granddaughter of Rev. Ebenezer Kellogg, the 
first pastor of the Congregational Church, in Vernon, Ct., and 
sister of E. B. & E. C. Kellogg, Lithographers, of Hartford, 

Deacon Chester TALcorr received the homestead on "Pond 
Hill," in Coventry, where he resided till 1870, since which 
time he has lived with his children. He was chosen Deacon 
of the Second Congregational Church, in Coventry, and re- 
tained the ofiice until he left the town. 


James White, son of (916) Setta Taleott and Anna 

White, was born April 6, 1772, married 1st Polly , 

and had 

1270 Zlliza, b. May 15, 1805 ; m. Franklin Sikes ; both dead. 

1271 Aiirelia, b. Oct. 2, 1809 ; m. John Hale, of Barton, Tioga Co. 

1272 James W., b. Oct. 15, 1813. 

Polly, wife of James White Talcott, died, and he married Esther, 
dau. of Moses Bliss (b. April 2, 1772), March 27, 1814, and had 


1273 George Ohapin, b. Feb. 5, 1816. 

1274 Horace Bliss, b. Dec. 3, 1817. 

1276 Bsther Abiah, b. Nov. 24, 1819 ; m. Silas Sawyer. 

1276 Anna Eliza, b. Jan. 16, 1824; ra. William W. Wilson. 

Esther, wife of James White Talcott, died at Chicopee, 
Mass., and he with his family and sister, Jerlsha, moved to 
New York State and settled near Ithaca. 


Justus, son of (912) Caleb Talcatt and Martha Par- 
sons, was born May — , 1759, married Sarah Johns, of Ver- 
non, Ct., , 1785, and had 

1277 Sally, b. 1787 ; m. Samuel Millard. 

1278 Patty, b. 1790 ; m. Ezekiel Baker, of Vernon, C^., May 28, 1828 ; 
no cb.; d. 1831. 

1279 Justus, b. 1795 ; m. Lavenia Tryon ; d. Feb. 9, 1834. 

Sarah, wife of Jl^stus Talcx)tt, died June 14, 1826, se. 69, 
and he married Lydia Chesebroiigh, June 20, 1827. Justus 
Talcott d. June 5, 1849, ae. 90 years. 


Caleb, son of (912) Caleb Talcott and Martha Parsons, 

was born , 1764 ; lived in North Bolton ; married Lydia, 

daughter of Daniel Baker, of Bolton, Ct., and had 

1280 Sophia, b. 1796 ; m. Chester McKinney ; moved to Wisconsin, 
and had three cliildren. 

1281 Alden, b. Jane 23, 1798 ; m. Emily Steadman, of Rockville, 
Oct., 1824; d. Dec. 24, 1869. 

Caleb Talcott died , 1801. 


liUther, son of (91?) John Talcott and Sarah Stim- 

son, was born , 1792; lived in Bolton, Ct. ; married 

Melinda Risley, of Manchester, Jan. 11, 1815, and had 

1282 Almira, b. May 9, 1816 ; m. Warren B. Ingraham ; had one 
child ; d. Jan. 5, 1849. 

1283 BUzabeth, b. June 10, 1818 ; d. Oct. 19, 1820. 

1284 John Otis, b. Nov. 17, 1820 ; m. Mary Eliza Porter, Sept. 6, 


1286 Mary Elizabeth, b. March 11. 1823 ; m. Edward Wakefield 
Sept. 7, 1845 ; two children ; d. Oct. 15, 1858. 

1286 Luther Stimson, b. Jane 10, 1825; m. Sarah A. McCullum 
May 19. 1849 ; d. June 16, 1865. 

1287 Joseph Benjamin, b. June 25, 1827 ; d. May 23, 1830. 

1288 Sarah A, b. June 23, 1830 ; d. s. May 16, 1855. 

1289 Ohloe Jane, b. Dec. 8, 1832 ; d. May 3, 1851. 

1290 Joseph Warren, b. March 11, 1835 (Jeweler in Boston). 

1291 Richard Henry Lee, b. July 20, 1837 ; m. Lizzie Neil. 

Melinda^ wife of Luther Talcott, died Sept. 4, 1853, ae. 
59. Luther Talcott was killed on a railroad Dec. 3, 1857. 
He resided in Bolton, Ct. 


Justus, son of (1135) Justus Talcott and Sarah Johiis^ 

was born , 1795, married LaTenia Tryon, and had 

1292 Francis, b. ; m. Harriet Chase. 

1293 SaUy, b. , 1817 ; d. Jan. 30, 1818, 

Layenia^ wife of Justus Talcoti, died June 30, 1833, se. 
33 years. Justus Talcott died Feb. 9, 1834. 


Alden, son of (1137) Caleb Talcott and Lydia Baker^ 

was born June 23, 1798, married 1st Emily Steadman^ of 

Rockville (b. Aug. 14, 1806), Oct. — , 1824, and had. 

1294 Caleb McEinney, b. Oct. 3, 1826 ; m. Harriet L. Parish, Sept. 
14, 1852. 

1295 Francis Henry, b. April 23, 1830 ; m. Caroline C, Closson, 
Dec. 25, 1862 ; no cli. 

Kiuily, the wife of Alden Talcott, died Feb., 1833, and he married 
Statira F. Grant, June 23, 1833, and had 

1296 PhUo P., b. April 23, 1834 ; m. 1st Caroline C. Hamilton, Nov. 
26, 1858 ; 2d Louise C. Gilbert, Nov. 21, 1868. 

1297 Emily, b. Sept. 14, 1836 ; d. April 17, 1838. 

1298 Statira P., b. Sept. 30, 1838 ; m. 1st Charles Wheeler. Nov. 
28, 1861 ; 2d Henry J. Marshman, Jane 16, 1874. 

1299 Alden, b. March 3, 1840; m. Agnes English, Jan. 9, 1867. 

1300 Electa Lavenia, b. Oct. 26, 1846 ; d. March 24, 1858. 

1301 Wilber M., b. Nov. 3, 1851 ; imbecile. 

Alden Talcott died Dec. 24, 1869. 



Caleb mcKinney, son of (1281) Alden Talcott and 
Emily Steadman^ was born Oct. 3, 1826, married Harriet L. 
Parish^ Sept. 14, 1852, and had 

1302 Howard S., b. Sept. 14, 1854. 

1303 Caleb H., b. May 23, 1857 ; d. Oct. 23, 1860. 

1304 Harriet Louise, b. April 2, 1862. 

Caleb M, Talcott now (1876) resides in Hartford, Ct., where 
he is a merchant doing a dry goods business under the firm of 
Talcott & Post. 


Philo F., son of (1281) Alden Talcott and Statira F. 

Grants was born April 23, 1834, married Caroline C. Hamil- 
ton^ Nov. 26, 1858, and had 

1305 Carrie H, b. April 28, 1860. 

Caroline, wife of Philo F. Talcott, died May 9, 1860, and he married 
Louise C. Gilbert, Nov. 21, 1868, and had 

1306 Raymond G., b. Aug. 25, 1872. 

1307 Max Douglass, b. May, 1875 ; d. Jan. 4, 1876. 

Philo F. Talcott and family reside in Hartford, Ot. 


Statira F., daughter of (1281) Alden Talcott and 

Statira F. Orant^ his second wife, was born Sept. 30, 1838, 
married 1st Charles Wheeler^ Nov. 28, 1861, and had 

1307i Flora B., b. Sept. 21, 1862 ; d. Aug. 26, 1864. 

Charles H. Wheeler died Nov. 14, 1863, and she married 
2d Henry J. Marshman, June 16, 1874. 


Alden, son of (1281) Alden Talcott and Statira F. 
Urant^ was born March 3, 1840, married Agnes English^ Jan. 
9, 1867, and had 

1308 Albert R., b. Dec. 7, 1869. 

1309 Agnes E., b. Jan. 11, 1875. 




Georg^e, son of (1062) Phineas Talcott and Lora Mc- 
Lean^ was born Jan. 20, 1827, married Bosanna^ daughter'of 
John McLean, of Kockville, Ct. (b. Oct. 18, 1827), June 30, 
1856, and had 

1310 Oeorge P., b. Feb. 23, 1859. 


Joseph Aag:asta§, son of (1230) Dea. Joseph Talcott 
and Mercy Eells, was born May 12, 1810, married Mary 8., 
daughter of Dea. Selah and Esther (Howard) Loomis, of 
Coventry, Ct. (b. May 7, 1808), July 1, 1832, and had 

1311 Mary BUzabeth, b. Nov. 8, 1833; in. John D.R. Sleight, Sept. 

11, 1854. 

1312 Harriet Rebecca, b. Oct. 25, 1837, at White Pigeon, Mich. ; d. 
April 21, 1841. 

1313 Charlotte Maria, b. Oct. 18, 1839; m. Thomas Powell Pierce, 
Sept. 13, 1864. 

1314 Joseph Henry, b. Sept. 22, 1848 ; d. Sept. 24, 1848. 
1316 Alice Louisa, b. Aug. 17, 1850. 

Joseph Augustus Talcott resides in Illinois. 


STathaniel Eells, son of (1330) Dea. Joseph Talcott 
and Mercy Eells^ was born Dec. 13, 1811, married Sarah C, 
daughter of Robert A. and Elizabeth (Skaggs) Frogget, of 
Kentucky (b. May 5, 1832), Dec. 3, 1851, and had 

1316 Nathaniel Bells, Jr., b April 11, 1856, in Kentucky. 

1317 Kate BUzabeth, b. April 13, 1859, in Kentucky. 

1318 BUhu, b. May 20, 1862, in Illinois. 

Nathaniel Eells Talcott and familv now reside on a farm 
in Garnet, Anderson Co., Kansas. 


John Hervey, son of (12 iO) Dea. Joseph Talcott and 

Abigail Turner, his second wife, was bora Sept. 7, 1816, mar- 
ried Mary E., daughter of Lewis and Emeline (Foster) Cham- 


berlain, of Coventry, Ot. (b. June 9, 1849), Sept. 20, 1866, 
and had 

L319 Mary Abigail, b. Oct. 9, 1867. 

1320 Joseph Leroy. 

John H. Talcott and family reside in Windham, Ct. 

Georg:e Hunting^ton, son of (1331) Dea. Arad Tal- 
cott and Anna H. Tracy^ was born in Coventry, Ct., Nov. 2, 
1807, married Lucretia^ daughter of Timothy Coleman, of 
Coventry, Ct., Oct. — , 1835, and had 

1321 Winslow, b. Aug. 11, 1839. 

1322 Wealthy, b. Dec. 20, 1841. 

George H. Talcott and family now reside at West Butler, 
N. Y. 


Charle!^ Trunibull, son of (1231) Dea. Arad Tal- 
cott and Anna H, Tracy^ was bom in Coventry, Ct., June 
16, 1809, married Jerusha^ daughter of Andrew and Lois 
Gager, of Tolland, Ct., July 22, 1835, and had 

1323 Charles Myron, b. Jan. 7, 1840 ; m. Caroline T. Hudson, dau. 
of Henry Hudson and Persis Cook, Sept. 26, 1866. 

1324 Henry Ellsworth, b. Sept. 1, 1844 ; unmarried (1875). 

Both of them were volunteers in the war with the South 
and served three years. 

Charles T. Talcott, until a few years past, has been in the 
manufacturing business. lie resides at New Britain, Ct. 

Joseph, son of (1231) Arad Talcott and Anna H. Tracy, 

was born May 17, 1821, married Celestla, daughter of Tim- 
othy and Jerusha (Aekley) Chapin, Jan. 22, 1845, and had 

1326 Harriet J., b. Oct. 10. 1846 ; d. April 14, 1854. 

1326 Cornelia A., b. Nov. 13, 1848 ; m. Jacob, son of Jacob Gurnee, 
of Huron, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1874 ; resides at Varick, Seneca Co., 
N. Y. 

1327 Mary A., b. Aug. 14, 1855. 



1328 EUen J^ b. July 6, 1857 

1329 Benjamin Arad, b. Sept. 10. 1862. 

Joseph Talcott resides at Wolcott, Wayne Co., N. Y., and 
is an elder in the Presbyterian Church. 


Sufian, daughter of (12S5) Rev. Hervey Talcott and 

Cynthia Osborne^ was born in Portland, Ct., June 15, 1818, 
married Jared W.^ son of Pardon and Mary (Spencer) Post, 
May 20, 1 840, and had 

1330 ZImily Augusta, b. March 4, 1841. 

1331 Harriet Maria, b. May 13, 1844 ; m. Harry, son of John and 

Emma (Bealey) Washbourne, May 20, 1869, had one son Heory 
Talcott, b. Aug. 2, 1871, and Harrietta Louisa Pauline, b. July 
17, 1874 ; d. Nov. 27, 1874. 

1332 William Wilson, b. July 25, 1846; m. Leila, dau. of Wm. G. 
Cook, June 19, 1872, of New Haven, Ct., they had Susan Talcott 
and Bessie Cook, twins, b. July 25, 1873. Bessie Cook d. March 
18, 1875. 

1333 Mary Blizabeth, b. Dec. 29, 1849 ; m. George Thomas, son of 
Rensselaer S. and Maria (Emeigh) Hall, of Charlton, N. Y. 
He is a Civil Engineer. 

1334 Louisa Jane, b. Dec. 7, 1851 ; d. April 11, 1854. 
1336 Helena Iiouise, b. Jan. 19, 1857. 

Jared Post is in mercantile life and resides in Brooklyn, 
N. Y. 


Jane, daughter of (1235) Rev. Hervey Talcott and Cyn- 
thia Osborne, was born in Portland, Ct., June 1, 1820, married 
Rev. Aaron Crowell Beach (b. Dec. 28, 1805, oldest son of 
David J. and Iluldah [Crowell] Beach, of Soutli Orange, 
N. J.), May 6, 1856, as his second wife, and had 

1336 Lucy Jane, b. Sept. 10, 1857. 

1337 Laura Maria, b. Nov. 4, 1858 ; d. Sept. 28, 1873. 

Rev. A. C. Beach was born at South Orange, X. J. He 
graduated at Yale College, in 1835 ; studied Theology at Kew 
Haven, and was ordained Pastor of the Congregational Church 
in Wolcott, Ct., June 22, 1842, where he remained iifteen 
years. On Feb. 16, 1859, he became Pastor of the Congrega- 


tional Church, at Millington, Ct., where he still resides. His 
first wife was Lucy Ann, daughter of Stephen and QVive 
(Newell) Walkly, of Southington, Ct., b. April 4, 1814; d. 
April 2, 1853, by whom he had five children, of whom but one 
is living, the Rev. J. Wickliffe Beach, mentioned below as 
husband of (1269) Maria Talcott. 


Harriette, daughter of (1236) Rev, Hervey Talcott and 
Cynthia Osborne^ was born June 15, 1825, married Dr. (ier- 
shoni C. H,^ son of John and Cynthia (Hyde) Gilbert, of 
North Mansfield, Ct. (b. July 17, 1817), May 6, 1845, and had 

1338 Charles Henry, b. April 15, 1846 ; m. Anna Laura McLaugu- 

LIN, May 29, 1866. 

Dr. Gilbert was graduated at Yale C\)llege in 1841, and 
received the degree of M. D. at Yale Medical School in 1S44. 
He practiced medicine in Portland, Ct., and now, 1875, resides 
in Westbrook, Ct., still in his profession. 


Samuel liyman, son of (1236) Lyman Talcott and 
Harriet Hatch^ was born July 19, 1817, married Elizabeth 
B., daughter of Rev. Augustus Baldwin Collins, of Guilford, 
Ct. (b. Oct. 15, 1817), June 2, 1840, and had only 

1339 Augustus Iiyman, b. June 28, 1842 ; m. Caroline Cornwell, 
Jane 11, 1864. 

Elizabeth^ wife of Samuel L. Talcoit, died Feb. 1, 1864, 
in New Haven. They iirst resided in Coventry, afterward in 
New Hav^en, Ct. Samuel L. Talcott is connected with the 
Continental Insurance Co., of the city of New York, and re- 
sides in that place. 


Aurelia, daughter of (1238) Erastus Talcott and Aure- 

lia LoomiSy was born March 23, 1822, married Rev. Jona- 
than^ son of Kev. Ephraiin T. and Sarah (Alden) Woodruff, 
Nov. 6, 1845, and had 



1340 Harriet, b. June 10, 1847; d. Jan. 12, 1850. 

1341 Sarah, b. July 31, 1851 ; m. Jacob Brice, of Michigan, Nov. 18, 

1342 Edward Talcott, b. June 30, 1853 ; m. Lena , of Miclii- 

gan, Nov. —, 1873. 

1343 Emma Aurelia, b. June 11, 1857. 

1344 Charlotte Phoebe, b. March 18. 1867 ; d. April 16, 1871. 

Aurelia, wife of Kev. J. A. Woodruff, died at Imlay City, 
Mich., June 19, 1872. Rev. J. A. Woodruff was in the em- 
ployment of the American Home Missionary Society in the 
west, and has married again. 


Dea. Edwin, son of (1238) Erastus Talcott and Aure- 
lia Loomis^ was born Aug. 30, 1826, married Harriet Hester, 
daughter of Dea. Samuel and Hester (Reynolds) Talcott, 
of Gilead, Ct., Jan. 1, 1856; no children. 

Dea. Edwin Talcott settled in Ellington, Ct., was chosen 
Deacon of the Congregational Church of that place. May 1, 
1863, and still holds the position. He was for several years 
assistant superintendent of the Reform School at Providence, 
R. I. Is now a fanner residing at Ellington. 


Charles, son of (1238) Erastus Talcott and Aurelia 

Loomis, was born April 2, 1829, married Mary Fanny Say- 
ward^ June 1, 1874 ; children not known. 


Henry, son of (1238) Erastus Talcott and Aurelia 

Loomis^ was born Sept. 29, 1836, married Ellen Maria Fay, 
June 15, 1861. He enlisted with his brother, Samuel, in the 
14tli Connecticut volunteers ; was wounded at Antietam and 
died Nov. 10, 1862, childless. 


^^amnel liillie, son of (1238) Erastus Talcott and 
Aurelia Loomis, was born Oct. 25, 1841. He enlisted in the 
14tli Regiment Connecticut volunteers in the war with the 


South, was wounded at the same battle of Antietain with his 
brother and died Oct. 14, 1862. 


Mary J., daughter of (1239) Chester Talcott and Sarah 
Kellogg, was bom May 3, 1826, married Mary in Talcott, 
son of Harry and Sarah (Talcott) Landfear, of Manchester, Ct. 
(b. Oct. 10, 1820; his mother was Sarah, daughter of Samuel 
and Sarah [Smfth] Talcott, of Vernon, Ct.), Nov. 22, 1848, 
and had 

1345 Mary Emma, b. Sept. 19, 1851. 

1346 Sarah Talcott, b. Nov. 20, 1853. 

1347 Lizzie Maria, b. March 26, 1863. 

They reside in New Haven, Ct. 


Joseph, son of (1339) Chester Talcott and Sarah Kel- 
logg^ was born Sept. 28, 1833, married Marie Antoinette, 
daughter of Joseph and Caroline (Buckland) Gleason, of Man- 
chester, Ct., Oct. 2, 1860, and had 

1348 Angie Elizabeth, b. Aug. 19, 1862. 

1349 Mary Antoinette, b. May 21, 1864. 

1350 George Joseph, b. Nov. 17, 1875. (Posthumous.) 

Joseph Talcott resided first in Coventry and then in South 
Windsor, Ct., finally in Bloomfield, Ct., where he died March 
16, 1875. 


Maria, daughter of (1239) Chester Talcott and Sarah 

Kellogg^ was born in Coventiy, Ct., April 2, 1838, married Rev. 
J. Wickliflfe, son of Eev. Aaron C. and Lucy Ann (Walkly) 
Beach (see No. 1251 ; b. Jan. 5, 1843), Aug. 24, 1869, and 

1351 EmUy Kellogg, b. June 7, 1871. 

1352 Grace Eldridge, b. Feb. 24, 1876. 

Rev. J. Wickliffe Beach graduated at Yale College in 1864, 
and at Yale Divinity School in 1869, and settled over the Con- 


gregational Church, in Windsor Locks, Ct., where he remained 
five years. In December, 1874, he took charge of the Con- 
gregational Church, Norfolk, Ct., where he still remains. 


Aag^astus Lyman, son of (1354) Samuel Lyman Tal- 
cott and Elizabeth Collins, was born in Hartford, Ct., June 
28, 1842, married Caroline, daughter of William and Mary 
Cornwell of New Haven, Ct., June 11, 1864, and had 

1353 Charles Oomwell, b. March 4, 1865. 

1354 Bessie OoUins, b. May, 1866; d. 1866. 

1355 Frank Watson, b. May, 1867; d. Aug., 1867. 

Augustus Lyman Talcott married 2d EM\f a Linsley, April, 1871, 
by whom lie had 

1356 Lyman O^ b, July 31, 1874. 

Augustus L. Talcott resides in Philadelphia, Pa. 


Francis, son of (1279) Justus Talcott and Lavenia 
Try on, was born , married Harriet Chase, and had 

1357 Ada. 

1358 Herbert J., b. 1847 ; d. March 10, 1850. 

1359 Frank. 

1360 Herbert, b. May 19, 1855. 


John O., son of (1153) Luther Talcott and Melinda 
Risley, was born in Manchester, Ct., Nov. IT, 1820, married 
Mary Eliza Porter, Sept. 6, 1846, and had 

1361 John Andrews, b. Nov. 13, 1849. 
L362 Frank Herbert, b. April 21. 1858. 
1363 Burdett Porter, b. Dec. 7, 1859. 


Lather Stimson, son of (1153) Lather Talcott and 
Melinda Risley, was born in Manchester, Ct., June 10, 1825, 
married Sarah A. McCuIlum, May 19, 1849. She died child- 
less July 20, 1851, pe. 23 years, and he married 2d Eliza E. 


Chamberlain, an adopted daughter of her uncle, Tyrril 
Chesboro, June 13, 1858, and had 

1364 Ida Lee, b. Oct. 27, 1859. 

1365 Inez EUseen, b. Jan. 11, 1861. 

1366 George McOuUum, b. May 31, 1862 ; d. Sept. 13, 1865. 

Luther Stimson Talcott died June 16, 1865. 


£iyah Hart, son of (1042) Elijah Talcott and Florilla 
Hubbard^ was born in Mancliester, Gt., April 10, 1817, mar- 
ried 1st Ninetta, daughter of Horatio West, April 27, 1841, 
and had 

1367 Samuel Hart, b. Oct. 10, 1844 ; d. March 27, 1845. 

1368 Mary Ninetta, b. Dec. 18, 1845; d. Sept. 21, 1852. 

1369 Elijah Horatio, b. Sept. 13,1847; m. Sarah Adell Linkletter, 
Sept. 23, 1869 ; had one child, Dennison, b. Sept. 2, 1870. 

1370 Alfred West, b. March 12, 1850; d. Sept 11, 1852. 

Ntnetta, wife of Elijah H. Talcott, died Sept. 26, 1851, and he mar- 
ried Clarissa Hathaway, May 27, 1852, and had 

1371 Morris Hathaway, b. April 24, 1853. 

Clarissa^ 2d wife of Elijah II. Talcott, died May 14, 1853, 
and he married Elizabeth B. Hitchcock, Nov. 24, 1854. 

Elijah H. TALcorr died in Sweden, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1866. 
Mr. Talcott w^as in business in Talcottville till the spring of 
1847, when he removed to Sweden, N. Y., and was there 
engaged in farming until his death. He was a thorough busi- 
ness man, honest and industrious, and a diligent and fervent 
christian. He was a ruling elder in the Presbyterian C5hurch, 
at North Bergen, of which the Rev. Mr. Barnard was pastor ; 
a member of the A. B. C. F. M. ; life member of the American 
Tract Society and of the Society for the Promotion of Colle- 
giate and Theological Education in the west. 


Dea. Horace Wells* son of (104^) Elijah Talcott and 
Florilla Hubbard^ was born in Mancliester, Ct., Jime 10, 1821, 
married Jane M., daughter of Albert Gardiner (b. Aug. 8, 
1823), Oct. 9, 1842, and had 



1372 Rosa Jane, b. April 21, 1844; m, Samuel A., son of Dea. 
Samuel Talcott, of Gilead, Oct. 4, 1871. 

1373 Horace Gardiner, b. Nov. 14, 1847. 

Dea. Horace W. Talcott died at Taleottville, (Jt., June 16, 

Dea. Horace W, Talcott was a native of Manchester, Ct., 
and came to Talcottville to engage in business, and was first in 
the employment of lion. N. C. KeHogg, when but a youth of 
seventeen. He and his older brother, Hart, were both with 
Mr. Kellogg, and tlirough his influence became converts to 
Christianity. He was chosen Deacon of Vernon Center Church, 
Oct. 31, 1848, when only twenty-seven years of age, and for 
several years stood at the head of the Vernon Center Sabbath 
School, and on the organization of the Sabbath School at Tal- 
cottville, was, without a dissenting voice, placed at its head, 
where he remained until his death. Dea. Talcott was every- 
body's friend, was not hasty in judgment, took time for reflec- 
tion in respect to almost every thing that engaged his attention, 
was almost always serene, while his resolution and will to do 
his part made him a man of wonderful energy and persever- 
ance, lie was, in connection with his brother, Charles Den- 
NisoN Talcott, engaged in the manufacturing business, and 
they have built up the village of Talcottville, where they 
resided. Severe over-exertion of body and mind in his business 
was the cause of his death. A memorial address was delivered 
by the Kev. G. A. Oviatt, in the Congregational Church, at 
Talcottville, upon the death of Dea. Horace W. Talcott, to 
which reference can be made for a more detailed account of his 


€harlei§ Denison, son of (1042) Elijah Talcott and 
Florilla Hubbard^ was born in IV^^nchester, Ct., Sept. 11, 1823, 
married Harrlette McLean, of Vernon," Ct., May 7, 1851; 
they had no children. She died Sept. 25, 1874. 

Charles Denison Talcott is living in Talcottville, and is 
engaged in the manufacturing business. 




Cweorg^e Sheridan, son of (1042) Elijah Talcott and 
Florilla Hubbard^ was born in Manchester, Ct., March 18, 
1829, married Electa A. Bird, Nov. 27, 1855, and had 

1374 DeUa Bird, b. Dec. 8, 1856 ; d. Oct. 7, 1865. 

Georare S. Talcott died June 30, 1867. 


IVathaniel Hubbard, son of (1043) Dea. Flavel Tal- 
cott and Eunice Hubbard, was born in Vernon, Ct., Jan. 18, 
1816, married Betsey T., daughter of Alpheus Chapman, 
April 10, 1838, and had 

1375 Royal, b. Oct. 23, 1842. 

1376 N. Flavel, b. Jan. 11, 1848 ; d. Dec. 29, 18^3. 

1377 Abbie Ann, b. March 11, 1853 ; d. Feb. 2, 1854. 

Nathaniel H. Talcott resides in Yenion, Ct. 


l¥illiaiii Flavel, son of (1043) Dea. Flavel Talcott 
and Eunice Hubbard, was born Dec. 21, 1819, married 1st 
Mary Edson, of Soniers, Nov. 22, 1846, who died Sept. 7, 
181:8, without issue, and he married 2d Marrietta Webber, 
Aug. 7, 1849. They lived in Vernon, Ct., and had 

1378 Mary Wheeler, b. Dec, 1851. 

William Flavel Talcott died in Kansas, April, 1873. 


l¥illiam Hart, son of (1044) Rev. Hart Talcott and 
Parthenia Maria Brainard, was born Jan. 5, 1822, married 
Eunice A., daughter of Charles C. Beers, of Boston, Mass., and 
adopted daughter of William Munson (b. at Goshen, Ct., Feb. 
21, 1834), Nov. 8, 1853, and had 

1379 WiUiam Munson, b. Jan. 19, 1857. 

1380 Charles Henry, b. Aug. 16, 1858. 

1381 Edward Hart, b. Dec. 10, 1859. 

1382 Robert Swift, b. Dec. 3, 1860. 

1383 Jennie EUza, b. June 16, 1865. 

William Hart Talcott died Jan. 22, 1866. 



Edward €harles, son of (1048) Julius Talcott and 
Maria Schoonmaker^ was born Nov. 4, 1824, married 1st 
Phebe Ann Benjamin^ Nov. 17, 1853, and had 

1384 Alpharetta, b. Aug. 20, 1854 ; d. Oct. 4, 1854. 

Phebe Ann^ wife of Edward C. Tat.cott, died Oct. 23, 1854, and he 
married Hannah York (b. Oct. 23, 1832), Jan. 26, 1860, and had 

1385 AlpUaretta, b. Dec. 12, 1860. 

1386 Maria BUzabeth, b. Feb. 21, 1B62. 


Saiiiael^ son of (458) Samuel Taleott and Hannah 
Moseley, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Jnly 23, 1733, mar- 
ried 1st Mary Smith, , and liad 


1387 Mary, b, June 17, 1758 ; m. Zachariah Perrin, 1779 or 1780; 
d. Sept. 11, 1828. 

1388 Hannah, b. May 16, 1759 ; m. Epaphras Hills, ; d. June 

6, 1848. 

1389 Samuel, b. Aug. 12, 1765 ; m. Abigail P. Hooker, Jan. 25, 1795; 
d. Jan. 20, 1839. 

1390 Nehemiah, b. Aug. 5, 17^6 ; m. Tirzaii Platt, Aug. 10, 1790; 
d. Oct. 13, 1848. 

Mary, the wife of Samup:l TALcorr, died, and lie married 2d 

Sarah , by whom lie had no children. 

Samuel Taloott died in Glastenbnrv, 1780. 


Mary, daughter of (1001) Samuel Taleott and Mary 
Smith, was born in Glastenbnry, Ct., June 17, 1758, married 
Zachariah Perrin, of the parish of Gilead, town of Hebron, 
Ct., about 1779 or 1780, and had 

1391 PoUy, b. Oct. 22, 1781 ; d. Sept. 26, 1798. 

1392 Betsey, b. March 7, 1783; m. Rev. James Hobart, of Berlin, 
Vt., Aug., 1804 (he was b. Aug. 2, 1766 ; d. July, 1862). 

1393 Samuel, b. Jan. 28, 1785 ; m. Sally Reed, of Northfield, Vt.; d. 
March 2, 1844. 

1394 Pamela, b. Feb. 6,1787; m. De'a. DaviU Nye, of Berlin, Vt., 
about 1807 ; d. Sept. 13, 1813. 

1395 Porter, b. Feb. 1, 1790; m. Lucy Ktnney, of Plainfield, Vt., 
Nov. 2, 1815 ; d. May 17, 1871. 


1396 William, b. April 25, 1792 ; m. Fanny Thompson, of Montpelier, 
Vt., about 1812; resided in South Carolina. Rev. William 
died Feb. 9, 1824. 

1397 Truman, b. April 24, 1796 ; m. Proncy B. Tyndal, at Tusca- 
loosa, Ala., 1833. Rev. Truman was graduated at Dartmouth, 
1817 ; ordained 1822 ; d. Nov. 19, 1869. 

1398 Mary, b. Jan. 30, 1799 ; m. Dr. Julius Y. Dewey, of Montpelier, 
Vt., June, 1825 ; d. Sept. 3, 1843. 

1399 Sophia, b. Sept. 7, 1801,; m. Capt. Joseph Somerby, March 16, 
1820 ; a few years since removed to Lowell, Mich. He d. April 
2, 1872. 

The first four children were born in Gilead, town of He- 
bron, Ct., and the others in BerHn, Vt. 

Mary, the wife of Zachariah Perrin, died Sept. 11, lSz.S. 
Zaehariah Perrin was born Marcli 18, 1748; removed to Ber- 
lin, Yt., May, 1789; died May 28, 1838. 


Hannah, daughter of (1001) Samuel Talcott and Mary 
Sinitli^ was born in Glastenbnry, Ct., May 16, 1759, married 
Epaphras Hills, of East Hartford, Ct., , and had 

1400 Epaphras, b. April 3, 1781 ; m. Amelia Meacham, of Enfield, 
Ct., Sept. 3, 1804 ; d. May 14, 1869 ; she d. Aug. 28, 1851. 

1401 Elizur, b. Dec. 29, 1782 ; lost at sea Nov., 1802, on passage from 
Hartford to Cliarleston, S. C. 

1402 Hannah, b. Oct. 26, 1784 ; unmarried. 

1403 Mary, b. March 3, 1787; m Seth Wells, of Wethersfield, Ct., 
removed to Trenton, N. Y. 

1404 Laura, b. Sept. 8, 1789 ; m. Nathan Cole, of Glastenbury, Ct., 
removed to Holland Patent, N. Y. 

1405 Fanny, b. July 6, 1792 ; m. Asa Tallcott, of Glastenbury, 
Nov. 24, 1808, his 2d wife. She d. Oct. 1, 1823. 

1406 Eunice, b. Jan. 28, 1795 ; unmarried ; d. April 9, 1833. 

1407 Mabel, b. Feb. 7, 1798 ; m. Lester Coleman, of Coventry, Ct. ; 
d. June 9, 1825. 

1403 David, b. April 4, 1800 ; m. 1st Amelia Talcott, of Wethers- 
field, Ct. ; 2d Amelia, dau. of Asa Tallcott, of Glastenbury, by 
his first wife. David Hills d. Sept., 1856. 

1409 Talcott, b. Feb. 9, 1803 : m. Laura Brewer, of East Hartford, 
Ct. ; d. 

Epaphras Hills died Oct. l-i, 1844; he was born July 7, 
1759. Hannah, his widow died June 6, 1848. 



Samuel, son of (1001) Samuel Talcott and Mary Smithy 

was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Aug. 12, 1765, married Abigail 
Pantry, daughter of Thomas Hart and Sarah (Whitman) 
Hooker, of West Hartford, Ct. (b. Jan. 23, 1770), Jan. 25, 
1795, and had 

1410 BUza, b. Nov. 7, 1795 ; m. Rev. Amzi Francis, May 10, 1824; d. 
Aug. 17, 1829. 

1411 Samuel, b. March 20. 1798 ; m. Cynthia Olcott, Jan. 10, 1822; 
d. Nov. 28, 1850. 

1412 Seth, b. March 7, 1801 ; m. Charlotte S. Butler, Oct. 8, 1823; 
d. Sept. 25, 1848. 

1413 Mary, b. April 22, 1806 ; uumarried ; lives in West Hartford, Ct. 

1414 John, b. Jan. 21, 1811 ; d. Oct. 17, 1815. 

1415 Henry, b. May 10, 1815 ; m. Elizabeth W. Whiting, Aug. 26, 

Samuel Talcott died in West Hartford, Ct., Jan. 20, 1839. 
Abigail P., his widow, died in West Hartford, March 16, 1854. 

Samuel Talcott resided in Eastbury till 1788, when he 
removed to West Hartford, Ct. 

The father of Mrs. Abigail P. TALcorr, wiio was of the 
fifth generation in the direct line of descent from the Kev. 
Thomas Hooker, the first settled clergyman in Hartford, Ct., 
taking the alarm of the battle of Lexington, enlisted in a com- 
pany of volunteers from Farmington, and saying " he would 
not fight for liberty and leave a slave at home," gave freedom 
to his slave ; left his wife and young family, joined, with his 
company, the Revolutionary army, near Boston, sickened and 
died the following winter and was buried at lioxbury, Mass. 


£liza, daughter of (1389) Samuel Talcott and Abigail 

P. Hooker^ was born in West Hartford, Ct., Nov. 7, 1795, 
married the Rev. Amzi Francis, of Bridgehampton, L. I., 
May 10, 1824, and had 

1416 Roger A., b. May 21, 1826; in. Isabella Gr. Hedges, June 6, 1854. 

1417 Samuel T., b. July 26, 1829 ; d. Jan. 29, 1831. 

Kliza, the wife of the Rev. Amzi Francis, died Aug. 17, 1829, and he 
married Mary S. Hedges, Feb. 14, 1832, and had 


1418 Henrietta B., b. July 23, 1842 ; m. James, son of Seth Tal- 

COTT, of West Hartford, who resides in New York, Oct. 31, 1860. 

The Rev. Anizi Francis was graduated at Middleburgh 
College, Vt.j ill 1819, and was Pastor of tlie Cliurcli, at Bridge- 
liamton, L. I. He was born July 31, 1793. 


{^amael, son of (1389) Samuel Talcott and Abigail P. 
Hooker, was born in West Hartford, March 20, 1798, married 
Cynthia, daughter of the Ilev. Allyn and Cynthia (Hooker) 
Oleott, of Manchester, Ct. (b. Aug. 4, 1799), Jan. 10, 1822, 
and had 

1419 Samuel Oleott, b, Dec. 19, 1822 ; d. April 10, 1866. 

Cynthia, wife of Samuel Talcott, died Jan. 23. 1823, and he married 
LucELiA, dau. of Solomon and Betsey (Hickox) Brace, of 
West Hartford, Ct. (b. April 24, 1805), April 22, 1824, and had 

1420 Oynthia Iiucelia, b. July 12, 1825 ; m. Samuel Whitman, Nov. 
4, 1856 ; d. March 7, 1876. 

1421 Roger Hooker, b. Feb. 7, 1827 ; d, March 23, 1827. 

1422 Elizabeth, b. June 13, 1828; m. John Whitman, May 25, 1853. 
He d. Sept. 25, 1870. 

1423 Thomas Hooker, b. June 9, 1830. 

1424 Joseph, b. Aug. 17, 1832 ; m. Ellen A. Deming, Nov. 6, 1856. 

1425 Isabella, b. Dec. 15, 1835; d. Dec. 5, 1865. 

1426 Sarah Whitman, b. Sept. 21, 1838; d. Sept. 30, 1851. 

LiUcelia^ the second wife of Samuel Talcott, died Jan. 14, 1839, and 
he married hia third wife, Margaret Lewis, dau. of Silas 
and Margaret (Jennings) Sage, of Cromwell, Ct. (b. Sept. 13, 
1810), Dec. 31, 1839, and had 

1427 Arthur De Neufville, b. March 13, 1842 ; d. at Falmouth, Va., 
Dec. 3, 1862 ; belonged to the 16tli Regiment Ct. Volunteers. 

1428 Oscar LeweUyn, b. Feb. 11, 1845 ; d. May 17, 1852. 

1429 Adrain Ronald, b. July 14, 1847. 

1430 Mary Lewis, b. Aug. 17, 1849; d. Oct. 27, 1864. 

Samuel Talcott died in West Hartford, Nov. 28, 1850. 
Margaret Lewis, his widow, died in West Hartford, Jan. 14, 


Seth, son of (1389) Samuel Talcott and Abigail P. 

Hooker^ was born in West Hartford, March 7, 1801, married 


Charlotte Stout^ daughter of Janies and Irena (Ensign) But- 
ler, of West Hartford (b. Jan. 3, 1804), Oct. 8, 1823, and had 

1431 John B., b. Sept. 14; 1824 ; Y. C, 1846 ; m. Jane C. Goodwin, 

Sept 13,1848. 

1432 miza Ann, b. Sept. 27, 1826 ; d. Jan. 5, 1831. 

1433 Seth, b. Nov. 4, 1830 ; m. Ist Mabia J. Corning, Jane 25, 1856; 
2d Sarah A. Allen. July 13, 1865. 

1434 Gfreorge, b. Jan. 8. 18:« ; Y. C, 1855 ; m. Laura VV. Cone, May 
28, 1862 ; d. May 29, 1871. 

1436 James, b. Feb. 7, 1835; m. Henrietta E. Francis, Oct. 31, 

1436 Charles, b. Nov. 18, 1837 ; d. Oct. 2. 

1437 Charlotte Julia, b. Jan. 8, 1848 ; in. Frank Buckley, Oct. 14, 
1868 ; d. July 16, 1872 ; has one chUd, Alice T., b. Jane 25, 1870. 

Seth Talcott died in West Hartford, Sept. 25, 1848. Char- 
lotte, his widow, died in Hartford, Jan. 4:, 1875. 


Henry, son of (1389) Samuel Talcott and Abigail P. 

Hooker^ was bom in West Hartford, May 10, 1815, married 
Elizabeth Wells, daughter of Samuel and Sopliia (Kilbourn) 
Wliiting, of West Hartford (b. Aug. 30, 1819), Aug. ^6, 18-41, 
and had 

1438 Francis Wayland, b. July 8, 1842. 

1439 Eliza Sophia, b. Aug. 20, 1846 ; a grad uate of Vassar College. 

1440 Abigail Hooker, b. April 15, 1848 ; d. April 15, 1856. 

1441 Emeline Frances, b. Oct. 10, 1849. 

1442 Sarah Whiting, b. April 21, 1852 ; a graduate of Vassar College. 

1443 Elizabeth Hannah, b. Aug. 6, 1861. 

Henry Talcott and family reside in West Hartford, Ct. 


Cynthia Lueelia, daughter of (14-11) Samuel Talcott 
and Lucelia Brace^ his second wife, was born in West Hart- 
ford, July 12, 1825, married Samuel Whitman, of West 
Hartford (b. Nov. 7, 1823), Nov. 4, 1856, and had 

1444 Mary, b. April 22, 1860. 

1445 Henry Clark, b. Feb. 13, 1864. 

Cynthia L.^ wife of Samuel Whitman, died in West Hart- 
ford, March 7, 1876. 



Elizabeth, daughter of (Hll) Samuel Talcott and Lu- 
celia Brace, his second wife, was born in West Hartford, 
June 13, 1828, married John Whitman (b. Dee., 1828), May 
25, 1853, and had 

1446 Abbie, b. March 6, 1854 ; d. April 26. 1855. 

1447 Samuel T., b. May 16, 1855. 

1448 JuHa Isabel, b. Aug. 27, 1859. 

1449 John Howard, b. Oct. 8, 1861. 

1450 Lottie, b, March 3, 1864 ; d. March 23, 1868. 

1451 Lizzie, b. Aug. 13, 1866. 

1452 Hattie, b. July 2, 1869. 

John Whitman died Sept. 25, 1870, and his family resides 
in Hartford. 


Joseph, son of (1411) Samuel Talcott and Lucelia 
Brace, his second wife, was born in West Hartford, Aug. 17, 
1832, married Ellen A., daughter of Gideon and Henrietta 
(Brace) Deming, Nov. 6, 1850, and had 

1453 Etta Isabel, b. Dec. 22, 1859. 

Residence in Hartford, Ct. 


John Batler, son of (1413) Seth Talcott and Char- 
lotte S. Butler^ was born in Enfield, Ct., Sept. 14, 1824, 
married Jane Croswell Goodwin, of West Hartford, Ct. (b. 
June 30, 1827), Sept. 13, 1848, and had 

1454 BUa Jeannie, b. at New Britain, Nov. 27, 1853. 

1455 John Oroswell, b. at New Britain, Oct. 26, 1856. 

1456 Samuel Hooker, b. at New Britain, Sept. 9, 1865 ; d. Oct. 7, 1865. 

1457 George Sherman, b. at New Britain, July 27, 1869. 

John B. Talcott graduated at Yale College in 1846, and 
now resides at New Britain, Ct. 


Seth, son of (1412) Seth Talcott and Charlotte S. But 
ler, was born in Enfield, Ct., Nov. 4, 1830, married Maria J., 



daughter of George W. Coming, of Hartford, June 25, 1856, 
and had 

1458 Minnie O., b. Aug. 20, 1859. 

Maria J., wife of Seth Talcott, died Marcli 24, 1862, and he married 
Sarah A., dau. of B. P. Allen, of Long Meadow (b. Jan. 26, 
1840), July 13, 1865, and bad 

1459 AUen B., b. April 8, 1867. 

1460 Charles H., b. Jan. 8, 1870. 

1461 Edward O., b. Feb. 28, 1871. 

Seth Talcott and family reside in Hartford, (/t. 


fteorge, son of (1412) Seth Talcott and Charlotte S. 

Butler, was born Jan. S, 1838, was graduated at Y. C, 1855, 
married Laura Wright, daugliter of Joseph E. Cone, of Hart- 
ford, Ct., May 28, 1802, and had 

1462 Edward Cone, b. April 30, 1863 ; d. Aug. 23, 1863. 

Laura W., wife of Geokge Talcoit, died April 30, 18t)3, iB. 
30, and lie niamed Eleanor S., daughter of William S. M. 
Hurd, May 16, 1871. 

Georoe TALcorr died at Niagara Falls, May 29, 1871. 


James, son of (1412) Seth Talcott and Charlotte S. 

Butler, was born Feb. 7, 1835, and married Henrietta E., 

daugliter of the Hev. Anizi Francis, of Hridgehampton, L. I., 
Oct. 31, 1860, and had 

1463 James Frederick, b. Sept. 14, 1S66. 

1464 Francis Edgar, b. April 8, 1868. 
1165 Arthur Whiting, b. Dec. 3, 1869. 
1466 Grace, b. Oct. 24, 1873. 

James Talcott resides in New York, and is a commission 
merchant, doing business at 108 and 110 Franklin street. 


€apt. IVehemiah, son of (l(K)l) Samuel Talcott and 
Mary Smith, was born in (ilastenbury, Ct., Aug. 5, 1766, 


married Tirzah Platt^ of Lanesboro, Mass. (b. March 30, 
1771), Aug. 10, 1790, and had born in Lanesboro 

1467 Polly, b. Oct. 12, 1791 ; m. Lewis Northrop, in the spring of 
1812. He d. the summer of 1813 ; She d. Jan. 18, 1874. 

1468 Betsey, b. Oct. 16, 1792 ; m. Gen. Jabez Hall, May 28, 1818. 
He d. Sept. 18, 1854. 

1469 Pamela, b Nov. 21, 1794 ; d. April 11, 1796. 

1470 Samuel Piatt, b. Sept. 28, 1796 ; d. Sept. 12, 1797. 

1471 Pamela, b. Feb. 17, 1799 ; m. Silas Butler, July 29, 1824. 

1472 Tirzah, b. Oct. 2, 1800 ; d. Aug. 20, 1802. 

1473 Nehemiah Piatt, b. Sept. 11, 1802 ; m. Judith W. Bulkley, 
Oct. 24, 1826 ; d. Sept. 7, 1841. 

1474 Bmeline A., b. July 15, 1806 ; m. Justus Tower, June 14, 1827. 

1475 Tirzah Ophelia, b. April 5, 1810; m'. Joel B. Sherman, Sept. 8, 

1476 William A., b. Oct. 16, 1812 ; m. Louisa Bradley, Jan. 18, 1837. 

Capt. Nehemiah Talcott died in Lanesboro, Oct. 13, 1848. 
He moved to Lanesboro, in May, 1789. TmzAii Plati, his 
wife, died in Lanesboro, July 15, 181:8. 


Pamela, daughter of (1390) Capt. Nehemiah Talcott 
and Tirzah Piatt, .was born in Lanesboro, Feb. 17, 1799, 
married Silas Butler, July 29, 1824, and had, in Williams- 

1477 Ellen Louisa, b. Jan. 19, 1825 ; d. Aug. 24, 1828. 

1478 Linden Talcott, b. Jan. 26, 1827 ; d. Jan. 14, 1853. 

1479 Henry Augustus, b. Jan. 13, 1829; m. Mary A. Fairchtld, 
May 23, 1865 ; resides in Stockton, Cal. 

1480 WilUam Hobart, b. Sept. 27, 1832 ; d. Sept. 27, 1847. 

1481 Ellen Elizabeth, b. June 6, 1834 ; m. Robert Fergusson ; re- 
sides in Lanesboro, Mass. 

1482 datharine Maria, b. June 28, 1836 ; m. Otis Perrin, June 28, 
1873 ; resides in Stockton, Cal. 

1483 Mary Augusta, b. Feb. 13, 1838 ; d. Feb. 17, 1861. 

1484 SUas Piatt, b. May 10, 1841 ; m. Hannah S. Hatch, June 7, 
1865 ; resides in Lanesboro, Mass. 

Silas Butler died in Lanesboro, Jan. 13, 1842. Pamela 
Talcott, his widow, now resides in Lanesboro, Mass. 



Nehemiah Piatt, sou of (1390) Capt. Nehemiah Tal- 
cott and Tirzah Piatt, was bom in Lanesboro, Mass., Sept. 11, 
1802, married Judith W. Bulkley, of Williamstown, Mass., 
Oct. 24, 1826, and liad born in Lanesboro 

1485 Mary B., b. Aug. 22, 1827 : m. Henry S. Briggs, Aug. 6, 1849. 

1486 Helen Augusta, b. Oct. 27, 1828 ; m. George A. Bissell, Apri] 
30, 1849. 

1487 Franklin P., b. Aug. 29, 1830 ; m. Gertrude Squier, ; 

d. Nov. 9, 1863. 

1488 Catharine Ii., b. Feb. 22, 1832 ; m. George L. Ingersoll, Jan, 
12, 1855 ; d. May 24, 1870. 

1489 William H., b. Nov. 19, 1833 ; m. Sarah W. Thayer, Dec. 2, 

1490 Martha A., b. Aug. 29, 1835 ; unmarried. 

1491 Frances AmeUa, b. March 10, 1840 ; d. Aug. 30, 1857. 

1492 Samuel Piatt, b. March 7, 1842 ; d. April 30, 1858. 

Nehemiah Piatt Talcott died in Lanesboro, Mass., Sept. 
7, 1841. JriuTiT W., his widow, resides in Pittsfield, Mass. 


Emeline A., dano:hter of (1390) Capt. Nehemiah Tal- 
cott and Tirzah Piatt, was born in Laneslx)ro, Mass., July 
15, 1800, married Justus Tower, June 14, 1827, and had 

1493 Frances £., b. July 30, 1828 ; ni. Dr. John A. Stevens, of Bos- 
ton, June 30, 1853. He d. Oct. 5, 1871. 

1494 Jane Amelia, b. March 11, 1830; m. Prof. Albert A. Tolman, 
of Pittsfield, Mass., Sept. 23, 1853; d. Sept. 30, 1871. 

1495 Edward Justus, b. Oct. 4, 1832 ; m. Sarah A. Wood, Oct. 1, 
1857 ; resides in Lanesboro. 

1496 Harriet Newel, b. Sept. 2, 1834 ; m. Dr. Edward L. Childs, of 
Brooklyn, X. Y. (a dentist), Sept. 18, 1856. 

1497 Martha Louisa, b. May 8, 1838 ; m. J. D wight Francis, of 
Pontoosack, Mass., June 15, 1859. 

1498 Carlton Talcott, b. March 2, 1844 ; d. April 24, 1846. 

1499 Julien Talcott, b. May 25, 1840 ; d. Dec. 6, 1862. 

1500 Mary, b. May 6, 1^53 ; m. John F. Hemming, of Pittsfield, Mass., 
Oct. 22, 1874. 

Justus Tower and faniilv reside in Lanesboro, Mass. 

Tirzah Ophelia, danorhtor of (1390) Capt. Nehemiah 


Talcott and Tirzah Piatt, was born in Lanesboro, Mass., 
April 5, 1810, married Joel Bradley Sherman, of Lanesboro, 
Mass., Sept. 8, 1880, and had one child born in Lanesboro, 


1501 George Bradley, b. Nov. 24, 1836 ; m. Mary Jane Williams, 
Jane 20, 1866 ; resides with his father. 


liVilliam A., son of (1390) Capt, Nehemiah Talcott and 

Tirzah Piatt, was born in Lanesboro, Mass., Oct. 16, 1812, 
married Louisa Bradley, of Lanesboro, Mass., Jan. 18, 1837, 
and had bom in Lanesboro 

1502 Caroline, b. Feb. 3, 1840 ; m. Manton A. Wood, of Lanesboro, 
Jan. 10, 1865. 

1503 Martha B., b. Jan. 28, 1843 ; d. Aug. 19, 1868. 

1504 William Piatt, b. March 2, 1856 ; m. Mary Wood, of Lanesboro, 
Oct. 13, 1874. 

1505 George Allen, b. April 13, 1859. 


Mary E., daughter of (1473) Nehemiah Piatt Talcott 

and Judith W. Bulkley, was born in Lanesboro, Mass., Aug. 
22, 1827, married Gen. Henry S., son of Gov. Geo. N. Briggs, 
of Pittsfield, Mass., Aug. 6, 1849, and liad born in Pittslield, 


1506 George N., b. April 27,1850 ; m. Martha Isabella Burt, April 
15, 1874, and had Bella B., b. Jan. 23, 1875. 

1507 Mary Talcott, b. Jaly 4, 1853. 

1508 Harry AUen, b. May 30, 1856. 

1509 OomeUa Gushing, b. June 12, 1858. 

1510 Charles Bigelowr, b. Jan. 30. 1805; d. Au^. 30. 1805. 


Helen Aug^a§ta, daughter of (1173) Nehemiah Piatt 
Talcott and Judith W. Bulkley, was born in Lanesboro, Oct. 
27, 1828, married George A., son of Gov. Bissell, of Norwalk, 
Ct., April 30, 1849, and had 

1511 Mary A., b. Oct. 16, 1850. 

1512 Sarah S., b. March 19, 1855. 

1513 Fanny T., b. Aug. 30, 1856 ; d. Feb. 7, 1857. 



Frauklin P., son of (1473) Nehemiah Piatt Talcott 
and Judith W. Bulkley, was bom in Lanesboro, Mass., Aug. 
29, 1830, married Gertrude Squier, of Pittsfield, Mass., and 
had one child 

1514 Franklin P., b. July 12, 1863. 

Franklin P. Talcott died Nov. 9, 1863. Gertrude S. Tal- 
cott, his widow, now resides in Buffalo, N.Y., with her father. 


Cathariue li., daughter of (1473) Nehemiah Piatt 
Talcott and Judith W. Bulkley, was born in Lanesboro, 
Mass., Feb. 22, 1832, married George L. Ingersoll, of Hud- 
son, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1855, and had born in Cleveland, Ohio, 

1515 Oeorge Talcott, b. May 15, 1858. 

1516 ZSdwards Piatt, b. Feb. 24, 1861. 

1517 Mary Augusta, b. Nov. 14, 1863. 

Catharine L. Talcott, wife of George L. Inoersoll, died 
May 24, 1870. George L. Ingersoll and family reside in 
Cleveland, Ohio. 


l¥illiam H., son of (1473) Nehemiah Piatt Talcott 
and Judith W. Bulkley, was born in Lanesboro, Mass., Nov. 
19, 1833, married Sarah W. Thayer, Dec. 2, 1866, and had 

1518 Carrie, b. Sept. 10, 1869. 

1519 Bessie, b. Nov. 5, 1872. 

William H. Talcott is a salesman in Claflin's Dry Goods 
Store in New York, and is tlie only surviving son of Nehe- 
miah Plati Talcott. 

The hiographical sketches of the nicmbers of the following 
h ranch of the family were kindly furnished hy the Hon. 
Wait Talcott^ of Rochford^ 111, : 


li¥illlain, son of (458) Samuel Talcott and Hannah 

Moseley, was bom in Glastenbury, Ct., June 8, 1742, married 

thfQU^h JtjJF soit Cap tain Srrm iir/ 
o/' OlastoTthuit.' 
and WiJItam of He/trntf,. 


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Mary Carter, of Hebron (b. Aug. 9, 1745), July 5, 1769, aud 

1520 WilUam, b. , 1769 ; d. , 1776. 

1521 Mary, b. , 1771. 

1522 Ezra, b. , 1774 ; d. , 1776. 

1523 Sarah, b. , 1780; d. , 1818. 

1524 William, b. March 6, 1784; m. Dorothy Blish, 1805 ; d. Sept. 
2, 1864. 

William Talcott died in Hebron, March 28, 1807. Mary 
Carter, his widow, died March 27, 1812. 


Capt. l¥illiani, son of (1005) William Talcott and 
Mary Carter, was born in Hebron, Ct., Marcli H, 1784, mar- 
ried Dorothy Blish, 1805 (b. April 8, 1789), and had 

1525 Thomas Blish, b. at Hebron, AprU 17, 1806 ; m. Sophia E. Wil- 
LARD, June 5, 1843. 

1526 Wait, b. Oct. 17, 1807; m. Elizabeth A. Norton, Feb. 5, 1884. 

1527 Wimam Hubbard, b. April 7, 1809 ; m. Harriet N. Williams, 
July 27, 1836 ; d. Dec. 8. 1868. 

1528 Sylvester, b. at Rome, N. Y.,Oct. 14, 1810; m. Mary West- 
lake, June 10, 1841. 

1529 AdeUne, b. Jan. 8, 1813; d. s. July 4, 1828. 

1530 Walter Henry, b. Feb. 13, 1814 ; m. Emeline McConnell, Oct. 
1, 1845 ; d. at Rockton, 111., Dec. 9, 1870. 

1531 Moseley Dwight, b. Sept. 6, 1816 ; d. at Rome, N.Y., Aug. 11, 1828. 

1532 Samuel, b. March 1, 1818; m. Minerva Pettibone Cody, Sept. 
23, 1847. 

1533 Harriet Newell, b. April 4, 1820; m. Charles V. Wright, Oct. 
10, 1843. 

1534 Prudence Hubbard, b. March 4, 1822 ; m. Samuel Hersey, Jr., 

May 17, 1854. 

Capt- William Talcott died at Eockton, 111., Sept. 2, 18()4. 
Dorothy Blish, his widow, is living at Itockton, in 1876. 

Capt. William Talcoit emigrated with liis family to Rome, 
Oneida (\>., X. Y., ii) 1810, where they remained till 1837. 

Dnring the war of 1812 to 1815, the militia of Oneida 
county w^as called out and stationed at Sackett's Harbor, JS^. Y.. 
under the connnand of Gen. Winfield Scott, at which time he 
held a lieutenant's comnn'ssion in a company which belonged 
to the 157th Eegiment of the Militia of the State. 


In 1835, together with his oldest son, Thomas B., he ex- 
plored what was then the " great west," making the trip with 
a horse and buggy (it being prior to the age of railroads), and 
selected a location at the jimction of the Eock and Pecatouica 
rivers, the place was known as Rockton, Winnebago Co., 111., 
to which place he moved his family in 1837. Erected mills, 
which were for a long time the pioneer mills of the country 
and did the custom grinding for a large section of the sur- 
rounding country, customers coming with their grists from 
Fort Winnebago, about 120 miles. 

Always anxious to lay good foundations for the religious 
interests of society, early after the arrival of his family, on the 
23d of March, 1838, he assisted in organizing the first Congre- 
gational Church there, consisting of fourteen members, of 
which five were of the Talcott familv, Mr. William Tal- 
coTT, Mrs. Dorothy Talcott, Miss IIakkiet X. Talcott, Miss 
Prvdence II. TALcorr and Mr. Walter H. Talcott. Some 
years afterward, when the church had increased so as to build 
a meeting-house, he gave the society a bell. 

On the records of the church for June 12, 1855, is found 
the following : 

"On motion Hesolved^ that for the donation of a bell by 
William Talcoti, he is entitled to the thanks of this church 
and society, and the clerk is hereby directed to enter this reso- 
lution upon the records." 

Subsequently at a town-meeting a \'ote of thanks was also 
passed, and it was ordered that his name be inscribed on the 
bell at the expense of the town. 

lie was identified with the anti-slavery movement from the 
first, and when it assumed a political organization, and at the 
great National Convention of the Liberty Party, at Buffalo, 
N. Y., in 1841, nominated James (1. Biniey for the Presidency, 
and was one of seven who voted the ticket in the county of 
Winnebago, 111., which, in 1860, was the banner county of the 
United States, giving a larger per cent of its vote for the 
lamented Lincoln than any other county. 



J !!•■«: T', I .>4^', M!;-l li;;-l 

15J5 (Infant son -'. U .Jiny'J':. l^ i.*-*-!;'-.,, : ti .J ijv 0,.. 1Sk'. 

MaJ. Thomas U. Talmtt <'];-;.':.* i.mI :<. ll**i m in-atK. rii- 

it«)'K:.»Ii, Vv' I lltl. ''••!:'») (\>,, lil., t:. "t*^'-*..';, \V ':. n t|»; >■ ..nVl"; \v ;•. 

t'(Mi:ljlM*r>, At tl.:it time tiji il' Mric i:-:! ;•' •• t'-.'j J;;'; a 
.i"Zfii laii'lhi'S ill tlir, tci'rittM'N' tiiat is h<'V-' • s'- • -^i '•■' 
\\ iuiu.'hairo. Im>uu ami tlir <M't liajf of St^-..' ... ; ; • ''■•> 
i 111 --'ir'* \\''i>-> a >:iirill \iii;!_' aLi-l ail of ^].t' ,-. ■■ , * -.* '. 

1.' ^^'a^ ii: -i! ']•• ] in uiie "r";;;" -r 1 ^: J •'' !:'■•' i ■■-. ■ : ]■ - 
■.* .'i^' ii: r(»'"/rt\-< [i>r wji-vii res. tit"] :■ ^ j-. ■ •■' •• ' 

-" t' '-*:m'o -taitc.l .»ut anieau '\ii ]\{ w -;-r: = ''- '.. . -.;) 

■ ' w:j -Ut laaits. 

*-' :='"1 V! ' (I'll" V :k (■l»"'r*''l o'tc uf tla' iIim ''"Mh;;* fi^.iMii- 

.'! : i!/' 'i <!><' c'''''iHM- ->i W Iii!;'''*aL»", '^".'J(^v.; t"'" tt^vri 

•■ ' 'i'» [•> li 1' Stat*' S'. !:.'c i"i liii' Tail t)i \^i\ aiai f«-:>i'(;- 

■ • '•"■•!i f-'KC the Il!i;)i)I^ ( '* :it»\'l J^a'Ii-'.-! •.•a I'a'n-n'iv*!* 
"!:f tJiMo \\a8 oii'^ et l!a; lt>i;i:;f-^t I'aili'oa.'i.-^ uiului' one 

. > iM'- K. Tai.'om, \viiV oi M:it. 'lii->:\iAs !>.. is ;t 

■* 'laa Ri \ . Saniael Wj''-, 1>. 1>., a:;'] Kiiza:'eth 

• '..- n'if»% \\']a) vnuiv r.» .\n.t!'i<'a i.'j i <•'/«), and I."' r^-a^]. 

■ • '" ah -.'i'v i> Tra- ('(i na'-k *<• Willi. tUi tluj ('oiH:uei*(»r 

t X 

^%ait. NM. of l.V.H) (apt. William Talcott and 

-•' iil i>it. w a.- I'pi'n a*" !I'a}»]'(>n, Ct.. Ot-t. 17, 1S(>7, miiv 




Maj. Thomas B., son of (1524) Capt. William Tal- 
cott and Dorothy Blish, was born at Hebron, Ct., April 17, 
1806, married Sophia E., daughter of Asa Willard and Lucy 
Whiting (b. at Vernon, Oneida Co., N. Y., Nov. 11, 1824), 
June 5, 1843, and had 

1535 (Infant son), b. July 22, 1849, at Rockton ; d. July 25, 1849. 

Maj. Thomas B. Talcott emigrated to Horseheads, Che- 
mung Co., N. Y., in 1831, where he was engaged in mercan- 
tile pursuits, from thence he removed to what is now called 
Rockton, Winnebago Co., 111., in 1835, when the country was 
comparatively a wilderness, with the Winnebago Indians for 
neighbors. At that time there were not more than half a 
dozen families in the territory that is now represented by 
Winnebago, Boon and the east half of Stephenson counties. 
Chicago was a small village and all of the north half of the 
State was included in one congressional district. The repre- 
sentative in congress for which resided in Springfield, and 
from thence started out among the new settlements looking up 
his constituents. 

Major Talcott was elected one of the first county commis- 
sioners, and together with William E. Dunbar and Simon P. 
Doty, organized the county of Winnebago, including the terri- 
tory as stated above, on the first day of August, 1836. He 
was elected to the State Senate in the fall of 1849, and repre- 
sented Winnebago, Boone and McHenry counties four years, 
during which time the Illinois Central Railroad was chartered, 
which at the time was one of the longest railroads under one 
direction in the comitry. . 

Mrs. Sophia E. Talcott^, wife of Maj. Thomas B., is a 
descendant of the Rev. Samuel Whiting, D. D., and Elizabeth 
St. John, his wife, who came to America in 1636, and through 
whom her genealogy is traced back to William the Conqueror 
in two distinct lines. 


Dea. l¥ait, son of (1624) Capt. William Talcott and 

Dorothy Blish^ was born at Hebron, Ct., Oct. 17, 1807, mar- 



ried Elizabeth Anna^ daughter of Dr. Ariel Norton, of Ver- 
non, Oneida Co., N. Y. (b. Nov. 16, 1813), Feb. 5, 1834, and 

1636 (Daughter), b. Oct. 8, 1834, at Horseheads ; d. Oct. 8. 1834. 

1637 (Son), b. Marcli 14, 1836, at Horselieads ; d. March 14, 1836. 

1638 Adeline ZSlizabeth, b. Oct. 12, 1837, at Horseheads ; m. Ralph 
Emerson, Jr., Sept. 7, 1868. 

1639 William Ariel, b. Sept. 28, 1889, at Rockton ; m. Fanny C. 
Jones, Sept. 25, 1862. 

1640 Harriet Norton, b. March 19, 1843 ; d. Dec. 26, 1845. 

1641 Mary Oarter, b. Sept. 4, 1845 ; m. Philo F. Pettibonb, June 
28, 1866. 

1642 Sheldon Norton, b. Nov. 4, 1849 ; d. March 10, 1851. 

1643 Samuel Norton, b. Oct. 31, 1852 ; m. Mart Brundage, June 30, 

1644 Frances BUza, b. July 19, 1855. 

Elizabeth Anna^ the wife of Dea. Wait Talcott, died at 
Kockford, 111., Aug. 7, 1873. 

Dea. Wait Talcott went to Rome, N. Y., with his parents 
in 1810, when three years old, and remained there till he was 
eighteen years of age, and then went into a store at Booneville, 
Oneida Co., N. Y. After a few years apprenticeship he com- 
menced business at Utica, N. Y. He remained there till 1830, 
and then removed to the village of Horseheads, Chemung Co., 
N. Y., and engaged in mercantile pursuits, where he resided at 
the time of his marriage, in 1834. In 1837, he closed his 
business in that place and emigrated to Illinois in the fall of 
1838, and reached Rockton, Winnebago, Co., on the 12th of 
October, having made the trip from New York State with his 
family in a two horse covered emigrant wagon in six weeks, 
passing through Chicago which then had probably 3,500 or 
4,000 inhabitants. 

On the 8th of Dec, 1838, his family united by letter from 
the First Presbyterian Church, at Horseheads, N. Y., with the 
First Congregational Church, at Rockton. 

At this time the anti-slavery agitation was coming up to its 
great work, and Dea. Talcott having been identified with it 
from its first start, was prepared to take some action upon it. 
A few years later in his church, as shown by the records, 
" Jan. 2, 1844, at a church meeting held pursuant to notice, 



• : ■ r . • . J ) "^ :^ 


I.-. ■ 
i5-;-i i-'-i fires Cuza. I ; -Av ""^, '^r* . 

KJi/h-\'''; A-nia,ilit \v!^<» o? n.'a Wait T.v',- <>; i. tllr.! . 

jM i ?-:'•■, V. 'i, M T.(iM\: V:'. '-^ «•- !. '^i i r*'- "at nut 'I'^TL'tiH 1,.' '.' ; 
cji' '■'*'.'!*' \'i,i^> "'*r,"',\ -{{.a ilu'H '\r!i! 'ui!> :t ^tolT :U I*«>ulie^'i! 
< *• 'S'M < '"., X. V. .\rt.M'a iV^v V» il*- ;n>^'' ,■» i'/^j^Mp h <■ ^ 
■ •■* . ' ■ -■ -. '^- :t: 1 '•( a. X. ^ . 1 !(• r- ::'il"'l tliM-.- []]\ 1^ 

..: • : ' ' ^ ■■ ' ■- ^'i tu K;" \ ' .-i-"*' • : [ f ■ !>.ai •''!-, T ' 'vl II t" . ;^ < 

■t •/.- J).... !Vi--.\ i': l^^'i-. f'' .l*'->7, h^: a'- M/'l 

in t!"!; ])Lm'< ai '' (m h^ral.-l to !l''!i' is ji'i't- !• 

l"^''"^. and ri'a,'n"| li'H-Ki' (;, U' !ii(fl!''.u'» '^ Co.. nil (tii I'jt! 

t'aiirly iiJ a tMo !i"i:-a rMV-a •; vMr:./a>t wauiMs iu .^ix »;• 
]*as:'ii.;.r ^ii''.i^i! ('iiiaiii-«> Wini'jj li'ci! l>atl |»r«o*.i'.'v '^ ^" 
!-.'*•*>» iiil»a]>iTan^<. 

tfx" First Piv>b'> *L'»''a]i (liirai, at I loi>i-}H'a(U, X'. V.. v ' 
KIr.-J" * N>!i^]('i;'ati<''ia'. ('liui'fh, at ko-kToii 

At tills t:h>(' ^!jO .UiM .'l;:M'rN' MtJ'ita. I( -i Wa^ (■t;j.iiM ' ! :■ 

j/raa^ wo:k, aiiU \>vn. Tsijo'-i iiaw'ii^' i)«-«r'U itUMitint J. ^' 
frijiii It" "tii'-l start, w:ir> j>JV|»aj*«'«l to take .^v/iiu^ action : 
^ ■** A- Yoa!v> liter in his rjiiir/li. a.^ >iM»\\ n I'V tli«' '" •• 
2, l^-l4, ai a t^-;e'. intTiin r held pursuant to ". 

1 1 



the following resolutions presented by Watt Talcott were dis- 
cussed and carried over for further consideration at the next 
monthly meeting. They were considered at two or three 
monthly meetings, and finally adopted by a nearly unanimous 

" 1st. Resolved^ That American slavery is unjust and cruel 
to the slave and detrimental to the master, is productive of 
unmixed evil to the country, is a great sin in the sight of God 
and ought to be abolished. 

2d. Resolved^ That immediate emancipation is nothing more 
than the application of the principles of Christianity to the 
sin of slavery, that a profession in the belief of those principles 
demands a practical opposition to that system of slavery which 
disgraces our land. 

3d. Resolvedj That we will not invite a slaveholder to our 
communion table, nor would we wish our Pastor to invite a 
slaveholder to the pulpit. 

4th. Resolvedy That these resolutions be signed by the 
moderator and clerk, and forwarded to the New York Evan- 
gelist and Western Citizen for pubUcation." 

Dea. Wait Talcott, on the 4th of March, 1854, went into 
the manufacture of the " J. H. Manny combined Reaper and 
Mower," at Rockford, 111., in connection with J. H. Manny, 
the patentee, and Sylvester Talcott, his brother, under the 
firm name of J. H. Manny & Co. In the autumn of 1864, he 
was elected to the State Senate, representing the counties of 
Winnebago, Boone, McHenry and Ogle for the term of four 
years. By his official position he was brought into acquaint- 
ance and friendship with the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, who was 
a candidate for the United States Senate at the session of the 
Illinois Legislature, in 1855, and for whom was carried the 
anti-slavery vote in solid body, until he said to his friend, 
Judge Logan, " you must drop my name for you cannot ballot 
more than three or four times more without electing Gov. 
Mattison." His friends acting on his suggestion. Judge Trum- 
bull was elected on the second ballot thereafter. 

In the fall of 1854, a new Reaper Company was formed 
under the name of Manny & Co., Ralph Emerson, Jr., and 


Jesse Blinn becoming partners. Soon after this the company 
was sued by Cyrus H. McCormick, of Chicago, under the 
charge of infringing his reaper patents. The litigation was 
long and very thorough, so much so that Justice McLean of 
the United States Supreme Court said of it after it was finished, 
" that he had never known a case so thoroughly litigated since 
he had been on the bench." It was also very expensive, cost- 
ing the company over* $75,000. Peter H. Watson, formerly 
of Rockford,, HI., was their attorney, having charge of the case, 
and Edwin M. Stanton, then of Pittsburgh, Pa., and George 
Harding, of Philadelphia, Pa., were the associate counsel, 
assisted at the first trial, at Cincinnati, before Justice McLean 
and Judge Drummond, by the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of 
Springfield, 111. 

The case was finally decided by the Supreme Court in favor 
of Manny'ife Co. Three of the lawyers employed by them, 
who met for the first time in this suit, and but for it might 
never have known each other, Abraham Lincoln, Edwin M. 
Stanton and Peter H. Watson, were put in high places of 
power. The immortal Lincoln was called to the Presidential 
Chair, whose sa^acitv selected the most wonderful War Minis- 
ter of the world, Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, to take charge of 
the War Department, who would not accept the office un- 
less provision was made for Mr. Watson to help him, and so 
Congress made a place such as there never has been in the his- 
tory of our government for Mr. Watson, to occupy, that of 
Assistant Secretary of War. 

Mr. Stanton while battling in the McCormick suit, when ! 

consulted in regard to a compromise said, " I know of but one 
way to compromise, that is with a sword in your hand and 
smite and keep smiting," tlius exhibiting one of the very ele- 
ments of the great War Minister he was destined to become. 

Manny & Co. paid the Hon. Abraliam Lincoln, in the Mc- 
Cormick case, a retaining fee of $1,000, which Mr. Lincoln 
said was the largest retainer he had ever received, which 
enabled him to stump the State of Illinois with Stephen A. 
Douglas, and laid the foundation for his election to the Presi- 


After the Internal Revenue Bureau was established, Mr. 
Lincoln, entirely unsolicited, decided to give Dea. Talcott 
the appointment of Collector for the second district of Illinois, 
and communicated the fact to him in a letter of which the fol- 
lowing is a copy : 

Executive Mansion, ) 
Washington, August 27, 1862. f 

Hon. Wait Taloott : 

My Dear Sir : I have determined to appoint you Collector. 
I now have a very special request to make of you, which is that 
you will make no war upon Mr. Washburne, who is also my 
friend of longer standing than yourself. I shall even be obliged 
if you can do something for him if occasion presents. 

Yours truly, 


After receiving this and previous to the appointment (which 
bears date Aug. 28, 1862, and the commission by letters-patent 
March 4, 1863), Dea. Talcott was in Washington, and Mr. 
Lincoln voluntarily gave him a card of introduction to the 
Secretary of the Treasury and Commissioner of Internal Reve- 
nue, of which the following is a copy : 

Mr. Seg. of Treasury and Com. of Revenue : 

Please see Mr. Talcott, one of the best men there is, and, if 
any difference, one they would like better than they do me. 


August 18, 1862. 

Mr. Wait Talcott's relations with the lamented and mar- 
tyred Lincoln, from his first acquaintance till his death, were 
those of a very enjoyable friendship. At the time of the 
assassination of the President, Mr. Talcott was on his way to 
Washington and reached there in time to attend his funeral 
from the Executive Mansion. He was in the procession to the 
Capitol, having been appointed by the citizens of Illinois who 
were present, one of the mourners to represent the State in the 
funeral ceremonies. 

. 214 

At the breaking out of the Rebellion, he was quite past the 
age fixed by law for the draft, but when the pressure for men 
came, and the government passed a law allowing persons to be 
represented by substitutes who would stand in their places and 
be designated by their names, he paid a large bounty to Char- 
les H. Kedington, a soldier who had already served out a three 
years enlistment, and who returned as his representative and 
filled a place for him until the close of the war. Redington 
was a soldier in the 45th Illinois Cavalry, which pursued Booth 
after the assassination of the President, to where he crossed 
the Potomac and was taken. The certificate of the govern- 
ment for this representative service in the war, signed by Gen. 
James B. Fry, Provost Marshal General, is carefully preserved 
as evidence of deep interest in this wonderful chapter of the 
world's history. 

From evidence lately discovered it is claimed that the 
wife of the Hon. Wait Talcott descended from the glorious 
old martyr. Archbishop Cranmer, who, in 1556, perished 
bravely hi the flames during the persecution of Bloody Ma^J^ 


Adeline Elizabeth, daughter of (1536) Dea. Wait 
Talcott and Elizabeth Anna Norton, was born at Yemon, 
Oneida Co., N. Y., Oct. 12, 1837, graduated at Rutger's Insti- 
tute, New York city, in the class of 1856, married Ralph 
Emerson, Jr. (b. at Andover, Mass., May 3, 1831), Sept. 7, 
1858, and had 

1545 Adeline Eliza, b. Aug. 13, 1859, at Rockford, HI. 

1546 Harriet Elizabeth, b. March 8, 1861, at Rockford, 111. 

1547 Mary, b. AprU 6, 1863. 

1548 Charlotte BeUe, b. Jan. 32, 1865. 

1549 Ralph, b. Sept. 25, 1866. 

1550 Dora Bay, b. March 7, 1869. 

1551 Joseph Talcott, b. at Cleveland, O., Aug. 2, 1870 ; d. Aug. 2, 


1552 (Infant son), b. at Rockford, 111., Aug. 18, 1874 ; d. Aug. 18, 1874. 


l¥illiam Ariel, son of (1526) Dea. Wait Talcott and 
Elizabeth Anna Norton, was born in Rockton, 111., Sept. 28, 


1839, and married Fanny Caroline^ daughter of Milo Jones, 
of Fort Atkinson, Wis. (b. Nov. 2, 1840, at Fort Atkinson, 
graduated at Roekford Female Seminary, in the class of 1860), 
Sept. 25, 1862, and had 

1663 Amelia, b. Nov. 28, 1863. at Roekford, 111.; d. Aug. 1, 1866. 

1554 Wait, b. May 6, 1866, at Roekford, 111. 

1566 Frederick, b. Nov. 10, 1868 ; d. Sept. 20, 1869. 

1566 WiUiam Ariel, b. Feb. 28, 1871. 

1567 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 10, 1872. 

William Ariel Talcott was the first bov bom at Eockton, 
111., after the settlement by the white people commenced. He 
was a student in the preparatory department of Beloit College 
for two years, and entered the regular course with the fresh- 
man class of 1857, but in consequence of the commercial 
calamity that spread over the country that year, left college 
and engaged in the Talcott, Emerson & Co. Reaper Institu- 
tion, at Roekford, becoming a member of the firm (which was 
changed to Emerson & Co., in 1 860), when twenty-one years 
of age, and has continued in the business since that time. 

Being a resident of the Banner county of the United States, 
the county that gave the largest per cent of its vote for Mr. 
Lincoln, at the election of 1860, of course its quota of soldiers 
was furnished without any draft. 

When the law was passed allowing representatives to be 
sent to the war, he paid a bounty to Gideon V. Carr, a re- 
turned soldier, who re-enlisted as his substitute 


Mary Carter, daughter of (1526) Dea. Wait Talcott 
and Elizabeth Anna Norton, was born at Rockton, 111., Sept. 
4, 1845, graduated at Roekford Female Seminary, in the class 
of 1865, married Philo Foster Pettibone, of Chicago, son of 
Rev. Philo C. Pettibone (b. at Mercer, Pa., April 28, 1841, 
graduated at Beloit College in the class of 1862), June 28, 
1866 ; no children. 


Samuel Norton, son of (1526) Dea. Wait Talcott 
and Elizabeth Anna Norton, was born at Rockton, 111., Oct. 


31, 1852, married Mary, daughter of Levi Brundage, of Kock- 
ford. 111. (b. near Fond-du-Lac, Wis., March 4, 1853, gradu- 
ated at West Rockford High School, in 1871), June 30, 1874. 
He entered the freshman class in Beloit College, in 18Y1, and 
is now employed in the Emerson & Co. Reaper Works, at 
Rockford, 111. 


Frances Eliza, daughter of (1526) Dea. Wait Talcott 
and Elizabeth Anna Norton (their youngest child), was born 
in Rockton, 111., July 19. 1855, graduated in the class of 1873, 
at the West High School, in the city of Rockford, where she 
now resides with her father. 

Hubbard, son of (1524) Capt. William 
Talcott and Dorothy Blish^ was born in Hebron, Ct., April 

7, 1809, married Harriet Newell, daughter of Thomas Wil- 
liams, of Vernon, IN". Y., July 27, 1836, and had 

1558 Cornelia Barton, b. Oct. 33, 1838 ; m Henry W. Buxton, Oct. 

4, 1866. 
1659 E. N. Kirk, b. June 10, 1840 ; m. Antoinettk Watkins, May 

23, 1867. 

1560 WilUam, b. May 3, 1843 ; m. Kate A. Sanders, Dec. 15, 1870. 

1561 Harriet Williams, b. Jan. 19, 1845 ; m. Joseph F. Randolph, 
Oct. 17, 1872. 

1562 Rebecca WilUams, b. Oct. 23, 1847 ; d. Marcli 15, 1869. 

1563 Julia Darling, b. Feb. 28, 1849. 

1564 Sophia Gardener, b. Sept. 3, 1851. 

William Hubbard Talcott died at Jersey City, N. J., Dec. 

8, 1868. IIarriei^ Newell Williams, his widow, died at 
Clinton, N. Y., Marcli 9, 1873. 

William H. Talcott removed from Connecticut to Rome 
N. Y., wlien a child with his parents ; he left Rome about 
1830, and went to Albany, N. Y., where he studied engineer- 
ing with John B. Jervis. He was engaged on the survey of 
the Albany and West Stockbridge Railroad, and was employed 
as Superintendent and Engineer of the Mohawk and Hudson 

About 1837 he was appointed (constructing Engineer of the 


.1 ' -s ■ 

i.l II. 

t. M ■ 'x'-.t:;-, ivi., ''u!\' r.» l>^/r», ^•■r..- ^■.•*<l ill ti:-' t']i-> (»f 1-. ■, 

\'''s9 B.N Kirk, b. J !-. • '.v), i'^il*. ir. ^yp»iM/rrL W.^tki'^- ^' • 
• ■ I -.;:. 

i'';f..> William, b. Mav u. • : '.; , i;,. Iva'i'K \ '<'. xDKHs L>t'< . i.T. ; ■' . 
.' I. IT. i«: J. 

1563 Julia Dai i-:^^-, b. F. b C'^-, i ^{'i. 
15*o4 SopiiJa Garvleuer, i . >-^ uf. o, H-'u. 

V\ i! I. AM II. T.\..<i>'/'^ r;"'-M ,^\i jVi^M ( .',.'i!ie!'tifl.: ^ 
X. v., Wnt'M J rl.i!;! V it-; lii- irir^-.t,; ]m' Um';.. 

j^^J«^ ;ih.! vV'."*- to \j|. any. X. V., v L. r ■ ''p ^^ikII* I 
'..■ \.i!;!:n!\ h'lr, ^ ot ,"* ■ .H't- K'-ju^'.' Ur.'Jr' •;!<<. '.ill'] w.i 



Genesee Valley Canal, and removed to Cuba, N. Y. At the 
completion of that work, he was appointed one of the engi- 
neers of the Erie Canal enlargement, and removed to Fort 
Plain, K Y. 

In 1845 he was called to the Morris Canal, N. J., as Divis- 
ion Superintendent of the Western Division. In 1846 he was 
appointed General Superintendent and Engineer of the Canal, 
which position he filled until his death, in 1868. 

In 1865 he was elected President of the Morris Canal and 
Banking Company, which oftice he also held until his death. 
He was one of the projectors of the Thomas Iron Company, of 
Pennsylvania, and occupied a seat in the board of that com- 
pany until his death. 

During the war, at the time of tlie threatened difficulty with 
Great Britain, on account of the capture of Mason and Slidell, 
he was appointed by the Governor of New York one of the 
Engineers to devise means of defending the harbor of New 
York against an attack by a British fleet. 

In 185Y he was called to make ai survey of and report on 
the Shubenacadie Canal, of Nova Scotia, specially with a view 
of introducing inclined planes similar to those in use on the 
Morris Canal. In 1858 he was called upon by the government 
of Nova Scotia to report upon the practicability and probable 
cost of a ship canal between St. Peter's Bay and Bras D'or 
Lake, on Cape Breton Island. 

He was one of the founders of the "American Society of 
Civil Engineers and Architects," now known as the "American 
Society of Civil Engineers," and was up to the time of his death 
one of its directors and most active members. He was a 
member and for many years a Ruling Elder of the First Pres- 
byterian Church, of Jersey City. 


Cornelia Barton, daughter of (1537) William H. 
Taleott and Harriet N. Williams, was bom at Cuba, N. Y., 
October 23, 1838 ; removed to Jersey City in 1846, where she 
now resides ; graduated at Rutger's Institute, New York city, 



in the class of 1858 ; married Henry W. Buxton^ of Jersey 
City, N. J., Oct. 4, 1866, and had 

1666 WiUiam Talcott, b. Sept. 3. 1867, at Jersey City, N. J. 

1666 Harriet Talcott, b. Oct. 11, 1869, at Jersey City, N. J. 

1667 Henry Wright, b. Dec. 14, 1871, at Jersey aty, N. J. 


Capt. E. N. Kirk, son of (1527) WUliam H. Talcott 
and Harriet N. Williams, was born at Cuba, N. Y., June 
10, 1840, married Antoinette, daughter of George H. Wat- 
kins, at Grass Lake, Mich., May 23, 1867, and had 

1668 WiUiam Hubbard, b. March 27, 1870, at Dover, N. J. 

1669 Rebecca Williams, b. June 7, 1871, at Dover, N. J. 

Capt. Kirk Talcott graduated at New York University, in 
the class of 1859, and studied Civil Engineering with his 
father, William H. Talcott, at Jersey City. At the out- 
break of the rebellion, in 1861, he served with the New York 
7tli Kegiment in their campaign, at Washington, in tliat year. 
Afterward in their service in Baltimore, in 1862. 

In the summer of 1862, he was commissioned Second Lieu- 
tenant in the 1st N. Y. Regt. Vol. Engineers and served with 
that regiment at Hilton Head, S. C, and at Fernandina, Flor- 
ida. He was promoted to a First Lieutenancy in 1863, and 
served with his regiment on Folly and Morris Islands, S. C, 
during the whole of the reduction of Fort Sumpter and siege 
operations against Cliarleston. 

In the spring of 1864, went to Virginia with the 10th Army 
Corps, and took part as an engineer officer at head-quarters, and 
an A. D. C. to Gen. R. S. Foster, in all the operations of the 
army of the James, at Bermuda Hundreds and Petersbiu'g. 

In the spring of 1865, he was promoted to a captaincy and 
ordered to report as A. D. C. to Gen. Q. A. Gilmore, at Hil- 
ton Head, S. C, where he remained until the close of the war. 
After the war lie was connected with the Thomas Iron Com- 
pany, Pa., Iron Cliff Company, Lake Superior, Port Oram 
Iron Company, of N. J., and New Jersey Iron Company, of 
Va., in the manufacture of pig iron. 



l^illiam, son of (1527) William H. Talcott and Har- 
riet N. Williams^ was born at Fort Plain, N. Y., May 3, 
1843, married Kate A., daughter of Anthony Sanders, at 
Springfield, III., Dec. 15, 1870, who died at Denver, Colorado, 
March 8, 1873 ; no children. 

William Tal(X)tt fitted for college at Philips' Academy, 
Andover,, Mass. Entered Williams College in the fall of 
1860, left it in the fall of 1863, and went into the service of 
the Christian commission. He was with Gen. Mead's army in 
winter quarters, at Brandy Station, Ya., 1863-64, and with 
Gen. Grant's army in the summer of 1864. He returned to 
Williams College in the fall of 1864, and was graduated there 
in 1865. He read law with the Hon. T. N. McCarter, of New- 
ark, N. J., and was admitted to practice in New Jersey, No- 
vember, 1868. He practiced at Jersey City until the fall of 
1870, when he made a prospecting tour through the west and 
settled in Chicago, 111., in which State he was admitted to 
practice in 1871, where he now resides. 


Harriet l¥illiain§, daughter of (1527) William H. 
Talcott and Harriet N. Williams, was born at Fort Plain, 
Jan. 1 9, 1 845, attended the Yan Xorman Institute, New York 
City, married at Jersey City, Joseph F., son of Hon. Joseph 
F. Randolph, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of 
New Jersey, Oct. 17, 1872, and now resides in that city where 
Mr. Randolph is practicing law. Mr. Randolph is a descend- 
ant from Edward F. Randolph, who emigrated from England 
in 1630, and settled in Barnstable, Mass. 


Sylvester, son of (1524) Capt. William Talcott and 

Dorothy Blish^ was born at Rome, Oneida Co., N. Y., Oct. 
14, 1810, married Mary, daughter of Col. Jacob Westlake, of 
Elmira, N. Y., June 10, 1841, and had an only child 

1670 Melissa W., b. Nov. 6, 1843. 


Sylvester Talcott remained at Rome, Oneida Co., N. Y., dur- 
ing his minority ; when he became of age he removed to Horse- 
heads, Chemung Co., N. Y., where he engaged in mercantile 

In 1836 he moved to what was then the far west, accompany- 
ing his parents, brothers and sisters, and located in the Illinois 
Prairie country at the junction of Rock and Pecatonica rivers, 
afterward known as Rockton, Winnebago Co., III. In connec- 
tion with his father and brothers he took up the wild lands of the 
government and built mills, carried on fanning, etc. He was 
elected Justice of the Peace at the first' organization of civil 
government in the new country, and as the records show acted 
as the ministerial officer in the marriage of the first couple that 
were married in Winnebago county. For several years he was 
elected Supervisor of the town of Rockton. He united with 
the Congregational Church, of Rockton, about 1850, and was 
elected trustee for several years. 

In 1854 he was interested in the manufacture of the Manny 
Reaper and Mower Co., and involved witli them in the law- 
suit with Cyrus McCormick, which resulted in their favor. 
He w^as at an early day identified with the anti-slavery party 
in the county, and in 1844 was a member of the convention of 
the Liberty Party convened at Buffalo, X. Y., which nomin- 
ated James G. Bumey as candidate for President of the United 
States. After the passage of the fugitive slave law he was an 
active member of the " Underground Railroad," and aided 
several families of slaves in their flight to Canada. He acted 
with the Liberty Party until it became a part of the Republi- 
can party, and politically swept the country by the election of 
Abraham Lincoln as President. Although past the age sub- 
jecting him to the draft, he sent a substitute who represented 
him in the army of the United States during the late war. 


l^alter Henry, son of (1524) Capt. William Talcott 
and Dorothy Blish^ was born at Rome, X. Y., Feb. 13, 1814, 
married Emeline^ daughter of Calvin McConnell, of Chemung 


Co., N. Y., Oct. 1, 1845, and had the following children all 
bom at Rockton, 111., 

1671 Dwight Lewia, b. July 24, 1846 ; m. Emily A. Robertson, Oct. 

12, 1869. 

1672 Sylvester, b. Feb. 10, 1848 ; d. Aug. 17, 1849. 

1673 Henry Arthur, b. Oct. 8, 1849. 

1674 William McConnell, \ d. Aug. 18, 1851. 
1676 Marcus White, V b June 26, 1851 ; d. Aug. 22, 1851. 

1676 Emmet BUsh, ) d. Aug. 23, 1851. 

1677 Charles Hale, b. Nov. 15, 1852. 
1378 liulie May, b. Jan. 10, 1854. 
1679 Prank Austin, b. May 21, 1856. 

Walter Henry Talcott died at Rockton, 111., Dec. 9, 1870. 
He went to Illinois in Oct., 1835, and located at the junction 
of Rock and Pecatonica rivers, he traveled on foot through the 
then almost uninhabited country west of the lake, and was 
obliged to camp out two nights on the way. After dark the 
first night found a cornfield where the corn had been cut up 
and " stooked," supposing he was near some house, he hallowed 
but heard no response, he encamped for the night in one of 
the "stooks" of corn. In the morning he found the house 
quite near, but there being only women in the house who were 
afraid, they did not reply to his call the night before. The 
next night he encamped near where Beloit, Wis., is located. 
Chicago was for a long time the nearest post-oflice, and the 
customary way to get letters was for some one of the settlers 
to go with their ox team and bring out the mail to the settle- 
ment. He was identified at an early day with the anti-slavery 
movement in the country, and was uncompromising in his 
hostility to slavery and all the laws favoring it. He was 
firmly attached to the Liberty Party from its organization. 


Dwight liCwii^, son of (1530) Walter Henry Talcott 
and Emeline McConnell, was bom at Kockton, 111., July 24, 
1846, married Emily A., daughter of Charles W. Robertson, 
of Rockton, 111., Oct. 12, 1869, and had 

1580 Norris Dwight, b. July 27, 1870, at Rocktou. 

1581 Wait, b. March 5, 1873, at Osage, Iowa. 


Dwight Lewis Talcott enlisted in the Union army at the 
age of lYi years, at Belvidere, Boone Co., 111., Jan. 3, 1864. 
Was a member of Company I, 9th Regt. 111. Vol. Cavalry. 
Was provost guard in Fort Pickering, near Memphis, Tenii., 
until March 18, 1864, when he came home with the regiment 
on " veteran furlough." Acted as courier and orderly to Capt. 
J. W. Harper, until the following fall. Harper commanded 
the regiment and afterward the brigade. 

The regiment traveled by railroad, steamboat and marches 
over 30,000 miles, and scoured the States of Missouri, Arkan- 
sas, Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi, from end to end. 

The following is a list of the principal battles in which it 
took part: Pontotoc, Miss., July 12, 1804; Tupelo, July 15 
and 10, 1864; Old Town Creek, Miss., July 16, 1864; Talla- 
hatchie, Aug. 10, 1864; Abbyville, Miss., Aug. 12, 1864; Hur- 
ricane Creek, Aug. 13, 1864; Oxford, Miss., Aug. 14, 1864; 
Savannah, Tenn., Oct. 14, 1864 ; Shoal River, Ala., Xov. 6, 10, 
11, 16, 18 and 19, 1864; Lawrenceburg, Tenn., Nov. 21,1864; 
Pulaski, Tenn., Nov. 22, 1864; Campbellsville, Tenn., Nov. 
24, 1864, which was Thanksgiving day of that year. 

The night of July 11, 1864, he saved a comrade from falling 
into the clutches of two rebels who were crawling upon him. 
The same night, was the only man of eight that stood to his 
post and maintained his ground until help arrived, the rest 
breaking for camp when the pickets were attacked. At Old 
Town Creek, July 16, 1864, the stock of his gun was hit by a 
spent ball while loading ; in the same fight the breach of the 
gun burst while firing. 

Near Abbyville, while scouting, shot at two negroes mis- 
taking them for guerrillas, happily missed them and discovered 
the mistake. 

At White Station, Miss., in the fall of 1864, while outside 
of the picket lines with a comrade, gathering wild fruit, dis- 
covered several bushwhackers coming who had not seen them, 
but caught sight of them as they jumped for their horses, and 
they had a [race for life, ruiming their horses all the way to 
camp, something over a mile, the bushwhackers in pursuit, the 


bullets whistling around them all the time, but reached the 
lines in safety. 

While out foraging one day, rode into a eroMjd of guerrillas, 
taking them for Our men, as they had on our uniforms. As 
they were busy about their breakfast, soon slipped their com- 
pany, without their- discoyering ''the Yankee." 

Was in the saddle on one occasion oyer forty-eight hours, 
stopped three times to feed horses, and marched 200 miles. 

In the fight at Shoal Eiyer, crossed the riyer three times 
while under a lieayy fire from the enemy, they being located 
on high bluffs, the water fairly boiling from the force of the 
bullets, which fell as thick as hailstones. On another occasion 
got placed between two fires, that of the rebels and of the 
Union troops. Noy. 19, were surrounded by the enemy, and 
retreat across the riyer being impossible, cut an outlet and- 
escaped, passing down by file, a steep miry bank, obliquely 200 
feet. The mortification and apparent chagrin of the rebels 
when they found their prey had unexpectedly escaped their 
snare, was made known by hideous yells, such as only rebels 
can make. At Lawrenceburg had some yery close calls from 
the bullets of the enemy, but came out without a scratch. At 
Campbellsyille while retreating, as the road passed through a 
narrow gorge, the enemy attempted to cut the command in 
tw^o. Being ordered to hold the gap at all hazards, the regi- 
ment had scarcely dismounted, when a heayy fire was receiyed 
from a brigade of the enemy. Not a particle daunted they 
adyanced until it became a hand to hand coufiict. The com- 
pany of which he was a member lost twenty-four men in as 
many minutes, and all were killed or wounded but four, who 
were taken prisoners, he being one of the fom\ When cap- 
tured he had 200 rounds of ammunition, which were not giyen 
up with gun and belt, but kept from the enemy and destroyed. 
Was soon stripped of hat, boots, gloyes, knife and spurs, and 
was searched by the rebels fiye* or six times during the first 
night. One of them found some photographs of his parents 
which he begged the priyilege of keeping, but with an oath 
they were tossed into the fire. For eight days had no food, 
except the com picked up where the horses had been fed. 


Were kept at Fort Columbia, Tenn., for fifteen days, living on 
less^tlian an ear of corn a day. Dec. 17, 1864, after Hood's 
defeat at Nashville, started for southern prisons ; marched to 
luka, Miss., thence by rail via Corinth and Jackson, Miss., 
Montgomery, Ala., and Macon, Ga., to Anderson ville. The 
prisoners being crowded into box ears, with neither room to sit 
or lie down, from two to six died in each car every day. Ar- 
riving at Andersonville, saw 200 prisoners joining the rebel 
army, taking the oath of the Southern Confederacy, and draw- 
ing clothing and rations. 

The future looked dark to the new arrivals, but they took 
new courage when they foimd that not a native born Ameri- 
can was in the lot. In the prison met fellow prisoners, mere 
walking skeletons covered with filth and vermin. Had no 
protection from the weather in the shape of clothing, but the 
few rags they were allowed to keep. Had no wood, no food, 
no wholesome water, not even pure air to breathe, for the odor 
of the stockade was detected before it was reached. A railing 
around the inside, about one rod from the stockade, constituted 
the " dead line," which to touch or pass was " death." Ke- 
ceiving no notice of it, came near being shot within an hoiu* 
after arrival by an attempt to pass under it, but was pulled 
back and saved by a comrade. Burrowed in the ground for 
several weeks, taking a severe cold became sick, lost flesh very 
rapidly and could hardly crawl. Had not any medical treat- 
ment, nor had any of the prisoners, so far as known, and no 
religious privileges. The prisoners seemed crazed by their 
condition, and the stronger preyed upon the weaker. The 
prison covered about thirty acres, and part of the time was 
densely crowded. Sometimes two wagon loads of dead bodies 
were hauled out in one day. Twenty-eight per cent of all the 
prisoners received died in the prison. Their last resting place 
was called the " bone-yard," by their fellow prisoners, for they 
were generally mere skeletons, and died from starvation. 
Having the scurvey, accompanied with diarrhoea, became so 
weak were necessarilv transferred to another stockade, called a 
hospital, about one-fourth as large as the former, surrounded 
on three sides by wet swampy land, very little, if any, better 



than the big stockade. Here were some old worn-out tents to 
help protect from the weather. The rations were some better 
but insufficient, received some medical treatment, but had no 
chance to wash or keep clean. 

The keeper of the prison was Capt. Henry Wirz (a native of 
Switzerland), usually called by the prisoners " the old Dutch 
captain." He was a tool and a murderer in the hands of prom- 
inent rebels, dealing out with an unsparing hand all the horrors 
of disease, pollution and death, that he possibly could, and was 
vulgar and profane in the extreme. 

A pack of blood-hounds was kept at the prison to track and 
catch escaped prisoners, and their yelping cries were often 
heard as they started on the track of the fugitives. 

March 18, 1865, came a day of deliverance to 1,000 of the 
prisoners, still leaving Y,000. He, being nearly dead, was 
allowed the choice to go or stay, decided to go. Many of his 
comrades begged of him to give them his place, saying " you 
can never live to get home." To their earnest entreaties his 
reply was, " I may not live to get home, but I wish to die as 
near home and God's country (as we called the North) as I 
can." He was about the twenty-third man of the one thou- 
sand called out. Although weak and scarcely able to stand, 
how he ever got to the station, one mile distant, God only 
knows, for at every attempt to walk he reeled and fell, but 
most of the times nearer the objective point ; so by rolling, 
crawling and dragging himself along, after six hours' struggle, 
reached the desired goal.. Started in box cars for Vicksburg, 
Miss., with plenty of hard crackers and pork, the first food of 
the kind he had seen or tasted since he was taken prisoner. 
After twelve days' travel arrived at the Big Black River twenty 
miles east of Yicksburg, where they were paroled March 30, 
1865. Never before did the flag of the stars and stripes have 
so much significance as it floated in the breeze. It was a touch- 
ing sight to see the men, with tearful eyes, gazing at that pre- 
cious emblem of freedom. Many of the men who had been 
buoyed up with hope and excitement, now found themselves 
weak and perfectly helpless. 



At Vicksburg they were placed on a hospital steamboat, 
reaching Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, April 8, 1865, when for 
the first time in four months, he had on a pair of shoes and a 
hat, being still weak and unable to walk or sit up. 

His father, who went to bring him home, found him in the 
hospital April 11th, and started for home on the 14th, picking 
him up and carrying him in his arms to the cars as he would a 
child, the merest skeleton of his former self, weighing only 75 
pounds, just about one-half as much as when he entered the 
service, his weight then being 147. 

He was covered with scurvey sores, some so large as the 
palm of the hand, and hip bones badly protuberant. Arrived 
at home April 15th, the day the news of President Lincoln's 
assassination was received. Was confined to his bed several 
weeks, and the cough he had contracted hung around him for 
fifteen months. His hair fell out, and his skin, which was of a 
yellow clay color, did not appear healthy for a long time ; 
could not partake of food with salt in it, or highly seasoned, 
for over two months, and was unable to do manual labor of any 
kind for over a year. 

He received his discharge June 5, 1865, at Chicago, 111., and 
also a notice from the War Department, dated June 20th, 
that he was duly exchanged. 

In the spring of 1872, he settled in Osage, Mitchell Co., 
Iowa, where he now resides (1876) engaged in farming. 


Samuel, son of (1524) Capt. William Talcott and Dor- 
othy Blish^ was bom at Kome, N. Y., March 1, 1818, mar- 
ried Minerva Pettibone, daughter of Hiram Cody, of Bloom- 
ingdale, 111. (b. at Vernon Center, Oneida Co., N. Y., July 7, 
1827), Sept. 23, 1847, and had 

1582 Samuel Cody, b. Oct. 27, 1848, at Rockton, lU. ; m. Mary A., 
Kreider, Jan. 3, 1870. 

1583 Mary Atta, b. Sept. 24, 1852, at Rockton, HI. 

1584 George Wait, b. Jan. 10, 1855, at Rockton, HI. 
1685 Louise Mina, b. Oct. 18, 1857, at Rockton, Dl. 

1586 William Hubbard, b. Oct. 31, 1861, at Bloomingdale. 

1587 EUzabeth Norton, b. Aug. 24, 1863; d. Jan. 10, 1864. 


Minerya P.^ wife of Samuel Talcott, died at Napierville, 
111., April 21, 1865. 

Samuel Talcott was engaged in engineering with his 
brother, William II., on the Genesee Valley canal, in west- 
ern New York, for some years. About 1843, he emigrated to 
Illinois and located at Hockton, 111., where his father and 
brothers had settled in 1835, and engaged in milling, farming, 
etc. After a few years he removed to Dii Page Co., 111., and 
spent some time at Bloomingdale and Napierville. From 
thence he removed to Bedford, Mo., in the spring of 1872, 
where he now (1876) resides. 


Samuel Cody, son of (1532) Samuel Talcott and Min- 
erva P. Cody, was born at Eockton, 111., Oct. 27, 1848, mar- 
ried Mary A. Kreider (b. at Napierville, 111., Feb. 17, 1848), 
Jan. 3, 1870, and had 

1588 Samuel Joseph, b. Nov. 20, 1870, at Napierville. 

1589 Harry, b. Aug. 23, 1872, at Bedford, Mo. ; d. July 13, 1873. 
1690 Franklin, b. Nov. 15, 1873, at Bedford, Mo. 

Samuel Cody Talcott is engaged in the agricultural imple- 
ment trade, and resides (1876) at Bedford, Mo. 


Harriet We well, daughter of (1624) Capt. William 
Talcott and Dorothy Blish^ was born at Eome, N. Y., April 
4, 1820, married Charles C. Wright, of Lisbon, 111., Oct. 10, 
1843, and had born at Lisbon, Kendall Co., 111., 

1591 Henry Talcott, b. Sept. 8, 1844. 

1692 Harriet Adaline, b. June 13, 1846 ; d. at Cabden, 111., March 29, 

1693 Mary A., b. Dec. 28, 1848. 


Frndeiice Hubbard, daughter of (1524) Capt. Wil- 
liam Talcott and Dorothy Blish^ was born at Eome, N. Y., 
March 4, 1822, married Samuel Hersey, Jr.^ of Rockton, 111., 
May 17, 1854, and had 


1694 Thomas Arthur, b. April 17, 1855, at Rockton, 111. 
1696 Ida Mariah, b. July 7, 1857, at Rockton, 111. 

1696 Mary Emma, b. Aug. 22, 1860, at Rockton, 111. 

1697 Harriet Adaline, b. June 20, 1864, at Rockton, 111. 

The family is now residing at E-ockton, Til. 


Crad, son of (458) Samuel Talcott and Hannah Moseley^ 

was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Jnly 26, 1745, married 1st Abi- 
gail, daughter of Benjamin Hoot, of Marlboro (b. May 14, 
1747), March 29, 1770, and had 

1598 Benjamin, b. Jan. 14, 1771 ; d. s. Dec. 19, 1813. 
1699 Abigail, b. May 26, 1772 ; m. Oliver Huntington, of Owego, 
N. Y., May 4, 1794; d. June 18, 1815. 

1600 Wait, b. Feb. 7, 1774 ; d. at sea, March 5, 1795. 

1601 Grace, b. Nov. 8. 1775 ; d. March 25, 1802. 

1602 Moseley, b. July 31, 1779 ; m. 1st Sabrina Kingsbury, Nov. 10, 
1803 ; 2d widow Harriet Cook, April 6, 1825. 

1602^ Hannah, b. March 24, 1782 ; d. Sept. 20, 1785. 

1603 Samuel, b. Nov. 28, 1787 ; m. 1st Harriet Warner, April 14, 
1819 ; 2d Hester Reynolds, April 6, 1826 ; 3d Asenath Mor- 
gan, Sept. 7, 1830. 

1604 (Stillborn infant), b. Nov. 28, 1787. 

Abigail^ wife of Gad Talcott, died in Gilead, Sept. 13, 

1808, and he married the widow Susannah Wells, Feb. 9, 

1809, who died withont issne, April 0, 1826. 

Gad Talcott died in Gilead, where he resided, Oct. 3, 1830. 


Asa, son of (458) Samuel Talcott and Hannah Moseley, 

was bom in Glastenbury, Ct., Oct. 15, 1750, married Annar, 
daughter of Nathaniel Stillman, of Wethersfield, Nov. 19, 1772, 
and had 

1606 Annar, b. Aug. 1, 1774; m. 1st Elijah Wells; 2d Zadock 
Samson ; d. Nov. 27, 1856. 

1606 AmeUa, b. March 2, 1776 ; m. William C. Hatch, 1796 ; d. Nov. 
20, 1797. 

1607 Asa,b. Oct. 9, 1778; m. 1st Polly White, May 11, 1802; 2d 
Fanny Hills, Nov. 24, 1808 ; 3d Polly Lord, Nov. 21, 1827; d. 
Feb. 17, 1860. 


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> < "w t 
. 11 

■n \\ 

'i ill.' t?i - ' : ; iii^ - fV -:. A - ' ,•': ti'-':' »,,,•: 

*" '!K Oi;\<n' Iluiitii'irion, <»:' (>\w ■". N. >'., i" 

1611 Abi^:-il, ],. •^.■••T. 'J,') i; *i: ,1. '!t : -^ 'm : •.;'., 

1633 OrisUisLvaau, 1) M.- ?V. 1->i':.: r, J v. • ■ ; ' 

1614 Hor;itio L^w, !). U •.'. ' f, t-'« » ; i.. A'- y ': ■ ' \ ■ 

lt>15 Hariiet, b. Muy ;j I'^^K ; ,,;. \^'r,,Lsx\] ^.v.M.i ,. 

1616 G.^'-r^e Ol^'ver, h. 0= t. :, . I'l . u.. ('• s; 

AJ»itrail, '*\"!k' ^^f < \ii. ('in".:: II' >"-! <.i' w. 'L>-| Ar •■ :*. 
i-^ir., (nil. (h.ivi.K Hi w -\(.;'-\ ^!ir*i X.»\\ 1-'!, I ^L'o 

J oo%* 

V ,-. iitiT'i ill li( ''! •!!, J'J\ •' i. 17 7'', i"J!i :« •] t -' Sai^J hia h iii'^^y- 
>n-,'; >, lM^-^ Jill 1 lie inrii'fiivl *i4 n^irrii**, w ! l.iM' . t j,,i^]ia 
-,.■'., ..f MancfuVa'.:. C'l. ^1.. May 2:». IT'.'A), Aj^rii i\,!r> 

i '.n- h"p, *'. IK'C-. 24, IS':^ ; a. ()<-t. '?!. l-:>.i. 

■ (J 
:'■ .• 5-^.ir' 1) All;. j;j, i<,i' lu. M\UY liiv.Y J!{'-■•:■:^(;Tt)^, Nov. 2o, 

■. • M' • 

.>f ^!'--Kr,. Y I'ALroir. <}1«m] ^^)^, KJ, IS.'U. 

My V)Ti dit'd April li::". l^:il. 


1608 Sophia, b. Oct. 1, 1780; d. Jan. 30. 1782. 

1609 Southmayd S., ) , ^ , ^^ .^«. in West Indies during Tous- 
,^,^ _„,. ^ ' ^ b. July 21, 1784 ; . ^, v. ^v iqao 

1610 William, ) ^ > ' samt s rebellion, 1802. 

Asa Tallcott died in Glastenbury, Jan. 8, 1785. Annar, 
his widow, died in Glastenbury, Jan. 2, 1829. 

The descendants from Asa spell their names with two '' Is," 
and say it was the way their ancestors spelled it. 


Abigail, daughter of (1006) Gad Talcott and Abigail 
Boot^ was born in Hebron, Ot., May 26, 1772, and married 
Gen. Oliver Huntington, of Owego, N. Y., merchant. May 
4, 1794, and had 

1611 AbigaU, b. Sept. 25, 1796; m. Henry Gregory, Feb. 10, 1818. 

1612 Wait Talcott, b. May 9, 1798 ; m. Sophronia Carter. 

1613 Oristus Lynde, b. May 22, 1803 ; m. Harriet Terrill. 

1614 Horatio Iiow, b. Dec. 14, 1805; m. Ann Turner. 

1615 Harriet, b. May 3, 1808 ; m. William Townley. 

1616 George Oliver, b. Oct. 7, 1810 ; m. Cornelia De Krofft. 

Abigail^ wife of Gen. Oliver HuxTmcrroN, died June 18, 
1815. Gen. Oliver Huntington died Nov. 13, 1823. 


Moseley, son of (1006) Gad Talcott and Abigail Root, 

was born in Hebron, July 31, 1779, married 1st Sabrina Kings- 
bury, of Tolland, Ct., Nov. 10, 1803, who died without issue, 
Sept. 8, 1822, and he married 2d Harriet, widow of Elisha 
Cook, of Manchester, Ct. (b. May 25, 1795), April 6, 1825, 
and had 

1617 Oook, b. Aug. 11, 1826 ; m. Acsah E. Chamberlain, Jan. 6, 1859; 

no ch. 

1618 Lee, b. Dec. 24. 1828 ; d. Oct. 21, 1833. 

1619 Abigail, b. Dec. 22, 1832 ; m. Charles T. Morton, June 21, 1860; 

no ch. 

1620 Hart, b. Aug. 19, 1834; m. Mary Gray Huntington, Nov. 20, 

Harriet, wife of Moseley Talcott, died Nov. 13, 1834. 
MosELEY Talcott died April 22, 1861. 


Samuel, son of (1006) Gad Talcott and Abigail Boot, 

,s born in Ilclnvm, Ct., Xov, SS, 1787, mairieii 1st Harriet 
araer, of Bolton (b. Feb. 1, 1796), April U, ISl'J, and bad 

1621 Henry Wait Warner, b. May 22, 1830 ; d. s. April 10, I84T. 

Harriet, wife of Simuei. Talcott, died May 32, !820. and he married 
3d Hester Reysolds, of Eaat Hanford (b. May 5, 17891, April 
6. 1826, and had 

1622 Hanietto Heater, b, April 17,1837; m. Dea. Edwis Talcott? 
of Coventry, Jao. 1, 185G ; no eh. 

Hester, wife of Samuel Tawott, died Dec. 3. 1837, and be married 3d 
ASBSATH MORT.AS, of Lyme, Ct. (b. March 21, 1803), SepI, 7, 
1830, and had 

1623 Eliaha Ely, b. June 9, 1831 ; in. Marv A. Wattles, of Leb- 
anon, DiT. 4, 1855. He died in Chicago, Jan. IG, 1858. 

1624 Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 14. 1833 ; m. Cle.ment E. 
Xew York, Di't. 24, 1S56; d. Aug. 21, 1867. 

1625 William Staait, b. Jan. 3, 1834. 

1626 Catharine Aaenath, h. Sept. 14, 1835 ; d. Jan. 15, 1848. 

1627 Angoata Oeorgianua, b. Feb. 6, 1837 ; m. Hbxbv C. Ktdeb, June 
16, 18G8. 

1628 Samuel Augusbu, b. Aug. 30, 1838 ; m. Kosa J. Talcott, Oct. 4, 

1629 John Morgan, b. April 18, 1841 ; d. s. Dec. 8. 1869. 

1630 Sarah Eliza, b. Mar 10, 1843 ; single, reeides in Danburr, Ci. 

Asonatli, wife of Sauill Talcott, died in Hebron, April 
l!s63. Samlel Talcott now resides witb his danghter in 


Asa, son of (1007) Asa Tallcott and Annar Stillman, 
IS lx>ni in Glastenburv, Ct., Oct. 9, 177S, married 1st Pollj", 
ughter of Thomas and Rnth (Tak-ott) White (b. March 20, 
S->), May 11, 1S02, and bad 

1631 Amelia, b. March 35, 1S03 : m. Maj. Dayu> Hills, of HaHfoid, 

Nov. 7, 1847 ; d. Jan. 4, 18ii9. He d. Oct. 18, 1856. 
1S33 Southnuyd Stillman, b. Aug. 7, 1304 ; d. h. 

1633 PoUy, b. Jao. 7, 1806 ; m. Hekry Setmolti, March 36, 1848. 

1634 Aaa, b. Aug. 7, 1807 ; m. Maria GROsSMAS.of Jacksonville, 111., 
March 30, 1831. He lives in Scio, Oregon ; no eh. 


Polly White, wife of Asa Tallcott, died April 14, 1808, and he mar- 
ried Fanny, dau. of Epaphras and Hannah (Talcott) Hills, 
of East Hartford, Nov. 24, 1808, and had 

1635 Chester Hills, b. Nov. 20, 1810 ; m. Mary Hale, Dec. 19. 1833; 
d. Feb. 1, 1872. 

1636 Anna Prances, b. Oct. 4, 1812 ; m. Oliver Hale f d. 1867. 

1637 Laura Eliza, b. March 9, 1815; m. Lucius E. Reynolds. 

1638 Abigail Sabina, b. Dec. 24, 1817 ; m. Stephen Payne ; d. May 
19, 1872. 

1639 Sidney, b. Sept. 2, 1820 ; d. s. Dec. 8, 1840. 

Fanny H., wife of Asa Tallcott, died Oct. 1, 1823, and he married 
3d Polly, dau. of Dea. Daniel Lord, of Bolton, Ct., Nov. 21, 
1827, and had 

1640 Thomas Hyde Lord, b. May 14, 1829 ; m. Lucy Hill, Nov. 25, 
1858 ; no ch. 

1641 Daniel Lord, b. Dec. 5, 1833; m. Abby Jane House; lives at 
Glastenbury, Ct. ; no ch. 

Polly Lord, widow of Asa Tallcott, died May 4, 1871. 
Asa Tallcott died Feb. 17, 1860. 


Cliesiter Hills, son of (1607) Asa Tallcott and Fanny 
Hills, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Nov. 20, 1810, married 
Mary, daugliter of Dea. Oliver Hale, of Glastenbury, Dec. 19, 
1833, and had 

1642 OUver Hale, b. July 9, 1836 ; d. July 18, 1849. 

1643 Asa Welles, b. June 17, 1840; m. Phebe Smith, March 26, 1867. 

Mary Hale, wife of Chester H. Tallcott, died Aug. 1, 1844, and lie 
married Elizabeth HAiiE, her sister, Dec. 5, 1844, and had 

1644 Mary BUzabeth, b. Nov. 13, 1846; d. July 16, 1849. 

1645 Anna M., b. Feb. 13, 1848 ; m. Horace Hulburd, of Otho, Iowa, 

fHizabeth Hale, wife of Chester H. Tallcott, died July 14, 1849, 
of cholera, and within four days two of his children died of the 
same disease, and he married 3d the widow Harriet String- 
ham Finch, Dec. 19, 1649, and had 

1646 Mary H., b. Nov. 11, 1850; m. Wesley Clair, Nov. 5, 1875. 

1647 Julia Averitt, b. Feb. 6, 1852 ; m. Amos H. Scranton, of Men- 
don, Mo., Feb. 6, 1873. 

1648 Ella E., b. Sept. 23, 1853. 

1649 WUUam Chester, b. Dec. 10, 1855. 


1650 Samuel, b. May 1, 1857. 

1651 Elmer, b. Feb. 8, 1861 ; d. March 21, 1863. 

1652 Albert Hale, b. Jan. 4, 1864. 

Chester H. Tallcott died Feb. 1, 1872. Mrs. Chester H. 
TALLcorr rasides at Mendon, iVdams Co., 111. 


Thomas H. L., son of (1607) Asa Tallcott and Polly 
Lord^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., May 14, 1829, married 
Lucy Agnes, daughter of John Ilill, of Dorehestei-, Mass., 
Nov. 25, 1858, and had 

1653 Thomas Hyde Iiord, b. June 10, 1860. 

Thomas H. L. Tallcott and family reside in Glastenbury, 


Hart, son of (1602) Moseley Talcott and Harriet Cook 

(widow), his second wife, was born in Marlboro, Ct., Aug. 19, 
1834, married Mary Gray Huntington, of Lebanon, Ct., Nov. 
20, 18G2, and had born in Lebanon 

1664 WilUam Hart, b. Oct. 19, 1868. 

1655 LiUan Gray, b. Nov. 11, 1871. 

Hart Talcott and family are now residing in Dover, Del. 


Augusiita Creorgianna, daughter of (1603) Samnel 
Talcott and Asenath Morgan, his third wife, was bom in 
Gilead, Ct., Feb. 6, 1837, married Henry C, son of Stephen 
llyder, of South East, Putnam Co., N. Y., June 16, 1868, 
and had 

1656 John Talcott, b. April 10, 1870 ; d. April 18, 1872. 

1657 WiUiam Stuart Talcott, b. Sept. 30, 1875. ) . 

1658 Ely Morgan Talcott, b. Sept. 30, 1875. \ ^^^'^^• 

Henry C. Ryder and family reside in Danbury, Ct., where 
he is Secretary and Treasurer of the Savings Bank of Dan- 



Samuel Ang^nstas, son of (1603) Samuel Talcott 
and Asenath Morgan^ his third wife, was born in Gilead, Ct., 
Aug. 30, 1838, married Bosa Jane^ daughter of Horace Wells 
Talcott and Jane M. Gardner (b. April 21, 1844), Oct. 4, 1871, 
and had born at Talcottville, Ct., 

1669 John Gardner, b. June 27, 1873. 

Samuel A. Talcott and family are residing at Talcottville, 


Asa l¥elle85 son of (1635) Chester H. Tallcott and Mary 
Hale^ was born at Mendon, 111., June 17, 1840, married 
Phebe, daughter of Joseph and Mary F. Smith, of Boston, 
Ohio, March 26, 1867, and had 

1660 Elmer Wilber, b. Sept. 12. 1868. 

1661 Mary LoueUa, b. Aug. 31, 1870. 

1662 Arthur Elbert, b. Nov. 28, 1872. 

1663 Oora Nevada, b. May 11, 1874 ; d. May 16, 1874. ' 

1664 Chester Augustus, b. May 28, 1875. ) ^ . 
1666 Harriet Augusta, b. May 28, 1875. \ ^°®' 

Asa W. Tallcott served during the war of the rebellion as a 
private in company K, Ist Kegt. Illinois Cavalry, until honor- 
ably discharged. 

In 1862 he removed to Hollenburgh, Washington Co., Kan- 
sas, where he and his family now reside. 


Prudence, daughter of (469) Col. Elizur Talcott and 

Bath Wright, was bom in Glastenbury, Ct., June 6, 1734, 
married John, son of David and Sarah (Edwards) Goodrich, 
June 17, 1752, and had 

1666 John, b. , 1762 ; m. , the widow of Atwatek. 

Prudence, the wife of John Goodrich, died in Glastenbury, Oct. 18, 
1752, and he married Abigail, dau. of Daniel Demino, Jr., Oct 
8, 1761, and had 

1667 Mary, b. April 17, 1763 ; m. William Stillman, Dec. 15, 1785 ; 
d. , 1834. 

1668 RufMieU, b. Feb. 6, 1765 ; d. s. 1837. 



1669 Abigail, b. Aug. 1, 1767; m. George, son of Col. Elizur %al- 
COTT, Feb. 9, 1786 ; d. June 22, 1854. 

1670 Jared, b. March 15, 1769 ; m. Louisa Loveland, June, 1798 ; 
d. Sept. 19, 1804. 

1671 Amelia O^ b. Jan. 5, 1771 ; m. let Samuel R. Smith, Sept., 
1797 ; 2d Pitkin; 3d Elisha Chapman ; d. 1828. 

John Goodrich died in Glastenbury, Oct. 12, 1774, se. 44. 
Abigail, his widow, died in Glastonbury, June 12, 1799, se. 6Q. 

John Goodrich, who first married Prudence Talcjott, and 
whose daughter by his second wife married Geokge Talcott, 
the brother of his first wife, was a descendant from Ensign 
William Goodrich, one of the first settlers of Wethersfield, 
who came with his brother, John, from Bury St. Edmonds, 
England, to (probably) Watertown, Mass., and thence to Weth- 
ersfield, where John held land as early as 1644, and William, 
. in 1666. 

There was another William Goodrich in Watertown, who 
died in 1647, and whose widow died, wife of John Hale, Feb. 
3, 1683. 

(1) Ensign William Goodrich married Sarah, daughter of 
Mathew Marvin, of Hartford, Oct. 4, 1648 (Marvin came over 
with his family in 1635, lived awhile in Hartford, Ct., removed 
to Norwalk and died there in 1680). 

The children of Ensign William Goodrich were : William, 
b. Aug. 8, 1649 ; d. y. John, b. May 20, 1653 ; m. Kebecca 
Allen, March 28, 1678. Elizabeth, b. 1658 ; m. Capt. Kobert 
Welles, June 9, 1675 ; d. Feb. 17, 1698. WiUiam, b. Feb. 8, 
1661 ; m. 1st Grace Kiley, Nov. 22, 1680 ; 2d Mary Ann 
Ayrault ; he d. Dec. 27, 1737. Ephriam, b. June 2, 1663 ; 
m. Ist Sarah Treat, May 20, 1684 ; 2d Jerusha Welles, Dec. 25, 
1712; he d. Feb. 27, 1739. David, b. May 4, 1667; m. Ist 
Hannah Wright, March 7, 1689 ; 2d Prudence Churchill, Dec. 
1, 1698 ; he d. July 23, 1755. Sarah, m. John Hollister, Nov. 
20, 1667; d. 1700. Mary, m. Joseph Butler, 1667; d. June 
1, 1735 ; Abigail, m. Thomas Fitch, 1680 ; d. Nov. 7, 1684. 

Ensign William Goodrich died in Wethersfield, 1676. Sarah, 
his widow, m. Capt. Wm. Curtis, and died in Stratford, Ct., 


^2) Oapt. Ephriam, son of Ensign William Goodrich, was 
born June 2, 1663 ; m. 1st Sarah, dau. of Maj. Richard and 
Sarah (Coleman) Treat, May 20, 1684, and had Richard, b. 
Feb. 27, 1685 ; m. Hannah Buckley, May 18, 1709. William, 
b. 1701 ; m. Rachel Savage, April 9, 1728 ; d. Dec. 16, 1787. 
David, b. 1705 ; m. Sarah Edwards, Feb. 13, 1729 ; d. June 
7, 1779. Ephriam, m. Hannah Steel, July 10, 1715 ; d. 1771. 
Thomas, m. Hannah Reynolds, Nov. 26, 1719. Sarah, m. 
Richard Butler, Dec. 15, 1725 ; d. May 6, 1795. Gideon, m. 
Sarah , June 29, 1718 ; d. Aug., 1769. 

Sarah, the wife of Capt. Ephriam Goodrich, died in Weth- 
ersfield, Jan. 26, 1712, se. 47 years, and he married 2d Jerusha, 
dau. of James and Rebecca Treat, and widow of Oapt. Thomas 
Welles, Dec. 25, 1712, and had Oliver, b. Sept. 14, 1714 ; m. 
Temperance Wright, June 26, 1740 ; d. Sept. 23, 1780. Gur- 
don, b. Dec. 29, 1717 ; m. Abigail Belding, June 7, 1739. 

Capt. Ephriam Goodrich died in Glastenbury, Feb. 27, 1739. 
Jerusha, widow of Capt. Ephriam Goodrich, died in Wethers- 
field, Jan. 15, 1754. • 

(3) David, son of Capt. Ephriam Goodrich and Sarah Treat, 
was born 1705 ; m. Sarah, dau. of John Edwards, Feb. 13, 
1729, and had John, b. June 16, 1730 ; m. 1st Prudence Tal- 
coTT, June 17, 1752 ; 2d Abigail Deming, Oct. 8, 1761. David, 
b. May 22, 1732 ; m. Prudence Benton, Nov. 7, 1754 ; d. Oct. 
15, 1808. Wait, b. Feb. 8, 1736 ; m. Hannah Smith. Lucy, 
b. Feb. 24, 1738 ; m. Elisha Goodrich ; d. 1807. Rhoda, b. 
Dec. 17, 1739 ; m. Gideon Sage, Nov. 27, 1760. Isaac, b. 
May 2, 1743 ; m. Hannah Strickland, June 4, 1786. Elizur, 
b. Aug. 8, 1745 ; m. Sarah Kimberly. Sarah, b. June 20, 
1747 ; m. Isaac Talcott, Nov. 20, 1765. Honor, b. April 8, 
1749; m. Daniel Miles, Jan. 26, 1786. George, b. April 13, 
1751; m. Sarah Welles; d. Aug., 1848. Prudence, b. April 
14, 1754 ; d. Dec. 15, 1765. 

David Goodrich died June 7, 1779, se. 74. Sarah, his 
widow, died May 11, 1790, ae. 80. 


Rachel, daughter of (459) Col. Elizur Talcott and Ruth 


Wright, was bom in Glastenbury, Ot., Aug. 1, 1736, married 
Theodore, son of tii^^'Hale, Feb. 23, 1759, and had 

1672 Rachel, b.'Dec. 12, 1759; m. Jason Hammond, April 34, 1788. 

1673 Lucy, b. Feb. 12, 1761 ; m. Jambs Wright, Feb. 6, 1783 ; d. 
Feb., 1841, in Ohio. 

1674 Jehiel, b. March 15, 1763 ; d. April 16, 1763. 

1676 Ruth, b. March 9, 1764 ; m. Nathaniel Hubbabd ; d. June 8, 

1676 Jehiel, b. Aug. 21, 1766 ; m. let Mary Hale ; 2d Olivia Foots. 

1677 Theodore, b. Oct. 23. 1768 ; d. Jan. 17, 1784. 

1678 Sarah, b. Feb. 16, 1771 ; m. Elijah Hale, Dec. 25, 1799. 

1679 Samuel, b. July 24, 1773 ; d. s. Jan. 13, 1798. 

1680 Solomon, b. Oct. 7, 1775 ; d. March 15, 1776. 

1681 Jonathan, b. April 23, 1777 ; m. 1st Mary S. Piper ; 2d Sarah 

1682 Abigail, b. Nov. 17, 1780; d. s. May 8, 1813. 

Theodore Hale died in Glastenbury, May 14, 1807, se. 72. 
Rachel, his widow, died in Glastenbury, Aug. 10, 1824, se. 88. 


Isaac, son of (459) Col. Elizur Talcott and Bath 

Wright, was bom in Glastenbury, Ct., Aug. 29, 1740, mar- 
ried Sarah, daughter of David and Sarah (Edwards) Goodrich, 
of Glastenbury, Nov. 20, 1765, and had 

1683 Jabez, b. June 28, 1766 ; m. Ruth Kimberlby, Nov. 19, 1789. 

1684 Isaac, b. Nov. 14, 1767 ; m. ; lived in Ellington, had one 

child, a daughter. 

1686 Rhoda, b. March 14, 1769 ; d. Nov. 13, 1771. 

1686 Rhoda, b. Sept. 27, 1771 ; m. 1st Kilby ; 2d Hale. 

Sarahy the wife of Isaac Talcott, died in Glastenbury, ■ — , and 

he married Rhoda House, the widow of Joseph Stratton, 
, and had 

1687 Laura, b. Dec. 17, 1783 ; m. Luther House ; d. Dec. 1, 1865, 


1688 David, b. June 14, 1780; m. Anna Goodrich, Sept. 12, 1805; 
d. AprU 26, 1859. 

1689 Ansen, b. ; died at sea ; no ch. 

1690 Sally, b. ; m. Eleazur Rose. 

1691 Ruth,* b. Oct. 21, 1776 ; m. Robert Huston, Jan. 26, 1800 ; d. 
April 15, 1858. 

Isaac Talcott died in Glastenbury, Aug. 6, 1815. 

* For Ruth's family see end of Genealogy. 

V X. '> 

JDescenJants qf 

jDeacoji *3ery'cim2rt TaJcotl, 

o/' Cjr7asten6uiy,Cl . 
T^Aro li^A Jus son £Vj£ur offflasten bury 
anJ ij^mndsons Iscuac ctnJ E limn r. 











Geo. H^UeM. 




^ , ^ , «. ("Atf^^^ Ji^P?ieie&itrtci. John ^H^noTJ^a/ltni^ 

\ 2.SarrxkSpaui<Jirty. 

rrt fi% 




^ ^ Henry JT. .FhsmcesAC 

,4 .SpteliaS^Hwdsdey. CB^tuart. 

( 710 ch). 


772 -772 m. 

^ £llenS.£adol. ^.J!fkye. Jtimes. 

1 1 






Eliztcr- m/iiamC 

m 7ft 

rriat Simmon* 'Sizrr^et Cole 







._ . J 

\ \ » 

■4 1 ^ . ■ V- 





'^ v., 





Jabez, son of (1012) Isaac Talcott and Sarah Goodrich, 

was born June 28, 1766, married Bath Kimberly, Nov. 19, 
1789, and had 

1692 Jabez, b. Sept. 18, 1790. 

1693 Horatio Q., b. Jan. 10, 1794. 

1694 Ruth Anna, b. Jan. 20, 1796. 
1696 Harriet Sarah, b. Sept. 4, 1798. 

1696 Pharma JuUa, b. Nov. 8, 1801. 

1697 Lucius Southmayd, b. Jan. 6, 1805. 


David, son of (1012) Isaac Talcott and his second wife, 
Bhoda House, widow of Joseph Stratton, was born in Glas- 
tenbury, June 14, 1780, married Anna, daughter of Roswell 
and Rachel Goodrich (b. March 13, 1787), Sept. 12, 1805, and 
had born in Glastenbury 

1698 Ohauncey Q., b. March 16, 1807; d. s. at Hartford, March 16, 

1699 Leverett, b. Nov. 18, 1808 ; m. Lucy E. Hollister, Oct. 7, 1833; 
d. Dec. 11,1873. 

1700 William David, b. March 3, 1811 ; m. Pbrsis Brandegee 
Gage, Sept. 10, 1833. 

1701 Henry, b. May 1, 1813 ; m. Martha A. Samson, Oct. 18, 1837. 

1702 Roswell Q, b. Dec. 10, 1815; m. Jane E. Hills, Nov. 20, 1840 ; 

d. April 7, 1854. 

1703 Francis, b. March 4, 1822 ; m. Rhoda M. Dewey, Nov. 14, 1871; 
no ch. 

1704 Isaac B., b. June 27, 1826. 

1706 John Hale, b. Feb. 29, 1828 ; m. Elizabeth Ashton, Dec. 18, 
1865 ; no ch. 

David Talcott died in Glastenbury, April 26, 1859. Anna, 
his widow, died in Glastenbury, May 22, 1859. 


Leverett, son of (1688) David Talcott and Anna Good- 
rich, was born in Glastenbury, Nov. 18, 1808, married Lucy 
E., daughter of Charles and Lucy IloUister (b. Sept. 17, 1814), 
Oct. 7, 1833, and had 


1706 Charles Henry, b. Oct. 18, 1834; d. May 31, 1866. 

1707 Leveretta, b. Aug. 31, 1836 ; m. Hbnky G. Miller. 

1708 Ann Eliza, b. Sept. 26, 1838 ; m. Albert Litchfield ; d. July 
11, 1872. 

1709 Edward Dwight, b. July 24, 1842 ; unmarried. 

Leverett Talcott died in South Windsor, Ct., Dec. 11, 
1873, 83. 65. LuoY E., wife of Leveeett Talcott, died Oct. 
9, 1855. 


l¥illlam David, son of (1688) David Talcott and 
Anna Goodrich, was bom in Glastenbury, Ct, March 3, 1811, 
married Persis Brandegee, daughter of Asa and Nancy Gage 
(b. in Winfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Feb. 7, 1814), Sept. 10, 
1833, and had 

1710 Ohauncey Goodrich, b. Oct. 6, 1834; m. Maria L. Lee, Dec. 7, 
1858 ; resides at Silver Creek ; no ch. 

1711 Anna Elizabeth, b. Sept. 27, 1836; m. Gilbert E. Harrouk. 
of Corfu, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1858. 

1712 Asa Gage, b. April 20, 1839; m. Mary A. Farnham, of Silver 
Creek, Sept. 4, 1860. 

1712i William David, b. Dec. 12, 1841 ; d. Oct. 12, 1844. 

1713 Walter, ^ 

m. Mary S. Chapman, July 
28, 1869. 

y Twins, b. Feb. 15, 1844; „ , „ 

' m. Fannie A. Hbaton, Oct. 

1714 Wallace, 

20, 1870. 
1716 William Stevens, b. Oct. 26, 1849; m. Ida E. Scott, Aug. 27, 

1716 Charles Henry, b. Aug. 19, 1864. 

William David Talcott removed from Glastenbury to Silver 
Creek, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Nov. 22, 1831, where he now 

On his removal from Connecticut to Silver Creek he first 
engaged in the saddle and harness business which he pursued 
until 1839, when he entered into the lumber trade at the same 
place for Oliver Bugbee, of Buffalo, N. Y., in whose employ- 
ment he remained until 1848, when he commenced the same 
business on his own account, and removed his office to Buffalo, 
where he continued in business until 1876. lie was elected a 
ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in 1861, and still holds 


the same office. He was elected Supervisor of the town of 
Hanover, N. Y., in 1864, served in that capacity until the close 
of the Rebellion. His wife came to Silver Creek with her 
parents, in 1817. She is a descendant of Gen. Gage, of 
Revolutionary fame, and of the Brace family, of Hartford, Ct. 
Charles Brace, of Hartford, married her grandmother, Persis 
Brandegee, of Berlin, and removed to Winfield, N. Y. The 
children of William David Talcott were all born in Silver 


Chaancey C^oodrlch, son of (1700) William David 
Talcott and Persis B. Oage^ was born in Silver Creek, N. Y., 
Oct. 6, 1834, married Maria L. Lee, of Silver Creek, Dec. 7, 
1858, and have no children. They reside at Silver Creek. 


Anna Elizabeth, daughter of (1700) William David 
Talcott and Persis B. (jage^ was bom in Silver Creek, Sept. 
27, 1836, married Gilbert K. Harroun, of Corfu, N. Y., Nov. 
11, 1858, and had one child only 

1717 Gilbert K., Jr., b. Sept. 24, 1859, in Buffalo. 

They resided in Buffalo until 1862, then removed to New 
York city, their present residence. 


Asa Gage^ son of (1700) William David Talcott and 
Persis B. Gage^ was born in Silver Creek, April 20, 1839, 
married Mary A. Farnham^ of Silver Creek, Sept. 4, 1860, 
and had one child only 

1718 Adie, b. ; d. 13 months old. 

They reside in Buffalo, N. Y. 


l¥alter, son of (1700) William David Talcott and 
Persis B. Oage^ was bom in Silver Creek, Feb. 15, 1844 


(twin with Wallace), married Mary S. Chapman^ of Sandusky, 
Ohio, July 28, 1869, and had 

1719 Anna Bliese, b. Feb. 2, 1871. 

They are now residing in Cleveland, Ohio. 


l¥allaee, son of (1700) William Dayid Talcott and 
Persis B. Oage^ was bom in Silver Creek, Feb. 15, 1844 
(twin with Walter), married Fannie A, Heaton^ of Burling- 
ton, N. J., and liad 

1720 George Wallace, b. Jan. 6, 1872. 
1720i Walter, b. April 20, 1876. 

They reside in Silver Creek, N. Y. 


l¥illiaiii Stevens, son of (1700) WUliam David Tal 
COtt and Persis B, Gage^ was bom in Silver Creek, Oct. 26, 
1849, married Ida E. Scott, of Jackson, Mich., Aug. 27, 1873, 
and had 

1721 Znia, b. Oct. 6, 1874. 

They reside in Silver Creek, N. Y. 


Charles Henry, son of (1700) William David Talcott 
and Persis B. tiage, was bom in Silver Creek, Aug. 19, 1854, 
is unmarried (1876) and resides in New York city. Is a clerk 
with his brother-in-law, Gilbert K. Harroun. 


Henry, son of (1688) David Talcott and Anna Goodrich, 

was born in Glastonbury, Ct., May 1, 1813, married Martha 
A. Samson, Oct. 18, 1837, and had 

1722 Qeorge S^ b. Sept. 15, 1838 ; m. 1st Lucy A. Montgomery, of 
Silver Creek ; 2d Mary Pratt, Petersham, Mass. 

1723 Henrietta, b. Aug. 15, 1841 ; m. Lewis B. Skinner, of Hartford, 
July 13, 1868. 

1724 Prank L., b. Dec. 6, 1848. 

Henry Talcott and family reside in Glastonbury, Ct. 



Koswell «., son of (1688) David Talcott and Anna 

Ooodrich, was born in Glastenbuiy, Ct., Dec. 10, 1815, mar- 
ried Jane E. Hills^ of Glastenbury, Ct., Nov. 20, 1840, and 

1725 Prudence BUa, b. 

1726 David Eugene, b. ; m. Mary Strickland, of Glasten- 
bury, Ct. 

1727 Mary Jane, b. ; m. Frederick Grant. 

Roswell G. Talcott died April 7, 1854. 

David E., son of (1702) Roswell Q. Talcott and Jane 

E. Hills^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., , married 

Mary Strickland, of Glastenbury, Ct., and Lad 

1728 Harry, b. 

Mary Jane, daughter of (1702) Roswell G- Talcott and 

Jane E. Hills, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., , married 

Frederick Grant, and had 

1729 (Daughter), b. 

1730 (Daughter), b. 


C^eorge S., son of (1701) Henry Talcott and Martha A. 
Samson, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Sept. 15, 1838, married 
1st Lncy A. Montgomery, of Silver Creek, and had 

1731 George H., b. 

1732 Harvey M., b. 

1733 Lucy A., b. 

Lucy, wife of George S. Talcott, died , and he married 2d Mary 

Pratt, of Petersham, Mass., and had one son 

1734 Clarence P., b. 


Henrietta, daughter of (1701) Henry Talcott and 
Martha A. Samson, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Aug. 16, 


1S41, married Lewis B. Skinner^ of Hartford, Ct^ July 13, 

180J5, and had 

1735 Dewio M^ b. Maj 12, 1870. 

1736 Martfaa P^ b. AprU 8, 1874 


Elizar, son of (459) Col. Elizur Talcott and Bath 
Wright, was lx)m in Glastenbunr, Ct., Dec. 17, 1750, married 
Dorothy Lord, of Marlborongli, Sept. 15, 1774, and had 

1737 Imcy, b. , 1775 ; d. Sept. 29. 1777. 

1738 IfQcy, b. Dec. 26, 1777; m. George Benton ; d. Oct. 29. 1858. 

1739 EUznr, b. Feb. 1. 1780; m. Betsey Bliss. March 1. 1803; d. 
Jan. 27, 1867. 

1740 Prudence, b. Nov. 4, 1781 ; m. Datid Lord ; d. Jane 15, 1836. 

1741 George I«ord, b. Jan. 3. 1784 ; m. Sarah McQuiog, . 1805 ; 

d. Nov. 30, 1873. 

1742 Hope, b. Maj 10, 1785; m. Erastus Goodrich, Feb. 27. 1812; 
d. Feb. 13, 1865. 

1743 DoUie, b. April 23, 1789; m. Jesse Truesdell, March 15, 
1812 ; d. April 17, 1856. 

1744 Solomon, b. Aug. 10, 1790 ; d. Nov. 18, 1795. 
1746 Charles, b. March 11, 1795 ; d. s. Oct. 28, 1861. 

Elizur Talcott removed to Owego, N. Y., where he re- 
sided and died Nov. 28, 1831. Dorothy, his widow, died in 
Owego, April 14, 1839, ae. 86. 


liUcy, daughter of (1016) Elizur Talcott and Dorothy 

Lord^ was bom Dec. 26, 1777, married George Benton, , 

and had 

1746 Eunice, b. Jan. 14, 1804 ; m. Joel Talcott, Sept. 5, 1830. 

Lucy Benton died Oct. 29, 1858. 


Eltznr, eon of (1016) Elizur Talcott and Dorothy Lord, 

was bom Feb. 1, 1780, married Betsey Bliss (b. March, 1782), 
March 1, 1803, and had 

1747 Ann Bliss, b. Sept. 4, 1804 ; d. s. July 7, 1835. 

1748 Joel, b. March 20, 1807 ; m. Eunice Benton, Sept. 5, 1831. 


1749 Lucy, b. March 24, 1809 ; m. John K. Grbbnlbap, June 20, 
1833 ; d. July 4, 1842. 

1750 Elizur, b. Dec. 10, 1812 ; m. Harriet Simmons, 1835; d. Nov. 2, 

1751 William C, b. Feb. 11, 1815; m. Harriet Cole, Sept. 10, 1845. 

1752 Susan XSUzabeth, b. March 26, 1822; d. Dec. 3, 1827. 

Elizur Talcott was a fanner in Owego, N. Y., where he 
died Jan. 27, 1867. Betsey Bliss, his wife, died Jan. 15, 



Eltzur, son of (1739) Elizur Talcott and Betsey Bliss, 

was bom Dec. 10, 1812, married Harriet Simmons, , 

1835, and had 

* William H., b. June 15, 1837 ; m. Sarah Wood, 1859. 

* Eddie, b. , 1839 ; d. y. 

* Charles P., b. Aug. 28, 1841 ; m. Julia M. Neugbnt, , 1870. 

Elizur Talcott died Nov. 2, 1842. 

€harles F., son of (1750) Elizur Talcott and Harriet 
Simmons, was born Aug. 28, 1841, married Julia M. Neu- 
gent, , 1870, and had 

* Murrah, b. , 1870. 

* Frederick Wm^ b. , 1873. 

Charles F. Talcott served three years and three months in 
the " Union army " during the late war. He was wounded at 
the " battle of Wilson's Creek," in Missouri, and again wounded 
at the second Bull Run battle. Since the war he has been a 
surveyor in Nebraska. 


Georg^e Lord, son of (lOl(i) Elizur Talcott and Doro- 
thy Lord, was born Jan. 3, 1784, married Sarah McQuigg 

(b. Aug. 14, 1785), 1805, and had 

1753 Mary, b. Feb. 24, 1807 ; single, lives in Owego. 
1764 George, b. April 21, 1809 ; single, lives in Owego. 

* These names were received too late to be numbered. 


1756 Hope M., b. Sept. 12, 1811 ; in. Charles Ransom, Oct. 2, 1832; 
d. May 1, 1863. 

1756 Panny B., b. Feb. 14, 1814 ; m. John J. Sackett, Sept. 6, 1836 • 
d. Dec. 7, 1863. 

1757 Sarah O^ b. March 6, 1816 ; m. George B. Goodrich. 

1758 Lucius L., b. June 19, 1819 ; m. 1st Ellen Notes, May — , 1847; 
d. April, 1849 ; 2d Harriet Notes, Oct. 5, 1854. 

1769 Charles, b. Jan. 6, 1822 ; m. Eliza A. Ratmond, Aug. 17, 1863; 
d. Dec. 13, 1865 ; she d. in 1869. 

1760 Charlotte, b. July 20, 1824; m. Thomas H. Cook, June 10, 1851. 

George Lord Talcott was a faimer in Owego, N. Y., where 
he died Nov. 30, 1873. Sakah McQuigg, his wife, died June 
15, 1842. 


Hope M., daughter of (1741) George Lord Talcott and 
Sarah McQuigg^ was born in Owego, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1811, 
married Charles Ransom (b. Sept. 19, 1805), Oct. 2, 1832, 
and had 

1761 George B., b. Sept. 19, 1833 ; d. Jan. 12, 1835. 

1762 Charles IS., b. Dec. 7, 1835 ; m. Georgia Anderson, Oct. 21, 1863. 

1763 WiUiam, b. July 3, 1839 ; d. Nov. 18, 1841. 

Charles Ransom died Aug. 12, 1860. Hope M., his widow, 
died May 1, 1863. 


Fanny B., daughter of (1741) George Lord Talcott and 
Sarah XcQuigg^ was born in Owego, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1814, 
married John J. Sacket (b. Nov. 10, 1810), Sept. 6, 1836, and 

1764 Albert T., b. Sept. 28, 1837. 

1765 George N., b. June 23, 1839 ; d. July 26, 1843. 

1766 Fanny A., b. June 27, 1841 ; d. Aug. 6, 1874. 

1767 John J., b. Jan. 15, 1846 ; d. May 3, 1865. 

1768 Frederick N., b. May 11, 1852. 

Fauuy B.^ wife of John J. Saokett, died Dec. 7, 1863. 


Iiiicia§ li., son of (1741) George Lord Talcott and 

Sarah McQuigg^ was born in Owego, N. Y., June 19, 1819, 


married 1st Ellen Noyes (b. July 8, 1828), May — , 1847, and 

1769 Fanny IS., b. Juoe 27, 1848 ; m. Dudley Henry. 

dleiiy wife of Lucius L. Talcott, died April, 1849, and he married 2d 
Harriet, dau. of M. J. Noyes, of Louisiania, Missouri, and eldest 
sister of his first wife (b. Feb. 5, 1823), Oct. 5, 1854, and had 

1770 Charles R., b. Aug. 18, 1854. . 

1771 George N^b. ,1858. 

1772 Lucius Q., b. Feb. 13, 1864 

Lucius L. Talcott and family reside in Olympia, Washing- 
ton Territory, having spent many years in traveling over the 
United States. 


Charlotte, daughter of (1741) George Lord Talcott and 

Sarah McQuigg^ was born in Owego, N. Y., July 20, 1824, 
married Thomas H. Cook (b. May 1, 1814), June 10, 1851, 
and had 

1773 Charlotte B, b. June 13, 1853. 

17 74 Charles H., b. Nov. 21, 1855 ; d. June 27, 1873. 


Hope, daughter of (1016) Elizur Talcott and Dorothy 
Lord, was born in Owego, May 10, 1785, married Erastus 
Goodrich, Feb. 27, 1812, and had 

1775 David, b. Jan. 3, 1813 ; m. Fanny Truman, , 1842. 

1776 Prudence, b. July 22, 1814; m. Daniel G. Taylor, Sept. 24, 

1777 George B., b. Dec. 1, 1816 ; m. Sarah C. Talcott, Sept. 2, 1840. 

1778 Eunice A., b. Aug. 20, 1818 ; m. George Truman, Nov. 17, 1842. 
1778^ Edwin, b. Oct. 12,1820; m. Calpiiurnia Mersereau, Sept. 

18, 1844. 

1779 Erastus, b. Feb. 25, 1823; m. 1st Nancy A. Taylor, July 15, 
1845 ; 2d Phebe Dodge. 

1780 Susan B., b. June 9, 1826 ; m. John C. Williams, Oct. 3, 1845. 

1781 Lucy R, b. July 15, 1830; m. T. J. Chatfield, June 22, 1858. 

Erastus Goodrich died June 29, 1854, ee. (j(j years. Hope, 
his widow, d. Feb. 13, 1865, se. 80 years. 



Dorothy, daughter of (1016) Elizur Talcott and Doro- 
thy Lord^ was born April 23, 1789, inamed Jesse Truesdell, 
March 15, 1812, and had 

1782 Eunice B., b. Nov. 9, 1812 ; m. E. N. Plait. Oct. 9, 1832. 

1783 Charles A., b. April 21, 1815 ; d. Sept. 5, iaS8. 

1784 Lucy A^ b. March 23. 1818; d. April 10, 1818. 

1785 Abial R., b. March 17, 1819 ; d. March 27. 1819. 

1786 Lucy A^b. April 25, 1820; m. L. F. Chapman, June 12, 1848. 

1787 Mary B., b. Aiig. 17, 1824 ; unmarried. 

1788 Sarah a, b. July 13, 1827 ; m. Loring Hbwbn, Jan. 29, 1860. 

1789 George L., b. March 9, 1830 ; m. Anna A. Swebtland, July 25, 

1790 Lucius A^ b. Feb. 14, 1833 ; m Matilda Henderson, Dec. 31, 

Dorothy^ wife of Jesse Truesdell, died April 17, 1856. 
Jesse Truesdell died March 9, 1865, in Newark Yalley, 
N. Y. 


David, son of (1742) Hope Talcott and Erastus Good- 
rich, was born Jan. 3, 1813, married Fanny Truman, , 

1842, and liad Mary, Charles Talcott, Lyman Trmnan. 


Prudence, daughter of (1742) Hope Talcott and Eras- 
tus Goodrich, was born July 22, 1814, married Daniel G. 
Taylor, Sept. 24, 1839, and had Margaret Elizabeth and Wil- 
liam Gilbert. 


Georg^e Benton, son of (1742) Hope Talcott and Eras- 
tus Goodrich, was bom Dec. 1, 1816, married Sarah C. Tal- 
cott, Sept. 2, 1840, and had Sarah Talcott, James Wright and 
Charlotte (who is dead). 


Eunice Ann, daughter of (1742) Hope Talcott and 
Erastus Goodrich, was born Aug. 20, 1818, married George 


Truman, Nov. 17, 1842, and had William Smith, Sarah, 
George, Gilbert and an infant who died. 

Edwin, son of (1742) Hope Talcott and Erastus Good- 
rich, was born Oct. 12, 1820, married Calphurnia Mersereau, 
Sept. 18, 1844, and had David, Helen (dead), Mary, John, 
Augusta (dead), George (dead). 

Erastus. son of (1742) Hope Talcott and Erastus (»ood- 

rich, was born Feb. 25, 1823, married 1st Nancy Ann Taylor, 
July 15, 1845, and had E-oswell, Frank and Anna. He mar- 
ried 2d Phebe Dodge, and had Harriet, Lucy and an infant 
who died. 


Susan Elizabeth, daughter of (1743) Hope Talcott 
and Erastus Goodrich, was born June 9, 1826, married John 
C. Williams, Oct. 3, 1855, and had Olive, only child. 


liiicy B., daughter of (1742) Hope Talcott and Erastus 
Goodrich, was born July 15, 1830, married Thomas Ives 
Chatfield, June 22, 1858, and had Thomas Goodrich (dead), 
and Thomas Ives. 


Rath, daughter of (459) Col. Elizur Talcott and Ruth 

Wright, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., May 11, 1753, married 
Thomas White, July 7, 1773, and had 

1791 Ruth, b. July 10, 1774 ; m. 1st Mathew Loomis, March 29, 1792 ; 
2d Richard Skinner, March 28, 1808. She d. Sept. 21, 183«. 

1792 Amelia, b. April 14, 1776 ; m. Nathan Strong, March 23, 1796; 
d. 1848 ; lived at Berlin, Vt. 

1793 Thomas, b. Oct. 27, 1778 ; m. Dollie Hammond, May 16, 1802 ; 
d. Aug. 18, 1850. 

1794 Mary, b. March 20, 1782; m. Asa Talcott, May 11, 1802; d. 
April 14, 1808. 

1795 George, b. July 14, 1784; d. in Georgia. 

1796 Asa, b. ; m. Eunice Scofield, Dec. 23, 1793. 

1797 Theodore, b. June 25, 1787; d. March 29, 1797. 


Thomas White lived and died at Bolton, Ct., Nov. 25, 1800, 
a3. 54 years. Euin, his widow, died June 4, 1821, ae. 68 years. 


Georg^e, sou of (459) Col. Elizur Talcott and Ruth 
Wright, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Sept. 30, 1755, mar- 
ried Ist Vienna, daughter of Jeremiah and E-ebecca (Dart) 
Bradford (b. Nov. 5, 1757), March 16, 1777, and had 

1798 Harriet, b. Jan. 7, 1778 ; m. Henry Buckingham, March — , 
1801. She d. Oct. 9, 1839 ; he d. April 3, 1845. 

1799 Fanny, b. Jan. 8, 1780 ; m. Samuel Benton, Nov. 37, 1801 ;* d. 
April 16, 1845. 

1800 Rebecca, b. March 1, 1782 ; d. Jan. 4, 1794. 

1801 Julia, b. May 9, 1785; d. Nov. 17, 1785. 

Vienna, wife of George Talcott, died in Glastenbury, Ct., Aug. 17, 
1785, and he married 2d Abigail, dau. of John and Abigail 
(Deming) Goodrich, Feb. 9, 1786, and had 

1802 George, b. Dec. 6, 1786; m. Angelica Bogart, widow of Sam- 
uel Keed, Nov. 17, 1810 ; d. April 25, 1862. 

1803 Russell, b. Sept. 22, 1788 ; m. Harriet Kingsbury, June 5, 
1815 ; d. Sept. 26, 1818; she d. Oct. 23, 1831. 

1804 Lavinia, b. Aug. 8, 1790 ; m. Benjamin Hale, Nov. 6, 1815 ; d. 
Feb. 13, 1857. 

1805 Abigail, b. July 7, 1792 ; m. Horace Hale, Nov. 29, 1823 ; d. 
April 18, 1840 ; he d. Nov. 8, 1843. 

1806 Jared Q., b. April 17, 1795 ; m. Electa Bissell, Nov. 18, 1818. 

1807 Andrew, b. April 20, 1797 ; m. 1st Catharine Thompson, April 
— , 1826 ; no ch. ; 2d Harriet R. Hackley, AprU 11, 1832. 

Vienna^ the first wife of George Talcott, was a descendant 
of Gov. William Bradford, who came over in the Mayflower 
from Austertield, England. His grandfather was William 
Bradford, of Austerfield, who died 1595-6, who had a son, 
William, who married Alice, daughter of John Hanson, and 
had (Gov.) William, bapt. March, 1589. The Governor's 
father died and was buried July 15, 1591, leaving him an 
oi'phan at the age of two years. 

Gov. William married first Dorothy May, of Wetzbuts, 
England, Nov. 30, 1013 ; 2d AHce, widow of Edward South- 
ward, Aug. 14, 1623; who died March 26, 1670. He had a 
son, AVilliam, born June 17, 1624; who married 1st Alice, 

Desctui dants of ' 
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daughter of Thomas Richards, of Weymouth, who died Dec. 
12, 1671. They had Samuel, bom 1668 ; married Hannah, 
daughter of John Rogers, in 1689, and eleven other children. 

Samuel and Hannah (Rogers) Bradford had Gershom, born 
Dec. 21, 1691 ; married Priscilla, daughter of Ichabod Wis- 
well, and six other children. 

Gershom and Priscilla (Wiswell) Bradford had Jeremiah, 
born 1734; married Rebecca Dart. (Jeremiah was a physician 
in Connecticut, practised in Middle Haddam ; died 1814.) 

Jeremiah and Rebecca (Dart) Bradford had Vienna, born 
Nov. 5, 1757 ; (married George Talcott), and other children. 

George Talcott died in Glastenbury, Ct., June 13, 1813. 
He was a fanner by occupation and lived in the homestead 
which descended to him, through his father from his grand- 
father, Benjamin. He, with his father and two brothers, 
served for a short time in the war of the Revolution, and was 
present at the retreat of the American forces on Long Island. 

Abigail, the widow of George Talcott, died in Glasten- 
bury, Ct., June 22, 1854, se. 86 years, 10 months and 21 days. 
She was the daughter of John Goodrich whose genealogy is 
before given. 


Prudence, daughter of (459) Col. Elizur Talcott and 
Ruth Wright^ was bom in Glastenbury, Ct., Dec. 2, 1757, 
married George Welles (b. Feb. 13, 1755) Feb. (13?), 1780, 
and had 

1808 Henry, b. Nov. 7, 1780 ; m. 1st Phebe Patrick, , 1807 ; she 

d. 23 days after marriage ; 2d Sarah Spaulding, Feb. 13, 1812 ; 
d. Dec. 22, 1833. 

1809 Susan, b. Jan. 10, 1783 ; m. John Hollenback, Sept. 24, 1805 ; 
d. Feb. 7, 1865 ; no cli. 

1810 Oharles P., b. Nov. 5, 1789 ; m. Ellen J. Hollenback, Aug. 
15, 1816 ; d. Sept. 23, 1866. 

181 C^ Clarissa, b. about 1793 ; d. in infancy. 

1811 James M., b. June 17, 1795 ; d. s. in Harrisburgh, Oct. 24, 1817. 

1812 M^ry H., b. May 6, 1803; m. William Pumpelly, Oct. 20, 1824. 

Oeorge Welles died in Athens, Pa., June 21, 1813. Pru- 
dence, widow of George Welles, died at Owego, N. Y., Nov. 20, 

1839, and was buried at Athens, Bradford Co., Pa. 



George Welles, with three brothers and one sister, were left 
without a father's guidance by an accident which happened to 
their parent, in throwing an axe, at a trial of strength, with 
some of his friends, he burst a blood vessel and died while yet 
a young man. He went through his collegiate course at a time 
when it took the price of an acre of land to buy a pair of shoes. 
Several years of his life he spent at the South, part of the time 
in a business connection with Richard Caton, son-in-law of 
Charles Carroll, of CarroUton. 

In August, 1798, he brought his family from Connecticut to 
Athens, Pa., which was one of the oldest towns on the Susque- 
hanna, where he lived until his death. 

Quite an interesting scrap of family history is connected 
with George Welles' grandmother, which is well worth preserv- 
ing. She was Jerusha Pitkin, who was an English lady, who 
came to this country, either with or to visit her brother. Gov. 
Pitkin, but with the intention of returning to that country. 
The story is that the gentlemen of Hartford were unwilling 
to lose so excellent a lady from the colony, and held a meet- 
ing to devise some way of keeping her, two of them pro- 
posed for her hand, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Woodbridge, she 
accepted the former, was married to him; he died not long 
after, leaving her with a young daughter. This daughter, 
Jerusha Edwards, became the wife of John Welles, father of 
George Welles, above-mentioned. The widow Jerusha (Pit- 
kin) Edwards, was subsequently married to the Mr. Wood- 
bridge, whom she had earlier refused in behalf of his rival. 
She was the ancestress of all the Woodbridges so plentiful 
about us. She was the mother of Rev. Wm. Woodbridge, the 
geographer, and the grandmother of Wm. Charming Wood- 
bridge, who, about fifty years ago, was the editor of a scientific 
magazine, and was considered, at the time, one of the most 
enlightened men in America. This grandmother Woodbridge, 
as she was always called, has been ever held in profound 
veneration by her descendants. Mrs. Mary H. Welles Pum- 
pelly, one of her descendants, has kindly furnished this piece 
of family history, which is undoubtedly authentic. 



Cren. Henry, son of (1019) Prudence Talcott and George 
Welles, was born Nov. 7, 1780, married 1st Phcebe Patrick, 

, 1807, by whom he had no children, and who only lived 

a few weeks ; 2d Sarah Spauldlng (b. Aug. 25, 1794), Feb. 

13, 1812, and had George H., b. Jan. 30, 1813 ; m. Eliza , 

Sept. 24, 1853 ; d. May 5, 1866. Susan Phoebe, b. Jan. 21, 1815 ; 
m. E. II. Perkins, Aug. 14, 1832 ; d. Sept. 29, 1847. Emma, b. 
April 28, 1817 ; d. May 14, 1818. James H., b. May 11, 
1819; m. Mary E. Welles, Sept. 5, 1854; d. Jan. 8, 1873. 
Henry S., b. Nov. 30, 1821; m. Amelia Beardsley, Oct. 23, 
1844. Frances M., b. March 20, 1824 ; m. C. B. Stuart, April 
17, 1841. 

Henry Welles died Dec. 22, 1833. 


Charles Fisher, son of (1019) Prudence Talcott and 
(ieorge Welles^ was born Nov. 5, 1789, married EUeu Joues 
Hollenback^ Aug. 15, 1816, and had Sarah H., b. June 18, 
1817 ; d. May 18, 1822. Matthias H., b. March 1, 1819; m. 
Mary A. Ackley, Feb. 21, 1849. Jane Mary, b. Dec. 8, 1820 ; 
m. G. M. Bixby, May 3, 1852 ; d. May 3, 1869. George H., 
b. Sept. 29, 1822 ; m. Laura A. Sloat, April 15, 1857. Henry 
H., b. Sept. 15, 1824; m. Ellen S. Ladd, Oct 12, 1849. 
Raymond M., b. Nov. 3, 1825 ; m. Amelia J. Page, Sept. 18, 
1850. John R., b. March 15, 1827; m. 1st Anna E. Beard, 
Oct. 24, 1854 ; ' 2d Josephine W. Ferguson, Dec, 1866 ; 3d 
Amelia Beard, June 18, 1874 (changed his name to John 
Welles Hollenbaxjk, 1862). William, b. May 8, 1829; m. 
Frances B. Smith, Oct. 28, 1857 ; d. April 14, 1860. Edward, 
b. Jan. 30, 1832. 

Charles Fisher Welles died Sept. 23, 1866. He had an 
adopted son named after liimseK, Charles F., bom May 24, 
1812, married Elizabeth Le Porte, and died suddenly in the 
autumn of 1873. He was a prominent person, did much to 
improve the country by railroads and in other ways. Northern 
Pennsylvania and Western New York have been greatly 
indebted to his enterprise and talents. 



Mary H., daughter of (1019) Prndence Talcott and 
George Welles, was bom in Athens, Bradford Co., Pa., May 
6, 1803, married William Piimpelly, of Owego, N. Y. (b. 
Jan. 17, 1788), Oct. 20, 1824, and bad John b. Ang. 16, 1826 ; 
m. Mary Ann Foote, Feb. 29, 1868. Snsan W., b. March 25, 
1828; d. Xov. 9, 1830. Antoinette, b. March 3, 1832; m. 
Jeremiah Loder, of New York, Jan. 28, 1852. Josephine, b. 
Aug. 3, 1835 ; d. M^rch 20, 1838. Eaphael, b. Sept. 8, 1837 ; 
m. Eliza F. Shepard, of Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 20, 1869. 

WUliam Piimpelly died at Owego, X. Y., Nov. 16, 1876, in 
the 89th year of his age. 


Harriet, daughter of (1018) George Talcott and Yienna 

Bradford^ was bom in Glastenbury, Ct., Jan. 7, 1778, married 
Henry Buckingham^ March — , 1801, and had 

1813 George, b. ; d. , 1847. 

1814 Fanny, b. June 3, 1805 ; m. Jonas Benedict ; d. March 5, 1840. 

Harriet^ wife of Henky Buckingham, died in Norwalk, 
Ohio, Oct. 9, 1809. Henry Buckingham died in Norwalk, 
Ohio, April 3, 1845, ae. 66 years. They removed from Glas- 
tenbury, Ct., to Norwalk, Ohio, soon after their marriage. 


Fanny, daughter of (1018) George Talcott and YieDna 

Bradford^ was bom in Glastenbury, Ct., Jan. 8, 1780, mar- 
ried Samuel Benton^ Nov. 27, 1801, and had 

1815 Henry, b. Aug. 31, 1802 ; m. Elizabeth Plummer, Aug. 7, 1828 ; 
d. Nov., 1832. She d. Nov. 24, 1846. 

1816 Mary, b. June 8, 1804 ; single ; d. Jan. 5, 1854. 

1817 Harriet, b. Feb. 10, 1810 ;-m. Asa H. Wells (b. Oct. 22, 1800). 
Jan. 3, 1830. 

Samuel Benton died in Glastenbury, Ct., Oct. 27, 1828. 
Fanny, his widow, died in Pompey, N. Y., April 16, 1845. 
She removed with her daughter, Harriet, to Pompey soon 
after the latter was married. 

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rich, '::.• ■ •:-' \\ tu\ \V:..- !• •' .1 i- .l:- 




^ • 

iv • •' ; .lit'. • .-• • ' J : . ■ J ■ • t.i I 1 . ' • \ 

IBJiB Op -g:^ Uonry, rj .lu'\ lf>, r< :. [ •: ■,. •■ 
1819 Sebastian Vi.i^' i:t.'r. 'v \^>v jv. !-;> ,, ; ... 

evon. (I^J^rtre Tal^Hiit f'T'.t.'iN-'! n.t ■'.:■. , ,.. ■ ■ - 

uiiii;.!: tin* \v.ti%t/ 1^12, ii-'iii *N--\\ \' , '. ,- , ! >/ 

;,T New \ nrk • .i-ci'M j;i]. ■ 'K' ;;<?{; -J'"' r-. . _^' 

.. •! .r.iii T;,<,i. c 'v^"'!t U» rit'- I 'ir-^it, I'm., -w-l t(»<ik cuirif.idh'l 

♦' ;^^" >. :'-• •■(^tLfiil >ri-vi./«: , imtii tJio i-cnr^-aiH/ru it-i' <f tiu- 

» 1 '• ;*'»."! 



Harriet, daughter of (1799) Fanny Talcott and Samuel 

Benton^ was bom in Glastenbury, Ct., Feb. 10, 1810, married 
Asa H. Wells, Jan. 3, 1830, and had George E., b. Nov. 16, 
1830; ra. Nancy A. Woodward, Sept. 23, 1856. Jatie M., b. 
April 5, 1835 ; d. July 16, 1862. Ellen J., b. May 31, 1840 ; 
m. Samuel W. Jerome, Sept. 22, 1863. 

Asa H. Wells and family reside in Manlius, N. Y. 


O^eorg^e, son of (1018) George Talcott and Abigail Good- 
rich, his second wife, was born at the homestead in Glasten- 
bury, Ct., Dec. 6, 1786, married Angelica, widow of Samuel 
Reed, and daughter of Isaac Henry Bogart and Cathlina 
Visscher, his wife, of Albany, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1810, and had 
only two children 

1818 George Henry, b. July 16, 1811 ; m. Catharine J. Stakke, 
Nov. 9. 1843 ; d. June 8, 1854. 

1819 Sebastian Visscher, b. Nov. 24, 1812 ; m. Olivia M. Shearman, 
Nov. 23, 1843. 

Gen. George Talcott entered the army of the United States 
dnring the war of 1812, from New York city as a Lieutenant, 
and was stationed on the Islands in the harbor of New York ; 
he was almost immediately promoted to a Captaincy in the 
Ordnance Corps, he first commanded at the arsenal in the city 
of New York (afterward the house of refuge), then for a period 
at the arsenal at Albany (now occupied as District School No. 
13), then at CharlestowTi, Mass., and while there constructed 
the arsenal at Watertown, where he commanded for a while, 
and from thence went to Pittsburgh, Pa., and took command 
of the Alleghany arsenal near that place, from whence he was 
ordered to the arsenal at Watervliet, where he remained in 
command, having been promoted to the brevet rank of Major, 
for ten years faithful services, until the reorganization of the 
Ordnance Corps in 1832, when he was appointed its Lieut.- 
Colonel, and soon after Inspector of Arsenals and Armories. 
During the administration of President Van Buren, he was or- 


dered to take charge of the Bureau at Washington, as "Acting 
Chief," and held that position until the death of Col. George 
Bomford, on the 26th of March, 1848, when he was promoted 
to the full rank of Colonel and Chief of the Ordnance Corps. 
His commission as Brevet Brigadier-General, " for meritorious 
services, particularly in relation to the Mexican war," was 
dated March 3, 1849. He died at his residence, 748 Broadway, 
Albany, N. Y., April 25, 1862, se. 75 years, 4 months, 19 days. 

Angelica, wife of Gen. George TALCorr, was attacked with 
apoplexy while coming out of the North Dutch Church, in 
Albany, about 12 o'clock, Sept. 1, 1861, and died the same 
evening at 7:15 o'clock, se. 71 years, 8 months and 5 days. 
She had by her first husband, Samuel Reed, one son, Isaac 
Henry, bom Nov. 28, 1805, who is a commission merchant in 
New York, where he has been in active business for over f ortv 

Angelica Bogart was descended from one of the old Dutch 
families which emigrated from Holland soon after the settle- 
ments on the Hudson river were made about 1640 or 4l- 

Theunis Bogart, the first known ancestor, resided in Schoen- 
derwoert, a small village in Holland, toward the close of the 
sixteenth century, and had a son, Cornelis, who had children 
by his wife, Beelitye, two of whom emigrated to New Nether- 
land, Guyshert and Cornelis. They came to Albany (then 
Beverwyck), where Cornelis lived and died in 1665. Guys- 
hert removed to Catskill. Cornelis had a son, Jacob C, born 
1654, married Jannetje Quackenbush, 1679, and had nine 
children. Isaac, his eighth child, was bom Jan. 18, 1695, mar- 
ried Hendrike Oothout, Nov. 25, 1725, and died Sept. 15, 
1770, and had five children. Ilendrick I., his second child, 
was bom Oct. 26, 1729, married Barbara Marselis, Feb. 19, 
1758, and died June 27, 1821, ae. 91 years, 8 months, he had 
five children. Isaac Henry, his fourth child, was bom Sept. 7, 
1765, married Cathlina Visscher, Jan. 31, 1789. He died 
Sept. 22, 1841 ; she died April 10, 1845. They had only one 
child, Angelica, born Dec. 27, 1789, married 1st Samuel Eeed ; 
2d George Talcott. 



Russell, son of (1018) George Talcott and Abigail 

Goodrich^ was born at the homestead in Glastonbury, Ct., 
Sept. 22, 1788, married Harriet^ daughter of the Hon. An- 
drew Kingsbury, of Hartford, June 5, 1815, and had 

1820 Mary K, b. Sept. 23, 1816 ; d, April 28, 1838. 

1821 RusseU G., b. Aug. 15, 1818 ; m. Mart Seymour, Oct. 28, 1846 ; 
d. March 8, 1863. 

Russell Talcott died in Hartford, Sept. 26, 1818. Har- 
riet, his widow, died in Hartford, Oct. 23, 1831. 

Russell Talcott began mercantile life first as a clerk in 
his native town, and then in New York, in 1806. He re- 
moved to Hartford, about 1810, where he engaged in th,e dry 
goods business. From 1814 to 1816, he was superintendent of 
a cotton manufactory in Monson, Mass. He returned to Hart- 
ford in 1816, where he died. 


LaTlnla, daughter of (1018) George Talcott and Abigail 

Goodrich^ was born in Glastonbury, Ct., at the homestead, 
Aug. 8, 1790, married Benjamin Hale (b. Sept. 16, 1790), 
Nov. 6, 1815, and had 

1822 AngeUca, b. Aug. 21, 1816 ; m. Wells Hawes, Aug. 29, 1838 ; 
no ch. 

1823 Henry Russell, b. Julj 18, 1818 ; d. Dec. 5, 1818. 

1824 Andrew Talcott, b. July 8, 1820 ; m. Irene E. Thayer, Nov. 
24, 1840 ; d. June 23, 1869. 

1826 Martha, b. Aug. 26, 1822 ; d. Aug. 27, 1822. 

1826 Lucy Ann, b. March 24, 1825 ; d. Oct. 20, 1825. 

1827 Henry H., b. Nov. 5, 1826 ; m. Roxana N. Arthur, Dec. 23, 

1828 JuUette, b. Feb. 21, 1829 ; d. March 31, 1829. 

1829 Bllen, b. May 25, 1831 ; d, Oct. 8. 1831. 

Layinia^ wife of Benjamin Hale, died at Bridgeport, Ct., 
Feb. 13, 1857. Benjamin Hale, died while returning from 
Lake Superior, Sept. 22, 1859. They resided in Glastonbury. 


Andrew Talcott, son of (1804) Layinia Talcott and 
Benjamin Uale^ was born in Glastonbury, Ct., July 8, 1820, 


married Irene Elizabeth Thayer, of Westfield, Ct., Nov. 24, 
1840, and liad, born at Glastenbury, Ellen Angelica, b. Aug. 
25, 1842 ; m. Elijah A. Harmon, June 19, 1867. Mary Thayer, 
b. July 16, 1848. Catharine Talcott, b. Nov. 30, 1853. Lucy 
Sturges, b. March 21, 1856. 

Andrew T. Hale died at Minneapolis, Minn., June 23, 1869. 
His widow and family are still living there. 


Henry H., son of (1804) Lavinia Talcott and Benja- 
min Uale^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Nov. 5, 1826, mar- 
ried Boxana Norton, daughter of Alexander Arthur, ot 
Edinburgh, Scotland, in Middletown, Ct., Dec. 23, 1851. They 
have no children. Henry H. Hale is a merchant and resides at 
Buffalo, N. Y. 

Ellen A., daughter of (1824) Andrew T. Hale and Irene 
Elizabeth Thayer, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Aug. 25, 
1842, married Elijah Allen Uarnion, of Minneapolis, Minn., 
June 19, 1867, and had in that place Irene, Ethel, Mary and 
Horace Hale, b. Dec. — , 1875; d. Dec. — , 1875. 


Abig^ail, daughter of (1018) George Talcott and Abigail 

Goodrich^ his second wife, was born at the homestead in 
Glastenbury, Ot., July 7, 1792, married Capt. Horace Hale, 

of Glastenbury, Ct., Nov. 29, 1823, and had 

1830 Horace, b. Sept. 25, 1825 ; d. April 12, 1832. 

1831 Catharine T., b. June 24, 1827 ; m. Richard Dickson, Sept. 2, 

1847. She d. June 30, 1855. 

1832 Rebecca, b. Dec. 19, 1829 ; d. Jan. 4, 1835. 

1833 Virginia, b. Oct. 14, 1832; m. Rev. C. C. Hoffman, Sept. 5,1850; 
d. March 23, 1856. 

Abigail^ wife of Capt. Horace Hale, died in Glastenbury, 
Ct., April 18, 1840. Capt. Horace Hale died suddenly in 
Boston, Nov. 8, 1843. He was the son of Col. Elizur and 
Mary Elizabeth (Whiting) Hale, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., 
May 2, 1786. He was for many years captain of various 
vessels sailing from Boston, engaged in the East India trade. 



Catharine Talcott, daughter of (1805) Abigail Tal- 
cott and Capt. Horace Uale^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., 
June 24, 1827, married Richard Dicl^son^ of Norfolk, Va., 
Sept. 2, 1847, and had born in Norfolk, Va., Mary Elizabeth, 
b. Feb. 18, 1849. William Golden, b. Jan. 14, 1851. 

Catharine T., wife of Richard Dickson, died in Norfolk, 
Va., June 30, 1855. Richard Dickson and family reside in 
Norfolk, Va. 


Vlrg^inla, daughter of (1805) Abigail Talcott and Capt. 
Horace Hale, was bom Oct. 14, 1832, married the Rev. Cad- 
walader Colden Hoffman, Sept. 5, 1850, and had one child 
Catharine, born and died at about two years of age in Cavalla, - 

Virginia, wife of the Rev. Mr. Hoffinan, died in Cavalla, 
Africa, March 23, 1856. The Rev. Mr. HoflEman went to 
Africa as a missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church 
from New York city. After the death of his wife, he married 
again and had a family of children. He died in A f rica. 


Jared Croodrich, son of (1018) George Talcott and 
Abigail Goodrich^ his second wife, was born at the homestead 
in Glastenbury, Ct., April 17, 1795, married at East Windsor 
Hill, Electa, daughter of Eli Bissell (b. June 30, 1791), Nov. 
18, 1818, and had 

1834 Julia, b. Sept. 19, 1819 ; m. John S. Clapp, May 12, 1840. 

1835 Charlotte, b. May 26, 1821 ; d. June 33, 1838. 

1836 Charles H., b. Jan. 31, 1823 ; m. Cornelia M. Bissell, Jan. 8, 

1837 Alfred B., b. June 30, 1825 ; m. 1st the widow Perkins, Nov. 8, 
1854; 2d Louisa Edmonson, July 31, 1871. 

Jared G. Talcott is a farmer and with his son, Charles 
H., occupies the land and homestead in Glastenbury, descended 
from his ancestor Dea. Benjamin Talcott. 




Andrew, son of (1018) George Talcott and Abigail 

Goodrich^ his second wife, was bom at the homestead in Glas- 
tenbury, Ct., April 20, 1797, married 1st Catharine Thomp- 
son, of Philadelphia, Pa., April — , 1826, by whom he had 
no issue. She died at Old Point Comfort, Va., Oct,, 1828, 
and he married 2d Harriet Randolph, daughter of Richard 
S. Hackley and Harriet Randolph, his wife, of Norfolk, Va., 
April 11, 1832, and had 

1838 Lucia Beverly, b. Feb. 8, 1833 ; d. in Cincinnati, Nov. 27, 1856^ 

1839 Charles Gratiot, b. Feb. 28, 1834 ; m. Tueodosia L. Barnard, 
Oct. 18, 1858 ; d. Sept. 15, 1867. 

1840 Harriet Randolph, b. Nov. 9, 1835 ; m. Rev. Wm. S. Southgate 
Nov. 1, 1858. 

1841 Mary Gray, b. Feb. 8, 1837 ; unmarried. 

1842 Thomas Mann Randolph, b. March 27, 1838 ; m. Nannib C. Mc- 
Phail, Jan. 7, 1864. 

1843 Richard Hackley, b. July 14, 1839. 

1844 George Russell, b. Jan. 21, 1841. 

1845 Frances Lewis, b. Nov. 19, 1843. 

1846 Ann Gary, b. May 27, 1845 ; m. Gustave Von Boleslowski, of 
Vienna, Austria, Oct. 3, 1865. 

1847 Edward, b. Sept. 4, 1849 ; died in infancy. 

1848 Henry Gary, b. Oct. 24, 1851 ; died in infancy. 

Military History. 

A ndrew Talcott was a cadet at the U. S. Military Academy 
from March 14, 1815, to July 24, 1818, when he was graduated 
standing No. 2 in his class, Gen. Kichard Delafield being No. 1. 
Among his classmates were Gen. Harvey Brown, Major Rin- 
gold and Lieut.-Col. Hartman Bache. He was promoted in 
the army to Brevet Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, 
July 24, 1818. Served as Assistant Engineer in the construc- 
tion of the fort at Rouse's Point, at the outlet of Lake Cham- 
plain, N. Y., in 1818-19; made Second Lieutenant, Corps of 
Engineers, Aug. 14, 1818. Served as aide-de-camp on the staff 
of Brevet Brig.-Gen. Atkinson, and Engineer on the expedition 
to establish forts on the upper Missouri and Yellow Stone 
rivers, from Nov. 1, 1820, to April 30, 1821. 

First Lieutenant, Corps Engineers, Oct. 1, 1820. Assistant 



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1 > 

;i M--iy KJrr^y, i> F s. Is;;;', i .i.jhtm i. 
) - U i tii.ii.aM Man.i R'iiidoipn, 1). Ahufh '^Z, V >.;^ ; ui. !s a:, -^ } r • " " 

•^ - '.. '. 11. T, rti;. 

■*!, 1 * C-*'^"'. -T ujssfll, ii. Ja-i. :"^ Ib'l 

J.;iS A. a Ciry, b. May "T iSt"'; ni ^';-;a !. \ -n iJt.r.' .cv. -m. 

^'l" ana, a.i^^ ia. Ott. ?i. l^^^»^). 
I'MT Hdwaicl, b. Scpr. 4 l-.IOivli-u iaii.^uirv. 
J? i3 Hr"^iy Cary, li Oct. x:i, i..%*l ; -Jit-d i»\ i:ifonoy 

.^Iij..rAKv lli<iv'in. 

All!-';.' l.i- fl'i.-^'Tu-jh^s were <tl'1i. !lar\<n' J*r'<\VTK "Ma I 
j;tl<l ;5!i«l Lieut. "( "ol. liartiiiaa i>;ie«:v*. fie \\ *> pi^-i-^ ' 
tliL* annv 1<J l>re\a'r Sff(aju JJeutenniit, r;tr]».s of \\ : 
J'^'y 'J 1-, l-^L'^. ►^ei'ved as A>>i>t:(T;t Kii:;i!ieer ia t'le -■ 
ta>ii ot \{\' fwil at Uonsc\:' Ponit, :;t the fr.iiiet of L:ik» - 
n^ila, N. Y .. ia ISIS-IH: raadc Se^.j.,! Lie'it(-narii. " 
Knu'iiH'ers AiU''. I^ir, l-"^!^. Ser\' ^1 ;w 'M.U^-do 'amp <M' 
of l*rever iJriiC- ^^tai. A-'ansMiu aial Ki:<riiiee»' oii tiiee\. 
to e-ial.l^sh f<-i1< <ai th(» u]>r>{a* Mi.>Mjni'i aiul Yell*'' 

i'ii-; Lieutenant. Torpb [viiriniM^"-, O^-t, L 1^20. 



Engineer in the construction of the defenses of Hampton 
Koads, Va., 1821-24. Engineer in charge of preliminary 
operations for fortifying Brenton's Point (site of Fort Adams), 
K. I., and New Utrecht Point (site of Fort Hamilton), N. Y., 
1824-25 ; of construction of Fort Delaware, Del., 1825-26 ; of 
Dismal Swamp Canal, 1826-28; of Fort Monroe, 1828-34 
(Brevet Captain, Oct. 1, 1830, for faithful services, ten years 
in one grade), and Fort Calhoun, 1828-35, Hampton Koads, 
Ya. He was Astronomer for the determination of the bound- 
ary line between the States of Ohio and Michigan, from Dec. 
1, 1832, to May 30, 1836, and (Captain Corps Engineers, 
Dec. 22, 1830,) as Superintending Engineer of the improve- 
ment of the Hudson river, N. T., 1834-36. Resigned, Sept. 
21, 1836. 

Civil History. 

Adjunct Chief Engineer of the New York and Erie Rail- 
road, and in cliarge of the Western Division, June 21, 1836, 
to April 30, 1837. Superintendent of the improvement of the 
Delta of the Mississippi river, April 20, 1837, to Feb. 28, 
1839. Member of the commission for the exploration and 
survey of the north-east boundary of the United States, July 
26, 1840, to Feb. 28, 1843, and of Naval Officers and Engi- 
neers for examining Portsmouth and Pensacola navy yards, 
and projecting stone and floating docks therefor, July, 1844, 
to March 4, 1845. Chief Engineer of Richmond and Danville, * 
Va., Railroad, Jan. 11, 1848, to July 31, 1855. Astronomer 
and Surveyor for the determination of the northern boundary 
of the State of Iowa, Feb. 16, 1852, to June 27, 1853. Super- 
intendent of repairs of U. S. Mint, at Philadelphia, Pa., May 
26, 1855, to May 8, 1856. Chief Engineer of the Ohio and 
Mississippi Railroad from Cincinnati, O., to St. Louis, Mo., 
May 1, 1856, to Nov. 30, 1857; and of the Mexico and Pacific 
Railway from Vera Cruz through the city of Mexico to the 
Pacific Ocean, Dec. 1, 1857. Appointed Chief Engineer of 
the State of Virginia, March, 1861, and charged with the 
superintendence of the river, coast and harbor defenses of the 
State, until the Confederate States government assumed the 


work in Dec., 1861, when he returned to Mexico and resumed 
the charge of the Mexico and Pacific Kailway. 


George Henry, son of (1802) George Talcott and An- 
gelica Bogart^ was bom in New York city, July 16, 1811, 
married Catharine Jane^ daughter of Gen. W. W. Starke, of 
Augusta, Georgia (b. Oct. 8, 1826), Nov. 9, 1843, and had 
born in Augusta 

1849 Starke, b. Dec. 10, 1848. 

George H. Talcott was graduated at West Point Military 
Academy, June, 1831. Brevet Second Lieutenant in the 
Third Artillery, U. S. A., July 1, 1831. Second Lieutenant, 
June 30, 1833. Brevet First Lieutenant, Dec. 1, 1835, for 
"gallant conduct on several occasions in the war against- the 
Florida Indians." First Lieutenant, Sept. 15, 1836. Trans- 
ferred to Ordnance Corps, made First Lieutenant of same, 
July 9, 1838. Captain of Infantry, April 9, 1847 ; Major of 
Voltigeurs, April 9, 1847; was in the battles of Vera Cruz, 
Cerro Gordo, and was wounded in the battle of Molino- 
del-Rey, Mexico, Sept. 8, 1847. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, Sept. 
8, 1847, for " gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of 
Molino-del-Rey." lie died at Indian Springs, near Augusta, 
Georgia, June 8, 1854, se. 42 years, 3 months, 24 days, and 
his remains were interred in the Albany Rural Cemetery, N. 
Y. He never recovered from the wounds he received in the 
battle of Molino-del-Rey, and they probably hastened his 

Catharine Jane, his widow, died in Utica, N. T., Feb. 26, 
1869, and was buried by the side of her husband. 


Sebastian Tisseher, son of (1802) (ieorge Talcott 
and Angelica Bogart^ was bom in the city of New York, 
Nov. 24, 1812, married Olivia Maria^ only child of Kobert 
Shearman and Anna Maria (Sherman) Shearman, his wife, of 
Utica, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1843, and had 


<«eor;;o Efcnrj, - m <»{ < ISO! <,«hh'i:o TnlfoU :iK : '. 

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1850 Oeorge, b. Oct. 6, 1844 ; Lieutenant in U. S. Navy (1876). 

1861 Angelica Bogart, b. Feb. 24, 1846 ; m. Clarence Rathbonb, of 
Albany, Sept. 11, 1866. 

1862 Robert Shearman, b. Oct. 33, 1847; m. Mattie D., dau. of Dr. 
Wm. H. Barclay, of Philadelphia, May 18, 1870. 

1863 Anna Maria, b. Oct. 17, 1849. 

1864 Sarah Gibson, b. Dec. 25, 1851. 

S Visscher Talcott entered Yale College in 1829, and left 
it in the Sophomore year for a more active life, and adopted the 
profession of Civil Engineer. In this capacity he was employed 
by the United States government on the survey of the boundary 
between the United States and Canada, and on the improvement 
of the Hudson river, at Albany. He was then engaged in the 
primary surveys of the Erie Railroad near its western termina- 
tion at Dunkirk ; next employed by the United States govern- 
ment on the survey of the " north-eastern boundary," subse • 
quently on the improvement of the mouth of the Mississippi 
river, and the survey of the coast under Prof. Hassler. After 
which he was appointed assistant superintendent of mineral 
lands, on Lake Superior. He was subsequently engaged for a 
time in mercantile business, which he relinquished and re- 
turned to his profession. On the election of Hon. Horatio 
Seymour, as Governor of New York, in 1862, he was appointed 
by him Quartermaster-General of the State, with the rank of 
Brigadier-General, and served through his administration. His 
residence is now and has been for forty years at Albany, N. Y. 
Olivia Maria Shearman, his wife, is descended on both 
the father's and mother's side (though the former spelt 
the name Shearman and the latter Sherman), from Thomas 
Sherman, of Yaxley, England, who died in 1564. One 
of his descendants in the fifth generation, named Philip, 
son of Samuel and Phillis Sherman, was bom at Dedham, 
Essex Co., England, Feb. or Dec. 5, 1610, married Sarah Odd- 
ing, and came with his parents to America. He settled in 
Portsmouth, R. I., where he had 13 children. He was Town 
Clerk for a number of years, held several public oflSces and was 
a large land holder. He changed the spelling of his name to 
Shearman, which some of his descendants continued to do 


while others returned to the original way. He made a will 
which is recorded in Portsmouth, and died there in 1686. 
His eleventh child, Benjamin, b. in 1650 ; m. Hannah Mo wry, 
in 1674, and had 12 children. Jonathan, the son of the above 

Benjamin, b. March 7, 1676 ; m. Mary , Dec, 1713, and 

died 1752. He had seven children. Jonathan, the son of the 
above Jonathan, b. Oct. 14, 1705 ; m. Dorcas Sheldon, Feb. 5, 
1726 ; 2d Mary Card, and died April 14, 1778. He had eight 
children. Robert, his son by his second wife, was b. Sept. 14, 
1752; m. Honor Brown, Feb. 26, 1777, and died Oct. 4, 1829. 
He had ten children. His son, Robert, b. Sept. 10, 1790; m. 
Anna Maria Sherman, Jan. 8, 1822 ; d. Sept. 6, 1838. He had 
a son who died, and daughter, Olivia Maria, b. Oct. 14, 1823; 
m. S. YisscHER Taloott, Nov. 23, 1843. 

Eber, the eldest son of Philip, and brother to Benjamin, his 

eleventh child, b. 1634 ; m. Mary ; d. 1706. He had 

seven children. Eber, his eldest child, m. Martha Remington, 
and had ten children. Henry, the son of Eber, the second, m. 
Anna Higinbotham, and had seven children. Nathaniel, the 
eldest child of Henry above, m. Lucy Tisdale, and had Henry 
and Watts. Henry m. Sarah Mitchell, and Watts m. Olivia 
Jillson, and had seven children. Anna Maria,, daughter of 
Watts, m. Robert Shearman, who was the father of Olivia 
Maria, wife of S. Visscher Talcott. This branch of the 
family spelt the name Sherman. 


Ang^elica B., daughter of (1819) Sebastian Visscher 
Talcott and Olivia M. Shearman^ was born at the homestead, 
748 Broadway, Albany, Feb. 24, 1846, married Clarence^ son 
of Joel and Emeline (Munn) Rathbone, of Albany, Sept. 11, 
1866, and had 

1855 Albert, b. July 27, 1868. 

1856 Joel, b. Sept. 12, 1869. 

1857 AngeUca T., b. March 13, 1871. 

Clarence Bathbone and family reside in Albany, N. Y. 
He is descended from 


(1) John Rathbone^ who emigrated from England to Massa- 
cliusetts about the middle of the seventeenth century, and sub- 
sequently settled in the colony of Rhode Island. In 1661, his 
name appears on the records of lands on Block Island, as one 
of the original sixteen settlers of the Island. 

(2) John^ son of the above, married a Miss Dodge, and 
their children were Samuel, (3) Jonathan^ John, Joshua. Na- 
thaniel, Benjamin and Thomas. 

(3) Jonathan^ the second son of (2) John, moved to the town- 
ship of ancient Colchester, Ct., about 1701, when it was a pri- 
meval wilderness, and obtained there lands from the Mohican In- 
dians, which have continued uninterruptedly in the hands of his 
descendants to the present time. He married and his children 
were (4) Joshua^ John, Jonathan, Isaiah, Joseph, and possibly 

(4) Joshua^ eldest son of Jonathan, married Sarah Tennant, 
Dec. 4, 1745. Their children were Elizabeth, Tabitha, Joshua, 
Sarah, Moses, Lucy, (5) Samuel and Anna (twins). 

(5) Samuel^ youngest son of the above, was born Sept. 12, 
1758, and died Feb. 16, 1831. He married Lydia Sparhawk, 
March 1, 1785, and settled on a farm of several hundred acres 
bequeathed to him by his father. His children, all born in the 
" Parish of New Salem " (Colchester), were : 

Samuel, b. Aug. 8, 1786 ; d. Oct. 29, 1787. 

Valentine Wightman, b. Sept. 13, 1788 ; m. Nancy Forsyth. 

Jared Lewis, b. Aug. 2, 1791 ; m. Pauline N. Pinney, June 25, 1834; 

d. May 13, 1845. 
Lydia, b. March 25, 1794 ; m. Wm. W. Reid; d. Aug. 7, 1873. 
Saniuel, b. Nov. 6, 1796 ; d. Oct. 17, 1818 ; unmarried. 
Sabra, b. July 3, 1799 ; m. Clark Ransom. 
Anna, b. Nov. 6, 1803 ; m. David Jewett ; dead. 
(6) Joel, b. Aug. 3, 1806; m. Emmeline W. Munn, May 5, 1829, and 

died in Paris, France, on the morning of Sunday, Sept. 13, 1863. 

His wife died Aug. 25, 1874. 

(6) Joel had several children. Those who survived their 
father were Joel Howard, b. June 11, 1835 ; d. March 29, 1865. 
Sarah, b. Dec. 5, 1837; m. Frederick Townsend, Nov. 19, 
1863. Albert, b. May 27, 1841 ; d. Dec. 10, 1865. 

(7) Clarence^ b. Nov. 17, 1844 ; m. Angelica B. Talcoit, 
Sept. 11, 1866. 



Russell Goodrich, son of (1803) Rnssell Talcott and 
Harriet Kingsbury^ was bom in Hartford, Ct., Aug. 15, 
1818, married Mary^ daughter of Charles and Catharine (Per- 
kins) Seymour, Oct. 28, 1846, and had 

1858 Mary K., b. Nov. 3, 1847. 

Rnssell G. Talcott died in Hartford, March 3, 1863, ae. 44 
years. He entered the Hartford Bank as clerk, in 1840. Dur- 
ing the years 1844 and 1845, he traveled in Europe. After 
his return he engaged in the iron business under the firm of 
Ripley & Talcott, at the same time holding various offices of 
tnist. He was first Vice-President and then President of the 
Young Men's Institute; a Director of the Hartford Bank; 
Clerk of the Pearl street Church and Society ; a Life Director 
of the American Tract Society, and the Secretary and Man- 
ager of the Retreat for the Insane, at Hartford. His widow 
and daughter reside in Hartford, Ct. 

The following tribute to his memory was written by his life 
long friend, Mrs. L. II. Sigoumey : 

Fair was the mansion where he lay, 

Enwrapped in snowy flowers, 
The last fond offering love could shed, 
Before the tomb embraced its dead 

Within her darkened bowers. 

They '11 miss him 'neath the hallo w'd dome 

Upon the Sabbath day ; 
They '11 miss him in the thronging mart. 
Where with pure mind, and upright heart 

He held his quiet way. 

And those who trace the record through, 

Of all his earthly time, 
Remember naught of wrong or blame, 
Or folly that might cloud his name, 

Even in his boyhood's prime. 

Amid the circle where his soul 

Its home and solace made. 
Intensely is his absence wept, 
And sacredly his image kept 

From morn till midnight shade. 


For there with ever gentle hand, 
Aflfection's links he wove, ^^ 

And works of taste around him drew, 

And friendship of the chosen few, 
And plants that bloom above. 

Then to the Saviour whom he loved. 

With perfect trust he went ; 
And praise should on Heaven's altar glow 
When life, through every risk below. 

Fulfills its great intent. 



Julia, daughter of (1806) Jared Goodrich Talcott and 

Electa Bissell^ was born at the homestead in Glastenbury, Ct., 
Sept. 19, ISIO, married John Seidell Clapp^ of E. Windsor (b. 
March 7, 1814), May 12, 1840, and had in E. Windsor Hill 

1859 Charlotte T., b. April 23, 1841. 

1863 Charles S^ b. March 30, 1846; m. Mary E. Dexter (b. Dec. 
1, 1849), Nov. 37, 1872; and had Leslie T., b. Nov, 27, 1874. 

1861 Alfred a, b. April 5, 1851. 

1862 Elvira C, b. Oct. 35, 1853. 

John S. Clapp and family are living at E. Windsor Hill, 


Charles Henry, son of (1806) Jared Goodrich 
Talcott and Electa Bissell^ was bom at the homestead in 
Glastenbary, Ot., Jan. 31, 1823, married Cornelia M. Bissell^ 

of E. Windsor, Jan. 8, 1851, and had born in Glastenbury 

1863 Charlotte B., b. Jan. 4, 1853 ; m. Norman E. Hollistbr, Oct. 
19, 1870. 

1864 Lavinia, b. July 37, 1856 ; d. Oct. 19. 1873. 

1865 AbigaU O., b. Aug. 18, 1858. 

1866 Gkorge H., b. Feb. 8, 1861 ; d. April 36, 1866. 

Charles H. Talcott is a farmer and is now (1876) with his 
father in occupation of the old Talcott homestead and farm in 
Glastenbury, Ct., which was pm*chased by Capt. Samuel Tal- 
cott and given to his son, Dea. Benjamin, by will. This prop- 



eiiy has been in the possession of the family over two hundred 
and thirty years. « 


Alfred B., son of (1806) Jared Ooodrieh Talcott and 
Electa Bissell^ was bom at the homestead in Glastenbnry, Ct., 
June 30, 1825, married widow Mary Hale Perkins^ Xov. 8, 
1854. She died at Washington, D. C, Aug. 17, 1867, leaving 
no children, and he married 2d, at Washington, Louisa £d- 
monston, Joly 31, 1871, and had 

1867 Mary Bhrin, b. March 11, 1872 ; d. May, 1872. 

1868 Josephine, b. Oct. 18, 1874 ; d Oct. 19, 1874. 

Lonisa^ wife of Alfred B. Tal(x>tt, died in Washington, 
D. C, Oct. 26, 1874. Alfred B. Taloott resides in Wash- 
ington, D. C. 


Charles Gratiot, son of (1807) Andrew Taleott and 
Harriet R. Hackley, was bom at Norfolk, Va., Feb. 28, 1834, 
married Theodosia L. Barnard (b. Aug. 29, 1840), Oct. 18, 
1858, and had 

1869 Charles Gratiot, b. Sept. 14, 1859. 

1870 Harry Randolph, b. Noy. 9, 1861. 

1871 Robert Barnard, b. Dec. 1, 1863. 

1872 Lucia Beverly, b. Dec. 3, 1865. 

1873 Bdmnnd Myers, b. Nov. 17, 1866. 

Charles Gratiot Talcott died in Washington, D. C, Sept. 
15, 1867. He was a Civil Engineer by profession, and was 
engaged on several important public works, among which were 
the enlargement of the Erie canal, in the State of New York; 
the Washington, D. C, water-works, and the Imperial Mexi- 
can Railway, in Mexico. Of his son, Chables G., the Wash- 
ington Daily Critic, of the 22d Sept., 1875, says : 

"Among the successful competitors in the late examination, 
at Annapolis, were Mr. Yamell, the son of Prof. Yamell, of 
the Observatory, and Mr. Charlie Talcott, whose mother is 
so well remembered in Georgetown, as the pretty and brilliant 
Miss Theo. Barnard. The latter is the youngest cadet engi- 


neer ever admitted, having attained his 16th year but a few 
days ago. His success was further creditable, as he has had 
the advantage of American schools only within the past few 
years, having lived in Meidco, where his father occupied a high 
official position. His uncle and aunt were members of the 
royal household, and his family honored guests always at the 
court of the Emperor Maximilian and Carlotta. When the 
French army marched out of the country, leaving the Emperor 
to his death, Mrs. Talcott and her children were sent by her 
husband away from the dangers of the capital city, the com- 
manding officer providing her with an escort which conducted 
them to a place of safety. Shortly after this Mr. Talcott died, 
and his widow came here five years ago with her five children, 
bereft alike of her protector and her fortune, and obtained an 
office, battling bravely with the world, as only mothers can, 
for those dependent on her. We congratulate her on the suc- 
cess of hfer son, who passed No. 18 in a class of 140 com- 


Harriet Randolph, daughter of (ISO?") Andrew Tal- 
cott and Harriet R. Hackley^ was bom at Philadelphia, Pa., 
Nov. 9, 1835, married Rev, William Scott Southgate (b. 
April 10, 1831), Nov. 1, 1858, and had 

1874 Randolph, b. Aug. 8, 1860. 

1875 Wmiam Scott, ) ^ ^ « ^n«« 

«o»^ m«. ^. >b. Jan. 2, 1863; . ,, ^^^„ 

1876 MarjrEing, f * d. May, 1863. 

1877 Grace Helen, b. June 19, 1863. 

1878 Frances, b. Feb. 14, 1865. 

1879 Harry Randolph, b. June 9, 1868 ; d. Feb. 2, 1869. 

1880 Bleanor, b. July 18, 1869 ; died. 

1881 Anita Maty, b. June 18, 1871. 

1882 Oeorge Talcott, b. July 25, 1873. 

Rev. William Scott Sonthgate is an Episcopal clergyman, 
Rector olSt. Ann's Church, Annapolis, Md., where he and his 
family reside. 


Thomas Mann Randolph, son of (1807) Andrew 
Talcott and Harriet R. Hackley^ was bom at Philadelphia, 


Pa., March 27, 1838, married Nannie C, daughter of John B. 
McPhail, of Virginia, Jan. 7, 1864, and had 

1883 Nannie O^ b. Dec. 8, 1867 ; d. Dec. 24, 1873. 

1884 Mary Gray, b. June 11, 1869. 
1886 Harriet R., b. Dec. 28, 1870. 

1886 laiy B., b. Feb. 18, 1874; d. Sept. 8, 1874. 

1887 Thomas Mann Randolph, b. April 1, 1875 ; d. June 25, 1875. 

1888 Eva, b. May 21, 1876. 

Col. T. M. R. Talcott after the close of the war resumed 
his profession of Civil Engineer, which he had given up for a 
position in the Confederate anny, and took charge of the 
Richmond and Danville Railroad as Superintendent and En- 
gineer. His record while in the Confederate service is given 
below : 

T. M. R. Talcott commissioned Captain in Virginia army. 
May 23, 1861, and assigned to duty in charge of defenses of 
lower James river. 

Commissioned First Lieutenant in the regular army of the 
Confederate States, Oct. 7, 1861, and assigned to duty as act- 
ing Chief Engineer of the department of Norfolk, under Gen. 
Benj. Huger. 

Sent to Roanoke Island, Feb. 1, 1862, to inspect and report 
condition of defenses, and joined in the defense against Bum- 
side's attack; taken prisoner and paroled; exchanged about 
March 1, 1862. Promoted to rank of Captain C. S. A., March 
12, 1862, and assigned to duty as Chief Engineer of the depart- 
ment of Norfolk. 

Commissioned as aide-de-camp to the General-in-Chief of the 
C. S. A., with rank of "Major of Cavalry," April 21, 1862, 
and assigned to duty on the staff of Gen. R. E. Lee. 

Promoted to rank of " Lieut.-Colonel," July 25, 1863. Ap- 
pointed " Colonel " of 1st Regiment of Engineer Troops, April 
4, 1864. 

Memorandum. — Participated in the battles around Rich- 
mond, in the spring and summer of 1862, the second battle of 
Manassas (or Bull's Run), the battle of Sharpsburg or Antietam, 
the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, in 1862 and 
1863. With the" Army of Northern Virginia throughout the 


campaign of 1864, but did not participate in the battle of the 
" Wilderness," the Ist Regiment of Engineer Troops being at 
that time posted at Guiness Station to guard the depot of sup- 
plies at that point. Participated actively with Ist Engineer 
Regiment in the defense of Petersburg, in the summer of 1864 
and winter of 1864^5. Retreated to Appomattox Court House 
with other forces of Gen. Lee's army and surrendered there. 

Col. T. M. R. Talcott entered the Confederate service at 
the commencement of the war and performed valuable service 
in the Norfolk district as Captain df Engineers. In 1862 he 
accepted a position on my staff, where his professional ability, 
boldness in the field, and systematic industry were conspicuous. 
He continued in this position, until promoted to the command 
of the 1st Regt. of Engineer soldiers, in the army of N. Vir- 
ginia, in which capacity he served till the end of the war, and 
was particularly useful in the campaign of 1864, and during 
the winter of 1864-5. His whole career in the army of N. Va. 
was marked by ability, zeal, devotion and integrity. 

(Signed) ' R. E.' LEE, 

Lexington, Va., 24^A Nov,^ '65. 


Ann Cary, daughter of (1807) Andrew Talcott and 
Harriet B. Haekley^ was born at New Brighton, Staltn 
Island, May 27, 1845, married in Mexico, Gustave Von Boles- 
lowski^ of Vienna, Austria, Oct. 3, 1865, and had 

1889 Mazimiliana Carlotta, b. July 6, 1866 ; d. Jan. 18, 1875. 

1890 Henri Richard, b. June 19, 1868. 

1891 Richard Franz Carl, b. Jan. 20, 1873. 

Gustave Von Boleslowski was aide-de-camp to the Emperor 
Maximilian, of Mexico, Lieut.-Oolonel and chef-de-cabinet. He 
retired as Captain of Austrian Lancers and resides in Vienna, 

Richard (1843) and George (1844), sons of Andrew Tal- 
cott and Harriet B. Hackley, are Civil Engineers, and are 
actively engaged in their profession. 



Joshua, son of (437) Sargent Nathaniel Talcott and 

Elizabeth , was born in Glastenbury, Ct., July 15, 

1711, married Rachel^ daughter of Thomas Hollister and 
Dorothy Hill (b. July 27, 1712), Jan. 9, 1735, and had 

1892 Rachel, b. Oct. 16, 1735 ; m. Ezra Loomis, Feb. 3, 1757. 

1893 Prudence, b. April 11, 1737 ; m. Charles Strong, Jan. 16, 1755. 

1894 David, b. Jan. 5, 1740 ; m. Elizabeth Parker, of Coventry, 
March 3, 1763. 

1895 Irene, b. April 5, 1741 ; d. Oct. 8, 1742. 

1896 Ohloe, b. July 23, 1743 ; m. John Howland, March 12, 1767. 

1897 Jonathan, b. Nov. 24, 1745. 

1898 Elizabeth, b. Feb. 24, 1748. 

1899 Joshua, bapt. Jan. 14, 1750 ; m. Jemima ; d. Oct. 14, 1789. 

1900 Ruth, b. Nov. 15, 1752: m. Theophilus Huntington, Nov. 1. 
1777 ; d. Feb. 10, 1793. 

1901 Job, b. June 16, 1755 ; in. Abigail Huntington, Nov. 17, 1778. 

1902 Josiah, b. April 30, 1757 ; killed by the fall of a tree, March 10. 

Joshua Talcott died in Bolton, Ot., March 22, 1799, se. 87. 
Rachel, his widow, died in Bolton, Ct, March 10, 1807, ae. 
94 years. 


Abig^ail, daughter of (437) Sargent Nathaniel Talcott 

and Elizabeth , was born in Glastenbury, , 1717, 

married Thomas^ son of Thomas Hollister of Eastbury, Ct. (b. 
Jan. 13, 1707), Jan. 1, 1734, and had 

1903 Nehemiah, 

1904 George. 

1905 Aaron. 

1906 Abigail, m. Elizur Hubbard. 

1907 Dorothy, m. Hudson. 

1908 Ruth, m. Isaac Hills. 

Thomas Hollister died Sept. 17, 1784, ae. 76. Abigail, 
his widow, died March 31, 1812, 86. 94. 

STathaniel, son of (437) Sargent Nathaniel Talcott 

and Elizabeth , was born in Glastenbury, Ct., , 

DescettdcuUs ^ 
y^ufh^Vnthanielam/his son .J^f^^ 

I ( /A^me^ an J C%icaf0 ramilies.) 

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1720, married Sarah^ daughter of Timothy Hale, March 9, 
1747, and had 

1909 Mary Ann, b. Jan. 28. 1748. 

1910 Fanny, b. Sept. 1, 1762. 

1911 Nathaniel, b. March 28, 1755; m. Pekelopb, dau. of Capt. Jon- 

athan Hale, Feb. 26, 1784 ; d. 1801 ; no ch. 

1912 Samuel, b. Jan. 1,1758 ; d. Sept. 16, 1760. 

1913 Timothy, b. June 12, 1761 ; m. Rachel Case (b. 1765 ; d. Nov. 

18, 1850) ; d. July 5, 1818. 

1914 Samuel, b. Feb.. 1763 ; d. Sept., 1770. 

1915 Lucretia, b. July 10, 1766. 

1916 Sarah, b. Nov. 18. 1770. 

Nathaniel Talcott died in Glastonbury, Feb. 26, 1783, ae. 
62. Sarah, his widow, died in Glastonbury, June 20, 1805, 
2d. 82. 


Joseph, son of (437) Sargent Nathaniel Talcott and 

Elizabeth , was born in Glastonbury, Ct., , 1722, 

married Sarah^ daughter of Abraham Kilbourn, of Glasten- 
bury, Ct. (b. Jan. 21, 1725), Dec. 29, 1748, and had 

1917 Sarah, b. Nov. 26, 1749; m. Edwakd Benton, Feb. 8, 1770; d. 
Jan. 18, 1814 ; had two children. 

1918 Mary, b. Dec. 12, 1751 ; m. Georob House, of Rome, N. Y. ; d. 

1919 Jonathan, b. May 12, 1754 ; m. Sarah Hubbard, Feb. 20, 1785 ; 
d. July 28, 1847. 

1920 Abraham, b. March 31, 1757; m. Maria Bathsheba, dau. of 
Daniel Hale ; d. Nov. 4, 1839. 

1921 Oliver, b. Nov. 29, 1759 ; m. 1st Alice Miller ; 2d Balch. 

1922 Anna, b. Aug. 27, 1762 ; m. James Stevens, of Lowell, N. Y,, 
, 1782 ; d. , 1815. 

1923 John, b. Aug. 80, 1765 ; m. Mercy Hubbard, , 1788. 

Joseph Talcott died in Glastonbury, Ct., June 30, 1788. 
Sarah Kilbourn, his widow, died Feb. 5, 1814. 


Dea. David, son of (465) Joshua Talcott and Rachel 
Hollister^ his wife, was born Jan. 5, 1740, married Elizabeth 
Parker, of Coventry, Ct., March 3, 1763, and had 


1924 Parker, m. Achsah Binner. 
1926 Jodah, m. Abigail Rose Gurlet. 

1926 David. 

1927 Zelah, iil Prudence Goodrich. 

1928 Jonathan, b. Feb. 10. 1773 ; m. Jerusha Morton ; d. , 1802. 

1929 BetMy, b. Maj 12, 1775 ; m. Henrt Fay. 

1930 Anna, b. March , 1778 ; m. Edmund Downer. 

Dea. David Talcott died in Williston, Vt., . Eliza- 
beth, Ills wife, died . 

Dea. David Talcott resided for a time in Tyringham, Berk- 
shire Co., Mass., and removed from there to Williston, Chit- 
tenden Co., Vt., where he settled at an early date with his 
five sons and two daughters. lie with Jonathan Spafford and 
Asa Brownson, were chosen the first selectmen of Williston 
after its resettlement in 1786. 


Parker, son of (1894) Dea. David Talcott and Eliza- 
beth Parker, was born in , married Achsah Binner, 

, and had 

1931 Ahira, m. Pollt Arnold. 

1932 James, m. Polly Talcott. 

1933 Lydia, d. s. 

1934 Thomas, m. Juliana Jones. 

1935 Laura, died at 8 years of age. 

1936 Q. Alanson, unmarried, supposed murdered near Ann Arbor, 

1937 Mary, died at 11 years of age. 

Parker Talcott died . Achsah, his wife, died . 


Josiah, son of (1894) Dea. David Talcott and Elizabeth 
Parker, was bom , married Abigail Rose Gurley, and 


1938 Jonathan Qurley. 

1939 Timothy. 

1940 Blecta. 

1941 EUzabeth. 

Josiah Talcott died . Abigail, his wife, died . 



David, son of (1894) Dea. David Talcott and Elizabeth 
Parker, was born , married , and had 

1942 David. 

1943 Harvey, died suddenly in Richmond, Va., 1853. 

1944 Polly, m. Jambs Talcott, of Springfield (?). 

1945 Lura. , 

1946 Amy. 

1947 AureUa. 

1948 Emily. 

Dayid Talcott died . , his wife, died . 


Zelah, son of (1894) Dea. Dayid Talcott and Elizabeth 
Parker, was born , married Prudence Goodrich, , 

and had 

1949 Almira. 

1950 aUes. 

1951 Harry. 

1952 PhUo. 

Zelah Talcott died . Prudence, his wife, died — . 


Jonathan, son of (1894) Dea. David Talcott and Eliza- 
beth Parker, was born in Tyringham, Mass., Feb. 10, 1773, 
married Jernsha Morton, , and had 

1953 Roswell, b. Aug. 24, 1798 ; m. Lodisa Holt, Feb. 1, 1834. 

1954 Jerusha, b. 1802 ; m. Leonard Smith, Oct. 11, 1825. 

Jonathan Talcott died , 1802. Jerusha, his wife, 

died . 


Betsey, daughter of (1894) Dea. David Talcott and 
Elizabeth Parker, was born in Tyringham, Mass., May 12, 
1775, married Henry Fay, , and had 

1955 Harriet 

1956 Henry. 

1957 Betsey. 

1958 Maria. 



1959 Jonathan. 

1960 David. 

1961 Nathan. 

1962 Idmra A. 

1963 Bfary. 

1964 OaroUne. 

Henry Fay died . Betsey, his wife, died . 


Anna, daughter of (1894) Dea. David Talcott and Eliza- 
beth Parker, was bom in Tyringham, Mass., March — , 1778, 
married Edmund Downer, , and had 

1965 Anton. 

1966 Zelah. 

1967 Edmund. v^ ; 

1968 Betsey. 

1969 (Daughter). 

Edmund Downer died . Anna, his wife, died 


Ahirah, son of (1924) Parker Talcott and Achsah Bin- 
ner, was born , married Polly Arnold, , and had 

1970 Arnold. 

1971 Sarah. 


James, son of (1924) Parker Talcott and Achsah Bin- 

ner, was born : — , married Pelly, daughter of David 

Talcoit, and had 

1972 Achsah B., unmarried, now living. 

1973 Frances F., d. s. 

1974 J. Parker, m. Alvira Clarck. 
1976 EUza. 

1976 Jane M., m. Edward Footb. 

1977 Mary, d. in infancy. 

1978 James P., d. se. 2 years. 

1979 Orove Q., m. Sylvia Skinner. 

1980 Harvey H. 

Thomas, son of (1924) Parker Talcott and Achsah 


Binner^ was born , married Jnliana Jones^ and 


1981 Mary. 

1982 Jane. 


Roswell, son of (1928) Jonathan Talcott and Jernsha 
Morton^ was bom in Williston, Vt., Aug. 24, 1798, married 
Lodisa Holt (b. Oct. 10, 1801), Feb. 1, 1824, and had 

1983 Seth O, b. Jan. 14, 1825 ; m. Nancy D. Hoyt, April 24, 1866 ; 
no ch. 

1984 Jernsha O., b. Dec. 31, 1827 ; m. Milton Drapbk, Oct. 19, 1858. 

1985 Lydia Jeannette, b. Nov. 2, 1831 ; d. June, 1846. 

1986 Lewis Holt, b. June 27, 1836 ; m. Lucy Root, March 11, 1858. 

1987 Jonathan R., b. May 3, 1844 ; m. Cynthia R. Fay. 

R6swell Talcott and his wife are now (1876) living on his 
farm in Williston, Vt., together with his sons, Levis H. and 
Jonathan R. His son, Seth, is in the real estate business in 
San Francisco, Oal. 


Jernsha Caroline, daughter of (1953) Boswell Tal- 
cott and Lodisa Holt, was bom in Williston, Vt., Dec. 31, 
1827, married Milton Draper, of Westford, N. Y., Oct. 19, 
1858, and had 

1988 Jennie M., b. Aug. 3, 1859. 

1989 Mary EUen, b. Feb. 23. 1861 ; d. April 10, 1864. 

1990 Carrie Lodisa, b. Feb. 6, 1863 ; d. Apri] 2, 1864. 

Milton Draper and his family are now residing on a farm 
in Goodland, Ind., which, when they commenced cultivating 
it six years since, was an unbroken prairie. 


liewis Holt, son of (1953) Boswell Talcott and Lodisa 
Holt, was bom in Williston, Vt., June 27, 1836, married 
Lucy Root, March 11, 1858, and had 

1991 Seth, d. m. 5 years. 

1992 George M. 

1993 Charles. 

1994 Jennie. 
1996 Frank. 



Jonathan Rotiwell, son of (1953) Boswell Talcott 
and Lodisa Holt, was bom in Williston, Vt., May 3, 1844, 
married Cynthia R. Fay, , and had 

1996 Anna Fay. 

1997 Maria E., was poisoned by her nurse when one week old (March 
13, 1873). 


J. Parker, son of (1932) James Talcott and Polly 
Talcott, was bom , married Alvirah Clarck, , 

and had 

1998 James Bdward. 

1999 Mary Maria. 


Grove G., son of (1932) James Talcott and Polly, 

daughter of David Talcott, was bom , married Sylvia 

Skinner, , and had 

2000 Frederick M. 

2001 J.Parker. 

2002 Frances Sarah. 

2003 Zenas Skinner. 

2004 Mary Bird. 

2005 Charles Taylor 

2006 Ernest Grove. 

2007 Jane. 


Joshua, son of (465) Joshua Talcott and Rachel Hol- 

lister, was born in Bolton, Ct., and baptized Jan. 14, 1750, 
married Jemima , and had 

2008 Joshua, b. , 1776 ; m. Sakissa Taylok, , 1799 ; d. , 


2009 (Son), dead. 

2010 Jemima, b. , 1783 ; m. Joshua Pratt, still living in Sher- 
burne, N. Y., 8B. 93. 

Joshua Talcott died in Bolton, Ct., Oct. 14, 1789. Jemima, 
his wife, died 



Joshua, son of (1899) Joshua Talcott and Jemima 

, was born in Bolton, Ct., , 1776, married Sarissa 

Taylor, of Springfield, Mass., 1799, and had 

2011 Julia, b. , 1807 ; m. Jason Briggs. 

2012 Joshua, b. ; d. , se. 31 years. 

2013 Lemon Harvey, b. , 1811 ; m. Aurora Holcomb. 

2014 Sally Ann, b. , 1813 ; d. Feb. — , 1874. 

2015 Henry Porter, b. , 1818 ; m. Jane Ann Christler. 

2016 Sarissa, b. , 1820 ; m. S. A. Cleveland. 

2017 OHve, b. , 1822 ; m. Eli Felt. 

Joshua Talcott died in Smyrna, N. Y., , 1867, se. 91. 

Sarissa, his widow, died in Smyrna, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1871, «. 
91. He moved to Smyrna, Chenango Co., N. Y., in 1800, and 
located a farm on which he lived till his death, at a great old age. 

There is a gun which belonged to him which tradition says 
has been handed down from father Joshua to son Joshua for 
many generations, and is now in possession of his son, Henry 
Porter Talcott, of Wellsville, Allegany Co., N. Y., there 
being no more Joshuas to inherit it. 


Job, son of (465) Joshua Talcott and Rachel Hollister, 

was born in , June 16, 1755, married Abigail^ daughter 

of Christopher and Sarah (Bingham) Huntington (b. June 13, 
1753), Nov. 17, 1778, and had 

2013* Gurdon, b. July 25, 1782 ; m. Asenath Fitch, of Columbia, Ct., 

May 2, 1813 ; d. April 17, 1851. 
2019 Adolph. 
'2020 Christopher H. 

2021 Nabby. 

2022 Marcia. 

2023 Lucia. 


Timothy, son of (467) Nathaniel Talcott and Sarah 
Hale^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., June 12, 1761, married 
Rachel Case (b. 1765), between 1790 and 1797, and had 

2024 Lucius, b. Jan. 23, 1802 ; m. Sally Porter, May 22, 1825; d. 
Oct. 18, 1862. 


2025 Horace, b. Oct. 18, 1803 ; in. Julia Smith, Dec. 24, 1827 ; d. Oct. 

2026 Otis, b. Nov. 11, 1806 ; d. s. Aug. 1, 1826. 

Timothy Tallcott died in Glastenbuiy, Ct, July 6, 1818. 
Eaohel, his widow, died in Glastenbury, Nov. 18, 1850, ae. 85. 


liucias, son of (1913) Timothy Tallcott and Rachel 
Case^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Jan. 23, 1802, married 
Sally Porter, May 22, 1825, and had 

2027 Mary A., b. Dec. 16, 1825; m. Gko. L. Ford, March 21, 1848. 

2028 Timothy, b. Jan. 7, 1826 ; d. Jan. 17, 1826. 

2029 Sarah, b. Nov. 10, 1828 ; d. Feb. 29, 1829. 

2030 Otis, b. July 17, 1831 ; m. Clarissa M. Stevens, Feb. 10, 1857. 

2031 Lucius, b. Sept. 29, 1^4; m. Sarah E. Wright, Feb. 26, 1856. 

lucius Tallcott died Oct. 18, 1862. 


Horace, son of (1913) Timothy Tallcott and Rachel 
Case, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Oct. 18, 1803, married 
Julia Smithy Dec. 24, 1827, and had seven children names 
not known. 

Horace Tallcott died in Glastenbury, Ct., Oct. 5, 1850. 
Ilis widow is living in California. 


Otis, son of (2024) Lucius Tallcott and Sally Porter, 

was born in Glastenbury, Ct., July 17, 1831, married Clarissa 
M. Stevens, Feb. 10, 1857, and had 

2032 Clinton O., b. May 21, 1861 . 

2033 WilUam P., b. Sept. 23, 1863. 


Lucius, son of (2024) Lucius Tallcott and Sally Por- 
ter, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Sept. 29, 1834, married 
Sarah E. Wright, Feb. 26, 1856, and had 

2034 Lucia A., b. April 23, 1861. 
2036 Mary A., b. March 31, 1864. 
2036 Sarah W., b. Dec. 12, 1866. 



Jonathan, son of (468) Joseph Taleott and Sarah 

Kilhourn^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., May 12, 1754, mar- 
ried Sarah Hubbard^ Feb. 20, 1785, and had 

2037 Mancel, b. Oct. 13, 1785 ; m. Betsey Cowles, April 7, 1811 ; d. 
in Hannibal, Mo., March 25, 1857. 

2038 Siah, b. Jan. 27, 1788 ; m. Charlotte House, Jan. 12, 1812 ; d. 
Dec. 16, 1822. 

2038i Jonathan H., b. Aug. 13, 1792 ; d. Oct. 23, 1794. 

2039 Jonathan H.y b. Oct. 20, 1794; m. Seviah H. Dewey, Nov. 8, 
1820; 2d Lydia Stover, Oct. 20, 1830; d. in Southport, Wis., 
April 16, 1847. 

2040 Wait, b. May 13, 1797 ; shot himself Feb. 5, 1841. 

2041 Sarah Smith, b. July 8, 1799 ; m. 1st Dennis, son of Daniel 
Talcott, of Leyden, Lewis Co., N. Y. ; 2d Ira Thayer ; no 
ch. She d. Dec. 19, 1872. 

2042 Asahel, b. Jan. 30, 1802 ; m. Eleanor Rose, Feb. 17, 1828 ; d. at 
Halfday, 111., Aug. 6, 1871. 

2043 Artimetia, b. Feb. 23, 1807 ; d. March 22, 1809. 

Sarah^ wife of Jonathan Talcott, died in Eome, N". Y., 
Feb. 14, 1830. Jonathan Talcott died in Rome, N. Y., July 
28, 1847. He was in the army during the war of the revolu- 
tion, served as a "minute man," was at the battle on Long 
Island, and out during the most of the winter of 1779-80, 
when the men suffered so much from cold and hunger. 


Abraham, son of (468) Joseph Talcott and Sarah Kil- 
bourn, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., March 31, 1757, married 
Maria Bathsheba^ daughter of Daniel Hale (b. Feb. 10, 1761), 
and had 

2044 Ansel, b. Sept. 8, 1789 ; m. Emily Bobbins. 

2045 OUver, b. Oct. 23, 1791 ; m. 1st Maky Blinn, March 11, 1815 ; 2d 
Caroline B. Treat, June 26, 1822. 

2046 Ruby, b. Aug. 2, 1796. 

2C47 Adna, b. Sept. 9, 1800 ; m. Eliza Wright. 

Abraham Talcott died Nov. 4, 1839, se. 82 years. Maria 
B.j his wife, died Oct. 24, 1824, ae. 63 years. 



Oliver, son of (468) Joseph Talcott and Sarah Kil- 
bourn^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Nov. 29, 1759, married 
1st Alice Miller, , 2d Balch, , 

and had 

2048 Nancy. 

2049 PoUy. 
2060 Joseph. 


Anna, daughter of (468) Joseph Talcott and Sarah Kil- 
bourn, was bom in Glastenbury, Ct, Aug. 27, 1762, married 
James Stevens, , 1782, and had born in Glastenbury 

2051 James, Jr., b. Sept. 27, 1785 ; d. s. 1809. 

2052 SaUy, b. Aug. 5, 1787 ; m. Isaac Perry ; d. Dec. 6, 1868. 

2053 John, b. April 14. 1790 ; m. Polly Morse ; d. Sept. 29, 1864. 

2054 Horace, b. June 23, 1793 ; d. y. 

2055 Lucy, b. June 8, 1795 ; m. David Nickelson ; d. June 13, 1870. 

2056 Horace, b. Oct. 27, 1798 ; m. Betsey King ; d. 1822. 

2057 Clarissa, b. March 3, 1801 ; m. James King ; d. 1861. 

2058 Jerusha, b. May 26, 1804 ; m. A. Perry ; d. May 7, 1875. 

2059 Samuel, b. April 28, 1806 ; m. Minerva Rogers. 

James Stevens removed to Lowville, N. Y., where he and 

his family resided. He died , 1847, se. 90 years. Anna, 

the wife of James Stevens, died , lbl5, se. 53 years. 


John, son of (468) Joseph Talcott and Sarah Eilboarn^ 

was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Aug. 30, 1765, married Mercy 
Hubbard^ , 1788, and had 

2060 Asahel, b. Sept. 3, 1790 ; d. y. 

2061 Elisha, b. Oct. 24, 1792 ; m. Urania Johnson, , 1818 ; d. 

April 30, 1847. 

2062 Blectra, b. Nov. 24, 1794 ; m. Chauncy Brown, Feb. 1, 1818 ; 
d. Sept. 4, 1872. 

2063 Mabel H., b. July 21, 1796 ; m. 1st Yeno Isabell, June 17, 1817; 
2d Bart. Hogabom, Oct. — , 1839 ; 3d Benjamin Andrews, 
, 1853 ; d. March 3, 1874. 

2064 Mary, b. Jan. 23, 1800 ; d. y. 

2065 John, b. March 11, 1803 ; m. Elizabeth VS^ilcox, June 11, 1828; 
d. Jan. 22, 1872. 


2066 Asahel H., b. March 15, 1804 ; m. Mabtha J. Thaybb, May 31, 
1824 ; d. Feb. . 

2067 Ruby M., b. Feb. 24, 1807 ; m. Augustus Pepoon, March 31, 

John Talcott soon after his marriage removed from Glas- 
tenbury, Ct., to Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., where he 
resided with his family till 1817, when he left them to take a 
contract on the Dismal Swamp canal, in Virginia, and his family 
removed to Newbury, Geauga Co., Ohio. It was not until 
1819 that the family came to the knowledge of his death. 

Mercy, the widow of John Talcott, died in Newbury, 
Ohio, 1844. 


Ansel, son of (1930) Abraham Talcott and Maria Bath- 
sheba Hale^ was born Sept. 8, 1789, married Emily Robbins^ 
, and had 

206S Leonard, b. April 13, 1812 ; d. June 3, 1845. 

2069 Mary, b. April 29, 1815 ; d. Aug. 3, 1873. 

2070 Julia, b. Jan. 21, 1820 ; m. Charles C. Strong. 

2071 Emily, b. May 3, 1824 ; m. George Bartholomew. 

2072 Lewis, b. June 2, 1826. 

2073 Frances, b. Sept. 15, 1830 ; m. E. H. Fenn. 

Ansel Talcott at an advanced old age resides in West Hart- 
ford, Ct. (1876). 


Julia, daughter of (2041) Ansel Talcott and Emily 

RobMns^ was born Jan. 21, 1820, married Charles C. Strong, 

, and had 

2074 Charles C. 

2075 Mary L., m. W. L. CusHiNG. 

2076 WilUam H. 


Emily, daughter of (2044) Ansel Talcott and Emily 

Robbins, was born May 3, 1824, married George Bartholo- 
mew^ , and had 



2077 Leonard B., dead. 

2078 OeorgeF. 

2079 Emily T., dead. 

2080 Harry, dead. 

2081 Ella, dead. 

2082 Louis. 


Frances, daughter of (2044) Ansel Talcott and Emily 
Robbins^ was born Sept. 15, 1830, married E. H. Fenn, , 

and had 

2083 Louis, dead. 

2084 E. Hart 

2085 Francis. 


Oliver, son of (1920) Abraham Talcott and Maria Bath- 
sheba Hale, was born Oct. 23, 1791, married 1st Mary Blinn 
(b. Dec. 9, 1Y95), March 11, 1816, and had 

2086 Clark A., b. Dec. 10, 1816 ; m. Mary E. Whaples. Nov. 11, 1846. 

2087 Henry Hale, b. Aug. 7, 1819 ; d. Aug. 16, 1820. 

2088 Mary BUnn, b. Feb. 1, 1823 ; d. Feb. 4, 1823. 

Mary Blinn, wife of Oliver Talcott, died March 4, 1823, and he 
married Caroline B. Treat (b. Oct. 31, 1803), June 26, 1822, 
and had 

2089 Mary Blinn, b. May 14, 1828 ; d. May 6, 1831. 

2090 Martha A., b. Nov. 5, 1833 ; d. April 24, 1847. 

Caroline, wife of Oliver Talcott, died Jan. 15, 1875. 
Oliver Talcott now resides at East Berlin, Ct. 


Clark Adams, son of (2045) Oliver Talcott and Mary 
Blinn, was .born Dee. 10, 1816, married Mary E. Whaples (b. 

March 4, 1829), Nov. 11, 1846, and had 

2091 Carrie A., b. July 3, 1849 ; d. May 3, 1855. 

2092 Charles B., b. Feb. 1, 1851. 

2093 Arthur C, b. Sept. 29, 1863 ; d. May 22, 1864. 

Mary E. Whaples, wife of Clark Adams Talcott, died 
Nov. 2, 1865, and he married 2d Frances L. Frost (b. April 
22, 1842), Oct. 28, 1867. 



Adna, son of (1920) Abraham Talcott and Maria Bath- 
sheba Uale^ was born Sept. 9, 1800, married Eliza Wright 

(b. Sept. 2, 1801) , and had 

2094 Charles EL, b. July 1, 1828 ; m. Mabia Morgan. 

2095 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 11, 1830 ; m. Cyrenus C. Chamberlain. 

2096 Griswold H., b. Nov. 1, 1833 ; m. Sallie Ann Palmer. 

2097 Martin L, b. June 6, 1835 ; m. Delta De Forest. 

2098 Isabell, b. Feb. 18, 1837; m. Horace G. Phelps. 

2099 Albert L., b. July 28, 1839 ; m. . 


Elisha, son of (1923) John Talcott and Mercy Hubbard, 

was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Oct. 24, 1792, married Urania, 
daughter of Cliauncey Johnson, , 1818, and had 

2100 Ruth E., b. Oct. 15, 1819 ; m. Joseph Baker, June 17, 1841. 

2101 Lois Um b. April 15, 1831 ; m. Philander Qoodell, March — 

1838 ; d. April 30, 1863. 

2102 Mercy A., b. July 13, 1822 ; m. William H. Stocking, Sept. 
18, 1843. 

2103 Earl, b. Feb. 13, 1825 ; m. Sarah Auldin, July 1, 1850. 

2104 Tracy, b. Jan. 14, 1827 ; died from a hurt at school, Feb. 24, 

2105 SUles, b. March 2, 1829 ; killed by falling into a well, July 24, 

2106 Harriet, b. Feb. 19, 1831 ; d. July 12, 1853. 

2107 Ohauncey H., b. Sept. 4, 1833 ; kiUed at battle of Pittsburgh 

Elisha Talcott died at Newbury, Ohio, April 30, 1847. 
Urania, his wife, died at Xewburj, Ohio, May 18, 1835. 

His occupation was farming. Early in life he lived in the 
State of New York. He purchased a farm in Newbury, Ohio, 
where his children were born and where he and his wife died. 
They shared in the privations to which all new settlements are 
subject, and made a comfortable home for themselves and their 


Electra, daughter of (1923) John Talcott and Mercy 
Hubbard^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Nov. 24, 1794, mar- 


ried Channcy Brown, of Eorae, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1818, and 

2108 Leander, b. Dec. 6, 1819. 

2109 Gregory, b. Aug. 9, 1824. 

2110 Oalvin, b. Sept. 15, 1826. 

2111 Blectra L., b. Dec. 4, 1828; m. Chauncy Lewis; d. May 10, 


2112 Luther M., b. Feb. 15, 1833. 

2113 Albert B., b. March 18, 1838. 

Electra, wife of Chauncy Brown, died Sept. 4, 1872. 


Mabel H., daughter of (1923) John Talcott and Mercy 

Hubbard, was born in Glastonbury, Ct., July 21, 1796, mar- 
ried Yeno Isabell, of Hampton, Oneida Co.,^ N. Y., June 17, 
1817, and had 

2114 Milo H^ b. May 6, 1820. 

2115 Ami, b. June 5, 1822. 

2116 Chancy, b. Oct. 21, 1824; d. Sept. 7, 1825. 

2117 Mary A., b. Oct. 23. 1826 ; in. A. Phillips, 1847 ; d. Jan. 8, 


2118 Elan J., b. Dec. 23, 1828. 

2119 Martha A., b. July 5, 1830; m. George Matlinson, Oct. 13, 


2120 Sarah M., b. Oct. 21, 1832 ; m. Philetus Bates, Oct. 17, 1849. 

Yeno Isabell died Oct. 24, 1832, and she married Bartholomew Hoga- 
BOM, Oct. — , 1839, and had 

2121 BUen M, b. Oct. 3, 1840 ; m. William Ellis, Nov. 2, 1857. 

Bartholomew Hogaboni died and she married Benjamin 
Andrews, 1853, and had no children by him. She died in 
Independence, Iowa, March 3, 1874. 


John, son of (1923) John Talcott and Mercy Hubbard^ 

was born in Glastonbury, Ct., March 11, 1803, married Eliza* 
both Wilcox (b. Nov. 15, 1810), June 11, 1828, and had 

2122 Earl, b. Aug. 1, 1830 ; d. y. 

2123 Sarah, b. Dec. 28, 1831 ; d. y, 

2124 John, b. Nov. 4, 1833 ; d. y. 


2125 Sarah Ann, b. April 5, 1836; m. Nelson Hebkick, July 3, 1853. 

2126 John Beiijamin, b.'June 10. 1838; m. Samantha Stout, Jan. 1, 

2127 Bthlinda Ruth, b. Nov. 7, 1840 ; m. Marvin J. Hoffman, June 
28, 1857. 

2128 Mary Maria, b. Feb. 22, 1843 ; m. George W. Pomeroy, March 
27, 1862. 

2129 Ransom Williams, b. Sept. 23, 1845 ; m. Jennie Miller, Nov. 
22, 1868. 

2130 Cephas Ella, b. Dec. 17, 1848. 

2131 Franconia Amelia, b. June 19, 1853 ; m. Henry Smith, Sept. 7, 


Elizabeth Wilcox, wife of John Talcott, died Oct. 15, 
1861. John Talcott died Jan. 22, 1872. 


Asahel H., son of (1923) John Talcott and Mercy Hub- 
bard, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., March 15, 1804, married 
1st Martha J. Thayer, May 31, 1824, and had 

2131i John Edwin, b. Nov. 30, 1826. 

2132 Dexter W., b. Jan. 1, 1829 ; m. dau. of George Collert, July 
— , 1854. 

* Blectra A., b. Nov. 7, 1831 ; d. April 15, 1860. 

* Mercy Catharine, b. Dec. 30, 1833. 

Martha J. Thayer, wife of Asahel H. Talcott, died , and he 

married 2d Minerva Newton, , and had 

* Wm. H., b. March 11, 1844. 

* Tracy L Angel, b. . 

* Mary M., b. March 16, 1855. 

Asahel H. Talcott died in Henry Co., 111., Feb. . 


Detter !¥., son of (2066) Asahel H. Talcott and Martha 

J. . , was born Jan. 1, 1829, married , daughter 

of George Collert, July — , 1854, and had 

2133 Quincey S, b. July — , 1858. 

2134 Ira T^ b. May — , 1868. 

* These names were received too late to be numbered. 



Ruby M., daugliter of (1923) John Talcott and Mercy 

Hubbard^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Feb. 24, 1807, mar- 
ried Augustus J. Pepoon, son of Joseph Pepoon, March 31, 
1830, and had 

2136 Lycorgus, b. Feb. 11, 1831 ; m. 1st Mary A. Lovelace, May 6, 
1856 ; d. June 20, 1861 ; 2d Susan Morse, Feb. 19, 1863. 

2136 Joseph, b. June 7, 1832; d. Oct. 8, 1832. 

2137 Augustus, b. June 11, 1834 ; m. Mary Robinson, Dec. 25, 1864. 
2137i Oathaxine, b. Sept. 18, 1836. 

ai38 Cornelia, b. Nov. 3, 1838. . 

2139 Portious, b. March 19. 1841 ; d. s. May 13, 1864. 

2110 Mortimer, b. April 27, 1843 ; m. Lottie Abbey, Dec. 26, 1872. 

2141 Frederic, b. March 24, 1845 : d. Sept. 20, 1847. 

Augustus J. Pepoon and family now reside at* Kirtland, 
Ohio. His son, Portious, was a soldier in the 12th Regiment 
N. J. Vol., was wounded at the battle of Spottsylvania, May 
12th, and died on the 13th, 1864. 


Rath, daughter of (2061) Elisha Talcott and Urania 
Johnson^ was bom Oct. 15, 1819, married Joseph Baker^ ot 

the State of New York, June 17, 1841, and had 

2142 Urania L., b. April 14, 1842 ; m. George Tanner, July 21, 1872. 

2143 Elisha U., b. Sept. 18, 1844. 

2144 Fayette, b. April 16, 1847 ; d. April 15, 1856. 
2146 Emarilla, b. Oct. 29, 1849 ; d. March 15, 1856. 

2146 Arvilla, b. May 13, 1852 ; d. March 15, 1856. 

2147 Eimice A., b. April 3, 1855 ; m. Daniel Tanner, Feb. 19, 1873. 

Joseph Baker died Feb. 3, 1855. 

Lois IT., daughter of (2061) Elisha Talcott and Urania 
Johnson^ was born April 15, 1821, married Philander Good- 
ell, March — , 1838, and had 

2148 Esther, b. Jan. 28, 1843. 

2149 Frank, b. March 15. 1845. 

Lois U., wife of Philander Goodell, died April 30, 1863. 


Mercy A., daughter of (2061) ElishaTalcott and Urania 
Johnson^ was bom July 13, 1822, married William H. Stock- 
ing, of Madison, Ohio, Sept. 18, 1843, and had 

2150 Marret A., b. Aug. 18, 1844 ; m. David U. West, Feb. 25, 1874. 

2151 Albion M., b. Feb. 27, 1846; m. Alice M. Leonabd, Oct. 36, 

2152 Alnor M., b. Nov. 37, 1847 ; d. March 14, 1865. 

2153 Azan M., b. June 20, 1849 ; d. Sept 20, 1853. 

2154 Abbott M., b. Jan. 12, 1852 ; d. Sept. 2, 1853. 

2155 Abert M., b. March 28. 1854. 

2156 Arthy M., b. June 25, 1856. 

2157 Amer M., b. Sept. 26, 1858. 
2168 Ohanncey, b. Dec. 7, 1860. 

2159 WaUace W., b. Oct. 11, 1863. 

2160 Chester JL., b. July 21, 1866. 

William H. Stocking and family reside in Madison, Lake 
Co., Ohio. 


Earl, son of (*iO(>l) Elisha Talcott and Urania Johnson, 

was born in Newbury, Ohio, Feb. 13, 1825, married Sarah 
Anldin, July 1, 1850, and had 

2161 Elisha W., b. Sept. 25, 1851 ; m. Elizabeth Kingkadb, Nov., 

2162 Mary, b. Dec. 24, 1853 ; d. Jan. 3, 1854. 

2163 Arthur, b. Nov. 7, 1856; d. Nov. 7, 1861. 

2164 Ada, b. April 10, 1858. 

ISaraliy wife of Earl Talcott, died Nov. 7, 1864, and he married 
Louisa Shears, Sept. 20, 1865, and had 

2166 Clarence, b. Oct. 28, 1867 ; died. 

2166 Ohauncey, b. Oct. 8, 1869 ; died. 

2167 Freddy, b. Dec. 10, 1875. 

Earl Talcott is a farmer by occupation. 


Sarah Ann, daughter of (2065) John Talcott and Eliza- 
beth Wilcox^ was born April 5, 1836, married Nelson Her- 
rick^ July 3, 1853, and had 


2168 George Albert, b. Sept. 4, 1855. 

2169 Lillie Serena, b. Aug. 27, 1860. 

2170 Ulysses Orant. 

Nelson Herrick and family reside in Champlin, Minn. 


John JBenjamin, son of (2065) John Talcott and 
Elizabetb Wilcox, was born June 10, 1838, married Saman- 
tha Stoat, Jan. 1, 1870, and bad 

2171 Walter S., b. March 3, 1871. 

2172 JLueUa, b. July 19, 1872. 

2173 Infant, b. Feb. 20, 1876. 


Ethlinda Rath, daugbter of (2065) John Talcott and 
Elizabeth Wilcox, was bom Nov, 7, 1840, married Marvin 
J. Hoffman, June 28, 1857, and bad 

2174 Perrin Sylvester, b. April 6, 1858. 
2176 JLettie EUzabeth, b. Feb. 27, 1860. 

2176 WiUie Henry, b. April 7, 1862. 

2177 Lyman John, b. Feb. 5, 1864. 

2178 JLueUa EsteUa, b. April 14, 1866. 

M. J. Hoffman and family reside in , Minnesota. 


Ransom l¥illiaiii, son of (2065) John Talcott and 
Elizabeth Wilcox, was born Sept. 23, 1845, married Jennie 
Miller, Nov. 22, 1868, and bad 

2179 Addle Mary, ) ^ . , ^ ^ « ,^^^ 
2180EmmaJ., l^-^'^^'^-^P^-^'1^^^- 
2181 Francis, b. Oct. 16, 1872. 

Ransom W. Talcott and family reside in Dakota Ter. 


Gnrdon, son of (1901) Job Talcott and Abigail Hun 
tington, was born in Bolton, Ct., July 25, 1782, married 
Asenath Fitch, of Columbia, Ct., May 2, 1813, and had 


2182 Joseph Abbot, b. Oct. 15, 1815 ; m. Sophronia Henry, Nov. 13, 

1844. • 
• 2183 Anson F., b. Feb. — , 1817. 
2184 Norman W., b. July 11, 1819; m. Laura King, June 11, 1846. 
2186 George A., b. March 4, 1821 ; d. at Manchester, Ct., May 24, 


2186 Hiram W., killed by Indians in California, April, 1863. 

2187 Lucius, b. Oct. 15, 1826 ; m. Esther Grant, May 5, 1852 ; d. 
May 10. 1864. 

2188 Charlotte A., b. Sept. 28, 1828 ; m. Lyman A. Tiffany, June 1, 
1852 ; bad three children. 

2189 Emily, b. Jan. 12, 1831 ; m. Lewis Keeney, Nov. 24, 1852 ; had 
three children. 

2190 Stephen S., b. April 4, 1834; m. Sarah E. Dow, of Ashland, Ct., 
June 19, 1858. 

2191 JLydia M., b. May 23, 1835. 

Gurdon Talcott died in Bolton, Ct., April 17. 1851. 


Christopher H., son of '(1901) Job Talcott and Abi- 
gail Huntington^ was bom in Bolton, Ct., , married 

, and had 

2192 David. 

2193 Jasper, m. Mary . 

2194 HubbeL 

2195 Nancy. 

2196 Lucia. 

Joseph Abbot, son of (201S) Gurdon Talcott and 
Asenath Fitch^ was born in Columbia, Ct., Oct. 15, 1815, 
married Sophronia Henry^ of Thorndike, Mass., Nov. 13, 
1844, and had 

2197 Clarence H., b. Aug. 18, 1847. 

2198 liilia M., b. Dec. 7, 1851, deaf-mute. 

2199 Ida M., b. Aug. 18, 1857. 


Norman W., son of (2018) Gnrdon Talcott and Ase- 
nath Fitch, was born in Bolton, Ct., July 11, 1819, married 



Laura^ daughter of Joel King, of Vernon, Ct., June 11, 1846, 
and had 

2200 Ella, b. Feb. 34/1851; m. Russel T. Goodrich, of Chicago, 
June 18, 1874. 

2201 Minnie, b. Oct. 11, 1859, in Springfield, Mass. ; is in Dresden, 

Lanra^ wife of Norman W. Talcott, died April 1, 1872, 
and he married Celia McKnight, of Springfield, Mass., March 
11, 1874. 

Mr. Talcott is engaged in the manufacture of car axles in 
Springfield, Mass. 


liueias, son of (2018) Gurdon Talcott and Asenath 

Fitch, was born in Bolton, Ct., Oct. 15, 1826, married Esther 
Grant, of Wapping, May 5, 1852, and had 

2202 Lucella, b. Dec. 26, 1852, in Bolton, Ct. 

2203 Arthur J., b. AprU 3, 1856. 

Lucius Talcott died near Brandy Station, Va., May 10, 

Ntephen Nmith, son of (2018) Gurdon Talcott and 
Asenath Fitch, was born in Bolton, Ct., April 4, 1834, mar- 
ried Sarah E., daughter of Henry L. Dow, of Ashford, Ct., 
June 19, 1858, and had 

2204 Carrie Maria, b. Aug. 23, 1860; d. June 5, 1862. 


Jasper, son of (2020) Christopher H. Talcott and 

, was born , married Mary , 

and had 

2206 Christopher H. 

2206 James. 

2207 Josephine. 

Mary, the wife of Jasper Talcott, died Jan. 7, 1873, se. 
58 years. 



Maneel, son of (1919) Jonathan Talcott and Sarah 
Hubbard^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Oct. 13, 1785, mar- 
ried Betsey Cowles, of Hartland, Ct. (b. March 10, 1790), 
April 7, 1811, in Home, and had 

2208 Edward Benton, b. May 25, 1813; m. Mary R. Heywood, of 
Grafton, Mass., April 25, 1842. 

2209 Angeline, b. Jan. 21, 1815 ; m. Dr. John F. Daggett, of Lock 
port, ni., June 24, 1838; d. Nov. 3, 1842; no ch. 

2210 Mancel, Jr., b. Oct. 12, 1817 ; m. Mary H. Otis, of Maine, Cook 
Co., m., Oct. 25, 1841. She was b. May 23, 1819 ; no ch. 

2211 Orlando, b. Sept. 6, 1819 ; d. April 26, 1823. 

2212 Orlando, b. March 26, 1823 ; m. Mary A. Newton. 

2213 Henry, b. Sept. 4, 1825 ; d. in Maine, 111., April 11, 1852. 

Mancel Talcott died in Hannibal, Mo., March 25, 1857. 
He was a farmer, and during the war of 1812, was engaged in 
transporting government stores from Rome to Sacketts Har- 

Betsey Cowles, his widow, died in Chicago, 111., Nov. 16, 


Edward Benton, son of (2037) Mancel Talcott and 
Betsey Cowles, was born in Rome, N. Y., May 25, 1812, 
married Mary E. Heywood, of Grafton, Mass., April 25, 
1842, and had 

2214 Mary A., b. Sept. 6, 1845 ; in. Walter L. Peck, of Chicago, 

May 3, 1865. 

2215 Florence N., b. Aug. 5, 1851 ; m. William R. Page, May 3, 


Edward B. Talcott is living in Chicago, 111. 

Orlando, son of (2037) Mancel Talcott and Betsey 

Cowles^ was born in Rome, IST. Y., March 26, 1823, married 
Mary A. Newton^ , and had 

2216 Walter O., b. Oct. 12, 1857. 

2217 EUa S., b. May 5, 1859. 



Siah, son of (1919) Jonathan Talcott and Sarah Hub- 
bard^ was bora in Glastenbury, Ct., Jan. 27, 1788, married 
Charlotte House^ of (xlastenbury, Ct., Jan. 12, 1812, and had 
an only child 

2218 Jonathan, b. Oct. 26, 1814; m. 1st Lucy Ann Shepard, Feb. 3, 

183(5 ; 3d Mary Lucinda House, Sept. 29, 1846. 

Siah Talcott died in Rome, X. Y., Dec. 16, 1822. He 
was a farmer, and during the war of 1812, was engaged with 
his brother, Mangel, in the transportation of government 


Jonathan H., son of (1919) Jonathan Talcott and 
Sarah Hubbard^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Oct. 20, 1794, 
married 1st Seviah H.^ daughter of David Dewey (b. Feb. 28, 
1798), Nov. 8, 1820, and had 

2219 Sarah S^ b. Dec. 26, 1821 ; d. Aug. 27, 1825. 

2220 OaroUne O., b. Aug. 5, 1824 ; d. Dec. 13, 1828. 

2221 Dewey Bradley, b. Oct. 11, 1825 ; d. Jan. 13, 1829. 

2222 Jonathan H., Jr., b. April 5, 1827 ; d. Jan. 10, 1829. 

2223 Lester Asahel, b. Dec. 16, 182S ; m. Julia Lusk, July 29, 1851. 

2224 Sarah L., b. Jan. 3, 1830 (adopted daughter). 

Seviah^ wife of Jonathan H. Talcott, died Aug. 19, 1830, ae. 32 years, 
5 months and 19 days, and he married Lydia M. Stover (b. 
March 2, 1810), Oct. 20, 1830, and had 

2225 Rosetta Adaline, b. Dec. 25, 1834 ; m. Eugene L. Divine, March 

16, 1853. 

2226 James Henry, b. July 27, 1837; m. Louisa Howell, Jan. 30, 


2227 Wallace H., b. Aug. 3, 1841 ; m. Mary E. Cady, April 4, 1868. 

2228 Mary Ann, b. March 2, 1843 ; m. David J. Dewey, March 14, 

2229 Cyrus Dallas, b. Dec. 16, 1844 ; m. Susan E. Howell, May 13, 

Jonathan H. Talcott died April 16, 1847, se. 53 years, 5 
months, 27 days, at Southport, Wis. 

Lydia M., wife of Jonathan H. Talcott, died Jnly 8, 1872, 
88. 62 years, 4 months and 6 days. Jonathan H. Talcott 


removed from Connecticut to Rome, N. Y., with his father 
in 1803, was engaged during the war of 1812 in government 
work. In 1838 he removed to Wisconsin with his family and 
settled on a farm near Kenosha, where he lived and died. 

liester Asahel, son of (2039) Jonathan H. Talcott and 
Seviah H. Dewey, was bom in Yerona, Oneida Co., N. Y., 
Dec. 16, 1828, married in Chicago Jnlia Lusk, July 29, 1851, 
and had 

2230 Charles Lester, b. in Chicago, Aug. 25, 1852. 

Lester A. Talcott is a dealer in foreign fruits and resides 
in Chicago, 111. 


James Henry, son of (3039) Jonathan H. Talcott and 
Lydia M. Stover, his second wife, was born in Verona, Oneida 
Co., N. Y., July 27, 1837, married Lonisa Howell, Jan. 20, 
1864, and had 

2231 Grant, b. Nov. 4, 1868. 


Cyra§ Dallas, son of (2039) Jonathan H. Talcott and 
Lydia M. Stover, his second wife, was born in Southport, Wis., 
Dec. 16, 1844, married Snsan E. Howell, May 13, 1870, and 


2232 (Infant), b. Jan. 35, 1872 ; d. Aug. 10, 1872. 

2233 Elmer Ward, 

2234 Wilber Ross, 

^' [ b. Dec. 17, 1873 ; ^- ^"«- '^' ^«^*- 

Asahel, son of (1919) Jonathan^Talcott and Sarah Hub- 
bard^ was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Jan. 30, 1802, married 
Eleanor Rose^ Feb. 17, 1825, and had 

2235 Jeduthan H., b. at Rome, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1825 ; m. Mary E. 
Savery, Dec. 13, 1854. ' 

2236 Artemetia A., b. at Rome, N. Y., May 1, 1828 ; m. Joseph M. 
BuRDiCK, Jan. 18, 1849. 

2237 Tyler W., b. at Half day, 111., Feb. 17, 1839 ; d. at Halfday, 111. 
April 3, 1846. 


Asahel Talcott died at Halfday, III., Aug. 6, 1871. He was 
one of the first settlers of Lake Co., 111., and a prominent and 
highly respected citizen. When a year old his parents re- 
moved from Connecticut to Oneida Co., N. Y., where he 
resided till 1834, when he removed with his family to Halfday, 
111., and entered a tract of land on which he resided till his 
death. He was a man of untiring enterprise and lived long 
enough to gather around him the comforts of a pleasant home. 

Mrs. Asahel Taloott is still living. 


Jedathan H., son of (2042) Asahel Talcott and Elea- 
nor Rose^ was bom in Rome, 'N, Y., Dec. 31, 1825, married 
Mary E. Sarery, Dec. 13, 1854, and had 

2238 Sigel D, b. at Halfday, 111., June 15, 1862. 

Jeduthan H. Talcott and family reside in Halfday, Lake 
Co., 111. 


Artemetia A., daughter of (2042) Asahel Talcott and 

Eleanor Rose^ was born in Eome, N. Y., May 1, 1828, married 
Joseph M. Burdick^ Jan. 18, 1849, and had 

2239 Arminda A., b. at Halfday, 111., Oct. 19, 1849 ; m. Russell S. Bar- 
NUM, June 13, 1873 ; liaddau. Nelly, b. March 13, 1875. 

2240 Frank T., b. at Halfday, 111., Aug. 24, 1853 ; d. Jan. 29, 1856. 

2241 Prank O., b. at Halfday, 111., May 16, 1855. 

2242 MeUssa H., b. at Halfday, 111., April 19, 1858. 

2243 Nelly, b. at Chicago, March 20, 1870 ; d. Sept. 12, 1871. 


Jonathan, son of (3038) Siah Talcott and Charlotte 
House, was born in Rome, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1814, married 1st 
Lucy Ann Shepard, Feb. 3, 1836, and had 

2244 Oleora EUza, b. Feb. 18, 1837 ; d. Jan. 22, 1855. 

2245 Caroline AureUa, b. Sept. 16, 1838 ; d. Jan. 10, 1844. 

2246 Susan Shepard, b. Oct. 17, 1840 ; m. John N. Bissell, of South 
Manchester, Ct., June 10, 1868. 

2247 Selden Haynes, b. July 7, 1842 ; m. Sarah A. Hunger, June 10, 
1873 ; no ch. 

2248 Lucy Ann, b. Dec. 19, 1844. 


LiUCy Aniiy wife of Jonathan Talcott, died at Rome, N. Y., April 20, 
1845, and lie married Mary Lucinda House, of Glastenbury, 
Ct., Sept. 39, 1846, and had 

2249 Harriet Andrews, b. July 27, 1850. 

2250 Sarah Electra, b. April 29, 1852.* 

2251 George W., b. Sept. 24, 1854 ; d. Sept. 26, 1854. 

2252 William Knox, b. Aug. 16, 1855. 

2253 Mary Rosalie, b. Oct. 2, 1858. 

2254 EUza Jane, b. June 21, 1860 ; d. Feb. 26, 1867. 

2255 John Mancel, b. July 26, 1862 ; d. March 24, 1867. 

Jonathan Talcott and family reside at Rome, N. Y. He 
is a model farmer in a model county in I^ew York. He re- 
sides on the farm inherited from his grandfather who, in the 
fall of 1802, removed to Oneida Co., near Rome, built a log 
house in the woods and commenced clearing the same. He is 
said to have the best farm house in the county, and is engaged 
with his son, W. K. Talcott, in breeding short-horned cattle, 
Berkshire swine, and Dorking and brown Leghorn fowls, of 
which he has the choicest to be found. 


ISasan IShepard, daughter of (2218) Jonathan Talcott 
and Lncy Ann Shepard^ was born at Rome, N. Y., Oct. 17, 
1840, married John N. Bissell^ of South Manchester, June 10, 
1868, and had 

2256 Gertrude Isabella, b. Dec. 10, 1870. 
2267 Clinton Talcott, b. Sept. 9, 1873. 


Dr. ISelden Haynes, son of (3318) Jonathan Talcott 
and Lucy Ann Shepard, was born in Kome, IS". Y., July 7, 
1842, married Sarah A. Munger^ of Waterville, IS". Y., June 
10, 1873 ; no children. He is resident Physician of the Homoe- 
opathic Hospital on Ward's Island, New York city, and in 
charge of that Institution. 

Rath, daughter of (1013) Isaac Talcott and Sarah Good- 

* Too late for insertion in proper place. 


rich, was born in Glastenbury, Ct., Oct. 21, 1776, married 
Robert Huston (b. Nov. 23, 1775), and had 

2258 Lura, b. Sept. 11, 1800; in. Jasper King, Jan 17, 1833; d. Dec. 
30, 1835 ; no ch. She lived in Stockton, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. 

2259 Laura, b. Oct. 28, 1801 ; m. Willis Wilder, July 12, 1829 ; had 
three sons and three daughters. Lives in Fond du Lac, Wis. 

2260 Nancy, b. June 29, 1803 ; d. s. 

2261 Julia, b. March 28, 1805 ; m. Preston G. Tambling, Feb. 18, 

1835 ; had six boys and two girls ; resides in Pomfret, Chautau- 
qua Co., N. Y. 

2262 Sarah K., b. April 22, 1807; m. 1st Juba Olmsted, Nov. 10, 
1829 ; 2d Hiram Edgeston ; had three sons. Resides at Fond 
du Lac, Wis. 

2263 Alma T., b. June 22, 1809 ; m. Erastus Olmsted, May 21, 1835; 
had one son and two daughters. Resides at Fond du J^ac, Wis. 

2264 Beteey, b. Sept. 30, 1811 ; m. David Lovett, May 21, 1835; d. 
Dec. 5, 1841 ; had three sons. Resides at Middlebury, Vt. 

2265 Mary S., b. July 23, 1815 ; m. Gilead Pickett, Nov. 25, 1840 ; 
had one son and one daughter. Resides in Stockton, Chautau- 
qua Co., N. Y. 

2266 Harriet, b. Nov. 27, 1818 ; m. Cordello Wilkins, Nov. 28. 
1839 ; d. Oct. 6, 1840 ; had one daughter. 

Ruth^ wife of Robert Huston, died April 15, 1858. Rob- 
ert Huston died March 26, 1863. He removed from Glas- 
tenbiiry, Ct., first to Middlebury, Vt., thence in 1836 to 
Stockton, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. 


The Pedigree of the Talcott family is now finished, as 
far as the compiler can carry it, and he leaves it for some 
enthusiastic genealogist of a future generation of Talcotts to 
continue, if he feels disposed so to do. As it has lately been 
ascertained that the name of the father of '' John of Colches- 
ter," was "John of Warwickshire, Eng," perhaps it may be 
possible to take the family name a few generations further 

There are many discrepancies in dates and spelling of names 
caused by the difference of registration of the same parties and 
events by the various members of the same branch of the 
family. The compiler has taken every possible precaution to 
avoid these errors and has spent much time in correspondence 
upon this subject, but still some exist, and each family in which 
they occur, will have to correct the text to correspond with 
their own record, if they believe that to be correct. 

The orthography of the cliristian names, taken from the old 
records, has not been changed, but copied as they were there 
found. Those furnished by the various members of the family 
have been printed as they were spelled by those who sent their 
records, under the belief that they best knew how to spell their 
own and their relatives' names. 



Fred L. Talcott, New York city. 
Public Library, Boston, Mass. 
Miss Mary K. Talcott, Hartford, Ct. 
James Talcott; New York city. 
E. B. Talcott, Chicago, 111. 
Dr. Alvan Talcott, Guilford, Ct. 
Alvan T. Tracy, Hartford, Ct. 
N. W. Talcott, Springfield, Mass. 
John L. Talcott, Buffalo, N. Y. 
Jonathan Talcott, Rome, N. Y. 
Angelica T. Rathbone, Albany, N. Y. 
G. H. Talcott, West Butler. 
Edwin C. Talcott, Syracuse, N. Y. 
R. D. Tallcot, Croton Landing, N. Y. 
Miss S. Eliza Talcott, Danbury, Ct. 
H. C. Rider, Danbury, Ct. 
C. T. Talcott, New Britain, Ct. 
Wait Talcott, Rockford, 111. 
James M. Talcott, Providence, R. L 
John B. Talcott, New Britain, Ct. 
S. C. Talcott, San Francisco, Cal. 
Mancel Talcott, Chicago, 111. 
Col. Andrew Talcott, Baltimore, Md. 
Joel Munsell, Albany, N. Y. 
Wm. D. Talcott, Silver Creek, N. Y. 
L. A. Talcott, Chicago, 111. 
Joseph F. Randolph, Jersey City. 
Dea. Samuel Talcott, Talcottville, Ct. 
C. G. Talcott, Silver Creek, N. Y. 
John H. Talcott, Silver Creek, N. Y. 
Walter Talcott, Cleveland, Ohio. 
G. K. Harroun. New York city. 
Asa G. Talcott, Buffalo, N. Y. 
Wm. S. Talcott, Silver Creek, N. Y. 
Samuel L. Talcott, New York city. 
Miss Mary Talcott, W. Hartford, Ct. 
Mrs. Mary H. Welles Pumpelly, 

Owego, N. Y. 
G. B. Goodrich, Owego, N. Y. 
T. S. Gold, West Cornwall, Ct. 
Hart Talcott, Dover, Del. 
Mrs. T. Chatfield, Owego, N. Y. 
Henry H. Hale, Buffalo, N. Y. 
Henry Talcott, Jefferson, Ohio. 

Mrs. Baker, Leyden, N. Y. 
Mrs. Jannett Daniels, Leyden, N.Y. 
Charles Talcott, Geneva, Ohio. 
W. H. Talcott, New York city. 
Harvey D. Talcott, Utica, N. Y. 
Caleb M. Talcott, Hartford, Ct. 
T. H. L. Tallcot, Glastenbury. Ct. 
Col. T. M. R. Talcott, Richmond, Va. 
Rev. Wm. Scott Southgate, Anna- 
polis, Md. 
Mrs. George Truman, Owego, N. Y. 
Mrs. S. A. Talcott, Talcottville, C^. 
Dea. Samuel Talcott, Danbury, Ct. 
J. H. Talcott, Halfday, 111. 
Leon Talcott, Lowville, N. Y. 
W. H. Talcott, Ypsilanti, Mich. 
William Talcott, Elgin, Iowa. 
Henry Talcott, West Hartford, Ct. 
George Tallcot, New York city. 
J. Talcott, Wolcott, N. Y. 
N. B. Talcott, Wadena, Iowa. 
J. C. Col'lins, Leyden, N. Y. 
Mrs. Wm. P. Reed, Columbus, Ohio. 
Oscar Talcott, Ionia, Mich. 
Mrs. C. S. Hulbert, Thompson, Ohio. 
George Talcott, United States Navy. 
Cook Talcott, Plainfield, N. J. 
R. S. Talcott, New York. 
A. W. Tallcott, Hollenberg, Kan. 

C. J. Munn, Leyden, N. Y. 
Charles F. Talcott, Norwich, N. Y. 
Richard H. Talcott, Albany, N. Y. 
George R. Talcott, Richmond, Va. 

D. W. Tallcott, West Troy, N. Y. 
Wm. Talcott. Chicago, 111. 
Lucius L. Talcott, Olympia, W. T. 
Mrs. M. A. Garis, Wadena, Iowa. 
John S. Clapp, E. Windsor Hill. 
Mrs. Thomas G. Talcott, Hartford, 

Mrs. H. W. Buxton, New York. 
H. H. Talcott, Ellington. 
Charles Talcott, Geneva, O. 
Miss Nellie M. Strong, Denison, O. 


Pitr* 31 z:i*^ 24. read ~ 2.:ckf :ri'' in^cead o€ - Rccfcon." 

Pa*p* 14^ 2ze l*z^ read •* Til-xd " tn^nead 3C -TiIl'oc.*' 
Pi^Tt '2i It-** 34, read "* Fran-iU zi. Fracces " zl^c^kI sf *" Faances 3r 

P j*re '>5. IiTie 12. read ~ 1772 "* zLswad >f "* 1777."* 

Pi,j«* 70, 'irie "x rf?ai -* Hajxt" ^*t^ad if * SLicj.'* 

PitTi Il'X Iiae 2&, read - 4*5l>t " ziatead ot ~ 4*it>r 

Pij^ IlL line 24, reaii " married iCarr Th-omaa. 1777/' 

Pize lis. 'i ie :L r'^ad - Oct 'i 1^3»>r iTisoead x - OttL 7. l2^/' 

Pi;re l-liX line ^X rea*i * Aix 2. I^75>'' :n:*cead it '^-Anai 31. ISTa^** 

Pa^re 12 L Une 7. r^eaii " C* irLjcead oc ~ Elvira^*' 

Pi^pi- 14^, 2ne I, read " Sarali Kaowlti.jCL'* 

Pi^ l4o. line 3. reaii " •Ia.jzLjst cf Gen. WmianL'* 

Pi^ I4n^ line 7, read ~Danlet SnizhJ^ 

Piffe I -to. line 10, read * HarreT W. Dooliiuie.** 

Page 147. Iin« 14. read ~ Mary "^-rilea " Lii;5tead <K 5£arj Edwani^'^ 

Pije 165. line 2L reaii " IS*^ " Instiead of *^ l^iyiL" 

Picpi lr.i^r line 2&. 1138} read -^ Xan«:!y oi- Eaekfel Baker, : m> eh. ; 

Pair^ 234 and 2:3o. read *- E^ hralm " insteaii of •* Ephrram.^ 
Pi^e 254. line 24, read " tj^ivifcert" Instead oc " G'lvshert."' 
Pj^ 2^3. line 27. rea.i -*E^i" in.-^cead of **Reid." 
Paiies 2S) and 2S4. read •* liceil " Instead of "^ LsabeL'* 



































Aaron 130 

Abraham... 271,279, 281, 282, 283 

Achsah 272 

Achsah B 274 

Ada 192, 287 

Adaline 60, 66, 66 

Adna 279, 283 

Alpharetta 196 

Altlmlra 60 

Alvan 159, 164, 165, 166 

Amanda 126 

Ann 55, 56, 76 

Ann A 138, I3y 

Ann B 242 

Ann C 258, 269 

Ann E 238 

Anna.... 81, 90, 137, 148, 149, 163 
168, 169, 178, 271, 272, 274, 280 

AnnaC (>8 

AnnaE 183, 238, 239, 240 

Anna F 276 

Anna L 71 

Anna M 146, 261 

Anna McN 76 

Arad 176, 178, 187 

Asa.... 112, 114, 118, 119, 120, 121 
122, 130, 144, 155, 156, 160, 247 

Asa G 238, 239 

Asahel 279, 280, 293, 294 

AsahelH 281, 285 

Abner S 126 

Adelbert H 62 

Adeline 2U7 

Adeline E 210, 214 

Agnes E 185 

Albert 62 

Albert L 128, 283 

Albert B 116, 124, 185 

Albert S 59 

Alden 183, 184, 185 

Alfred B 257, 265 

Alfred K 169 

Alfred W 193 

Allen B 202 

Allen M 124 

Alpheus 145 

Amelia.... 136, 164, 166, 197, 215 

Amelia E 140, 142 

Andrew.... 248, 258, 266, 267, 269 

Andrew A 62 

Angelica 254 

Angelica B 261, 262, 263 

Angeline 291 

Anne 14, 72. 102 

Ansel 279, 281, 282 

Ansen 236 

Artemesia 59 

Artemetia 279 

Artemetia A » 293, 294 

Asenath 230 

Asenath „ 112, 118 

Asher M 64 

Abbie 90 

Abble A 195 

Abigail... 39, 76, 77, 80, 84. 90, 104 

110, 144, 162, 177, 228, 229 

248, 249, 256, 257, 270, 272 

Abigail Q 265 

Abigail H 200 

Abigail P 198 

Addie J 68 

Addie M 28.S 

Adie 239 

Adrian B 199 

Ahiail 155 

Ahlra 272, 274 

Alice E, 138 

Alice L 141, 148, 186 

Alice B 131 

Almira 119, 183, 273 

Ami M 116 

Angie E 191 

Annie C 269 

Adolph 277 

Alonzo H 132 

Alphonso M 11.% 124 

Amos 144 

Aiibon F 289 

Appollos P 131 

Arnold 274 

Arthur 287 

Arthur C 280 

Arthur DeN 199 

Arthur J 290 

Arthur W 202 

August B 74, 75 

Augusta G 230, 232 

Augustus L 189, 192 

Aurelia 181, 182, 189, 273 

Abby 89 

Allyn 161,174,175, 176 

Allyn K 175 

Amy 273 


Barton 146 

Bartsheba W 162 

Blanche 64 

Bradford N 114, 120 

Bela 162 

Belinda 161 

Bell 128 

Benjamin 94,98,100, 101, 104 

105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 124, 146 

147, 148, 154, 156, 1.57, 158, 159 

160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 167, IfW 

169, 228, 249, 2.57, 265 

Benjamin A 188 

Benajmln 169 

Benjamin W 11.5, 124 

Bernice L 129 

Bertha B 139 

Bertie 120, 121 

Bertie F 131 

Bessie 123, 206 

Bessie C 192 

Betsey, 111, 113, 125, 126, 159, 162 

203, 272, 273 

Betsey B 243 

Burdett P 192 

Burnham 75 

Caleb 147, 168, 183, 184 

Caleb H 185 

Caleb McK 184, 185 

Caroline.... 112, 116, 173, 185, 206 


Caroline A 291 

(larollne C 292 

Caroline E 132, 133 

Carrie 206 

Carrie A 282 

« arrie H 69, 185 

Carrie M 290 

Casle D. B 69 

Oassie . .. • 70 


Catharine J 260 

Catharine L 204, 206 

Charles, 63, 119, 127, 129, 146 173 
181, 190, 200, 242, 244, 295 

Charles A 121 

Charles B 282 

Charles C 137, 141, 192 

Charles D 67, 170, 1*4 

Charles F 243 

Charles G 64, 258, 266 

Charles 11, 19.5, 202, 221, 238. 240 

257, 265, 283 

Charles L 293 

Charles M 187 

Charles B 115, 117, 124, 246 

Charles T 178, 187, 276 

Charlotte... 130, 131, 200, 244, 246 


Charlotte A 289 

Charlotte E 265 

Charlotte J 200 

Charlotte M 186 

Charlotte S IM 

Chauncey 287 

Chauncey C 138, 139 

Chauncey G 237, 238, 239 

Chauncey H 283 

Clarence 287 

Clarence H 289 

Clarence P 241 

ClarinaR 171, 172 

Clarissa 125, 135. 193 

Clarissa A 135, 136 

Clarissa S 126 

Clark A 282 

Claude F 121 

Cecelia A 136 

Cecil 131 

Celia 136 

Cephas B 285 

Chester 176, 182, 191 

Clement 161 

Cleora B 294 

Christopher H 277, 289, 290 

i hloe 169, 270 

Chloe J 184 

Comfort 110 

Cook 229 

Cora 124 

Cora A 131 

Cora B 68 

Cornelia 138 

Cornelia A 61. 69. 187 

Cornelia B 216, 217 

Cynthia Ill, 199 

Cynthia L 199, 200 

Cynthia 179 

Cyrus D 292, 293 


Daniel, 67, 59, 61, 62, 63, 72, 76 
89, 111, 112, 113, 144, 14S 
149, 166, 159, 162, 279 

Daniel A 61, 69 

Daniel W 72, 76, 76 

David, 55. 61, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74 75 
135, 236, 237, 238, 240, 241, 270 
271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 289 

David C 59 

David E ; 241 

Dean 117 

Deborah 148, 169 

Delbert 138 

Delia B 195 

Dennis 59, 279 

Denslow H 141, 143 

Dewey B 292 

DeWltt 136 

Dexter W 285 

Dinah 143, 144 

Dwight L 221, 222 

Dollie 242 

Dolly Ill, 113 

Dorathy 29, 30 

Dorothy, 30, 32, 36, 208, 242, 246 
Dorothy B 207 


Earl 283, 284, 287 

Earl J 62 

Earle 125 

Eiward 115, 119, 174, 258 

Edward B 74, 291 

Edward 172, 196, 2f)2 

Edward D 23.S 

Edward H 195 

Edward 171 

Edward P 114, 120, 124 

Ella 240, 290 

Ella J 201 

Ella M 69 

Ella S 291 

Emma E 64, 65 

Emma J 288 

Emma R 68, 127 

Ephraim 144 

Brastus.... 176, 181, 182. 189, 190 

Etta 1 201 

Eva 268 

Ezra 207 

Ezra W 112 

Ebenezer, 110, 134, 135, 136, 137 

13S, 139 

Eleazer P 179 

Electa 60, 272 

Electa L 184 

Electa M 64 

Electra 280, 283 

Electra A 285 

Ellen 245 

Ellen J 64, 65, 1.S8 

Ellen M 120 

JiilliiOr W ••••••• •■•••••••««•«•••••■•■ ^Jtj 

Erne 8 

Einellne 165, I99 

Emeline A 203, 2<i4 

Emeline F 200 

Emmet B 221 

Ernest G 276 

Esther... 77, 89, 145, 147, 159, 164 
168, 176, 181, 183 

Esther A 16^ 

Ethe W 64 

Eddie 243 

Edwin 181, 182, 190, 230 

Edwin M 127, 129 

Effle A 139 

Effle 132 

Elihu 161, 173, 186 

Elijah, 144, 158. 160, 169, 171, 172 

193, 194, 195 

Elijah H 170, 193 

Elijah J 172 

Ellsha... 67, 59, 70, 280, 283, 286 


Ellsha E 230 

Ellsha W 70, 71, 287 

Eliza « 60, 174, 182, 198, 274 

Eliza A 200 

Eliza D 112, 116 

Eliza J 172, 295 

Eliza S 125, 200 

Eliza W 72 

Elizabeth... 20, 32, 35, 36, 8.\ 86 

90, 110, 155, 159, 162, 183, 189 

199, 2(U, 215, 270, 272, 283 

Elizabeth A.... 136, 137, 171, 210 

Elizabeth H 2(X) 

Elizabeth K 182 

Elizabeth L 163 

Elizabeth N 226 

Elizabeth P 171 

Elizabeth W 172 

Ellzur 94, 98, 100, 101, 103 

104, 107. 108, 109, 110, 111, 124 
125, 126, 127, 13<J, 146, 156, 157 
176, 233, 234, 235, 236, 242 
243, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249 

Elmlra.. 59, 70 

Elvina 114 

Elvina F 114 

Elvira 121 

Emily, 71, 128, 135, 184, 273, 281 


Emily B 135 

Emily F 127 

Emily M 72 

E. N. Kirk 216, 218 

EthliudaR : 28;5, 288 

Ettle 119 

Ettle A 69 

Ettle M 139 

Exle 139 

Emorett R 170 

Enoch 145, 146 

Enoch B 116 

Edmund M 266 

Eugene 68 

Eunice, 39, 40,55, 57, 71, 72, 76, 85 
89, 113. 145, 161, 168, 171, 176, 178 

Eunice E 114, 118 

Eunis 35 


Fanny 146, 169, 248, 252, 253 

Fanny B 244 

Fanny E 245 

Flavel 160, 170, 171, 195 

Flavla < 125 

Frances 127, 130, 281, 282 

Frances A 204 

Frances E 210, 216 

Frances F 274 

Frances L 2^8 

Frances S 276 

Francis.... 125, 184, 192, 237, 288 

Francis E 202 

Francis H 59, 136, 137, 184 

Francis W 2<X) 

Franconia A 2S5 

Franii 119, 192. 275 

Frank A 221 

Frank H 66, 192 

Frank L 240 

Frank N 121 

Frank VV 192 

Franklin 227 

Franklin P 204, 206 

Fred 121 

Freddv 287 

Frederick 174, 176, 215 

Frederick L 72. 74, 75, 76 

Frederick M 276 

Frederick W 243 

Freeman 71, 126 

Fitz Henry 114, 119 

Florence G 115, 123 

Florence II 66 

Florence L 74 

Florence N 291 

Florilla M 170 


G. Alanson. . 272 

Gad 155, 156, 228. 229, 230 

Galus 81 

Gardner U 69 

Grace 8, 14, 202. 228 

Grade 124 

Grant 293 

Genevieve 120 

George 20, 63, 73, 124 

156, 174, 186, 200, 202, 234 
243, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254 
2.55, 256, 257, "258, 260, 261 

George A 205, 28i» 

George C 183 

George F 186 

George H 178, 187, 244, 253 

260, 265 

George I 13S, 139 

George J 191 

George L 242, 243, 244, 245 

George M 276 

George McC 193 

George N 128, 246 

George R 268 

George W 226, 240, 295 

Gertrude S 206 

Giles 273 

Griswold H 283 

Grove G 274, 276 

Gurdon 277, 288, 289, 290 

Guy 89 


Hannah 32, 37, 59, 81 

94, 102, 103, 104, 108, 109 

143, 145, 147, 154, 1.56, 159 

161, 169, 170, 1%, 197, 228 

Harriet ... 117, 173, 181, 229, 230 

248, 252, 283 

Harriet A 296 

Harriet E 74, 76, 136 

Harriet H 181, 190 

Harriet J 187 

Harriet L 186 

Harriet M J32, 175 

Harriet N, 75, 207, 208, 210, 227 

Harriet R 186, 258. 267, 268 

Harriet S 237 

Harriet W 216, 219 

Harrlette 173, 179, 189 

Harrlette E 62 

Harrlette H 230 

Harrison G 132, 134 

Harry 227, 241, 273 

Harry R 266 

Harry S 121 

Hart... 160, 171, 172, 194. 196, 229 


Harvey 126, 127. 273 

Harvey D 146 

Harvey H 274 

Harvey M 241 

Helen 90 

Helen A 204,'205 

Helena.... 32, 39, 41, 42, 43, 60 

51, 52, 88 

Helena B 92, 98 

Heman 126 

Henrietta 127, 240, 241 

Henrietta M 175 

llenriette 173 

Henry, 117, 119, 127, 128, 173, 181 
190, 198, 200, 237, 240, 241, 291 

Henry A 221 

Henry C 258 

Henry E 187 

Henry H 282 

Henry L 64 

Henry P 277 

Henry W 171 

Henry W.W „ 280 

Herbert 138, 192 

Herbert A 62 

Herbert J 192 

Ilervey 176.179, 188, 189 

Hester 181, 190, 230 

Hezekiah, 32, 33, 55, 56, 57, 58 
59, 60, 61, 64, 66, 73 
103, 143, 144, 14.5, 146 

Hezekiah C 60, 63 

Hope 242, 245, 246, 247 

Hope M 244 

Horace B 183 

Horace G 194 


Horace P 114, 120 

Horace W 170, 193, 194, 233 

Horatio G 237 

Howard S 185 

Howard W 69 

Hubbel 289 


Ida L 69. 193 

Ida M 119, 289 

IraT 285 

Isaac. 103. 156, 235, 236, 237, 295 

Isaac B 287 

Isabell 283 

Isabella. 199 

Israel 143, 144, 145 

Inez „ 119 

Inez B 193 

Irene 270 

Irving E 138 

lUyria F 122 


Jabez 236, 237 

Jacob 159, 162, 163 

James... 85, 86, 89, 199, 200, 202 
272, 273, 274, 276, 290 

James C 74, 76 

James E 276 

James F 202 

James H 292,1293 

James M 171 

James P 274 

James T 161, 173 

James W 71, 169, 182, 183 

Jane...l31, 178, 179, 188, 270, 276 

Jane E 69 

Jane M „ 274 

Jannett 60, 66 

Jannett S 66 

Jared G... 105, 248, 257, 265, 286 

Jasper 289, 290 

J.Parker 274, 276 

Jeduthan H 29^, 2'.»4 

Jemima. „ 55, 276 

Jennett C 69 

Jennie 275 

Jennie E 195 

Jeremiah 145 

Jerremy 2C 

Jerusha... 39, 41, 42, 43, 49, 50 
51, 76, 86, 87, 159, 169, 1S3, 273 

Jerusha U 275 

Jesse 57, 60. 6fi, lf.9 

Jesse N 115 

Joanna 8 

Job 270, 277, 2.S.S 

Joel 57, 59, 60, 63, 161, 174 

175, 242 

John 7, 8, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22 

23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32, 31, 35, 36 
37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 
51, 52. 53, 54, 55, 57. 61, 72, 76 
89, 94, 95, 98, 99, 101, 1(13, 104 
107, 108, 110, 113, 131, 135, 136 
137, 143, 144, 148, 149, l^K 169 
183, 198. 271, 2M», 281, 283, 284 
285, 286, 287, 288 

John A 192 

John B 200, 201, 2.S5, 28s 

John 12S, 201 

John E 2s5 

John G 2^:^, 

John II 177, 186, ls7, 237 

John J 60, 67 

John L 90. 92 

John M 230, 295 

John 183, 192 

Johnson 57, 60, 65, 66, 67 

Jonathan.... 32, 71, 145, 270, 271 
272, 273, 275, 279, 291, 292, 293 

294 29;") 

Jonathan G ! 272 

Jonathan H 279, 292. 2i»3 

Jonathan H., Jr 2'.*2 

Jonathan R 27.5, 276 

Joseph. ..„ 32, 33, 39, 40, 42, 43 
44, 45, 46. 51, 73, 76, 77, 80, 81 
84, 86, 87, 88, 94, 98, 99, 101 

103, 104, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114 
115, 116, 117, 118, 13,5, 1.^, 138 
140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 147, 167 
168, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182 
186, 187, 188, 191, 199, 201, 271 

279 280 

Joseph A 177, 186| 289 

Joseph B 184 

Joseph H 186 

Joseph L 187 

Joseph W 184 

Josephine 266, 290 

Joshua.... 110, 270, 271, 276, 277 

Joslah 103, 135, 143, 144, 145 

270, 272 

Judith W 204 

Julia 59, 62, 248, 257, 265 

277, 281 
Julia A.... 132, 134, 137, 140, 142 

Julia D 216 

Julia H 139 

Juliana 161, 178 

Julianna 173 

Julius 160, 172, 196 

Justus 168, 183, 184, 192 


Kate E 186 

Kirk 218 


Laura 59, 236. 272, 290 

Laura A 59, 60, 63 

Laura E 174 

Laura W 202 

Lavenia 184 

Lavina 61, 67 

Lavinla 248, 255, 256, 265 

Lavinia 1 176 

Lee 229 

Lemon H 277 

Lemuel 131 

Leon 67 

Leonard 281 

Lester A 292, 293 

Levantia 61, 69 

Leverett 237, 238 

Leveretta 238 

Levi 144 

Lewis «.. 281 

Lewis H 275 

Lewis L 129 

Lllla M 289 

Lilian G 232 

Lily B 268 

Linden 1 17 

Lizzie A 70 

Lizzie M..... 191 

Loilema A 60, 67 

Lois 17» 

Lois E 175 

Lois U. ....... 283, 2^6 

Lora 174 

Lora A 175 

Lorenzo A 64 

Louclna H 59 

Louie 128 

Louis Q 75 

Louis W 129 

Louisa 113, 266 

Louise M 226 

Lueella 199 

Lucella 290 

Lucia 277, 289 

Lucia B 258, 266 

Luciua 62, 127 

Lucius 289, 290 

Lucius G 245 

Lucius L 244, 245 

Lucius S 237 

Lucretla 271 

Lucy.... 57,61, 147, 148, 149. 173 

241, 242,"243 

Lucy A 241, 294 

Lucy E 238 

Lucy M 60 

Luella 141, 288 

Lula M... 62 

Lulie M ., 221 

Lulu K 140 

Luna 168 

Lura 160. 273 

Luther 169, 183, 184, 192 

Luther E... 64 

Luther S 184, 192, 193 

Lydia „ 119, 146, 272 

LydiaE 114, 121 

Lydia J 276 

Lydia M 71, 289, 292 

Lyman 176, 180. 181, 189 

Lyman C « 192 

Lvman H 61, 69 

Lyman P „ „ 170 


Mabel 125, 127, 180 

Mabel 114, 122 

Mabel H 2«0, 284 

Mancel 279, 291, 292 

Mancel, Jr 291 

Marcia 277 

Marcus W 221 

Margaret L 199 

Maria 137, 172, 174, 179, 182 

189, 191 

Maria B 279 

Maria E 196, 276 

Maria J 202 

Marie 8, 9 

Marshall D 136 

Martha 161,168, 176 

Martha A 132, 170, 204, 282 

Martha E 206 

Martha J 170 

Martha R 175 

Martin 112, 115, 116, 122, 123 


Martin I. 283 

Marvin "191 

Mary 14, 19, 20, 22, 30, 32, 36 

37, .55, 77, 86, 94, 98, 102, 110 
111, 113, 11.5, 1.30, 1.31, 1.36, 149 
164, 174, 196, 198, 207, 243, 271 
272, 274, 275, 280, 281, 287, 290 

Mary A 114, 119, 187. 191, 226 

271,291, 292 

Mary B 276, 282 

Mary 207, 210, 215 

Mary E, 90, 135, 140, 142, 165, 184 
186, 191, 204. 206, 230, 266 

Mary G 258, 268 

Mary J 182, 191, 241 

Mary K 255, 264 

Mary L 146, 199, 233 

Mary M 115, 122, 276, 285 

Mary N 193 

Mary P 132, 133 

Mary R 295 

Mary W 196 

Mathew 39, 90 

Matthew 42, 47, 48, 61 

Max D....... 185 

Marilla M 132 

Mehitabel, 104. 108, 109, 157, 158 

.Mellnda 184 

Melissa A 112, 115, 118, 122 

Melissa W 219 

Melvin „ 129 

Mercy 28 

Mercy A „ 283, 287 

Mercy C 286 

Mercy E 177 

Mercy R 177 

Minerva P 227 

Minnie 124, 290 

Minnie A 74, 139 

Minnie C 202 

Minnie E „ 132 

Mirtie 121 

Molly 145 

Morris H 193 

Moses 130, 131, 1.32 

Moses O 130, L31 

Moseley 228, 229, 232 

Moseley D 21 7 

Murrah „... 243 

Myra V „ 64 

,101, lot.Tio, ij«, im,'m, tn 

.. IS, 127. IM, 12*. 13) 

.J tM, iM, i«3, m 


H,"sr«r,"n,^ " 

FlmnnHJ ._ 

Penis. ,.. 


PbllomlarP . 

Pull; 111, III. 114, lai, a 

VI, 273, Si, 27«, & 
Frmleiice, IM. 233. SH, 2U. » 

US, lift, IW, ITS, » 

B1hkU.....J."."»,"m, Ti. 75.' II 


SobHt 1, B, It. », II 

itai)en p— ~'i!Z'-.'l''~~.r-7.'. u 

Ruben a. IW, Ml 

Km j...71'.~Z!l.~~'iiiii"si£ BJ 

Kuultml „.,~Z~~ 141 

ll«aUnila.__ . a 

lt<MeUi_"~!r.-l."-.1-r.M.M. 117 

UttutuA- - - m 

Kuawrll ns, 171. RE 

RmwcUU m. Ml 

Hoi»l'Z'™."',"M5rT7T,' I7«| IW 

Knin--.."!.T.'.".™~™.™. m 

KoaulL "Z"™!1TmS| »t| Wi 

BuKuu a . 3S&, an 

BuEh„. at, 92, 144. IM, 13«. 147 

170, as. aw 

Sallf E7, H, U, 12, lU. 183 

Bully A. .'. 27T 

tUly C . M 

HaloewaU. g7, 18 

Haluuel.... 22, 2», 3U. SS, M. «> 
M, ri, «), W. '99,'m, II»; llll 

lie, ua, 104, 107. H«, i«9, lui 

111, 112, 113, l2M9a, U2. 134 
!». 131, 1411, 141, IH, lU, IM 
l«l. ITI, m, IM; 1*1, IM. m 
l«7, IM, IM, 201. an, 202, »» 
2V7. K^ 221, 2M, iM 231, 233 


Ssmiiel A..,m, Sl.n, IM, 2in. 233 

suuDTi ii" : : 1113. 201 

siiiinvi J _.... isii, 211 

HebuUui TlHcbcr_. U, 293*. fta 



Ttiuikftii , 

Tyler W... 




aii,llO,21t. 21. 

C. 111,117,117,21 

D.. 2aT.>3S,13B,M 


WlUIara W 72 

Willie R 121 

Wilson 124 

Winslow 187 

Wyat 144 


Zadle 131 

Zelah 272, 273 

Zenas 8 276 

Zllpha 80, 64 

Zllpha A 64 


Anne 16, 17, 18 

Grace 18 

John 15, 16, 17. 19 

Marie 16, 17 

Bachell 16 

Robert 18 

Roberte^ 19 


Anne 15, 17 

Grace 16 

John 15 

Sara 16 


Grace 11 

Joane 11 

John 8, 9, 10, 11 13 

Jonn 10 

Marie 9, 12, 14 

Mary 12 

Robert 9, 10, 11, 12 

Thomas 10, 12, 13, 14 

John 12, 14, 15, 30 


Anna C 83 

Charles W 83 

Clinton 83 

Daisy 83 

Daniel 81, 82, 83 

Frank L 83 

Frederic 83 

George 83 

George V. B 83 

Hannah 81, 83 

H. Hudson 83 

Joseph 81, 82, 83 

Maria M 82 

Mary 1 83 

Mary J 83 

Mary V 82 

Phebe.^. ^ 81 

PhebelJ 83 

Rebecca 83 

Richard 81, 82 

Richard D 83. 84 

Samuel E 82 

Sarah E 82 

William E 83 


Anna 150, 151, 154 

Anna F 231 

Anna M 231 

Anna V 153 

Annar 228 

Asa 228, 229, 230, 231, 232 

Asa W 231, 233 

Albert H 232 

Amelia 22», 230 

Abigail S 231 

Arthur E 233 

Charies K 153 

Chester 150, 151, 152, 154 

Chester A 233 

Chester H 231, 232, 233 

Clinton 278 

Cora N 233 

Daniel 150. 151, 152 

Daniel L 231 

Daniel W 150, 151, 152 153 

Dorethy 25, 27 

Ella E 231 

Elmer 232 

Elmer W 233 

E<lwln 151, 152, 153 

Edwin C 152, 153 

Edwin 8 158 

Eliza C 152 

Elizabeth 27, 28 

Elizabeth H 231 

Fanny H 231 

Fanny L. K 152 

Frances L 153 

George N 152 

Harriet A 233 

Harriet D 152, 154 

Horace 278 

John 25, 26, 27, 28, 150 

Julia A 151. 153, 231 

Laura E 231 

LIllleE 153 

Lovlcy 151 

Lucia A 278 

Lucius 277, 278 

Lucy 150, I5J 

Lucy M ~ 151 

Lydla 150 

Lydla £ ^ „ 150 

Lydln M .^^.. 161, 152 

Mary A 278 

Mary E 231 

Mary H 231 

Matthew 51 

Oliver H 231 

Otis 278 

Phebe 152 

Polly 230 

Polly L 231 

Polly W 231 

Rachel 278 

Samewell 26. 27 

Samuel 232 

Sarah « 278 

Sarah W 278 

Sidney 231 

S6i»hla 229 

Southmayd S 229, 230 

Timothy 277, 278 

Thomas H L 231, 232 

William ir»0, 152, 154, 229 

William C 231 

William F 278 

John 8, 12, 16 







Adams, Amelia T 115 

Adams, Asa A 115 

Adams, Caroline 115 

Adams, Eliza 114 

Adams, Eliza W 115. 120, 124 

Adams, Emily M '^115 

Adams, Ichabod 112, 115 

Adams, Jeremiah 30 

Adams, John Q 115 

Adams, Julia 115 

Adams, LydlaB 115 

Adams, Marcia M 115 

Adams, Mary 116, 124 

Adams, Rebecca W 115 

Adams, Samuel 115 

Adams, William 115 

Adams, W. W 115 

Atwater, 233 

Abbey, Lottie 286 

Ackles, Mary A 138, 139 

Acklej-, Mary A 251 

Adler, Erne 11, 14 

Agens, Robert 68 

Alger, Henry 67 

Allen, Albert V 121 

Allen, Ammadella 122 

Allen, Bertha C 121 

Allen, B. P 202 

Allen, Cora E 121 

Allen, Ellis S 121 

Allen. Frank A 121 

Allen, Frederick C 121 

Allen, Hannah 85 

Allen, Horace P 114, 121 

Allen, Janel 54 

Allen, Mary M 114 

Allen, Rebecca 234 

Allen, Sarah A 200, 202 

Allen, Thomas 54 

Allen, Varancous 122 

Ambler, B. H 75 

Anderson, Georgia 244 

Andrews, 96 

Andrews, Benjamin,.... 280, 284 

Athertou, Hope 105 

Allis, Richard 22 

Anthony, Mary 64 

Arnold, Polly 272, 274 

Ashton, Elizabeth 237 

Andrus, Rachel 168 

Arthur, Alexander « 256 

Arthur, Roxanna N 255, 256 

Auger, Clarissa 58 

Auger, Cynthia 58 

Auldin, Sarah 2.S3, 287 

Allyn, Capt 34. 94 

Allyu, John 30, 33 

Allyn, Pelallah 38 

Ashly, Jonathan 49 

Ayrault, Mary A 234 


Backus, Joseph 36 

Baker, Arvllla 286 

Baker, Daniel 183 

Baker, Ellsha U 286 

Baker, Emarilla 286 

Baker, Eunice A 286 

Baker, Ezekiel 168, 183 

Baker, Fayette. 286 

Baker, Jane 60, 66 

Baker, Joseph 283, 286 

Baker. Lydla 168, 183, 184 

Baker, Mary 75 

Baker, Samuel 159 

Baker, Timothy 105 

Baker, Thomas 60 

Baker, Urania L 286 

Balch, 271, 280 

Baldwin, Andrew 167 

Ball, John 19, 20 

Ball, Thamar 19, 20 

Barber, Brastus.. 161 

Barclay, Mattle D 261 

Barclay, William H. 261 

Barnard, 8,193 

Barnard, Bartholomew 36 

Barnard, Dascum 64, 65 

Barnard, Elizabeth 36 

Barnard, Grace 65 

Barnard, Theodosla L... 258, 266 

Barnes, Samuel 47 

Barnes, Thomas 47 

Barnum, Russell S 294 

Bartholomew, Ella 282 

Bartholomew, Emily T 282 

Bartholomew. George.. 281 

Bartholomew, George F 282 

Bartholomew, Harry 282 

Bartholomew, Leonard B ... 282 

Bartholomew, Louis 282 

Bartlett, Carrie 118 

Bartlett, Clarissa 56 

Bartlett, Milton 112, 118 

Bartlett, Robert 22 

Barton, Lytlla 145, 146 

Barttle, Maggie 115, 123 

Bassell, Wlntien 12 

Bassett. Moses F 171 

Bates, Philetus 284 

Baxter, Sarah... Ill, 125, 126, 127 

Blackleach, Mary 36 

Brace, Betsey * 199 

Brace, Charles 239 

Brace, Lucelia 199, 200, 201 

Brace, Solomon 199 

Bradford, Gershom 249 

Bradford, Hannah 249 

Bradford, Jeremiah, 156,248, 249 

Bradford, PrisclUa. 249 

Bradford, Rebecca 249 

Bradford, Samuel 249 

Bradford, Vienna.... 156, 248, 249 


Bradford, William 248 

Bradley, Ellen 38 

Bradley, Louisa 203, 205 

Bradley, Sarah 52 

Bradstreet, 23 

Brainard, 171 

Bralnard, Parthenla M 160 

171, 195 

Brandegee, Persis 239 

Beach, Aaron C 179, 188, 191 

Beach, David J 188 

Beach, Emily K 191 

Beach, Grace E 191 

Beach, Huldah 188 

Beach, John W 182 

Beach, J. Wlckllffe 189, 191 

Beach, Laura M 188 

Beach, Lucy A 191 

Beach, Lucy J....t 188 

Beard, Amelia 251 

Beard, Anna E 251 

Beardsley, Amelia. 251 

Beebe, Clement E 230 

Beers, Charles C 195 

Beers, Eunice A 171, 195 

Belden, Betsey.. 135 

Belden, Richard 110, 111 

Belden, Samuel llO, 111 

Belding, Abigail 110, 235 

Belding, Ebenezer, 102, 110, 111 
Belding, Thankful.. 102, 110, 111 

125, 134 

Belknap, Harris 59 

Belknapp, Laura 74, 76 

Bellden, John 26, 111 

Bellinger, Addle M 68 

Bend, John 24 

Benedict, Alice 136 

Benedict, Jonas 252 

BeiTJamin, Jo 22 

Benjamin, Phebe Ann. . 172, 196 

Benjamin, Richard 22 

Bennet, John 19 

Benton, Edward...- 158, 271 

Benton, Ellen 156, 157, 158 

Benton, Eunice 242 

Benton. Gleorge 242 

Benton, Harriet 252, 253 

Benton, Henry 252 

Benton, Mary 158, 252 

Benton, Prudence 235 

Benton, Samuel 248, 252, 255 

Bernard. John 11 

Bernard, Mary 11 

Bernarde, An^ 11 

Breck, Edward 89 

Breck, John 88, 89 

Breck, Bobert 39, 88, 89 

Brewer, Daniel 22 

Brewer, Laura 197 

Brewster, David 89 

Brewster. Eunice 89 

BIgelow, Bllzaam 126 

Biggs, Jerremy 20 

Biggs, Margaret 8, 20 

Bingham, Horace 163 

Binner, Achsah 272, 274, 2M 

Bird, Electa A 170, 195 

Blssell, Clinton T , 295 

Bissell, Cornelia M 257, 265 

Blssell, Daniel 44 

Bissell, Electa, 248, 257, 265, 266 

Blssell, Ell : ! 257 

Bissell, Fanny T 205 

Blssell, George A 204, 205 

Blssell, Gertrude I 295 

Blssell, Governor 205 

Blssell, John N 294, 2K 

Blssell, Mary A 205 

Blssell, Sarah S... .^ 205 

Biiags. Xht T _... 

BouaoiBD, Ainw... 131 

Bogirt. Anirella... StS 

Boiiut, Beelllje 

fiotrnn, OonKlli „.. 

B«urt, GiinlL«rt . ....^. 
Bocul. buc._.. _ 

Brown, Cbauncer ——M. leo. Z 

Brawnl Eli-ctra — — '.. S 

Bniwii. KlKM* U S 

Brawn. Utrxary ..„.» i 

BrownlLewHler'...."!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 

BrowSlOrlnC.....'.;"™™" 1 

Emwiip, John >...»».««.. 

Browtber. Edwin. I 

BrunrlujK. Levi 1 

BruiKUffe. Mdry ........... XIO, i 





Bulklpj-, Charica - In 

Bulklrj, KilTanl », M 

glS'^y;^:::.:::::.::::::: « 

BolkleTlJuilfth'Wir^'sNi M 

Bnlkler. Xtry m. N 

Bulklgy, Natbaniel M 

"-"•'-y,Pe[Br._ M, IW 

■Bixicy, Tta< 
Bull. HUHan . 


y D. II0,«3,M U 

i,V::;:;"ji5; m 

Butler, Biinic* It 

Butler' Irm7'....::"ir.'.!Il"^ » 

Butier. JunM....M.M.-.. » 

Bni1*r. Jowph tt 

Buthir. UiuiEET. aj 

BuUer.Huiy. 19 

BuMsr, Hsiy A X 

BoEler. Rtchsnl IST, 13 

BotlsT.aunul 10 

BnMer.ailii M 

Butler, aiu P. ID 

Butler. WUHuu H M 

Buxton, Uarilet T. !1 

Billion. Henry W n^ !!. 

■tnitun. Wllllini T !l 


CwlwelUEdiranl-. t 

Owl}', IUtt B,.,; — W 

GMilwell. Ablciill -..„. T 

Cdilvell. Oei^ TT. t 

VumtJtion.. — — .. * 

Camp.Anu- 16, !* 

ip^Dundua S 

Ciinp. Duvli ,. S 

Csmp. ElenoT it 

Ciuip. EinatluB M, i 

t^unthOiKl H 

Sinp, HnekUli..-. i 

l^uDp, lanel ,. U. A 

OuDD, Jerulift a 

Otmp.Jab U, A 

Cunp, John » 

Oimp, Lemuel..— A 

Camp, Luke a 

Cunp, HaniMl) ft 

vinip,' Rucber.T.'.'.Trjr!!!!"! v 

Cunp. Bebecu ft 

Cimp, B^lmtn S 

^ptKlJLAl"fniiikL~!."i:~: B 

Cnpron, Cluk I 

'^■^trn. Bells C lU, IS 

lUry..,. » 

i^penter,' KHubcEh ...'. 13 

Uirpenter' llou....!"!™!~.' lA 
Uerr, Ohlcon V !I 

CarTlnKloD, Tluimu. - 1 

"-ter. Lta>u,.._.„.„ _ 11, 

M, Mary. „. Ml. SI 

«r jSn."."'.'".::~::r-":; » 

i.BAcbei 171. an, U: 

(/"nunier, ArabMsbop ..,_., 
Cbeaboro, ^'irlL....-....^... 

CbearbroDBbild'dl* • II 

CbHMb IIannati"','..^'M 
Gtaaiter, John .~.. .. N. M 

ChCBter, LMHUinl _-_ 

<»ieiter, Mary U 

ChsHtei.lIi'tilUbel.- _ 

Cbeatar. Pi)iii>lDp» 10 


Clelaiid, Jv 

ttmilen, OHn N 


... twood, Oracp _ 

iniltvaotl, BIT Klobard .- 

ChrUilcr, Jano A 

Orlm. Ella E 

(■rim. Jruili D 

Cilin.JualuiiS, F 1 

LMm, William T. ...—.-. 

iSft, Jpsrah.-,.. 


ColenlBn, Le«n-_ 

Conil»i JnliaUlBO C ■">• >^ 

lmBr''lM™d'"™™_T"i » 

le, OilhMlo* — — ™ 

Silt' &^w'«"^"'«Si aS 
Cminer. lUllgl»"™~"— - 'K 
OmK. Avon .._. — H « 

^il!; Clisriotta B. iU 

CW BLh*. 3» 

CookiJeMe-., -..»,». iw 

Oo<*, Ltlto ;v 'H 

Oooki Pnsl> — .— — ~ Ig 

CdoK, WIlUBm G .U. I«» 

QonleigB.Aniii B. — -..• fO 

Coolerlgf, JiMlnta ..,.-—..- «8 
Oooley. Alilnilr*... M, »n, »a. nj 

Conler. TrjrpheiMi M IW 

Cooiwr. Ailirtslilt.- .... in 

Oooper,' Willlum B- . TI 

Uumlna. Oeorge W -.,..- Bt 

Corolng, lUrta J am, ail 

Corowpll, lM«T..-.~ IW 

UomweU, WllllllOI-.. IK 

Gary, Blliulwth-.u M 

Cotter. Aiubme |j......»..-. 144 

Cotter, Kber ,.._.. lO. lit 

Cowles, Botney.-— ITS, Ml 

Cur.DiTid B..._~. m 

Croirnial, Aon'j.Z'uiriui KI 

Ctaurch, Abljill .« Tl 

<;hDn:li. Cbuloii IIT 

raiuKti.oiunutte r.,. !», in 

Church. Jostph- n, Ts 

Cbnrcb, Hutr >7 

Church Urlini IM 

ChurchllU PmlFiME — » 

Churchnwii. Jahn.....^..... n 

Pnpcr, Hilton. _ BS 

p«ih,f™.'.'.r:r™'.™vf w 

De KmRJJarnelliil!!!."!!!!!!!! a» 

Deralui, AJUmU . ~- »• »> 

Dflmlnc, &beae»T.......H.H... US 

Denilnf, Men A IH, SH 

UHnlnE, GUIson _.,.m. SU 

DmnlDg. Henrietta 901 

Deninc.Jobn m. W 

Iieniinc, Hut. m.. Ur 

Detnlng, 8>rih M, m. Ma 

l>>nitiiii, Duilel _ m 

Dmey, Bma- ^ M 

Dem^ Jnllui T. 1*7 

l>ewer, Rhode U >-.. W 

Uewpy, Kerkoli H... IW, Nl. S9S 
Deiler, Auundn J U, at 

Dexter 'L.Heleni'Jl~r.7rJil! AV 

Dexler, Mary B. 3K 

Dlclunn, Mary II SK 

IHrlne, kntiene L..'.'J!i"!"! IK 

Da-tnt- — 8M 

Duollllla. Uurvey W..„ IK 

Doollllle, i.arrd US 

Don, Hiloiniui..... . U 

Don, Uwud an, » 

Dorr.lIeieiiB.^ - — a» 

DabTSluion F 1" 

Doir, Ilenrr Ii 1H> 

I>u«,Sa»l> B.....M.— M, 2» 

Uownor, Anrnm... IT* 

DDwiKr! lUmDDd in, 1T< 

Downer, Zrlih 2T< 

Dnntuir, Wflltam K. aw 

Dniihaiii. SlDKon— — IM 

DrnchT.Cbiirtea..- .^. n 


Karli: Clement !r."!:::r~ — .' lU 

lumljuHaB...!!"™;"!"!;;!! iw — WJ 

KBrll. Id'dlBH IM 

n] Charlotte B 


lb, Lyilla !«, IM, » 


i^tduAgna. .. 1» 

nnonson, Loiiln. — Ml 

i>OB,KtirT ~~~ai 

ilnronh, wiuion W..__ 

Fraocli, J. DwiBhl .... 

Francis, Soger A 

Viandii. Haninal T. 

Tonjtli, IjjuiS)' — — — - 
nrmrd, VnuKaa ..■>•.... 

Vem, Helen. ^::r--"!.-.. 


Itogitttt, EUmlieUl 

wiOKtttt, Robert i. . 

EnueU, Sunh 

ntiei. FniMM* L 

e. Fnals B., 337, n8, 33«, Wi 

OmnHlMr, Jmi« H., ITO, IM, 03 

Omidlnar. Albert — 


fluH JdsfdIi Wm 
fluM, Hlnnte H.... 


mt, Freilarlok.^. 

Gleaun, Lathrop B ,-^,>-^-,- M 
Gteuon, Mmij a. 1(9. 1*1 

Smn, ]A]ubeth7^!MZ-!il IW 

Oreen. Bmllr A. Ul, 133 

GmnW^ohD K W 


floM. Oiaital L._ 

Qold, DitM 

«CiM, HHDnHb 

Qolil, HeiaMiih ... 

Sam! Tt!S&a".'.'Z 

Gooddl, PUIsmlO'.-. 

Gooilrlcli,' !!!"-"" 

Owilrlub, AUmU... U 

Ooodrlcli, ADielU&_. 

Omlrlcli, Add K. 

QvsdrUsh, AnDL... Z 



iwoIdiThnipblliM... IH, 

— Il» 

Gvailrich' Cburlea i~'.'.'^! 
Goodileli, Clurlotte ..... 

'- - drtun; ItavVu'."''iat » 

drtoh, B(lwta!7.™ °" 

.__i]r)ch, Bltihi.... 

OoodTteli, BllMtelh 

8. JW,J 

Gwdrlvh, Frank. 


idi'. Han " 

sb, Harriet ... 


OoudrlEh, HoiuH'. 

rlcb.Jobo^.. 1 

Lliicbl'LviLian T. _ . ^ ' 344 
Jrlcb, Matf, 113,^^4, 3a 

Goodrlcb, Pniileiici 

b, Roawell ttl. W 

b, Buiadl ..... oa 

b. Rn»ell T soa 

b,l!anta.... IM, int, IH 
n. 334. SU. 23e, 137, 3W 

GvDdwIn, inlng O 19 

Goodwin, itaeC....—.. an, X 

goadwriLWJUlun 1 

GnMbUK.W.F. 1' 

Qwnionn, MoiK a,— n 

^OKtama.lUryK. • 

aDnwey.MuT, — 

Gnltac, Fnncea.-, 

Hackley, KktaaidS.. 


Bwit, U(Hiiin.-.\_..H, MS, at 
Hals, Jebld -. J^iZZ-... 31 
Hal*. JobD -.'-.. — ~ 


Ifflff, ul 

nam, uuf a...«, 
lak, Mntha 


laaowaj. Peter... . 

lamllUui, Carollae 0... IM, li 

SiDunonil, OhadM... 



Hardlnit, Amu'l.-" 
Banllng, Q«OTge«_- 
Hudlni. Boben 

UuDioD, Uonca H.» 

HArnoQ, Uh^ ...«^. 

HuTlDgtOD, JlUga h— 

ISffiSSS— : 

llurli, NaUunlel 

Burla. Ttunnu...... 

BuTlwni, JtniA R..... 

n, 0«™ . 

olftwii, Uttfe E. 

onniB. Lymui J 

"m", Mwvfn jv.r.v'as; 

in. OwLH, O- 

"; SiM.?....'."n*,"ii»! 

HcH>k«, Tbimuu— ^-.n 49, IM 

Hooker, ThomMH IM 

House. AbbyJ. SI 

Hou».Oeor(^.."^ L Wl 

Houee. Ln<ll?r 291 

"— », M»tT L 2W. »* 

w. Rtawla.,. 236, 331 


M, 71 


I Howell, LoulM IM, nt 

i HoirBJI, HatUu*. It 

i Uuwell, Suiuwl 8 Tl 

' ^omll. BUMQ X m, M 

lovlnd, BenUnrin H St 

UnwUndJ Hmmh"™.'"-™!! SS 

Uowlind, Jolin 210 

tlowlud, Slocnm SI, St 

Jlowlind. WlllUin H St 

> Hoyt, Mmicr D „. a» 

: HutibBrd. Anns IW, 170 

: Rubbanl. EJIiabeth UT 

Hubbacd, Elliui in 

< Hnbbiinl, EaDicc...lSO,lTa. IM 

I HnlibsnI. TIOTllli... IW, 110. IM 


iablMta!. Uenj ....'H'i'.'xS. m 


Hooker. MaiT. 

: Hooker. NuiiaDle 

i Hooker, Ruth 

I Hooker. Sanb 

Ilnn&i"":;^;™!™. M 

D, Robert.. IM, 2M 1 

JoHm; Fanny £ "j."" 

;e#neT. Atrx(iiicler,.»H 1!W, I 
jaeney. Brnjumln l< 













pir, lUriT. -1»,1 

■n..,»ev, LliitB H-..- -Trt 1 

Unilftv. Hirvin T..,.. }»t, t 





NcCole, HnUlB ..^ . ... 1^, IH 

Mcnullnm. Simih i . 1M. IM 

Mc6ren>r, Hirr U 

HcTLwBlne, Ocorre. -. lU 

BcKlnner, ChHlar 1«» 

BLrKlniWT.fniliH Ul. ITS 
DKInnsT, Warnn 1(1, ITS 

McKnlirtit, Criti _^. MO 

ScLughrin, AhiibL. HI 
bLhti. Vnindi m 
cTiun, HuTlet. ITO, IM 

MtctaHeiil, Albert!!!!.'.'.' 
f!i>ckvDD(l/Meplini .... 

... »» 


Uoorel Kunke37.'.'r.T.'."Ta; «» 
Mwre, Thomu..., KH 

M^nTAnii;:;::::::'™:™".' '» 
Homn.'AuicBi] T.'^iir.'.inr.i ><« 

Morgan. AMUIb OH, mo 

HorEBD. »[»..._.„... . M 

Horgwi'. Genrge t','.Z'.'l'. .' 83 

Morun, iTsnoK ¥ lU 

Morgan. Jupcr. W 

Mannin,HaiiB Xt 

Horgan, Blchanl... ill 

UoitIkid, UaMa M 

Moirlnon.NorDian m 

Uornni, Hatty M, Tli 

Hone. Poiy SMI 

Hgrtoii, CharKi'T !!!!^!!.™!!! VU 

Morton. Jcnuhi.... m, 173, US 

Mowlw, lluuuta... UH, lU. IM 


M<Hi!ler. Jixapb. IW 

Hwu ...- H 

Moll, Adraln ...i_ M 

Hntc. Alloj M H 

Man. DoroiliyZ.'."T4,' aiCMi » 

MMtijSS'"'.:;:::"::":;"':. » 

Bstt, Nuke ■■,».». B 

Kit, Tl«nii»"'..~'."l" «". » 
wrr, llumoh an 

MilllDfa. WIllliDi , u 

HanfR^ Santa A m. W 


Huiiii.arabK n 

MnnS; M^rgSeiuA".::::!"" m 
MnsKii.Kayiipi"!!"::::":! i% 




MO. lai, 


ewi™; Newell*:: 

— no. 


— ». 





.... Mt, 

SsrsSKr .■;-:: 



— .... 






r.'.:. 311, 


iTB, n». 




Parker, Ira 



"i: wi. 

Patsoiii, Hezekiab 


Purti^r. Klkana 

Pun^l n-ATj't.ZZ'.'.T.'v 

ParwrSanr .'.. — s 

roa'. ll"r/ca is7.Z'Z'.'~".'. 

I'o-t, Jan 


I'lUlllUHT. IlluUet 
Pru.tni. KDciiS.... 
Pull«ii, Marie 

iCWIUIim..., M.M, ' 

BiniDin, ObartH I 

BaDtoni. Clufe,„„.„M 
BaDMiu, OeoKi! B .._._ 

Bnlbbonrl Angella'Tii 

e, BUubelh..M 

Rathboiw, bilia... 
■Uthbono, Shun.... 


BathMDe, VnlentlTie yi~.. 
Bivsim. Adidlo« ~._. 

WHm.GrtnSls. Ill 

RubMiH, Elli - 

KabUiK, liiuUy. an, J81, se 

RobUiB, llmnr '« 

RobUiis, Jo-oA M. M'.~ 

Robbliii. Murilu a Ul, 

BubUiiii, 3mli M — — 

RoberW. JatUH — IS. 89 

Bobvu, JoMPh M " 

KDbHti,8iil^.., .. 

RobHlwn, Chkrls W — 

RobprUoii, EniOj' A. ill 

.| Julla'ii . 

..Illliuu T 




IN. IM, 


..... KT, 

SHckftt, Oeorw ».... 


Seiins Emma J. .. 
HmK. Ili-iirlptu.. 


Hhmuiin. BIIhh A 

Nhemian, TtHnmUp 


mvwunl.' Fmncr* ■'-! 

Sweet, Ucoqte - 

Smrttuut, Ann A 

I Santhgitc Wlll1unfl...2g8.1l 

DUmpjr, L. II.... S(.2M. EM 

mVr', Wllllui:L 


lat, IBS. 



— )». 

UocUnR, AlBor M.. 

HucklDK, Atnn H 


Stocking* CtuunccfHT 

MackliiR. Murret A 

KlucklUK. W'nIiKe W .. 
SlrKkUui. WlllUni H ... 


Stockton. Pniilnice 

WiHldanl, ColoiKl Johi 

BiDi^ion, AbTniiT!!"^"!!! a 

i iMniuiiiioiC niirothy.;~'!z;;; a 

I StoiuliUHi, BUry.. 3S. 3 

I Stoiuililou,Tlu>mH...S9.3ti. a 
• Stout, Suuuiiha »», 38., 

I Bloire, UuileJ ,.„ .V.....J 7 : 

I Slom.etppbm 

I Slowell, Clarence K 

■ "'-wdi, D.J _ ItiMM 

<mll, Kmery . IM, H 

In F_.... IIS, la 

nnuL Uiarbia C. 

, -.niiut: tiharlea W,™" 
I gtnine.ClanB 


I |lroiig,Kall»nj 

I atnnSlafas — 
> gironf , WHlUijr 

SciiBeU, Sunlca 

Scott, Ida E 

Scovnie, A. I 

Shotvell, Oivrve—. 

nnlt Mary..".!"r.™!!!r'iflr, lU 

niwrb}-, Joaeuli _ in 

•Dlhiwtc, AnllaU -.. 26T 

^ Truy, Harlon B. 

Tr«or.B.8™« lM.Ur 

TttMT, Sou u. ^ m 

ttmj, w. w«iiim. — iw. ai 

Tenbonniirta, SoberL...».^p.- n 
Tflhkrliu, Taanu«.»».»H.H» 12 

l^niuint, Sinii. au 

ThtUI. Ilnrrirt as 

Twry, Allrnl Howe M 

Terrr, Kllnbelta SI 

Tsn?. Nutluulel M 

Twiy. Boe.^ M 

Kiry. Stsubcn- 31 

Thmbakl*. AUkbU... », T6. w 

TnM, AbliiriL m 

Treet. Curollns ■>.. KH, aa 

TroBt, Junn IM, m 

Trut, Jenubd...-^^..^ 2I!> 

Treat, Joanon ..■ — )«■'• 

Tre«l! Hatlhewili^i^LT!"! nn 

Treat, Ri'lHicca - as 

Tnml, Blcbanl «,■(«,«» 

Treat, Sanh .._ at, Sa 

Treat, ThiHUU M 

Tre^ Emily IW 

IlblHiUi, AUmll SZ 

TIbbi'lU, Tbniiiaa ..„ 32 

TIcbbininK. Hrrcr M 

Tll]iii]r. Lynuii A Mv 

TlMliifp. Lnvy _.. aa 

Tclpp.Lot Ill, Kl 

Tirlnlii^'jMS'h"' 1™ 

Tvinliiii'.JuiUta.l".-!!"!''.!".'. nil 

Tvhiliitt. Lota.- 1M. m 

^niuai, garj. HI, IIS, ll», 1» 

TboniH. Nancr ~ lU 

Ttaompami, ratberiiic J.'iiwi )M 

TIURnpHun, Funny... 197 

ThumiHHin, SCaTgoKt. .»«... liVt 
Tbmop, CVIIa 141 

Toblru, Jacob W .h......,mm.- Hi 

Cuwvr, (laiiian T.. ax 

1\>wer. Fnino-ii B«,„«,.«. ""' 

TalenltaB, Mut 

Tan Patten, Nary ... 

Tampr, RIcfaanI . 

I Boteslowikl, Blchanl 

Wadiwortb, Catharine H 

WadMnirtb, Daniel... 3M», M 

Taclswartb, E»ubelli...'M, Kt 

WvUworth, Eunice _.-. . ft 

WaiUwartb.Hrai'lttab HS 

Wailawortb.Janies U 

WariaiTDrtb, John...'."ia.'^" » 

W»iawaith,Jowph ...... Si, 33 

n, 3it 

Wadmrortb. Id^Ua W 

Wail>avItli,Mai7— . U,M, m 

WBdnrartb, Jlerer..— iS 

Waclswortb. Natbanlel <n 

Wailawortb, Bvbecca K 

WaUmrarth, ttiwer St 

Waclsirarlb, notb M, (O 

WailMwurtb. Bally m 

WotlHwortb.SaniDel..... 31, m 

WaiUworttal Thomaii, 3L Xi! M 

WuliwaTtti. Wlllliini 32. U 

tft,39, u 

Walnvrljilit. John H W 

Walnirrlntat, John L w 

WahiwrlAt, Jonathan H.. M 

Walnwiltibl. Uahd IV IB 

Walnwrlnht, Tulcolt IB 

Wolnwrliht, W. A. M... IS. » 

Wall.Anne , 19 

WalWe.i, Lney Aiili^^'.'JI^' tag 

WalUvy. Olive I)i9 

Walklry, Stephen. 189 

Vakcaedl. iSwanI - 184 


n, llele 

Vamr^.UaiUui IW, 

m.t^"r n^'t: 

Wbrlldf, Robto... 




lubeUl...2IW,iU. !S7l ] 

lOiT. Kiirl V. U. l; 

IV liiiT, BliudlE IIS, I: 

W w«r, SiT B. — l; 

"' "Si." *^.:::::::::.:.r::: I 

llunl. Hol'lila B 

lUimil lIutTlvl N'."!"iifr| iW 

mi.JutaliO. J»elxi7 

in9.UaryJ -. ak>. 

SSjsiirih a::.':::"zl'.'; us 

ai I K' iiiuiiHin, rhrtat^n'"'.....! » 

■•all! William w""!!""!!!! isj 

lllllll-, KIluC... ISI.I!V!1. IS3 

WlnthmulJiihii, Jr.."!~™ Si 
WlHWBll.^rliiboU tia 







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